Not long after, Xiao Yunyan was invited by her old leader again. The old leader was very kind. Xiao Yunyan felt that the old leader must have something important to ask her to do.

The old leader smiled and said, "Xiao Yunyan, you have done an excellent job in the tasks assigned to you by the country. The country wants to commend you, grant you the rank of colonel, award you the first-class merit, and entrust you with an important task, allowing you to continue to lead the team to cooperate with Interpol to jointly combat these criminal gangs.

I wonder if you are willing to continue to serve the country?"

Xiao Yunyan smiled and told her old leader that she no longer had any attachment to honor and rank. After all, she didn't live in Longguo very often.

However, if the Dragon Kingdom military assigned her to do this task, she would be willing to accept it.

However, Xiao Yunyan asked the old leader: "Who can be moved and who can't be moved? Give me the truth."

Because the mysterious leader has told them that there are several people who cannot be moved.

The old leader said seriously: "I know what you think, but the current situation is indeed very complicated.

Since we have given this task to you, we will naturally give you clear mission objectives.

If there are people who must be saved involved in the investigation, then we can only ask you to remove them from the case and save their lives. This is also our bottom line."

Xiao Yunyan nodded to show her understanding. She understood what her old leader meant. Although those criminals could not be allowed to go unpunished, sometimes some compromises had to be made.

Xiao Yunyan decided to send her fellow apprentices to cooperate with the agents to go deep into the criminal group to collect intelligence. At the same time, she also used advanced technical means to track the flow of funds and try to cut off their source of funds. In this way, not only can the economic foundation of the criminal group be hit, but also their power can be weakened.

However, as the various action teams worked hard to investigate and track, they made another major discovery. It turned out that two of the criminal organizations had opened dark web platforms.

Moreover, their servers are not located in a single country, but in more than a dozen countries around the world.

These servers are used in turn, and the IP addresses used to log into the network platform often change.

The dark web platform is an extremely hidden and difficult-to-track cyberspace, feared and despised by all countries. Because on the dark web platform, all illegal things are taken by someone.

No matter what kind of criminal activity it is, such as murder, robbery, human trafficking, etc., as long as there is money, dark web organizations will find a way to meet the demand.

This behavior not only causes great harm to individuals, but also seriously affects the stability and harmony of the entire society.

Therefore, we must take effective measures to combat dark web organizations and their related criminal activities.

Dark web organizations use Bitcoin as a trading currency and their business scope is very wide. In addition to the common drug trafficking, money laundering, assassination, etc., they also involve illegal activities such as arms trafficking.

As an intermediary agency, the dark web platform will post various tasks on the platform. Once Party B accepts the order and completes the task, Party A needs to pay the corresponding remuneration.

Before the task begins, Party A needs to deposit part or all of the reward in the form of Bitcoin on the platform. In this way, Party B can receive the reward after completing the task.

The existence of dark web organizations enables these criminal activities to be carried out smoothly between different countries.

Due to the secrecy and complexity of dark web organizations, it is difficult to completely curb the development of dark web businesses by relying on the power of a single country alone.

As one of the world's biggest victims, China must strengthen international cooperation to jointly combat dark web organizations and their criminal activities.

At the same time, we must strengthen domestic supervision, raise the public's awareness of prevention, and reduce the breeding space for dark web organizations from the source.

Only through the joint efforts of all parties can we effectively combat darknet organizations and maintain social security and stability. Of course, this darknet platform must be destroyed.

However, despite the failure of multiple missions to find the real operator behind the scenes, police from various countries are still determined to work together.

Among them, Xiao Yunyan was responsible for finding dark web operators. She continued to work closely with cyber hackers and cyber police, and sent 16 teams to all the countries where dark web servers were located.

These teams are tasked with finding running servers and active IP addresses in order to accurately locate and take action.

Thanks to the swift actions of the operators on several sides, they were able to accurately locate and strike the targets, achieving good results.

All parties involved in this arrest mission cooperated very well and successfully captured two operators of the dark web organization.

But surprisingly, the dark web platform did not stop operating, but continued to post tasks on other servers and IP addresses and collected a large amount of transaction deposits.

A large amount of Bitcoin flowed into the platform, bringing it a huge amount of capital flow. However, it seems that the boss behind the dark web has already sensed the approaching danger.

Therefore, they decided to further increase the amount of Bitcoin required to post tasks on the dark web.

The move has attracted the attention of hackers and cyber police.

They speculated that the boss behind the dark web might have noticed the recent tense situation and planned to collect a huge deposit, then close the platform and take away all the trading deposits.

In this way, both the person who posted the task and the person who accepted the order would be deceived by the dark web platform. However, since the dark web transaction itself is illegal, they cannot seek help from any institution to recover the lost bitcoins.

After Xiao Yunyan finished her phone call with her old leader, the old leader asked if they could grasp the flow direction of dark web funds in advance, would it be possible to return all the bitcoins that were embezzled by the platform to Long Guo?

Xiao Yunyan replied that it was theoretically feasible, but the prerequisite was that there had to be a powerful hacker - a god-level hacker to assist in completing the task.

Xiao Yunyan demanded that the Dragon Country officials give a written commitment, stating that after the hacker master helped the country complete the mission, he would not be held accountable later.

She stressed that the authorities must promise not to arrest the hacker after completing his mission and investigate the cases he was involved in in the past.

This request was specially approved by a mysterious leader, who said that as long as the god-level hackers were willing to help the country, not only would their past cases not be pursued, but they would also be awarded honors and huge bonuses in return.

After receiving the written promise from the leader, Xiao Yunyan immediately asked the hackers who were carrying out the task to send invitations in their circles, calling on hacker masters to serve the country. At the same time, she also announced the reward plan.

As the saying goes, "a big reward will always bring a brave man", many hackers at the god level actually love their country very much. Therefore, when they learned about this attractive reward plan, they responded to the call and actively participated in this work.

Before this, they had been conducting mutual cyber attacks with other hostile countries, but these attacks were often individual acts without official approval.

Some people, out of patriotism, hacked into the empire's important networks and did a lot of good things, but they could only remain unknown heroes because their identities were only a hacker code.

However, the country is now openly recruiting hackers, giving them the opportunity to serve the country, not only to gain military honors, but also to receive generous rewards.

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