Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 389 District Chief, we are back


Kraken is everywhere.

You must know that in the elemental environment of the wave, the Kraken's combat power is at least three times that of a normal mage of the same level. Coupled with the interference of the earthquake, there is a huge gap in the number of combat power between the two sides. The current shrinkage speed of the block defense line can only be Count in seconds.

"Shimada team lost contact, and the main road in the 24th block was completely destroyed!"

"Miyamoto's team was killed, and the right alley of the 24th block was completely occupied!"


The temporary dispatch teams organized by the several major blocks continued to provide feedback on the battlefield situation, and bad news came one after another, finally announcing the fall of the 24th Block.

The sacrifices of more than a dozen teams, the uncertainty of life and death of dozens of teams, and the confirmed death of hundreds of people have begun to weaken everyone's fighting spirit.

They are not military mages to begin with, and have not received professional ideological education in the military. What has always supported them in fighting is not honor and responsibility, but a full desire to survive.

So when death became so cheap, they began to waver.

Finally, someone no longer cared about the safety of his teammates and retreated to the rear. He even let his teammates become a stepping stone for his escape and became the prey of the siren.

Once an individual case appears, it is impossible to prevent it from being eliminated, it can only spread without limit!

The hunters in the district team no longer obeyed the orders of their superiors meticulously, and began to retreat desperately, fear filling everyone's eyes.

But the more this happens, the less it will make the situation better. Fear will only intensify the wave's offensive and make the Kraken more unscrupulous.

Human fear is their best war song!

The situation of defeat is irreversible.


The district chief of District 20 released another high-level thunder magic, and the thunderstorm death ray once again alleviated the Kraken offensive in a large area.

At the same time, with the help of several high-level colleagues, he severely injured a leader of the Kraken, even though they had sacrificed three high-level mages before.

And his magic power was finally exhausted, and he could only retreat temporarily.

"What's the situation in other neighborhoods now?" The district chief casually pulled a piece of white gauze to wrap the lacerated wound on his arm, but was not affected by the severe pain at all.

"According to the remaining wired communications, the wave has already poured into the inner city area. All major blocks are fighting the Kraken. Even the blocks with the lowest intensity of the Kraken have at least two leaders sitting in command."

The district chief of the 20th District listened to the report from his subordinates. He had finished bandaging his hands and showed no surprise on his face.

"Yes." The district chief of the 20th District listened to his subordinate's reply and looked at the battlefield ahead.

Another group of fleeing hunters was broken through by a leader-level sea beast, and was torn apart and eaten alive in an instant without even a single scream.

But the hell-like battlefield did not cause any disturbance in him. It only made his brows become more serious.

"Everyone retreat to twenty blocks."

He had thought about the defeat. After all, he was in charge of these district mages. As the district chief, he knew best what they were like.

I just didn't expect this scene to happen so quickly, and I didn't even wait for the troops to arrive and take their positions.

But since this is the case, we can only give up the blocks after twenty blocks.

It's just that this retreat may be another period of bloodshed...

The district chief shook his head and sighed slightly.


The dispatch team personnel immediately issued the order after receiving it.

The battle has reached this point, and the broadcasting system has basically been completely destroyed by the Kraken. All orders can only be issued by the most primitive means - musical magic or signal flares.

But fortunately, Donghai City is very well prepared in this regard. Both the phonetic mage and the traditional communication methods are relatively sound, so the orders can be transmitted extremely quickly.

After receiving the order, the hunters from the district team retreated more decisively, fearing that one or two would run too slowly and become a stepping stone for others.

But the casualties did not slow down as everyone retreated. On the contrary, they died faster without the resistance of the mage!

The souls of the mages were massacred, and the eyes of the sea monsters were red.

The district chief looked at the desperate scene where blood, water, flesh, and mud merged into waves of filth. His teeth were so gritty that they were about to break, and his eyes were full of hatred.

But the commander-level demons in the 20th block have spent most of his magic energy, and he has no fighting power at this moment.

Rather than risking death, assisting in dispatching from behind is the most sensible and useful way.

But this feeling is so frustrating!

Five minutes have passed, but military support has still not arrived. It is said that the 15th Block has just received military support.

From this point of view, even if the military rushes with all its strength, it may still take several minutes to reach the 20th Block amid an earthquake and wave of this magnitude.

He could foresee that, if nothing unexpected happened, these would be the darkest minutes for everyone.

Thinking of this, he didn't want to sit back and watch for the rest of the time, and he couldn't do it.

Even if he is no longer able to participate in the commander-level battle, killing one more general and one more slave may save the life of one more person or even one more team.

And just when he was about to join the battle again, he suddenly felt a familiar and thick water elemental breath suddenly appear not far behind.

Not only that, there is even an extremely domineering thunder surging under this water element aura!

Such a familiar combination!

This familiar power!

next moment.

The dark, foggy sky turned into black and white in an instant, directly covering a small half of the 20th Street Block.

Black and white thunderclouds blended together, and thunder exploded!


"Light and Dark Thunder Seed!"

"Silent Thunder Death Light!"

A shout sounded from behind. It was not loud, but it could pass through all the noise of the battle and flow into everyone's ears.


Everyone in the 20th block noticed the black and white scene above, and many people recognized the owner of the magic in just a moment!

next moment.

Thunder calamity falls!

The black and white thunder river turned into thousands of strands of thunder snakes, striking hard at all the sea monsters within the range!



The screams were not frequent, only a few sporadic ones, and they couldn't cover up the thunder!

Because slaves can turn into ashes in a moment, and generals can only hold out for a short while, only the commander has the right to wail in pain!

The pressure on the main road battlefield that was originally supported by the accumulation of human lives and coolies suddenly dropped greatly, and even the rampant leader Siren had to temporarily avoid the edge.

The district chief of District 20 looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. This time, even without looking behind him, he knew who was coming.

It can only be them!

I didn’t expect them to come back again!

Although they don’t know how they knew that such a situation would occur at the time, they also informed everyone who passed by, even if they encountered obstacles everywhere.

As outsiders, they have already done their duty. Even if they stand behind the battlefield and watch, no one can kidnap them from the moral perspective afterwards.

"District Chief, we are back!"


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