Tomie sat on the tatami, Keita rested on his lap, and covered the child's forehead with his palms. The spiritual energy helped him isolate all the evil spirits around him.

The woman was still crying, and the man sat beside him without saying a word.

Tomie remembered what Hoshikuma Doji said, people's emotions can influence people's thoughts, so don't miss it when others show emotions that are beneficial to you.

"How long do you want me to wait? Delaying time won't help you." Fu Jiang made a gesture of leaving again.

"That monster is coming for my Danna." The woman covered her mouth with tears still hanging on her face. She covered half of her face with her sleeves. She carefully peeked at her husband and continued when he saw that he didn't stop her.

"I don't know what his reasons are, but he often came to my house when I married my husband. At that time, he was still an ugly boy..."

As the woman's narration began, it seemed that this was an ugly boy who longed for friendship, so he kept pestering a human who rarely showed some warmth to him when he was a boy.

"He has been a monster since he was a child. At that time, he was not as ugly as he is now. I first talked to him out of sympathy." The man interjected next to him.

Tomi Jiang looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

After the man opened his mouth, he seemed to lose his persistence. "He is narrow-minded. He will catch a cat in a fishing village just because it eats his fish, scald it with boiling water, and not kill it. He must torture it slowly..."

Fu Jiang frowned, feeling a hint of malice.

Disgust appeared on the man's face, "I have felt that he is no longer human since very early. He stopped growing up when he turned sixteen, but he still pesters me. I don't want to get married because I don't want to scare him." My wife didn’t want to continue dating with him, so he began to threaten my wife and started bullying my children after my children were born..."

Tomie didn't say anything. He picked up the child and stepped on the ground. A piece of spiritual energy crystal appeared on the tatami. A powerful barrier spread from that barrier to block the house.

The barrier needs to be maintained by strength at all times, which is why it is necessary to prepare fortresses for the Oeyama barrier, and why Kyoto directly uses the four major shrines as fortresses. The barrier on Tomie's body can be maintained because he can circulate spiritual power by himself. Occasionally, the barrier given to Kamo Ga-ryu or Hoshikama Doji can only block a single blow.

"I will verify the story you told. Until then, this barrier will protect you. Until I come back, no one can attack." Fujiang hugged the child and walked around them to go to the door.

The story they told was different from what Tomie knew. Again, a kind-hearted mother-in-law with Alzheimer's disease would forget everyone she met every day, but she still remembered an ugly child who liked to eat fish cakes and cared about her. Help him make friends.

"Master Onmyoji!" The couple looked at him nervously, wanting to follow but not daring to speak. The expressions on their faces were full of helplessness, and they even wanted to reach out and grab his clothes.

The barrier that surrounds Fu Jiang at all times prevents anyone from touching him without his permission.

"Don't worry, I will take action after I verify that you are not telling lies." Fujiang held the child with a calm expression and watched the two of them slowly retreat.

The door, which was nailed up and sealed with wooden boards, softened like a door curtain and Fujiang easily got out, then returned to its original state.

The couple excitedly rushed to the door. The door had returned to its original state. The couple was confined to their home by their own sealed door. Indeed, they could not hear the constant knocking on the door. But even so, they did not have the courage to dismantle the wooden planks and walk out.

Fujiang's face was heavy, and the unconscious child was very heavy. It was very difficult to hold him up. Let me emphasize again, he was physically weak.

Star Bear Boy who was waiting nearby came over and helped him take the child from his hands.

"Where's Prajna?" Fujiang handed the child to him who had fallen out of his hands, took out his own divine mask and put it on.

"Brother Kamo went to my mother-in-law's house to keep an eye on it. I'm not sure where it is now, but at least it's not here with us." Hoshikuma Doji explained the current situation. Then I also felt the heat from the child in my arms that was beyond ordinary people. "This kid has a fever?"

"Yeah." Fu Jiang nodded.

After some thought, he relayed the story he heard from the couple at Keita's house to Hoshikuma Doji.

After hearing this, Hoshikuma Doji did not directly analyze it. Instead, he asked him: "Do you believe it?"

Of course Fu Jiang shook his head, "At least the mother-in-law won't think he is a bad boy. Before we were pulled into the sea, she asked us to go the next day. You see, when he comes back, he will go to her first."

Even Prajna himself knew that his mother-in-law would probably not remember the agreement he made with Fu Jiang, but he went anyway.

When Fujiang arrived after Prajna, what his mother-in-law said was: ‘Your friend is already here. ’

That must be because this is how Prajna introduced himself to his mother-in-law. ‘I am a friend of Blue Bird. ’

Hoshikuma Doji had a smile on his face that reflected the behavior of a grown-up child, "Humans can lie."'

Fu Jiang immediately looked at him, his eyes showing evil.

"Okay." Under Tomie's eyes, Star Bear Boy compromised, "It is instinct for intelligent creatures to prefer themselves when facing danger."

Fujiang nodded in agreement with his words, but started to have a headache again, "Then what is the truth?"

"Making up lies also requires a foundation. You can believe that they are telling part of the truth." Hoshikuma Doji stretched his head and pointed forward with his chin. “As for judgment, it’s not about first hearing the story from someone who has nothing to do with it.”

In front of the house where they temporarily lived stood the captain who had brought them.

The captain came over immediately when he saw the child they were holding, "What's wrong, Mrs. Qing?"

"He had a fever, but his parents stayed at home because they were afraid. I took him out for treatment." Tomie explained.

The captain ran away from Star Bear Boy's arms with a distressed look on his face.

Feeling the warmth from Keita's body, a little anger appeared on his face: "That selfish couple!"

Hoshikuma Doji took the opportunity and said, "Huh? That couple seems to care about their child very much. We all worked hard to bring Keita out."

The captain, who was overwhelmed with anger for a moment, said angrily: "They deliberately did not send Qingtai out for treatment. They were afraid that Qingtai, who is also the owner of the house, would accidentally invite the child!"

Fu Jiang looked at him in shock.

After noticing Tomie's reaction, the captain immediately shut up, and he also realized that he was talking too much.

Hoshikuma Doji gave Tomie an expected look, with a little pride, and then immediately changed it to a surprised expression, and said in a surprised tone: "How could it be possible? They clearly said it was because the monster could You wouldn’t dare to let Keita out unless you hurt the child, and that monster has also hurt children many times..."

"After doing something like that, how could they still say such things!" The captain seemed to be irritated by such words and became even more angry, with an expression as if there were such shameless people in the world.

Tomi Jiang also realized that this person was also one of the insiders. He quickly looked at Hoshikuma Doji, waiting for him to continue talking.

Hoshikuma Doji smiled at him and said nothing, as if he didn't understand his hint.

Fujiang had no choice but to say: "They said Panda did a lot of bad things, and they would torture and kill cats in particularly cruel ways since they were young."

Tomie said while still observing the captain's expression.

There was unspeakable anger on his expression. "Master Onmyoji, you must not listen to their lies."

It can indeed prove Tomie's guess, Hoshikuma Doji's analysis is correct.

That couple still told lies at this point.

They were already sitting in the house they had recently rented.

The captain busily brought a basin and carefully wiped Qingtai behind his ears, armpits and soles of his feet with a cold water towel. He covered him with a thick quilt, washed and wrung the towel and put it on the child's forehead.

Tomie is very patient. He wants to hear what kind of person Prajna is from the captain's mouth.

The captain was very calm, sitting there as if not ready to say anything.

Fu Jiang had no choice but to take the initiative: "In the past few days, I have come into contact with the child you mentioned, and I have been getting along with him for a while."

He was also hinting to the captain that he had disappeared in the past few days. It is to stay with Prajna.

After the captain looked up at him, he expressed his opinion: "At least in my opinion, I don't believe what the couple said."

The captain nodded slightly.

"But you also know that the main purpose of our Onmyoji is to eliminate demons. If you are not willing to tell me the cause and effect, then I have to..." Tomie began to give him negative hints, which happened to be what Hoshikuma Doji taught him, using Human feelings.

The captain is obviously partial to Prajna, and everyone can see this.

Hoshikuma Doji suppressed the urge to laugh out loud.

Tomie has now gone through this period of experience and speaks freely without caring about whether he has discredited Onmyoji.

As the two expected, the expression on the captain's face became anxious.

He immediately looked at Tomi Jiang nervously, showing strong emotions, "We agreed to just expel!"

Fu Jiang looked at him, not knowing how to respond.

"We are not the usual Onmyoji who kill monsters when they see them." Hoshikuma Doji said to help him, drawing the captain's attention to him.

Tomie looked at him and continued to press: "Everything in the world has a cause and effect. If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price. I don't care about monsters that can coexist with humans, but if they can't, I will."

The captain looked at his serious expression and finally spoke after several struggles.

"That child was supposed to be my brother's son."

Fu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, finally having a breakthrough.

Of course, the captain's brother is also a fisherman, but he yearns for a life outside the fishing village.

He left the village in his early years while still young. I want to fight outside.

But in this era, the children of nobles will still be nobles, the children of merchants will still be merchants, the children of samurai will still be samurai, and the children of fishermen can only be fishermen.

Of course, the captain's brother has always been in trouble. He has been wandering outside for many years. No one knows how much effort he has put in. They can only see him driving a beautiful and big new ship and returning with his beautiful wife.

The brother's wife was more beautiful than all the women in the fishing village, even more beautiful than the lord's wife he happened to see.

The reputation of such beauty was only spread among villages at first, but then it spread to places other than fishing villages without realizing it.

People from other places outside the island began to come to the island to see the beauty of my sister-in-law.

The village also prospered in tourism for a period of time for this reason.

It is human nature to love beauty, and it is also human nature to be attracted by lust.

Such beauty eventually brought disaster.

There were people constantly communicating with the captain's brother, wanting to offer him wealth in exchange for having sex with his wife, or simply buying his wife.

No man would agree to such a ridiculous request.

But powerful people never lack means.

In the end, the man encountered a huge storm when he went fishing. Although the crew members returned safely, they claimed that the waves were too big and overturned the fishing boat. Although they tried to rescue him, the man was still unfortunately injured. When it reached my waist, I could only lie in bed, and it became difficult to have food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The family, which was originally considered prosperous in the village, gradually became difficult because of the loss of its main labor force.

What's even worse is that there are other guys in the village who are bribed with money.

Women have to go out to work because they have to support their families.

Such people would sit in front of their house and keep saying some obscene words to the man who was lying in bed and unable to move.

Maybe he believed those rumors, or maybe he felt that he was dragging his wife down. When his wife went out to work one time, the man pushed over the oil lamp and burned himself to death.

It is already very difficult for a woman, and people who are truly malicious to her continue to offer her an olive branch of wealth.

Even so, the woman still did not give in. The reason was simple: she found out that she was pregnant.

Her body is getting heavier and heavier, and even a simple job is a very serious burden for him, but even so, she is still full of expectations for her future life.

The lord who repeatedly showed his kindness was rejected time and time again.

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore. Breaking into the village one night, a large number of men stopped the villagers and forcibly tortured the women.

At dawn, he left some money and left.

Word spread about this, and wealthy and powerful men in the neighborhood followed suit.

The village wanted to help, but there was nothing they could do in the face of power.

Under the double torture of body and heart, the woman who was still pregnant with the child suddenly grew horns on her forehead.

After the woman killed everyone who had harmed her family, she left the child she finally gave birth to in the fishing village one morning without a trace.

Xingxiong Dozi's face was solemn: "Is he the human son born after his mother turned into a ghost?"

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