it's clear,...


"Twilight Yue, how's your formation practice going?"

Colorful walked from the bedroom on the second floor to the hall of the library on the first floor, looked at Ziyue who was reading the formation book and asked,

"Colorful, you are here. I was just going to talk to you about this matter. I have mastered all those formations. It can be said that there is absolutely no problem now."

When Ziyue heard Colorful ask her, she stood up excitedly, patted her chest and said confidently,

"Oh, wait a minute, let me demonstrate it to you."

When Ziyue said this, she said to Colorful with excitement,

After saying that, he stood there, closed his eyes, and as the horns on his head lit up with purple magic,

First, a five-pointed star formation pattern unfolded under Zi Yue's body.

Twilight then increased her magic output, and a large number of formation patterns instantly appeared around her.

Then Ziyue opened her eyes and looked at the formation patterns around her. She looked at Colorful with an expression that was about to praise me and said:

"How colorful. These are all the formations needed to make space crystals. Now I can use them all together accurately. Hum, I must be awesome."

Colorful looked at the formations slowly rotating in the air around him.

He raised his hoof, attached a layer of magic to the hoof, and then moved toward one of the formations. One of the formations floated over with the colorful call and landed on the colorful hoof.

Colorful looked at the formations in front of him, tried to activate his magic, and then looked at the large number of formations around him.

It's indeed powerful. I won't go into details. I already know these formations. How much I can perform depends on my fine control of magic.

But Twilight Yue didn't know that not only did she understand everything in such a short period of time, she could also perform it all out of thin air.

In the world of cultivation before, I have never heard of such a powerful person being able to achieve this level in such a short period of time.

Colorful reminds me of an idiom... so scary...

Colorful looked at Ziyue, who had her head slightly raised in the middle of the formation, and looked like she was about to praise me. She put away the unnecessary thoughts in her mind,

He smiled and said to Twilight:

"Of course, Twilight Sparkle is the most powerful unicorn pony in Equestria."

After hearing what Cai Cai said, Zi Yue's face turned slightly red, and then she said to Cai Cai:

"Okay Colorful, I'm not that good yet, don't praise me, I'll be embarrassed if you praise me any more."

"I didn't mean to praise you. You are truly the most talented pony I know."

Colorful looked at Zi Yue who was a little embarrassed and continued to say to Zi Yue with a smile,

"...It's not as powerful as you said."

When Zi Yue heard what Colorful said, her face turned even redder, she lowered her head in embarrassment and muttered,

"What did you say Twilight?"

Cai Cai looked at Zi Yue who was muttering something with her head lowered, but Cai Cai didn't hear clearly. Then she walked to Zi Yue's side and looked at Zi Yue who had her head lowered and asked doubtfully,

"Ah, it's nothing. By the way, Colorful, are you going to make a space crystal?"

After hearing Colorful's voice, Twilight came out of her blushing state and looked at Colorful and said,

Colorful looked at the current Ziyue and tilted her head. She felt as if she had just looked at Ziyue with her head lowered and her cheeks were red.

But now it looks quite normal.

However, after hearing Twilight Yue ask him about the space crystal, he put this behind his mind, looked at Twilight Yue happily and said:

"Yes, seeing that you are so proficient in these formations, we can start making space crystals."

"Okay, I can't wait to make the space crystal. Let's go then"

After hearing what Cai Cai said, Zi Yue happily stomped her feet quickly and said to Cai Cai,

After saying that, he pushed Colorful towards the colorful room.

"Wait, don't worry Ziyue, there are still things that are not ready yet."

Colorful put her hooves on the ground and said to Twilight who was pushing her behind Twilight Yue,

"What are you not ready for? Do you need my help?"

Twilight stopped and quickly walked to Colorful and said,

"It's necessary. I can't handle this without you."

Colorful looked at the anxious Zi Yue in front of her and said with a smile,

"Ahem, what's the matter? Ziyue can't do it without me. Tell me, what's the matter?"

When Zi Yue heard what Colorful said, she immediately stood up and straightened her voice and said happily,

"Of course it's time to eat. Two hours ago, Cai Duai found me, Chef Sui Long, and asked me to cook a large table of delicious food for noon today."

Sui Long came out of the kitchen door wearing a pink apron and looked at Twilight Yue with a smile and said,

"Wait, what? Eat?"

After hearing what Sui Long said, Twilight looked at Colorful and Sui Long in a daze and asked,

"Yes, eat. How can you do anything important if you don't eat enough? Food is the most important thing. And I didn't eat in the morning. Now I'm almost starving."

Colorful walked to the side table and sat down, put her face on the table, looked at Ziyue and said in a weak tone,

Twilight looked at Colorful, who was lying on the table with deformed cheeks, mumbling something.

Then he took a few deep breaths, calmed down and looked helplessly at Colorful and Suilong.

"Uh, you guys chat, I'll do the rest."

Spike looked at Twilight Yue's expression and knew that Twilight Yue was a little angry, and then he ran away very calmly.

"Twilight Joy, there is a reason for this."

Colorful watched Twilight put her front hooves on the table and said with a smile,

Ziyue looked at Colorful and said nothing, just raised her eyebrows.

"Look, we are going to make a space crystal. This is a delicate process, and there is no room for sloppiness. It will probably take a long time, and I didn't eat in the morning, so I'm really hungry now."

Colorful looked at Twilight and said to Twilight,

Twilight Yue looked at Colorful with an expression like you didn't want to eat in the morning and you didn't want to think about the reason.

"Ahem, don't look at me like that, I know it was me who didn't get up,"

Colorful looked at Ziyue looking at her and said with some embarrassment,

Twilight looked at Colorful with an expression that said, "You know who it is, and you can still save it."

"This is expected to be done directly in the evening, and there can be no pause. It is almost noon now, so I need to eat first to replenish my strength and avoid unnecessary accidents during the production process."

Colorful coughed, and then explained the reason to Twilight in detail,

When Zi Yue heard what Colorful said, she thought for a moment and realized that it was indeed better to have a meal first to replenish her strength.

"Then why don't you tell me clearly first? I thought my happiness was in vain, so I was a little angry."

Zi Yue also sat at the table and looked at Colorful and said helplessly,

"Well, it's okay. I originally wanted to tell you this first and then talk to you about dinner, but Suilong suddenly showed up and told you first."

Colorful looked at Twilight sitting over and threw the pot to Sui Long very casually. She smiled and said to Twilight,


Suilong, who was putting food on the table, was stunned for a moment and stared blankly at Colorful who said this.

After Twilight heard this, she turned to look at Sui Long and glared,

But I didn’t say anything. After all, Suilong has always been very talented in last-hitting.

Sui Long stared at Twilight in a daze, and just as he was about to say something, Colorful stretched out his hoof and stuffed a gem into his mouth.

Sui Long took a bite of the gem in his mouth. Well, it tasted good, so he didn't say anything more.

He turned around and walked towards the kitchen, not forgetting to give an OK gesture to Colorful.


After having lunch,

colorful bedroom,

Colorful and Twilight arranged defensive formations around them to avoid the explosion and space cracks caused by the space crystal after the production failed.

After everything was ready, Cai Cai used magic to take the space crystal out of the box and float it in the middle of the prepared formation.

"Get ready without Twilight, it's about to officially start. Once you start, you can't stop midway."

Colorful looked at Zi Yue who was standing opposite the formation and said seriously,

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After calming down, she opened her eyes and looked at Colorful and nodded.

"Okay, let me say it again, we need to cut the space crystal into a piece of about five square meters for this production.

After cutting, you are responsible for controlling the cut space crystal and keeping it stable. I will stabilize the original space crystal and move it out of the scope of this formation.

Then start carving the corresponding formation inside the space crystal. You need to concentrate here without any pause, otherwise the space crystal will explode."

Colorful looked at Ziyue who had calmed down and said in a calm tone,

As for the safety of Cai Cai and Twilight Yue, there is no need to worry about it. They have all kinds of formations deployed on their bodies.

And the positions they are standing on are the two safest positions in this formation.

"Okay, then, let's get started."

As Colorful's words fell, magic light emitted from the corners of Colorful and Ziyue, but the formations arranged in the entire Colorful room began to emit a faint light,

The formations in front of Colorful and Ziyue also rose from the bottom to the middle of the space crystal.

Then as the space crystal flashed, the color of the formation turned into sky blue,

Then the formation was broken down into several formations and runes, surrounding the space crystal.

"Twilight Sparkle, start cutting."

Colorful looked at the stabilized formation and said to Ziyue,

"Okay, let's start cutting the space crystal."

After hearing the colorful voice, Twilight nodded and said,

As Twilight and Colorful controlled the formation with magic and began to cut,

A flat white crack began to appear on the top corner of the space crystal.

As time goes by, white cracks have completely separated it from the space crystal.

"Now, Twilight, use the formation to cut it out, and then stabilize it."

"it is good"

There was a slight sound, like glass breaking,

That corner is completely separated from the lower part.

While Twilight used the formation to stabilize the cut space crystal,

Colorful also used the formation to stabilize the large space crystal, then moved it out and placed it in the box prepared aside.

At this moment,

"Ah, colorful, I can't control it."

Twilight looked at the space crystal that gradually began to emit white light and shouted to Colorful,

After Cai Cai heard the voice, she quickly took it home and took it home.

Looking at the space crystal that had begun to emit white light, he used the formation to try to stabilize it and said to Twilight Yue:

"Twilight, calm down, you can do it, just calm down, use magic to feel the magic fluctuations in the space crystal, follow it, and then straighten it out."


Zi Yue looked at the increasingly bright white light in the space crystal in the center of the formation with some unconfidence.

"Twilight Joy"

Zi Yue heard Cai Cai calling her name, and then looked at Cai Cai, looking at the expression on Cai Cai's face that firmly believed in her,

Twilight tried hard to close her eyes and took a deep breath...

After opening her eyes, her expression was filled with determination, and then the magic on Twilight's horns became even brighter.

With Twilight's control and Colorful's help,

Finally, I kept this space crystal.

"Twilight, I know you can definitely do it. Now calm down and gather your energy. You can't stop anymore."

Colorful looked at the calmed Space Crystal and smiled at Twilight and said,


Zi Yue looked at Colorful and smiled and nodded,

"Okay, let's get started."

"it is good"

As Twilight Yue and Colorful's words fell, in addition to the formation in the middle, a large number of formation patterns appeared under and around Ziyue and Colorful.

Colorful and Ziyue also floated under the influence of the formation.

If you look at it from the outside at this time, one formation is nested within another formation, forming a circle, slowly rotating around Ziyue and Colorful.

Wrapping the colors, Twilight Joy and Space Crystal together,

All that's left is a long carving...


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