The stars are twinkling, the bright moon is in the sky,

The midsummer night sky seems to be covered with a layer of light veil,

Hazy and beautiful, the soft moonlight gently illuminates the entire Pony Valley,

The gentle breeze blowing through the grass and flowers makes the pony feel like she is immersed in the embrace of nature.

Golden light spots are flying in the flowers, like golden stars, surrounding the bright flowers,

Like the stars in the sky, they illuminate the beauty of the flowers, adding spots of light to this ink painting.


pony valley,

oak library, colorful bedroom,

The formations surrounding Colorful and Ziyue began to turn into star points and began to slowly float away, leaving only the formation where the space crystal was still operating.

Ziyue and Colorful gradually fell to the ground, then opened their eyes and looked at the diamond-shaped space crystal floating in the formation in front of them.

"Twilight, we have successfully produced the first space crystal."

Colorful looked at the space crystal in front of her and smiled happily at Ziyue and said,

Zi Yue looked at the sky blue crystal in front of her and said with a smile:

"Well, yes, but it's colorful. How do you use this?"

"This is very simple, let me demonstrate it to you."

After hearing Zi Yue's words, Colorful replied with a smile,

Then he used magic to take the space crystal out of the formation and placed it in front of him.

Use magic to pick up a book on the bookshelf next to you, and when you get close to the space gem, the book disappears instantly.

"Look, that's it, just put the items you want to put in the storage space close to the space crystal."

Colorful looked at Ziyue who was looking at the space crystal in front of her in surprise, then took out the books inside and said to Ziyue with a smile,

Then he handed the space crystal to Zi Yue and said to Zi Yue with a smile:

"Twilight Yue, you should try it too."


Twilight used magic to catch the space crystal handed over by Colorful, and then used magic to pick up a book.

Learn the colorful actions just now, put the book close to the space crystal, and then the book will be stored inside the space crystal.

When Twilight thought about taking it out, the image in the space crystal appeared in her mind.

Then he thought about taking out the book, and then the book appeared in front of Twilight Yue,

"What a magical thing, and I can see inside the space crystal."

Twilight Yue excitedly used magic to put the returned books in and out, and said to Colorful,

"Right, and it will be much more convenient to travel in the future, and the space and time inside are fixed. What it looks like when you put it in, it will look like when you take it out."

Colorful looked like a pony that had found its favorite toy. She couldn't put it down and played with it. Twilight showed a happy expression and said with a smile,

Twilight Yue's expression is so cute,,?^?,,

After playing for a while, Zi Yue also reacted. She looked at Colorful, who had been looking at her, and thought about what she had just done, and her face turned slightly red.

Twilight put the book aside, re-suspended the space crystal in the middle and asked Colorful:

"Can this only be used by unicorns who can use magic?"

"If it is in this state, it is true that only those who can use magic can use it, but this is the initial state."

Colorful looked at Ziyue and said with a smile,

"Initial state?"

Zi Yue looked at Colorful in confusion and asked,

"Yes, after the space items are made, various formations can be arranged on them to make limited changes to the space items.

Now take this space crystal as an example. You can change its color and add various patterns you want to its appearance.

After that, you can choose the items you want to place on it. It can be on a backpack, necklace, or decoration.

Ponies without magic will add two magic gems to the decoration, and then after engraving a new formation on the decoration, you can choose to put in or take out items as long as you touch it with your hoof."

Colorful took the space crystal to his hoof. Following what Colorful said, some formation patterns appeared around the space crystal.

As these formation patterns slowly blend into the space crystal,

The entire space crystal slowly turned lavender, and then light spots like starlight appeared on it, and finally a pattern of Twilight Joy's cutie mark appeared in the middle.

"Just like this, take this space crystal to commemorate our first successful production of space crystal."

Colorful handed the made space crystal to Ziyue and said with a smile,

"Thank you"

Twilight took the space crystal that turned into her cutie mark, the character blushed slightly and said,

Colorful looked at Ziyue who had a reddish face and tilted her head.

Then he carefully used magic to take out a camera from his box, and then pointed it at the current Twilight Yue,

There was a click,

A slight white light flashed, and Twilight's current expression remained in the camera.

Twilight Yue was shocked by the flash of the camera. After reacting, she looked at the camera holding Colorful standing opposite and asked:

"Colorful, were you taking pictures of me just now?"

"Yes, your expression was so cute just now, I couldn't help but take the photo."

Colorful caught the camera with her hoof, then looked at the photo just taken by the camera and said with a smile,

Ziyue's face turned even redder when she heard Colorful say she was cute.

I was just about to say something to Colorful,

There was another click, followed by a slight flash of light.

Colorful looked at Zi Yue now, and took another picture,

"This is quite cute. If you don't take a picture, I suddenly realize that my photography skills are quite good."

Colorful smiled and said,

"Colorful, give me the camera and let me delete it."

Zi Yue looked at the smiling Colorful and said loudly,

After saying that, he rushed towards Cai Cai, trying to snatch the camera held by Cai Cai and delete the photos inside.

But Cai Cai twisted his body and dodged it. Cai Cai looked at Zi Yue's anxious look and said with a smile:

"Wait a minute Twilight, the photo will come out in a while, it's really cute."

"Bring it..."

After hearing this, Twilight Yue didn't say too many words. She looked like she was going to delete the photo, and rushed towards Colorful again.

Colorful looked at Zi Yue who was rushing toward her, and ducked to the side, just as she was about to escape.

But Twilight Yue actually used the formation at this time. As the formation lit up under Twilight Yue's feet, Twilight Yue kicked hard in the air and rushed towards Colorful.

He threw CaiDuai directly to the ground, pressed him under him, pressed Ducai Dui's front hooves with his front hooves, and just looked at Cai Dui,

Then after looking at each other for two seconds, Twilight turned her head away and used magic to take the camera that had flown to the side.

Looking at the colorful photo of myself blushing inside,

Zi Yue suddenly felt that her face must be a little red now,

"Twilight Joy..."

After Zi Yue heard Cai Cai calling her name, she lowered her head and looked at Cai Cai,

Then he saw Cai Cai looking at him with a cute expression,

Then I thought of something, and looked at Colorful with the corners of my mouth raised slightly.

He did not answer Colorful, but continued to look at the camera, as if he was debugging something.

"Twilight Yue, I swear I will ask for your consent when taking photos in the future, but please don't delete these two photos, okay?"

Colorful looked at Zi Yue who was silent, and continued to look at Zi Yue with a cute expression.

What? Do you think it's shameful to be cute?

This is Twilight's rare blushing expression. You can't miss it.

If it is a card, it must be of the rarest grade.

Just when Colorful was still thinking about how to make Twilight Yue give up deleting the photos,

Suddenly I felt a slight flash of white light, and then I looked at the camera facing me colorfully,

Looking blankly at Ziyue who smiled after moving the camera away.

"What's the matter? You just need to take a picture of me. Can't I take a picture of you? Colorful, your cute expression just now is also very cute."

Zi Yue looked at Colorful, who was a little dazed, and said with a smile,

"I'm cute? Acting cute?"

When Colorful heard Zi Yue's voice, she realized that she was indeed acting cute just now.

But I never thought I would be photographed.

"Well, Twilight, I think we can discuss this."

Colorful looked at the smiling Zi Yue and said to Zi Yue awkwardly,

"What are you discussing? Don't you want me not to delete those two photos? Why, you take one of me and I take one of you. That's okay."

Twilight looked at the somewhat embarrassed Colorful and felt very amused.

After Colorful heard what Ziyue said,

Lost in thought,

Twilight Sparkle probably won't let other ponies see my photos...

...Well, probably, probably, no,

Then you can get those two photos...


It’s true that My Little Pony’s technology is a bit too backward.

The best camera you can buy still needs white light for assistance.

I really want to go to Equestria Girls and buy a digital camera right now.

Ah, I will definitely buy one as soon as I have the chance.

Colorful thought of this and suppressed the messy contents in his mind.

He looked at Zi Yue and said with a smile:

"No problem, I agreed."

"Okay, let's take the next photo."

Twilight looked at Colorful and said with a smile,

"Well, Twilight Yue, can you let me go now?"

Colorful looked at the posture now being pressed by Zi Yue and felt a little embarrassed and said,

Zi Yue looked at Colorful, smiled and said:

"No need to get up"

After saying that, he used magic to move the camera in the air to face himself and Colorful,

Then Twilight also lay down, then hugged Colorful's head and placed it on her chest, and then said to Colorful:

"Colorful, hug me, then raise your head and look at me with that cute expression just now."


Colorful looked at Twilight with an expression like "What are you talking about?"

"What's wrong? Didn't you promise me? This is another one."

Zi Yue looked at Colorful with a surprised expression and said happily,

"This, okay"

Colorful took a deep breath, then looked at Zi Yue helplessly and said,

At this moment, Colorful wanted a silent camera very strongly.

I have a very strong desire to preserve and photograph all of Twilight Yue's facial expressions...

I thought I could show her these photos there later...

Just thinking about it makes me happy...

Then Colorful followed Zi Yue's instructions, hugged Zi Yue's back, raised her head, and looked at Zi Yue with a very cute expression.

Twilight Yue, on the other hand, half-closed her eyes and lowered her head to look at Colorful.

There is a kind of brave man who holds the saved princess in his arms after defeating the evil dragon.

It's just that Colorful is the princess and Twilight is the brave.

With the camera floating in mid-air

There was a click,

This photo is forever fixed inside the camera.


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