Tomi Jiang looked around, then leaned into his ear mysteriously.

Seeing his appearance, Prajna couldn't control his curiosity and put his ear to him in cooperation.

"You really don't know what this mask represents."

Prajna withdrew and looked at him expressionlessly.

Tomi Jiang chuckled and sat upright.

The guy in front of me said that he was not an Onmyoji, so he was not lying, but his power was not fake. He was so strong that he could even bully a sea monster. He was definitely not an ordinary person. When he left the Dragon Palace, he said to Long Ji, Give her three things. If necessary, you can go to the shrine in Kyoto to find him. That is the priest.

Prajna asked him: "Are you a priest?"

Fu Jiang smiled even more happily, "I'll try my best if you lend me your good words."

Leave school early and become a priest.

Prajna couldn't help but frown, "Then why do you say that you are an Onmyoji? You can't show off your identity as a priest?"

How to explain this matter, because Kamo Garu has resentment towards Onmyoji? Because he still has to avoid monsters to a large extent. Because Hoshikuma Doji is a gangster, does he just make a mistake?

Seeing no response from Tomie, Hannya could not help but think wrongly, and there was already a guard on his face that could be seen through at a glance. "You must be worshiping the evil god and trying to trick the villagers into offering sacrifices, right?"

Tomie looked at him, so how on earth did such a young man who would worry about him cheating his villagers turn himself into a hannya.

Unable to get a response from Fu Jiang, the expression on Hannya's face gradually turned anxious, "You don't really want to deceive the sacrifice, do you?"

Fu Jiang didn't want to pay attention to him anymore, got up and walked out, preparing to leave.

He suddenly couldn't bear to dig out information from Prajna. If Prajna told the sad things himself, it would irritate him. Although he would like to watch the fun and listen to stories, he also knows the limits.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Even if he didn't get Fujiang's answer, this guy looked like he was ready to do something.

"Don't worry, I worship the True God." Tomie waved his hand. Although he didn't know which god he worshiped, he walked around and visited all the shrines he stayed at. There must be no problem in saying so.

"Hey, where are you going?" Prajna saw that he was almost walking past the kitchen, stood up, and then sat back down.

"I feel like I've been here for a long time, so I decided to make a quick decision." Tomi Jiang said this and walked to the kitchen door.

My mother-in-law, who had been in a daze in the kitchen for a while, slowly looked up when she heard the movement. The moment she saw him, she was stunned and immediately put on a smile, "The little blue bird is here, sit down quickly, I will make fish cakes for you."

Even though he knew she couldn't see it, Fu Jiang still smiled at her: "Mother-in-law, I have a friend coming over. Can you help me entertain him first?"

"Has the little blue bird made friends?" The mother-in-law came over with a face filled with surprise and trembling steps, "Take me to see her quickly."

Tomie helped her walk back to the tatami where she had just been sitting, and Hannya was about to get up.

Prajna's face was full of confusion.

Fu Jiang introduced enthusiastically: "Mother-in-law, this is a friend I just met."

"That's great, that's great." The mother-in-law stretched out her hand to Prajna happily, and held Prajna's hand with her wrinkled hand. She was moved as expected: "Thank you for being friends with the little blue bird."

Prajna was held by her mother-in-law's hand and sat beside the fire pit, constantly inquiring about Prajna's information.

Prajna could not treat her mother-in-law rudely, so she watched helplessly as the obviously very conspicuous guy slowly left the house.

Seeing Tomie step out of the house, Kamo Galiu, who was standing at the corner, came over to greet him.

Tomie looked around the corner, and Hoshikuma Doji was still standing behind the corner. He was still waiting for Tomie. Only a piece of his clothes could be seen from this side of the wall.

Tomie walked over quickly, and just as he imagined, Hoshikuma Doji was standing there. He immediately showed a gentle smile when he saw him.

Xingxiong asked him: "How's it going? Is it going well?"

Fu Jiang shook his head.

"Hey~ It's rare for me to praise you for your progress." Star Bear Boy turned around and walked slowly in front.

Tomie followed him. Judging from Hoshikuma Doji's reaction, he must have guessed that he would reach this point, so now he would just wait for Hoshikuma Doji to help him finish it off.

Kamo Garu followed behind them.

"The monster is in there, isn't it? Where are you going now?" Kamoga-ryu was used to following these two children without any thought, and to be honest, he found that Tomie didn't follow Hoshi without any thought. No shame.

"Let's go to Keita's house." Tomie wasn't sure, but that was at least Prajna's target. Prajna itself cannot be used as a breakthrough, just use its purpose as a breakthrough.

"That family is not a soft-spoken person." Others in the village were fine, but Keita's family firmly believed that Hannya would do something to them. Under such circumstances, they were unwilling to let go even when faced with someone who could ask for help.

"It doesn't matter, people can be strong under pressure, but it's difficult to remain strong in happiness." Hoshikuma Doji had a trademark smile on his face.

Now even Kamo Ga-ryu knows that when he smiles like this, it means he has a bad idea.

It's a prank-like way of dealing with things that will bring bad luck to the recipient.

"There aren't many people who can resist Tomie's beauty, right." Hoshikuma Doji looked back at Tomie.

Kamoga Ryu also looked over and nodded fiercely. Until now, when he occasionally sees Tomie taking off his mask, he will be struck by his beauty. Even if he knows that he is a boy, he still can't control the throbbing in his heart. He I felt that I had to go out for a walk after sending Tomie back to the shrine, otherwise his bloodline of conjurers might not be passed on.

Tomie paused for a moment, then asked, "Isn't it good?"

Using beauty to gain benefits and not being prepared to be responsible for others is playing with people's emotions.

Before he could say anything, Xingxiong Dozi had already seen through his emotions. He put his arm around his shoulders after two steps and persuaded him: "Things that you and I agree on are not called playing."

Tomie still didn't agree. He was trying his best to make people think of Tomie Kawakami in him. The reason why he didn't attract as many idiots in the Heian era as in modern times was partly because the curse about Tomie Kawakami in this era was not stable. reason.

If he used his beauty to do whatever he wanted and let people spread the legend of Kawakami Tomie, not to mention that she was born again in this era, Tomie himself might be affected.

"Don't be shy, special events will be dealt with specially." Xingxiong put his arms around his shoulders, with a clear smirk on his face, "Besides, it's not like you've never done this before, right?"

Tomi Jiang stared at him, "I didn't!"

Star Bear Boy reminded him: "Do you remember the Hidden God?"

Tomi Jiang's expression was a bit stiff, ah, at that time, it was because Yin Shen was an acquaintance, so he had a bit of a mischievous mentality.

"It's obviously a very convenient weapon, why not use it." Hoshikuma Doji patted him on the shoulder. "How old are you? You're obviously a young man. Why do you worry about so many things? Why don't you just do it when you want?"

Fu Jiang looked at him silently.

In the end, Tomie stood alone at the door of Qingtai's house.

Prajna's turbid black-red evil spirit seemed to be a little more violent. Those evil spirits easily recognized that the human beings coming in front of them were related to the barrier on the door. Twist it into a fierce stab at Fu Jiang.

The colorless barrier blocked those evil spirits. Fujiang had the ability to dispel those evil spirits, but he was not prepared to do that. He stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

The room was quiet, but according to the information obtained by Hoshikuma Doji, the family was forced to stay at home by this evil spirit in the past few days when he and Hannya were missing. Under such intrusion by the evil spirit, , actually resisted the urge to come out and ask for help. .

I don’t know if I starve to death.

Tomie knocked on the door with a little more force and shouted loudly inside: "I'm the Onmyoji who came to the village. We've met before. Can you let me in?"

There was a movement from the door, not loud, and then there was the sound of small exchanges. It seemed that the two adults were discussing something. Maybe they were imagining Fujiang asking for help, but they were worried that it was Hannya's trick.

Fujiang listened for a while, but didn't hear any sound from the child. He raised his voice slightly: "Since you are worried about me, you went in by yourself. It's rude!"

After saying that, he directly cast the technique on the door, easily pushed open the door that was sealed with wooden boards by the owner, and walked in.

The couple not far from the entrance hugged each other and looked at him nervously.

Tomie turned around and closed the door, and then saw the door with nailed wooden boards, "It's not so serious. If you don't agree with Prajna, you can't get in."

The couple finally believed that he was really not the monster that had been pestering them.

She cried and wanted to come up and hug his thigh, praying for protection.

Tomie didn't want to see how moved they were. A simple barrier blocked them out, and he started looking for Keita in the house.

The four or five-year-old child is both active and fragile, but I haven't heard anything from him since he came in.

Is this house really big? It didn't take long for Tomie to find Keita sleeping wrapped in old clothes beside the fire pit specially opened for heating.

The child's cheeks were red and his lips were chapped and crusty. He was tightly wrapped in old clothes and huddled by the fire pit. He looked particularly pitiful. Fujiang stepped forward and put his hand on his forehead. The temperature was so hot that human skin would feel hot to the touch.

Feeling a little cool, Keita opened his eyes in a daze, just in time to see the mask on Tomie's face.

He was so dizzy with fever that he could no longer react to his fear, and he said in a voice as weak as a kitten: "No, eat, daddy."

Fujiang took off the mask from his face and put it in his arms, and picked up the child as gently as possible. Fortunately, he was not so useless that he couldn't hold the child.

Seeing that he was ready to take the child away, the couple stopped him in a panic.

Fujiang held the child in his arms and said something rare and cold: "If you are not prepared to live, then at least let me take the innocent child away. This is not the child that Hannya is targeting."

The last time I saw him, Keita's condition was still normal. The child was so sick because he had been infected by the evil spirit in the past few days. Tomie's barrier left here blocked the intrusion of the evil spirit, but It wasn't a completely seamless barrier. He originally wanted to stop Prajna temporarily and talk to him later after irritating him.

Unexpectedly, the demonic energy that angered Prajna also angered him, and he was taken to the sea with him for four days. As a result, the children were attacked by the demonic energy. The children were no better than adults and could not bear it.

But the evil spirit outside the house is just to open the door of the house. The people in the house can achieve its purpose even if they leave the house. As long as they leave the house, they will not be attacked. This ideological evil spirit will also be passed on to them at every opportunity.

The couple now stopped him and refused to let him take the child away. The emotions conveyed in the trance did not contain the parents' worries about the child, but rather a kind of fear and panic.

The child suddenly let out weak coughs. Tomie held Keita and patted his back gently. The spiritual energy on his body emitted to dispel the evil spirit surrounding him.

Without the demonic aura surrounding him, the child felt much warmer, and unconsciously rubbed himself into Fu Jiang's arms, hoping to get more warmth.

Fu Jiang could already feel his arms aching, and he wouldn't be able to hold the child if he didn't leave.

He wanted to avoid the couple.

But his wife knelt in front of him, tears welling up in her eyes, "Please don't take my child with you."

They looked at each other but said nothing. Because although the emotion she conveyed was worry, it was more of fear. Fu Jiang didn't understand what her actions were that would make her feel scared.

Fu Jiang didn't want to continue guessing and asked directly: "Are you afraid that I can't take care of him when I take him out?"

The woman shook her head again and again. She carefully glanced at Fu Jiang, who had revealed his true face, and couldn't look away anymore.

Tomie remembered what Hoshikuma Dozi said to him, put on a good face, and coaxed softly: "If you are afraid, you can leave with me, and I will protect you mother and son."

The woman lowered her head silently.

Tomie simply looked at the man, "What about you? Are you the same? Do you want to stay here?"

The man didn't say anything, but he knelt on the ground and sat down facing Tomie. "Master Onmyoji, please save us and kill that damn monster."

Fu Jiang looked at him. When other people in the village targeted Prajna, they asked him to be expelled, but the couple asked him to be killed.

Fu Jiang asked him again. "What happened between you and that monster? Why is he so obsessed with you?"

The couple looked at each other, with struggle and entanglement on each other's faces, as if they were trying to communicate with each other with their eyes whether or not to speak out.

Fu Jiang sighed helplessly and said: "Everything has a cause and effect. If you did something wrong, then I can't help you. This is called retribution."

Tomie once again prepared to take Qingtai to bypass the couple and prepare to leave the house.

The woman finally couldn't bear the mental pressure and cried loudly.

"Please save us, I will say whatever I say."

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