The blade directly split the last poacher's body diagonally into two halves.

The battle lasted just over a minute.

Miss Watson stood among the dead people on the ground, looking at the carcasses of several wild elephants in front of her. This group of poachers obviously came for the ivory, and judging from the two destroyed pickup trucks, they even planned to transport the carcasses away. In such poor areas, elephant meat is also a generally accepted food - of course, whether it tastes good or not, and you obviously can't have it legally.

A dead elephant had half of its tusks cut off, and its bloody flesh holes stained the ground red. Miss Watson did not intend to stay here for long. She walked around the body and soon saw another dead gazelle nearby. This mother gazelle should not have been on the hunting list, but she probably got too close to the elephants and suffered an unintended disaster.

The thermal imaging vision discovers a new target.

"Oh, you're here."

A few meters away in the grass, a frightened and paralyzed body was lying down and shivering. Miss Watson took two steps closer and picked up the gazelle calf from the ground. The little guy's slender legs kicked up and down, as if the smell of gunpowder frightened him.

"You look like you haven't even been weaned yet."

After touching its head, Miss Watson pressed the little head to her chest and began to clean the battlefield while talking: "Poor little guy, let's go find you a new mother, okay? But you have to wait now. , let me count... 1, 2, 3, I emptied two and a half magazines. See if there are the same bullets here... Aha! Yes."

The tentacles come in handy again.

The worn magazine on the poacher was held up in the air, and bullets were loaded one by one into Miss Watson's empty magazine. I have to say that once you are familiar with this operating mode, it is really convenient and comfortable to use it in practice. After absorbing a few corpses, she felt that her understanding of the local language began to deepen again.

Click! Click! Click!

Bullets are continuously inserted into the magazine bayonet, and the sound sounds very crisp. The equipment of these poachers is very messy. In addition to various long and short guns, homemade spears and machetes, the clothes on each member are also very strange, as if they were pieced together from the garbage. Coupled with the two graffiti pickup trucks, the whole thing gives people a weird apocalyptic wasteland scene.

After cleaning the battlefield, the little guy in his arms was still trembling. Miss Watson held it up and down like a baby and began to rock her body gently. This is actually an unconscious action, because she is browsing the poacher's memory at this time.

Didn't eat this morning...not this.

This woman is so dark, can you see clearly without turning on the light... Hell, that's not it either.

There is a temporary camp to the northwest.

Ah, found it.

Miss Watson held the little gazelle in her arms and mounted the black horse. She planned to take a short detour. After all, her main purpose today was not to fight. One person and one horse gradually walked away. Not long after, the hyenas with their keen sense of smell came first to look for the taste and couldn't wait to start fighting for this rare feast.

After riding for about a few minutes, the cub in his arms began to calm down, its little ears twitching slightly, and its tender nose sniffed around. Miss Watson fumbled in the horse's duffel bag and took out a piece of fodder cake. The little guy's attention was immediately diverted. However, its set of teeth forced it to bite up, and it could only bite off small pieces.

" are such a naughty boy."

The grass cake used to feed the horse was very loose, and when the little gazelle gnawed it, large pieces of it soon spread all over the horse's back and Miss Watson's thighs. She didn't care, just gently caressed the little guy's flank, feeling the increasingly gentle breathing rate.


He buried his nose on the fluff on his back, took a deep breath, and rubbed his chin against his little head.

After several times of absorption and growth, the touch of the female form of the black light body has now reached a normal level. The surface of the skin even becomes more sensitive due to the 'spider sense'. The soft animal fur was in close contact with the skin, bringing unprecedented comfort, and she couldn't help but enjoy it with her face exposed.

"How about I help you find a new mother tomorrow? But your smell has changed now, and the antelope mother may not recognize you... Do animals really take in cubs? How about I find you a leopard mother? ?”

There was a sudden warmth on my thighs.

Miss Watson turned around and saw that the gazelle kid had raised its buttocks at some point, and a few dung balls slid down against his pants.

"I don't love you anymore, goodbye!"

Several tentacles rolled up the little gazelle and placed it on the ground. Miss Watson clamped her long legs and trotted out on the black horse. But only a few seconds later, she turned her head back 180°, staring expressionlessly at the smelly little guy following her.


Where there are no boundaries, the galaxy has completely changed.

Pieces of stars are disintegrating, annihilating, and disappearing into the spreading darkness. Countless shadows are emerging, slowly penetrating the chaos of intersecting dimensions, and then being torn apart again. All this was reflected in the eyes of the Supreme Mage, who stared silently for a long time before finally turning and leaving. In Karma Taj's room, the woman slowly opened her eyes and felt the air reentering her lungs.

Footsteps approached outside the door.

The burly Master Hamil opened the door and came in, bowing his head: "A new extradimensional creature has appeared in South America, and we have captured it."

"A heavy loss?" Gu Yi could see that the other party's face was not very good.


"I'll go find Watson later."


The old mage raised his eyebrows, not understanding.

"The outsiders this time are a little unusual, I feel it." The Supreme Mage explained briefly, then lowered his gaze and picked up the tea cup again: "You go to arrange the casualties first, and I will find Watson."

The room quickly returned to calm.

Taking a sip of the cold tea, Master Gu Yi came to the window and looked down through the wooden panes at the apprentices in the square in the distance. It's just past noon now, and the sun is shining all over the ancient wooden plank road, driving away the slightest chill.

The picture just now came to mind again.

In fact, in the past hundred years, the Supreme Mage has seen such dimensional collisions many times. Most dimensional collisions will only destroy planets near the chaotic area; but a few exceptions will allow those 'outsiders' to break in, although this may not be their own intention.

Who is here this time?

The Supreme Mage was convinced that he had detected some kind of aura, and just like those outsiders in the past, this new guest did cause trouble. The woman had to admit that Watson was the only special case so far who would not actively create chaos... Of course, this so-called 'chaos' was only for the mages. The number of casualties in wars between ordinary people has nothing to do with them.

With the movement of the Supreme Mage, the golden portal opened in front of him.

The raging river suddenly spurted out, but was immediately pushed back by invisible forces. There was a beauty standing on the water on the other side of the door. The sunlight was shining from the side, reflecting the liquid traces flowing on the exposed skin into a phantom. The phosphorescence of the water surface was almost as high as the thighs, and the alluring waist and hip curves were like oil paintings. It penetrates into reality and is extremely stunning.

"Oh? Morning, no, it seems to be noon over there. Do you have anything to do with me?"

Miss Watson's pretty face was full of doubts. It was the first time that the old lady Gu Yi came to see her like this. The matter must be very urgent.

"Sorry to bother you, Watson, please put on your clothes first."

"Yes, yes, I just took a bath, and the earth is going to be in crisis again." Miss Watson walked towards the shore through the water, and pushed away a crocodile that floated to her legs: "Move away, Guys, don’t block my way, you want to get beaten again, don’t you?”


ten minutes later.

"Are you going to fight or travel?"

Fat Master Wang looked at Miss Watson with a surprised look on her face. She was holding a gazelle cub in her arms. She really looked like a zoo visitor... Just ignore the two rifles on her body and the dripping blood. Nepal Army Knife.


Miss Watson was in a good mood. Because of the proactive interruption, Master Ancient One did not ask her to change back into a man. It's so exciting to walk around in women's clothing openly at Kamal Taj - don't get me wrong, this is not a question of whether you like to wear women's clothing or not, it's purely a result of Watson's deviant and bad habits in his previous life. The more serious the place, the more he wants to do it. Unseemly things.

When I feel better, the little gazelle in my arms becomes cute again. The cold air in the snowy mountains is refreshing, but for small animals, this temperature is obviously fatal. The little guy shrunk and tried his best to get into Miss Watson's arms.

"Stop shaking me, little Stinky. How about we go warm up by the fire? Then we'll catch two snowmen to eat. It's so cold in the Himalayas that we can't stand it just by eating grass."

"Master Wang can take care of it for you."

Gu Yi said from the side: "You come with me first and just identify them. It will be quick."

"Okay, well, you can take them to warm themselves by the fire." Miss Watson shrugged her shoulders, handed over the little gazelle and the horse's reins, and then immediately opened her eyes wide, as if she wanted to scare people: " Master Wang! Remember to keep it warm by the fire, don’t overcook it! Otherwise, be careful with your cupboard of snacks!”

Her pretty face is really not intimidating, but it does make people's hearts skip a beat.

Of course, it's not scary.

Master Wang said nothing more, just rolled his eyes, and took the magical animals to spread the fire. Miss Watson followed Gu Yi and prepared to go to the secret realm. It is a place that can be reached through the internal teleportation circle of Kama Taj. It houses many dangerous creatures captured from the earth, hell or other dimensions. It is also a base for some mages to conduct research.

During the half-year stay at Karma Taj, Watson was actually led by the Supreme Mage two or three times. As for helping to identify ‘outsiders’, this was not the first time he had done so. Watson suspected that this place was not on earth at all, but the wizards obviously would not reveal the answer.

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