The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 141 The key to solving the problem is caliber

It's noisy in helicopters all over the world.

The two engines on top of the Mi-8 roared loudly, hitting the ears of everyone in the cabin. Luper asked the pilot to get a set of headsets and planned to seize the time for a meeting. An ammunition box as high as a coffee table was placed in the middle, with a large old map spread on it.

"We'll try to get here before noon tomorrow."

She drew a circle with a pen and pulled the arrow in the upper right direction: "We need to find out Tolan's troop layout and surrounding terrain, especially to confirm whether there are other coalition camps nearby besides the camps we have already figured out. Victor , you take the lead in this matter."

Ruper held the pen and crossed out several places in sequence: "Here, here, and here are all confirmed bridge locations. The best case scenario is that we can blow them up when we need to. Bell Twee, it's up to you to evaluate this. With Deathstroke as Popeye, we can be more prepared than before this time and go for it. If we can't, we will bury explosives in the tow. Areas with dense tire tracks around Camp Lan.”


The fat man stared at the large and small red circles on the map and stopped talking.

"As for you, Deathstroke."

Luper raised his head and called out to Watson: "Since you promise, I will believe you once. In addition to carrying heavy firearms, you will also be responsible for frontal combat, respond to the enemy's most violent attacks, and be mentally prepared. Then, you must Pay attention to the instructions of the headset, do you understand? Don't be so red-eyed that you can't figure out where you are. Our mission is to rescue the 'princess', so don't waste time on unnecessary targets."

Wolf Mother's plan is simple.

Watson manually transports explosives, anti-tank weapons, mortars and other heavy weapons, and then finds ways to determine the location of the hostages through latent reconnaissance on the periphery. Then aim the bombardment at the enemy's soldier dormitories, arsenals and communication equipment in advance, so as to immediately weaken the opponent's number, attack and request for help. If the on-site survey finds a helicopter that has not taken off, it will definitely be a key target.

After the operation began, Victor led a small number of team members to sneak in and launch a surprise attack with mortars.

And if the infiltration operation is unfortunately discovered, then just launch an artillery attack in advance. The search for the hostages does not have to be separate from the search for the warlord Toran. If you happen to find the latter first, you can often directly ask where Alanna Crowley is.


Night was already shrouded outside the plane window.

The boundless rain forest is covered with moonlight and looks very quiet. The plane began to slow down, and the front end of the cabin soon began to rise, and a feeling of weightlessness came from under the feet.

After a while of shaking, Vigo stood up and pushed open the tail hatch with Beltway. The fresh earthy smell immediately hit his face. Watson jumped out of the hatch with a PKM machine gun in one hand and saw a convoy of pickup trucks parked on the right. Accompanied by the dazzling headlights, a black officer wearing sunglasses and a red beret approached. He looked like the classic Uncle Black villain in the movie.

Watson had already put on the Deathstroke Armor at this time, and the armor layer was thickened again, making his entire body as strong as a bodybuilder. Without the helmet, the head would even look a bit out of proportion. Seeing such a thick steel figure, several black soldiers couldn't help but lift the AK automatic rifles in their hands.

Vigo stepped forward to say hello.

The officer opened the paper bag he was handed and looked at it. A smile suddenly appeared on his ugly face. He grinned those two rows of yellow teeth, reached out and patted Vigo on the shoulder, then turned and walked towards the motorcade. Before long, the field that was originally crowded with black soldiers was completely cleared, with only two pickup trucks remaining on the spot. As the helicopter engine shut down, the forest in front of him became quiet again.

"nailed it."

Using his palms to cover the dust kicked up by the propeller, Vigo returned to the cabin: "As long as we don't use guns here, they won't care what we do."

"Good, let's load up our Popeye."

Mother Wolf glanced at the pilot who was inspecting the plane, then jumped out of the cabin with her M4 carbine in hand. The Mi-8 will return to the airport for refueling and maintenance later, and Vigo himself must stay on the plane to ensure that the crew will not take the money and do nothing on the day of the pick-up of the Wolves. The client was pressing hard, and he had to continue to coordinate and open up relationships along the way.

The members of the Wolf Team who got off the plane also changed their appearance.

Wearing combat uniforms with anti-cut and puncture protection, the few exposed parts such as the neck and wrists were sprayed with military mosquito repellent. In addition, each person's helmet is covered with an insect-proof mesh, completely covering the entire face. This appearance is very similar to that of the Danish Navy Frogman Unit, but in places with dense branches such as bushes, you may still have to temporarily remove the net cover.

Mosquitoes are a big problem.

In the tropical rainforest, you may not encounter venomous snakes or beasts, but you will certainly not be able to avoid all kinds of insects. Those little guys that contain toxins and germs may look inconspicuous, but they can cause swelling and swelling. This is followed by unbearable pain and itching, or persistent high fever and diarrhea, and loss of fighting ability. Of course, survival in the wild is a required course for special forces. If you only have a knife, applying some mud can temporarily solve the dilemma. However, as modern soldiers, Wolves players are more willing to enjoy the convenience of technology.

"Ah...ah...this is the ghost, communication test."

"Ah... Got it."

"Ruper calls Beltway."

"Crack...I can hear it."

It was already late at night, and while testing the team's communication, the Wolves team members tied the arms box to the tall Watson. The black Deathstroke armor has been spray-painted in jungle camouflage, and three gun barrels are tied behind his back - they are three 82mm-caliber Soviet-made M-37 mortars. Several circles of sponge are wrapped around the barrels as a buffer to prevent collisions. Makes strange noises.

Ruper bought this in advance.

For mercenaries, mortars are one of the most cost-effective artillery support weapons. It is essentially a metal tube closed on one side, with a firing pin placed in the inner bottom and a bracket and sight mounted on the outside to adjust the angle. In particular, this Soviet-made mortar from the Second World War stands out for its simplicity and crudeness. Even some mortar shells have higher technical content than the gun itself.

But this thing is too heavy.

The single-door M-37 weighs over 55 kilograms.

In addition to these three big guys, Watson also carried 16 mortar shells, 12 rocket-propelled grenades, two boxes of explosives prepared by Beltway, and a large ammunition box. His left and right hands, chest and back were all covered, and even the weapons could only be handed over to others to carry. After tying it in a circle, a large number of branches were inserted on the surface as camouflage.

The wolf mother is really not polite to her own people.

With Watson as the main load-bearer, the rest of the Wolves team members were able to carry more equipment, including four RPG launchers alone. In addition to the scout Victor, each of them also carried a mortar shell and a sufficient amount of explosives. After riding the two pickup trucks on the dirt road for more than half an hour, the team soon stopped in the woods.

To avoid alerting the enemy, the rest of the journey had to be walked.

The Congo Basin has a typical tropical rainforest climate, with high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year, and there are few weeks without rain. Watson's footprints are deep, but when the rain comes down most of them will be washed away. Although logically speaking, the militia-level black uncles in the coalition forces may not be aware of this, but it is not a bad thing to be cautious.

And rainfall is also more conducive to reconnaissance and infiltration.

"What the hell."

Seeing Watson trotting uphill smoothly, Beltway stepped on a prosthetic leg and complained: "Deathstroke's pretty little face is so deceptive. I have to wait until the battle to realize him. He’s a tough guy.”

"I'm glad you think so."

While carrying the things, Watson kept his eyes busy and turned on the mixed sensing state of temperature, light and flora to scan around. He had only walked along the road for more than ten minutes, and he had already seen many nocturnal animals, as well as a few snakes - as we all know, although snakes are cold-blooded animals, this does not mean that their bodies have no temperature, but compared to warm-blooded animals It's just colder.

Gu... Gu... Gu...

The team marched silently in the rainforest for three hours. The sound of unknown animals kept echoing in the rainforest. Combined with the scene in front of them, it seemed even quieter.

Bang bang bang!

A blast of gunshots pierced the night sky.

Luper immediately raised his fists, and everyone crouched in place on guard. The gunfire came from the direction of 11 o'clock, very far away. The scout Victor, who was more than ten meters in front of the team, took the lead in taking action, and the sniper ghost also quickly walked to the nearby commanding heights. It was eerily quiet now, and Watson could still hear the distant chirps of birds when they were disturbed.

"7 men, 11 o'clock, 300 yards."

After a while, Victor's calm voice came from the headset: "Two armed pickup trucks on the right."


"No, they are poaching." The ghost answered Luper's question: "I saw three people carrying animals into the cargo compartment. Many nocturnal animals only come out at night. You know, they are dead. It’s all valuable, it’s a big deal.”

"I know, stay alert."

Mother Wolf thought for a while and decided to let the team rest on the spot. Watson turned to look at Michela on the left. The girl was holding an M4 carbine, and the lens under the grille bulged forward. Thanks to the gift from Umbrella, everyone on the Wolf Pack has night vision goggles. Moreover, these M4 carbines are equipped with special suppressors, which greatly weaken the muzzle fire, making them perfect for night sneak attacks.

Ten minutes later, this weird cry started to sound again.

The ghost reported on the headset that the poaching soldiers had left. Mother Wolf waved her hand, and the team wrapped Watson in the middle and continued to move forward in a diamond shape. No more humans were encountered along the way. At dawn, the wolf team arrived at the predetermined location.

"Just set up camp here and unload your stuff."

Ahead is a mine.

Mining has been developing in the Congo Basin for many years. One of the metals, called 'coltan', can be extracted and used to make various capacitors, which are used in the development of high-tech products such as mobile phones, DVDs, game consoles and laptops. After popularization, it has become more and more important.

Warlord Tolan's base was transformed from this.

The end of the civil war gave the coalition forces the opportunity to occupy a large amount of eastern areas. Driven by profit, many coalition officers began to steal and smuggle minerals, animals and forestry resources on their own territory. Since their feet were not the land of their motherland, they did not feel any distress when plundering it. The wealth that should belong to the country has been taken advantage of by others. This may be part of the reason why the new government is eager to expel people.

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