The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 151 Miss Watson wants to mess up

Deep underground, nameless fear spreads, and a sense of depression pervades every corner. Different from the lively scene of apprentices arraying in Kama Taj Square, there are only a few mages here, and they all carry various weapons in their hands at any time.

This is obviously a magic dungeon.

I don't know why the mages insist on calling it "the secret realm".

All the way down the stone brick steps, there is a translucent barrier more than ten meters wide, with countless runes and normal lines swimming on the surface, appearing and disappearing. Ancient Yi led Watson through the barrier and came to one of the "windows" - when encountering particularly troublesome opponents, the mages would not go to great lengths to catch them all. They would choose some remote and basic ones. Transform an asteroid or space dimension without living things into a prison, and then exile the "prisoners" there.

The so-called "window" can actually only be used to confirm the status of those prisoners.

Of course, special treatment will certainly be given to those prisoners who have the ability to move over long distances, especially flight/space, and who are able to survive in the vacuum of space. At this moment, there was a huge figure in front of Watson, waving his fist blankly, wandering in the desolate Gobi.

"It killed 24 Templar mages."

Ancient Yi looked at the window indifferently: "It only took one blow to break Hamil's Lagogador ring. This is not something ordinary extradimensional creatures can do, even in this dimension. It is not common. And I feel seems to be born to kill all living creatures in the world."

"Then how did you throw it in?"

"We didn't. Several mages were willing to sacrifice themselves and introduce it into the teleportation array to go to the planet together." The woman's tone did not have many fluctuations, as if she was describing an ordinary thing.

The Sorcerer Supreme's intuition was spot on.

The monster in the picture is huge, even a bit thicker than the Hulk. Most of its surface is gray-brown, and there are a large number of bone spurs on its fists and joints of its limbs. And that face was even more terrifying, with its eyes so narrow that they were almost invisible, and there was only a bloody mouth full of fangs.

Strictly speaking, this appearance is very ordinary, because many demons in hell can look like this.

But in Miss Watson's mind, the monster began to overlap with a figure——

Day of destruction.

As a genetically engineered creature from prehistoric Krypton, it can effectively replenish energy just by basking in the sun. It does not need to drink water or breathe, can survive in a vacuum; can regenerate and evolve almost unconditionally, and gradually becomes immune to various means of harming/killing itself.

Will this humanoid monster be "Doomsday"? That Doomsday who can always resurrect after being killed, and in his prime can destroy the Green Lantern Corps, kill Superman, and even withstand the damage of Darkseid's Omega rays? If this guy is really invincible, will the black light virus in my body be effective against it?

What if instead of me devouring it, it devoured me?

"So, it was basically not injured at all, right?"

Miss Watson felt a little unsure. She subconsciously crossed her arms and her brain started spinning rapidly.

Doomsday is really strong.

And judging from the setting, Doomsday can even absorb the enemies it kills like the black light virus, and possess some of their characteristics... and weaknesses. For example, if you absorb Superman, you will be allergic to kryptonite.

"Technically yes."

The Supreme Mage clasped his hands behind his back and spoke in a calm tone: "In the past hundred years, I have dealt with many outsiders. Most of the early outsiders were ordinary people. Although they all had some abilities, they were at least human beings. Category. But starting from a few decades ago, this situation changed. They began to have contact with the mysterious side, and their identities were no longer limited to humans. So I am thinking that in a few decades, new outsiders will What has it become?”

What has it become?

Maybe Darkseid will lead a fleet to rush over...

Miss Watson lost her mind for a moment and then slowly turned around: "This creature may be something called 'Doomsday'. It was created to survive in any harsh environment and has died countless times in the process. The hatred for the living is engraved in the genes. The more miserable this guy dies, the stronger his combat effectiveness will be after he is resurrected, but I am not sure what stage it is in now. It may not be a complete body yet..."

This sentence could not be finished.

The surroundings fell into dead silence. There was obviously a bright brazier, but now it was strangely dim. The appearance of the person standing next to her changed. She had a voluptuous body tightly wrapped in a jet-black robe; her crotch was lifted downwards to one side, and the long leather stockings exposed a large piece of snow-white at the base, making the whole leg appear longer and plumper. As for the face under the hood, it still looks familiar - a skull.

Lady Death.

"...What brings you here?"

Miss Watson raised her eyebrows: "What? Are you in a hurry to collect your debt?"

Ms. Death did not answer directly. Instead, she took two steps closer and admired the scene in the window: "Look at it, it's really pleasant."

"I knew you would like this style." Miss Watson made a 'please' gesture, and her mouth started to be weird: "If you like it, buy it. Don't wrong yourself and add more to your death army." It would be good for everyone to be a general."

"No, I appreciate the purity of it."

The skull woman turned around and lifted Miss Watson's chin with one of her finger bones: "You are more interesting."

"You really think highly of me, why don't you go find that guy named Wade Wilson? Believe me, that future avocado is definitely more interesting than me. He knows too many tricks, and his long list of slutty words will last forever ! It will never stop. As long as you stay with him for a few months, you can live through all the most exciting parts of your life, even though you are not a human being..."

Why don't you speak again?

Seeing that Ms. Death ignored her again, Miss Watson had no choice but to shut her mouth and let the dead bone slide from her neck, crawl down her chest bit by bit, and finally hit her heart.

"Can you feel it?"

The dry finger bones suddenly grew flesh, and Lady Death used her soft and cold hands to gently slide back and forth on Miss Watson's sternum: "It is longing for life, driven by your killing... .Nourishment, that excitement never ends..."

"I can really feel that you are not going to talk properly."

The skull woman chuckled, not caring about the irony in this sentence: "Of course, you won't notice. There is no trace of all this, but it is destined to happen..."

She put her arms around Miss Watson's waist and brought the two cold bodies together. The skull under the hood raised slightly, and two rows of pale teeth came towards Miss Watson's mouth: " death."

Suddenly, a pair of dark purple lips appeared in front of her eyes.


Miss Watson's eyes shot open.

The first time she saw the antique wooden beams, she realized that this was Kama Taj. There was insufficient light in the room, and the shouts of the apprentices during practice could be heard from afar. Miss Watson lifted the quilt and climbed up, only to find that she was only in her underwear. As for his camouflage combat uniform, it was folded and thrown on the table.

Who carried me back?

Based on the last experience with Ms. Death, I must have lost consciousness at that time. If there is anyone around me who can see it, it is undoubtedly Master Gu Yi. Miss Watson came to the table, put on her clothes, and began to look around the room, which she had never been before.

A bed, a table and chairs and a wardrobe.

Along with a few oil lamps and a handful of books, there was almost nothing else in the room. On the contrary, his weapons and equipment seemed a bit inconsistent in front of him. After thinking for a moment, Miss Watson began to remove the bullets from the magazine. If it is not used for a period of time, it is best to let the bottom spring return to its shape, otherwise it will affect the remaining life.

The sun is setting outside the window.

The sunset at Kamal Taj is also beautiful.

At this time, the apprentices will stop practicing one after another, and the courtyard will become quiet again. The stone towers and plank roads are sprinkled with a dim red afterglow, exuding a soothing and peaceful atmosphere.

Occasionally looking at this scene, Miss Watson would recall her childhood experiences in her previous life. Adults would take her to burn incense and worship Buddha every festival, but how could a child believe in such a thing? He must be thinking about running out and having fun. But I have a few elders, and when it comes time to kneel down, they really put their foreheads to the ground and bow three times to the end. To be honest, Miss Watson still doesn't believe it now. But she couldn't help but marvel at the magnificent scenery in front of her.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

"You suddenly fainted and couldn't be woken up, so I brought you back." Master Gu Yi, wearing a yellow monk's robe, slowly walked into the room, still looking like a fairy.

"Whose room is this?"


"...Okay, it's really simple enough." Miss Watson picked up a bullet from the table, put the bullet into her mouth and held it in her mouth. After staying in the Wolves for such a long time, it is inevitable that she will pick up some bad habits. For example, her camouflage top is not buttoned at all now, just like the French wives. The large area of ​​white and tender skin on the chest and neck is completely uncovered. If there was a man here, he would definitely not be able to take his eyes away.

The room was quiet for a while, and then the Supreme Mage spoke first: "If you don't mind, could you tell me what happened?"


Miss Watson touched the cat paw mark, then picked up the tactical gloves to cover it: "It's Ms. Death's chuunibyou who suddenly wants to see me for some reason."

"What is chuunibyou?"

The bald woman tilted her head.

"The chuunibyou just can't speak human language!" For some reason, Miss Watson suddenly burst out with a psychotic air: "For example, let's take a very simple thing: I want to kill you. When it comes to the chuunibyou, Here, it will be said: Witness the omniscient God! In the name of steel and fire! I will use the power of the moonlight to impose sanctions on you!!!"

The sound got louder and louder, and with a swish, Miss Watson waved one hand in the direction of the Supreme Mage, her whole body dancing like a symphony conductor. As the last syllable fell, she spread her long legs, and her silver shoulder-length hair moved automatically. There seemed to be flames burning in the eyes, and the next second they turned into dead fish eyes: "Isn't it stupid?"


Master Gu Yi's expression remained unchanged: "I have met many people before, and they do talk like this."

"Yes, so they are all chuunibyou." Miss Watson retracted her hand and started buttoning her clothes: "If you want to ask what Ms. Death said to me, I can only say it's a bunch of nonsense. But that's it. Come back, now that this urgent matter has been resolved, can you send me back?"

"Where do you want to go? I should be able to do it."

"Really?" Miss Watson turned her head, holding the bullet in her mouth and grinning very movingly. Opposite her, the bald woman also smiled, which seemed a little unclear. Two smiling faces stood face to face in the room, and the air was suddenly filled with joy. After a few seconds, Miss Watson's smile gradually disappeared and she asked with a little caution:

"Um...I didn't do anything when I lost consciousness, right?"


The Supreme Mage narrowed his eyes and smiled even more happily.


In the desert, a jerboa stood up.

The long tail was dragging behind its buttocks, moving back and forth uneasily. It shouldn't have run out of the cave during the day, but an uninvited guest broke into its home, so it had to kick its legs and run away as hard as possible. Now that there are no traces of enemies around, the little thing is still very cautious, twitching the tip of its nose in an attempt to continue to catch the breath.

Then it heard the sound of horse hooves.

Miss Watson rode the black horse in the desert hills. More than ten kilometers to the southwest was the destination of the trip, Kijuju Autonomous Region. After asking for the approximate location on the map, the Supreme Mage opened the teleportation gate and teleported her over, complete with person and horse. The little gazelle Stinky was left in the care of Master Wang. When this incident is completed, Miss Watson will find a place for this little guy.

While basking in the bright sun, her mind returned to Doomsday.

To be fair, Doomsday is more attractive to Miss Watson than the series of viruses in Resident Evil. She was very envious of the fact that she could replenish energy by basking in the sun, not needing to eat, drink or breathe, and could survive even being bombed by a nuclear bomb. But when it comes to fighting the opponent in person, Miss Watson feels that she doesn't have the ability yet. After all, not even Superman's invulnerable steel body can withstand a single bone spur from Doomsday.

Doomsday is really powerful.

If you want to try the devouring power of the black light virus, it's best to take advantage of the opponent's dying state. For example, if it is torn apart by some powerful force and only pieces of flesh are left, it will be much easier for the black light tentacles to penetrate. There will probably not be a second chance like this, and you must go with the goal of killing the opponent completely. If it fails, Miss Watson is not sure whether Doomsday will become resistant to the black light virus.

This made her very hesitant.

However, Master Gu Yi made it clear that he was unwilling to help.

Before stepping into the portal, Miss Watson tactfully tested it. However, the bald woman still said that "my actions and your actions are of two different natures", and she always had a smile on her face, which made people want to punch her. After dinner, the Supreme Mage disappeared from the world, and no one knew where he went. Miss Watson could only put this matter aside for the time being and talk about it when she could.

"Okay, you're free!"

Throwing away the bit and saddle, Miss Watson patted the horse's butt gently, and the unfettered black horse ran out and disappeared into the bushes in a short while. She turned her head and looked at the Kijuju Autonomous Region in the distance. Her body quickly darkened and her whole body turned into black skin. Lifting up the shoes, the footprints in the soil were obviously much deeper.

The skin color disguised as black is relatively less likely to be noticed. Miss Watson lowered her head and discovered helplessly that she couldn't see her toes without bending down. I can't reduce my bust size, it still looks too conspicuous.

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