My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 41 Rare’s first fashion show

Sunny weather,

Little Mary,

pony valley,

oak library,

"Huh, the basic formation is ready. It should be ready before the galloping galloping celebration." There were two crystal figures on the table in front of Colorful.

It's the Space Princess and the Moon Princess,

If it hadn't been for the rare reminder yesterday, I would have forgotten about the galloping celebration.

There is also the matter of this crystal figure. I just carved the shape before and then put it aside and forgot about it.

so close,

"Colorful, Zhenqi asked us to go to her fashion store. The fashions should be ready. Let's go and have a look together." Twilight said happily as she walked into Colorful's room.

At this time, Twilight saw the crystal figures of Princess Universe and Princess Moon in front of Colorful and asked, "Is this a gift for Princess Universe and Princess Moon?"

"Yes, but it's not done yet" Colorful

"It's so beautiful. Is this the same as the figure you gave us?" Twilight asked as she looked at the figure.

"Well, it's almost the same, but it's not the same set as yours. The Space Princess and Moon Princess are separate sets." Colorful

"Colorful, what's the use of the ones you gave us?" Zi Yue looked at the formations in the crystal figure in front of her, as well as some reserved formation spaces and nesting gaps, and asked,

"It's what I told you before," Cai Cai replied,

"Are those the only effects?" Zi Yue looked at Colorful and asked doubtfully,

"Yes," Colorful answered Twilight while using magic to clear away unnecessary things around the table.

"But there are many formations inside that I don't know, and the way they work is different from what you taught me before." Zi Yue looked at the figure in front of her and compared it with the figure that Cai Cai gave them before. one time,

"This, haha, that is another way to use the formation, hahaha." Hearing Ziyue say this, Colorful said with a nervous and embarrassed smile,

Ziyue looked at the somewhat nervous Colorful, then smiled and said to Colorful; "If you don't want to, forget it, I know you are good to us."

"Zi Yue, don't worry, it will only be good for you." Colorful watched Zi Yue relax with a smile in front of her, walked to Zi Yue and hugged Zi Yue and said,

What if I say that those figures are items used to turn you all into princesses?

I guess you'll think there's something wrong with my brain, and you won't believe me, so I won't say anything.

And I’m not sure whether this will be successful in the end, Colorful looked at Ziyue and thought,

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Zhenqi asked us to go to her fashion store." Ziyue let go of Colorful and looked at Colorful and said,

"Well, I don't want to go," Colorful said subconsciously after hearing what Ziyue said.

"No, you have to go. I really want to see you wearing a dress." Zi Yue smiled and looked at Colorful and said,

"Zi Yue, I noticed that you have changed. You were not like this before." Colorful said in shock as she looked at Zi Yue who said she wanted to see my women's clothes.

"Haha, okay, let's go, my little beauty." Zi Yue looked at the shocked Colorful face and pulled her out with a smile.


"Okay, close your eyes and don't look." Zhenqi walked back and looked at Rourou and Biqi and the others and said,

After coming in, Zhenqi said loudly, "Okay, you can watch."

"Haaah" Ziyue and the others made surprised sounds as they looked at the dresses made by Zhenqi in front of them.

"This is your new dress, and it's also a magical fashion." Zhenqi said with satisfaction after hearing the surprised voices of her friends.

"How does this outfit look like Applejack? It's very stylish, isn't it?" Rarity walked up to a cowboy-style outfit and said to Applejack,

This dress has a brown back and a green skirt. The skirt is also brown.

There is a row of red gems on it, and the shoes are waterproof

"And Twilight, this is made for you, do you like it? I designed each dress with a different theme based on your personality," Zhenqi pointed to a blue dress next to her and said to Twilight.

The stars on this dress are shining brightly, and the stars in the middle part of the skirt are slowly falling down to the skirt below.

There are also faint constellations twinkling, and there is a star-shaped blue-white gemstone on the collar.

"Oh, I spent a lot of time on the color matching of this dress, and it's finally done. It's really beautiful, what do you think, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash and pointed at the dress beside her and said,

This dress is in a rainbow color and has a purple gemstone on the neckline.

The entire dress seems to have a crystal-like texture, shining brightly under the sunlight.

"You must like this one, Rourou. It's really full of spring." Zhenqi walked to the side of a dress that was entirely green and said to Rourou,

This means that the streamers at the back of the dress are suspended at the back, and the small flowers on the skirt are even more like real ones.

There is a cyan gemstone on the front neckline.

"And Pinkie Pie, look, pink, your favorite," Rarity said as Pinkie Pie pointed at a dress with candies,

This dress is mainly pink, with white lace on the waist, with candy decorations and balloon patterns on it.

But these candies are carved from precious stones;

"This one is colorful and an innovative dress," Zhenqi walked to the last dress and said to Colorful,

This dress is a red dress with a white auspicious cloud pattern underneath.

The hem of the skirt has some golden formation patterns, emitting a faint golden light that extends to the top of the skirt and disappears in the middle.

"And not only that, after you put on this dress, every time you take a step, some patterns will appear around your feet," Zhenqi continued,

"For example, in Applejack, some red apples and leaves will appear.

Twilight's is a pattern of stars and constellations,

Rainbow's is some rainbow colored lightning.

Soft are some small flowers and butterflies,

Pinkie Pie's is some candies and colored paper,

Colorful is some flames and textures.”

"How about it, my dear, are everything wonderful?" After finishing speaking, Zhen Qi looked at Twilight Sparkle and said,


Zhenqi looked at Ziyue and the others who were silent and felt a little bad.

"Wow~ these..." Twilight Yue

"These are really great, Rhen Qi, what you did is so beautiful." Colorful looked at Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash who wanted to say something, and quickly interrupted them and said to Rhen Qi,

"Thank you, dear, I'm glad you like it." Zhenqi looked at Colorful and said with a smile,

Then they looked at Twilight Yue and asked with some confusion; "What's wrong, dear, don't you like it?"

"What a rarity, we like it very much" Twilight Yue,

"This dress is much cooler than I thought" Rainbow Dash

"You're right, I like it very much" Applejack,

"I like this dress very much too" Rourou,

"I really, really, really like it so much. I can't wait to wear it." Pinkie Pie took out her fireworks cannon and shouted loudly,

Colorful was a little surprised and turned to look at Zi Yue and the others beside her.

"Isn't it supposed to be that I don't like it? Why do I like it now?" Colorful thought with some confusion.

Then he turned to look at the dresses. The magic lines on the dresses were shining and the patterns on their respective dresses.

I understand why Twilight and the others like it.

"Well, it seems that Zhenqi is really proficient in the application of formations." Colorful nodded while looking at the dress and thought,

"Oh~, I'm glad you like it. This is the biggest encouragement to me." Zhenqi looked at Ziyue and the others' happy expressions and felt very happy herself.

At this time, Sui Long ran in in a hurry and said loudly and excitedly: "I'll tell you some big news. Does the fashion emperor know?"

"A super fashionista from Canterlot?" Twilight asked in confusion.

Suilong nodded and said excitedly; "He heard about your fashion show... well, I mentioned it by chance. He came all the way from Canterlot to see your work, Rarity."

"Oh, God, you can sell a lot of clothes to this guy. Your business is going to be booming," Applejack said to Rarity in surprise.



"Sui Long, thank you, dear," Zhenqi said happily as she walked up to Sui Long and kissed her.

"Wow~" Suilong was immediately dizzy after being kissed.

"Alright girls, let's hold this fashion show," Zhenqi said excitedly as she looked at Twilight Yue and the others.

"Let me help you set up the booth and let the fashion emperor give you a little magic fashion show shock." Colorful walked to Zhenqi and said with a smile,

"We're here to help," Twilight and Pinkie also came over and said,


The next night, at the entrance of the rare carousel fashion store,

"The fashion show is about to start, hurry up"

"I heard that the fashion emperor is coming"



Zhenqi looked at the ponies outside and the fashion king sitting in front of the booth from the backstage, feeling a little nervous.

"Okay Zhenqi, don't worry, you have to believe that your fashion design will be liked by the fashion emperor." Colorful walked to Zhenqi and looked at Zhenqi who was a little nervous and said,

"Yes, Zhenqi, relax," Zhenqi took a deep breath and said,

At this time, all the lights are turned off.

DJ Xiaoma turned on the background music,

Spike started into the microphone; "Since the beginning of time, elites from all walks of life in Equestria have been pursuing pony fashion that can truly express their inner and outer temperament.

They wait decades, no, centuries, to dream of the perfect pony dress,

Today, hard work pays off, the waiting is over, let us witness together,

Ponyville designer, rare, masterpiece”

After Sui Long finished his opening words, the integrated booth began to emit soft sky-blue light and stars.

It makes the entire fashion store seem to be in a starry sky.

At this time, Twilight Yue slowly walked from the depths of the hollow wearing her dress,

With every step, stars and constellations emerge beneath your feet.

After Twilight came to the front,

Apple trees began to grow. Patterns of apples and leaves appeared under Applejack's feet, and she ran out of the apple forest.

Then he tied an apple with a rope and dropped it at the front of the terrace.

At this time, candies began to fall from the sky, and the surrounding apple trees turned into white balloons at some point.

Pinkie Pie slowly floated down from the sky as a balloon, caught a candy in the air and ate it.

I jumped down from the balloon happily, and the moment I landed on the booth, a lot of candies and colored paper appeared around me.

As the colored paper fell to the ground, bright flowers grew.

In an instant, the surrounding area turned into a sea of ​​flowers, with butterflies and birds flying around.

Rourou was surrounded by butterflies, and she wanted to spread her wings and slowly walked out. With every step, flowers and butterflies appeared and danced at her feet.

After Rourou walked to the front, dark clouds began to appear above the stage, and then colorful thunder began to play. With a loud noise,

A rainbow appeared in the dark clouds, and Rainbow Dash flew out along the rainbow, drawing a gorgeous rainbow bridge in the sky.

When Rainbow Dash landed in the middle of the booth, rainbows appeared around her, clearing away all the dark clouds in the sky.

A beautiful dusk appeared in the sky, showing fire burning in the sky,

Colorfully walking out in the dusk, every step is filled with flame and golden textures. These textures are very similar to the texture of burning clouds.

"Wow, so beautiful" all the ponies

"It's so pretty" all the ponies

"Wow" all the ponies

"These are so great, so unbelievable. Who made these? Come forward and show up quickly," the fashion emperor said loudly and excitedly,

At this time, Zhenqi walked out of the booth wearing a gorgeous dress.

Accompanied by golden auspicious clouds and red ribbon-like rainbow light, as well as slow-moving jewelry crystals,

Every step is accompanied by crystals and auspicious clouds.

"Wow, wow, so beautiful, one more," the fashion king shouted excitedly.

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much, thank you very much," Rarity said, looking at the ponies around her and her friends behind her.


After the fashion show, in the rare fashion store,

"Zhenqi, I sincerely congratulate you on your first fashion show, which has achieved such a great success." The fashion emperor looked at Zhenqi and said sincerely,

"By the way, can you let me send your high-end fashion designs to my top boutique boutique in Canterlot?" The fashion emperor looked at Zhenqi and said,

Zhenqi looked at the fashion emperor excitedly,

"Then, please make me a dozen of each dress before next Tuesday."

"Ah" Zhenqi looked at the fashion emperor in shock,


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