The midday sun filtered through the treetops, making the armor slightly hot.

The temporary camp behind them was quiet, and the ghost trio had already left the team to start reconnaissance operations. Captain Luper went out alone to find a place to observe the mine from other angles. As for Michela and Siyan, they are sorting out the nylon ropes. There is a section of cliff on the way from here to the mine, which is suitable for rappelling assaults after firing artillery shells.

Watson put on a camouflage cloth and lay next to the rock holding a telescope. In the early morning, the soldiers in the mine came out to gather once, and he took the opportunity to count the heads several times. In addition to the seven or eight sentry posts throughout the mine, a total of 56 soldiers gathered in the small square, and among them were a group of eleven or twelve-year-old children.

This made Watson feel a little complicated.

It’s one thing to see it in movies and magazines, but another thing to see it in person. Those humanities works are legally constrained from directly representing death or violence involving children, whether they are victims or perpetrators. But in reality, this is not the case at all. Watson can tell from their skillful postures holding rifles that when it comes time to shoot, these brats will not show mercy.

Hopefully I won't run into him in person.


The peaceful day passed like this.

Scout Victor first brought back the good news. There were no other large-scale coalition camps nearby, only a few sentry stations of about 4 people. As for the mission goal of blowing up the bridge, Beltway proposed a solution: use the explosives brought by Watson to make time bombs, set the detonation time uniformly, and then start the timing all at once.

Based on the distance traveled by multiple team members to install and return to the operation location, as well as the preliminary plan of Victor and several others to sneak in after the operation began, the detonation time may be set at more than 4 hours. After time runs out, the time bombs will explode first, followed by a one-time bombing of 7-round mortars each, and then they will break into the battle.

9 pm.

After a simple dinner of dry food, everyone put on night vision goggles and gathered around the map.

"I counted about 22 people at Shanhuan Company."

Watson was the first to speak: "They mainly gather in the southwest area. There is a BMP infantry fighting vehicle, two BTR personnel carriers, and four jeeps parked nearby. That location is a 3-story building with adobe bricks, wooden boards, and iron pipes. It’s a two-story building, and its appearance is relatively easy to identify. In addition, including the sentry, I saw about 65 people, and there should be some supervisors in the mine.”

"The number of people on my side is about the same."

The sniper ghost also observed from another angle all day long. He stretched out his finger and pointed at several locations on the map: "Here on the slope, and here is the arsenal. They have four soldier dormitories. Patrol pickup truck It will start from this intersection and drive out every 4-70 minutes; it will circle to the southeast and west to return to the mine, and it will take about 90 minutes. I am not sure at night, and I have to observe again."

“Have you seen any dogs or other captive animals?”


"Are there any traces of prisoners?"


As the information continued to be compiled, detailed sentry points, bombing targets, and enemy patrol routes appeared on the map. In addition to patrol pickup trucks, there is another vehicle that comes in and out of the mine, and that is the truck transporting contraband. Warlord Tolan obviously does not take these matters of money lightly. Each truck leaves the mine with a few soldiers and, if it's a convoy, two or three armed pickup trucks, which is good news for the pack.

After a few minutes, Luper decided to end the meeting.

She planned to continue to monitor the mine tonight and again during the day tomorrow to try to complete the missing and unclear enemy intelligence. If there are no major problems, we will start taking action tomorrow night.

After a busy day, the team members began to rest. As for Michela and Siyan, the two people who had not traveled too far during the day, they were separated from Watson to guard. In Mother Wolf's original plan, the ideal situation was for it to rain a little during the operation, preferably not too big but not too small. The sound of rain could cover up too many things.

But one cannot ask God to spray water on time.

Back at the old place, Watson continued to observe the mine wearing a camouflage cloth.

The scene in front of me was exactly the same as last night, with the moon hanging quietly in the night sky. Deep in the jungle, the "coo-coo" cry of an unknown creature continued to sound. The strange sound gradually approached from behind, and Watson identified it as the footsteps of the wolf mother.

"Are you sure you don't want to take a break?"

"...Have you ever shot a child?"

Watson did not answer Luper directly, but instead asked a question: "I know this sounds like it is not what I should ask. I watched it carefully for a long time today. These kids are very skilled in gun shooting. I can recognize that kind of question." The eyes, part of them must have been stained with blood...probably more shots than an ordinary policeman has fired in his life...Okay, I admit, there is some self-consoling speculation here. "

As he spoke, he fell into silence again.

Luper didn't speak immediately. He just lay down and took off his helmet, scratching his scalp every now and then: "I thought you wouldn't ask about this."

"So you saw it too."

"Yes." Mother Wolf turned her head to Watson: "I came to you to actually say this. Many soldiers will hesitate when faced with this situation on the battlefield, which is normal. But you have to know, no matter what age they are , regardless of gender, as long as they are armed, it will be a threat to our lives."

"Your words sound like reading."

"Indeed it is."

The woman laughed softly: "I'm not worried about your safety. If you encounter something unfortunate but don't have the heart to shoot, I don't blame you. But you must tell your teammates about it in the headset, especially the ones you let go." Where exactly are people and in which direction are they going. This is how the world is, war is going on every day, and innocent and poor people are caught in it. We have no ability to change it, so the only thing I can do... "

She slowly brought her face closer: "It's just to make sure that we go back alive, do you understand?"

Watson's face was hidden in Deathstroke's helmet, and he didn't respond for a while, like a sculpture. Luper didn't care and raised his binoculars in the direction of the mine.

"I saw a movie before."

Watson's voice suddenly came to my ears again: "The protagonist is a sniper. Once he was asked, 'When there is a woman or child in the scope trying to detonate a bomb, in order to protect your teammates, will you shoot? ?'."

"How did he answer?"

Luper lowered his binoculars.

"He said, 'I don't know, I just hope that by then, I can do my job well.'" Watson is still like a sculpture: "I don't know what the protagonist does to be considered 'good,' but I I think the answer can only be bullets."

After listening to Watson's words, the woman lowered her head and counted the grass stems in front of her. After half a minute, she said slowly: "That's a good answer."

"Wait, look over there." Watson grabbed the telescope and stretched out a hand to pat Luper's arm: "The guy being pushed seems to be a prisoner."


January 1998, 1, one o'clock in the morning.

The moonlight is a little dim tonight.

In the words of the wolf mother, God has given me a little good luck, and it may rain tonight. Now only Watson, Beltway and Luper are left in the camp, and all other team members set out to install bombs. After placement is complete, they will head to the planned location, ready to begin infiltration operations. Fatty made more than a dozen time bombs at once this time. If they were all used, they would be enough to destroy several major buildings in the mine. In addition, Beltway also made a lot of homemade bombs, the same ones used in the last raid on the Umbrella Building in Paris.

There are three Soviet-made M-3 mortars placed in the center of the camp, with the muzzles facing in different directions. The attack coordinates have been set in advance, and some stones have been pressed down to fix them.

"I stress again, reinstallation is absolutely not allowed."

Beltway held a mortar shell in his hand and gestured to Watson: "This mortar style is very old, and the shell may misfire if thrown into it. You must confirm that after the shell is fired, you can Load the next one in the tube, understand? I don't want you to move too fast and blow up all three of us. Also, don't touch the gun fuse while loading!"

"Understood, and if I encounter a dud, I will call you as soon as possible."

"Yes, that's it, hunk."

The fat man pointed at Watson's face, picked up the telescope and returned to the observation point.

Watson stayed alone in the camp, divided the 21 shells into three parts, and carefully placed them next to the mortars. After completing these tasks, he noticed movement in the grass outside the camp. When I opened my thermal night vision eyes, I found that it was a wild boar that was hunched over the soil. Two short-pointed fangs protruded from the side of the mouth. It looked like it had just reached adulthood. Brother Zhu chewed for a while and then raised his head, tilting his head and looking this way.

Ignoring it, Watson checked the time on his watch.

There were less than three hours until the bomb detonated.

The perspective turned to Brother Zhu, who was still chewing chewing chewing chews in his mouth. There was some doubt in those small eyes. It was curious about why the creature in front of it gave it a strange feeling. Of course Watson couldn't guess what the pig was thinking, but he couldn't let the other party break into the camp, otherwise it would be bad if a cannonball or something was knocked over.

But now I can't shoot.

After thinking about it, Watson pulled out the custom-made extended dog-leg knife on his back and walked slowly towards Brother Pig. He originally had a knife like this, but unfortunately it was broken during the battle against the Angel of Death in London. Seeing this creature approaching, the wild boar subconsciously took a few steps back, but its sensitive nose told its head that the creature in front of it exuded a peaceful aura, which made it a little hesitant.

Seeing that the pig didn't want to leave, Watson leaned forward and made a pounce. The wild boar trembled and finally rushed into the forest without looking back. The hot ball of light in the thermal field of vision ran very fast, and soon it was several hundred meters away.

"This is Group A, they have arrived at their location."

After a while, Victor's voice came from the headset.

"Ghost, where are you?"

After a burst of noise, the Slavic man's voice rang out: "The ghost is in place."

"Then let's get started."

"Roger, Group A, there are 150 sentries 2 yards in front of you."


There were two brief electric noises, which was Victor's signal that he had received the message. Watson's headset fell into silence again. He looked at the jungle and began to feel murderous intent coming from the treetops. Watson couldn't help but lift the PKM machine gun to check the safety, and then counted the hundreds of rounds of ammunition on his body one by one, trying to find something to do for himself.

This time he brought four 4-round PKM magazines, six 150-round RPK magazines, an RPG and two spare rocket-propelled grenades on his back. He also brought a lot of homemade bombs and flash shock grenades. With so many things on my body, it’s a bit difficult to bend down. However, Luper's positioning of Watson is to attract firepower, and the more visible the better.

The ghost continued to announce the time in the headset, and Luper and Beltway, who acted as temporary observers, also added from time to time. Ten minutes later, Group A had begun to approach the periphery of the mine.

"On our way to the arsenal."

This is Michela speaking.

"Attention, there is a person passing through the gap in the earth wall ahead."


"Safe, keep moving."

"Did you hear anything?" At this moment, Watson's ears caught some movement, and a rhythmic roar was coming from the night sky: "I think a helicopter is approaching."

"Merde (French: shit)..."

After Luper said this into the headset, the communication channel fell silent again. The sound of blades breaking through the air was getting closer and closer. Watson raised his head towards the night sky, and a helicopter-shaped heat source came into his eyes. The plane gradually approached the sky above the mine, raised its head and slowed down, then began to land in the open space.

"It's a UH-1. I saw rapid-fire machine guns on both sides. This aircraft is not very common in Africa."

"Maybe a Federation guy?"

"Don't worry about it for now. I saw that the attention of the coalition forces was attracted." Luper interrupted Beltway: "All the lights in the soldiers' dormitories are on, Victor, please stay hidden."

"Received, Group A is suspending operations."

"...Wait, did you see that? That person seems to be the warlord Tolan."

After a while, Beltway returned to camp and asked Watson to help adjust one of the mortars. The helicopter had shut down its engine in the Shanhuan Company's control area, and it seemed that it was not planning to leave for a while. Watson heard a report on the communication channel that a white man in a black suit got off the plane and was personally greeted by the warlord Tolan.

This guy finally showed up.

Beltway bent over and twisted the bolt handle on the gun mount. The first three attacks of the mortar would be aimed at the helicopter's position alone. The fat man also wrote several lines in his notebook, planning to fire several rounds of artillery shells at these targets. After a while, he gave Watson an OK gesture and left again.

After waiting for more than an hour, Luper ordered the operation to continue through the headset.

There are now only 52 minutes until the bomb detonates.

Fortunately, no one really keeps dogs in the warlord Tolan's base. In other words, these dogs have all run out with the poaching team, otherwise the infiltration operation of Group A will encounter greater trouble. Time passed minute by minute, and when the minute hand on the watch reached the last 5 minutes, Luper and Beltway returned to the camp.

"Coordinates confirmed."

"no problem."

"Okay, one minute left."

After checking the mortar firing angle, the three men stood next to a gun barrel. Watson grabbed an 82mm mortar and carefully looked at the mottled Russian text on it. In the headset, Luper has started counting down from 30 seconds.


...... 3


1. "

It was extremely silent at this moment, and the three people in the camp seemed to freeze. It was not until a few seconds later that the vibration and roar of the violent explosion hit their ears from a distance. The sleeping forest was awakened by fright. The screams of countless animals and birds came from all around. Large bright spots emerged from the tops of the treetops in the thermal imaging field, covering the entire night sky in an instant.

In the direction of the mine, fire shot into the sky.

"Do it!"

Hearing Mother Wolf's cry, Watson immediately stuffed the mortar shell into the muzzle and then pushed it in gently.

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