My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 40 Come on, let’s hurt each other

The sun is shining, spring is blooming,

There is laughter and laughter everywhere,

Except for a certain pony,

"Um, Zhenqi, do you have to find me?" Colorful stood on a display stand,

Wearing a rare and unfinished dress,

"Of course, dear, you are my royal model." Zhenqi held a caliper and needle and thread, measuring the style of the dress.

"And your figure is really suitable for being a model. The perfect body proportions make Xiaoma envious." Zhenqi said with envy while measuring the colorful size with a tape measure.

"My dear, can you tell me how you maintain and exercise?" Zhenqi recorded the data and asked curiously, looking into his colorful eyes.

"Haha, this is natural," Colorful replied with embarrassment looking at Zhenqi, whose eyes were almost shining.

I didn't expect it to have such an effect. It is true that I am either eating or sleeping every day. I really haven't gained weight or anything like that.

"Okay." Zhenqi was a little disappointed, but quickly put it behind her and continued to design her own dresses.

"However, the exercises you practice will also keep your health in the best condition," Colorful said, looking at the somewhat disappointed Zhenqi.

"Really?" Zhenqi looked at Colorful in surprise and asked,

"Of course, this is just a small side effect of the exercise. In addition to this, there are many beneficial effects on the body." Colorful nodded and confirmed,

"Zhenqi, are you making a dress for some party now?" Colorful asked with some confusion as he looked at the unfinished dress on his body.

"Haha, dear, have you forgotten? The Universe Princess invited us to the galloping galloping celebration. We must wear formal clothes to attend the celebration." Zhenqi looked at the design drawings and said to Colorful with a smile,

"Oh~, Thousands of Horses Galloping Celebration, I would have forgotten this even if you didn't tell me," Cai Caicai remembered after hearing what Zhenqi said,

It's been a long time, and I've forgotten a little bit.

"Ouch~ Zhenqi, the needle stuck into my butt." Colorful, who was thinking about the celebration, suddenly felt some pain in his butt.

"Haha, I'm sorry for Colorful, but don't move too distractedly, I'll prick you," Zhenqi said with an embarrassed smile.

"Okay, I won't move," Cai Cai took a deep breath and said,


bang bang

Applejack opened the door to Rarity's house and said loudly, "Hello, Rarity."

"Shh, don't you see that Rarity is concentrating on her work?" Twilight said softly while holding Applejack's mouth.

Twilight looked at Colorful who was standing on the booth in a dress and whispered, "Oh, Colorful, you are here. I thought you went to the Candy House to eat cakes."

Colorful rolled her eyes at Ziyue but said nothing, fearing that she would be pricked by the needle again.

"What do you think they are doing?" Applejack walked up behind Rarity and looked at Colorful. She wanted to laugh, but she held it back and asked.

"It seems like they are making clothes." Twilight Yue also said it deliberately, looking at the colorful and rare things, holding back her laughter.

"That's right, this is where clothes are made, haha" Applejack said following Twilight Sparkle's words,

Then in the end, she couldn't hold it in any longer, and Applejack burst out laughing.

Looking at Applejack laughing, Colorful couldn't hold back and used magic to freeze Applejack.

Then put a gorgeous dress made of rare things directly on Apple,

"It makes you laugh, but Applejack, you look really beautiful in the dress." Colorful looked at Applejack in the dress and smiled with satisfaction and said,

Come on, let's hurt each other,

I remember you don’t like wearing dresses, especially gorgeous dresses.

Applejack tried hard to break free, but it was no use. She couldn't move.

Then he looked at Colorful with an expression that said I was wrong and said, "Colorful, I was wrong, I won't laugh at you anymore."

Rarity couldn't bear it anymore and was a little angry, but when she turned her head, she looked at Twilight Sparkle and Applejack in a dress with a gentle smile and said, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Zhenqi, I want to ask you to do a small favor." Zi Yue looked at Zhenqi and said embarrassedly,

Then he took out a red dress from his backpack and put it on the table and said;

"Can you order a button for me? This is my dress for the galloping galloping celebration."

Zhenqi looked at the old red dress that Twilight took out, and heard that Twilight said she wanted to wear this dress to attend the Galloping Horses Festival,

Zhen Qi's eyes were full of shock, and he looked at Zi Yue in disbelief and said, "No, no, no, Zi Yue, you can't wear such old clothes."

"If you want to prepare a new outfit for the celebration, I will make it for you. No problem at all. This is my honor." Zhenqi shook her head, looked at Twilight with a smile and said,

"Ah, you are so polite Zhenqi, but I can't let you do this. It would be too troublesome. This one is also very good." Twilight said with some embarrassment as she watched Zhenqi finish making herself a new dress. ,

"Please Twilight, I want to make you a new dress." Zhenqi looked at Twilight with a "leave it to me" expression and said.

"But" Zi Yue looked at Zhen Qi in confusion,

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear you say no" Zhenqi covered Twilight Yue's mouth with her hoof, looked at Twilight Yue seriously and said,

"Since you said so, thank you for being so generous, Zhenqi. With the dress you made, I will definitely look very beautiful." Ziyue said a little embarrassed,

Rarity watched Twilight agree, then turned to look at Applejack who was taking off her dress after Colorful had just unlocked her body-holding spell.

Looking left, right, and up, Rarity looked at Applejack with such an expression and said, "Let me guess, Applejack, you don't have a new dress either, do you?"

"A dress? I plan to wear my work clothes." Applejack took off her dress and looked at Rarity and said,

"Ah~, you can't be serious, Applejack. At least you have to wear formal clothes to participate in the celebration." Rarity looked at the serious-looking Applejack in surprise and said,

Applejack looked at Rarity, touched her chin with her hoof, and thought,

"Then, what if I just spruce up your outfit?" Rarity said, looking at Applejack who was thinking about it.

Applejack thought for a moment and thought it was okay, then she saw Colorful standing behind her on the stand wearing an unfinished dress,

Show a warm smile,

"Okay, but Colorful has to wear a skirt to attend the celebration," Applejack said, looking at Colorful with a smile.

"What?" Colorful looked at Applejack in shock,

"Haha, what a great idea Applejack, I'll prepare a dress for Colorful together," Rarity looked at Applejack and said with a smile,

"Hey, Zhenqi, that's a galloping celebration, are you sure?" Colorful looked at Applejack and Zhenqi in shock and said,

"Of course, my dear, you are so beautiful, it would be a pity not to wear a dress, and we all want to see you wearing a dress to participate. Do you think it is Twilight?" Rhen Qi said with a smile,

Twilight looked at Colorful and imagined for a moment, Colorful's reaction at that time, it seemed that it was quite pretty and interesting.

He looked at Colorful with some embarrassment and said with a smile: "Well, I actually want to see it too."

"..." Colorful opened his mouth and looked at Ziyue in shock,

"But Rarity, don't make it too flashy." Applejack looked at Colorful and raised her eyebrows, then said to Rarity,

"Deal," Rarity said to Applejack with a smile.

At this moment, a loud voice came from above; "Be careful down there."

Then I saw Rainbow Dash smashing through the ceiling and falling down, bouncing twice on the floor.

Then he crashed towards Colorful, and crashed into the pile of models at the end with Colorful.

Rainbow Dash stood up from a pile of fabrics with an iron bucket on her head and looked at Rarity and said, "Sorry, I haven't practiced the new move yet."

After saying that, he looked at the fabric on his body and laughed sheepishly.

"I'm inspired. Let me make you a dress to wear at the celebration." Zhenqi said, looking at the fabrics of various colors hanging on her body.

Rainbow Dash held an iron bucket on her head, looked around, looked at Zhenqi with some confusion and said, "What are you wearing?"

"I'm going to make it for you, for you. Everypony has one, oh, and of course Pinkie Pie and Rourou. When I finish it, you can have your own fashion show." Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash and Rouge excitedly. Twilight and the others,

"Rarity, you can let me wear it, but Applejack's dress must be more flashy." Colorful pushed Rainbow Dash away from her, looked at Applejack seriously and said to Rarity,

Applejack and Colorful both looked at each other with squinted eyes.

(Come on, let's hurt each other,) colorful

(Come on) Applejack

(Hahaha) Colorful and Applejack

Rarity looked at Colorful and Applejack, a little confused, but still looked at Applejack with a questioning expression.

"No problem." Applejack hesitated for a moment, but looking at Colorful's eyes with raised eyebrows, she said with certainty in an instant,

Twilight looked helplessly at Applejack and Colorful, but didn't say anything.

Instead, he looked at Zhenqi and said with some worry; "Zhenqi, it is indeed a good idea, but can you handle it?"

"Well, this takes some effort, but it can be regarded as an advertisement for my store, and besides, I'm happy." Rarity used magic to remove the fabrics from the shelves and said with a smile to Twilight,

"I just like to be happy." Although Rainbow Dash didn't know what happened, she still said with a smile while holding the bucket.

"Then it's settled, I'll hold a fashion show, and you all will be my models." Zhenqi put the fabric on the workbench and said happily,

"Rarity, if that's the case, aren't you going to make... plus yourself, aren't you going to make seven original and beautiful dresses, and the speed is even faster?" Applejack walked over to Rarity and saw that she had already started working. Zhenqi said worriedly,

"Oh~ Hahaha, Applejack. It's actually not as difficult as you think," Rarity said to Applejack with a smile.

[Sewing clothes with stitches and threads]

[Twilight Sparkle's dress]

[Cut and cut to create a paper pattern]

[Lay the fabric again]



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