Versatile Mage: Heavy Water Overwhelms the World

Chapter 388 The wave is coming! The neighborhood is lost!


Donghai City.

Block 27.

The monstrous wave passed over the outermost short embankment of Donghai City like a tsunami, and the whitening spray stirred up huge waves more than ten meters high.

The wave is coming!

Being one of the neighborhoods closest to the coastline. The raging tide has engulfed this area, and the seawater has flooded the streets and alleys. Gravel, garbage, and floating algae are scattered everywhere.

Monsters of different shapes were rising and falling in the turbid water, and there were even a few smaller sea monkey monsters crawling into the building.

Not a single human being could be seen in the entire twenty-seventh block. The earthquake and waves had completely turned this area into a paradise for demons, making it a real no-man's land.

The district team mages who were originally stationed here have long since disappeared. Most of them left when the earthquake alarm first sounded.

After all, the operation of evacuating to the rear blocks was already part of their muscle memory. This time, many people even evacuated even more decisively because of the earthquake.

But fortunately they evacuated early enough before the earthquake intensified, and in the end not many people died under the first wave of the wave.

But that's all.

As the earthquake intensified, the earth elements in the earth became increasingly chaotic.

Elementary and mid-level mages with weak control over the earth element can no longer even release earth magic stably, and only high-level earth magicians can barely avoid being affected.

This also caused most of the teams to be forced to slow down their retreat by the violent earthquake without the help of the earth mage to stabilize the ground under their feet, and were unable to retreat to the blocks further back.


Twentieth Street.

This is the furthest point that most district team mages can currently retreat to.

At this moment, the 20th block and the three surrounding blocks were overcrowded, and there was almost a group of hunters scattered in every street and building.

The wave has not reached here yet.

In order to avoid damage caused by the collapse of buildings due to subsequent earthquakes, a few high-level earth mages joined forces with plant mages and ice mages to reinforce all remaining buildings.

Although there are many people here at the moment, there is not much noise.

Even though everyone heard the broadcast from the military headquarters just now, they were not as frightened as the hunters at the back of the block. After all, they had no time to escape even if they wanted to.

Therefore, they adjusted quickly. Everyone's attention was focused on the direction of the sea in the distance, and the atmosphere was solemn.



That is the sound of the sea water lapping, the roar of the rolling waves!

The sound coming from a distance gradually became clearer and more obvious, and one could even see the black sea monster beast approaching more and more!

It would only take a minute at most for the wave to arrive here.


The entire Donghai City was shaken by the earthquake, as if their future was uncertain. Only with the support of the army could they have a chance of survival.

"Attention everyone! The army will arrive in five minutes. Please go all out. I will accompany you to fight until the last moment!"

This is the mayor of the 20th District. That powerful voice sounded in the four blocks at the same time, inspiring everyone's heart.

five minutes!

Just hold on for five minutes!

If they can get support from the military, they will no longer be abandoned losers and have hope of survival!


The demon in the distance has already appeared, roaring on the waves.

The mages of the district team at the forefront began the battle. Star trails were dazzling, and spells were overwhelmed.

But when the colorful magic hit the dark wave, it couldn't splash any waves and couldn't get any feedback.

There are too many monsters...

Sea Monkey Monster, Red Ling Demon, White Weeping Demon...

There are even many deformed monsters that cannot be named, and they are squeezing over in patches, like locusts passing through the border!


Someone had already been swallowed by the wave. Only a scream could be heard, and then they were instantly submerged by the wave, and there was no more sound.

But the streets crowded with mages have no way to retreat. Even if the demons attack, they can only be buried with their bodies. At this moment, the casualties have become a series of numbers that will only keep rising!

This is the cruelty of war and the irreconcilable contradiction between humans and monsters!

next moment.

A flash of purple light rose into the sky!

It was the mayor of the 20th district who started describing magic after the broadcast.

He really took the lead!

Powerful thunder fluctuations came from a building in the 20th block, and a bright thunder constellation stood proudly!

Spring-like thunder and lightning wrapped around his thick arm, and terrifying thunder elements gathered in the palm of his hand!

"Silent Thunder Death Light!"


Accompanied by the district chief's angry shout, the thunderstorm's death ray was like a wild horse, ejected in an instant, heading straight towards the sea monster wave in the distance!

All of a sudden.

The death light of the thunderstorm directly illuminated a place at the forefront of the wave like a thunderstorm of heavenly punishment, illuminating the sea monsters. The opponent's green eyes reflected the thunder light!


The thunderstorm was coming in an instant, and the dancing thunder and lightning exploded covering the area, and the chain of thunder arcs exploded on each sea monster.


Countless screams followed one after another, and the fishy smell of the sea monster's blood spread instantly.

High-level mages are already the best among the mages, and they have gradually gained the ability to influence the battle situation.

As the legal system that best represents destruction, the thunder system can naturally shoulder the heavy responsibility!

This high-level thunderstorm struck, killing at least dozens of sea monsters, and also blocked the partial attack of the wave.

This attack by the District 20 Chief undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale of everyone, and also became the clarion call for the high-level mages in the four major blocks on the human side to counterattack.

"Ghost Wood Hand!"

Block 21.

A burst of emerald green starlight shone, and then a tree vine with roots as thick as an ancient tree in the sky whipped up.

The thorny tree vine was whipped down at will, and several slave warriors were whipped to pieces!

And the other side.

Block 22.

A soaring flame ignited in this dull water environment, and the terrifying high temperature raised the temperature of the entire area!

"Tianyan Funeral!"

The brilliant flaming cloud eventually turned into countless flames and rained down, rushing straight towards the wave siren below.


Waves of white mist floated up, and patches of sea monsters' scales were scorched and peeled off. Even a large area of ​​sea water boiled and became a monster-free zone!

The high-level mages are working hard, and the mid-level mages and junior mages are also working hard!


"The left lane is lost!"

"The water level in Block 23 is too high! All personnel are ready to evacuate!"

"A commander-level sea monster appeared on the main street of the 20th block! Requesting support!!"

Everyone is doing their best in their own way, resisting the invasion of the waves and fighting for every precious second!


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