Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 693: The necklace is lost and the Xiao family rebuilds the security system and recruits memb

Xiao Yunyan decided to start the investigation with the escorts. She talked to them one by one. During the conversation, she found that one of the escorts had an unusual look and was somewhat evasive in his words.

Xiao Yunyan used her telepathy to see the scene at that time, and she had an idea of ​​what was going on.

Xiao Yunyan secretly sent someone to monitor him. Soon, he was found to have a private meeting with the buyer, and the real antique necklace was found among the buyers.

It turned out that the escort was bribed by the buyer and replaced the necklace when putting it into the safe.

The buyer had long been interested in this antique necklace, and had already made a replica before purchasing the necklace.

Therefore, during the transaction, when the goods were inspected, the bribed escort and a consignee of the buyer locked the necklace in a safe in front of everyone. However, the two of them exchanged the real necklace with the fake one.

The reason for all the trouble was that the buyer was a professional jewelry designer and the daughter-in-law of the buyer's family. The one wearing the necklace was the second wife of the family.

The daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law were very friendly on the surface, but they were actually fighting for the family property. She also suggested the stepmother-in-law to buy this necklace. She had already planned to switch the necklace.

As luck would have it, because this necklace is very precious, my mother-in-law doesn’t usually wear it.

Originally, she would not have been exposed if she had worn it that day, but a curious jewelry appraiser attended the party and heard that my mother-in-law was wearing an antique gold-inlaid jade necklace. He immediately became interested and asked to appraise it on the spot. As a result, the substitution was exposed.

Of course, the daughter-in-law would not admit that she did it, so she deleted the surveillance footage in the monitoring room early on.

Fortunately, my mother-in-law was reluctant to wear the necklace, so more than a month later, which was the date when the old data in the monitoring room was deleted, her abnormal behavior was not exposed.

In order to collect evidence, the Xiao family recorded the entire investigation process.

The Xiao family immediately handed over the evidence to the police and held a press conference to apologize to the public and explain the truth.

This incident made the Xiao family pay more attention to internal management and also won the trust of the public. The escort and the buyer's daughter-in-law received due legal sanctions.

After this incident, the Xiao family realized that there were loopholes in their security system. Xiao Yunyan decided to make a comprehensive reform of the escort process and strengthen the protection measures for valuables.

At the same time, the Xiao family also took this opportunity to vigorously promote the concept of honest business operations and launched a series of preferential activities to attract more customers.

The daughter-in-law who devised the substitution scheme exposed her true nature, and her mother-in-law no longer trusted her.

Originally, the daughter-in-law, as the designer and participant of the entire false accusation and extortion incident, was going to go to jail.

However, the Xiao family did not intend to offend the buyer. Instead, they asked the buyer to apologize publicly and clear the Xiao family's name. The Xiao family would not pursue subsequent responsibilities and would not need to pay compensation.

The Xiao family's integrity and magnanimity not only won people's respect, but also won a wave of praise.

Those who had previously cursed the Xiao family the most have now begun to praise the Xiao family and even praised it to the sky.

It's shocking how quickly these people's attitudes change, but that's the power of public opinion - it can easily destroy a person or an industry.

For those traffic bloggers, the truth of the matter is not important at all. They only focus on how to get more traffic.

In the process, they attract attention by slandering and abusing both parties, and this behavior has become a common means for them to gain benefits.

They often stand on the moral high ground and criticize those they identify as "bad guys" mercilessly.

However, when the plot twist happened, they did not hide their previous mistakes, but instead felt excited about it.

Because this dramatic change is exactly what they are looking for, which can bring more attention and traffic.

Although the Xiao family suffered tremendous pressure during this turmoil, they finally survived.

They faced the public with a sincere attitude, showing the family's magnanimity and responsibility. At the same time, those who had maliciously attacked the Xiao family had to admit their mistakes and apologize to the Xiao family. This storm made people deeply realize that when facing difficulties and setbacks, only by maintaining firm beliefs and courage can we resolve crises and win the recognition of others. It would be best if the plot reversed a few more times so that they could get more traffic.

Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan had telepathy and could see the truth. Therefore, the police did not spend much energy. They got the information provided by Xiao Yunyan, verified it, and solved the case directly.

After resolving the dispute, Xiao Yunyan did not stop there. She knew that it was not enough to just improve the escort process, but she also needed to improve the overall security level of the family.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan decided to invite well-known security experts in the industry to provide training for Xiao family employees.

She hopes that through professional guidance, everyone will have a higher level of safety awareness and the ability to deal with emergencies.

During the training, Xiao Yunyan not only participated in the learning personally, but also actively communicated and interacted with experts. She shared her experience and lessons from this incident with everyone, reminding everyone to always be vigilant.

In addition, Xiao Yunyan also set about formulating a more stringent internal control system, clarifying the responsibilities and supervision mechanisms of each link. Only by doing it foolproof can we ensure that similar incidents will not happen again.

In this matter, the newly recruited people were originally members of a criminal organization. They were worried from the beginning that the Xiao family would mistakenly think that they were the ones who did something behind the scenes.

However, they saw that when the Xiao family handled this matter, they started from the facts and based on the investigation results, handled the matter very fairly and gave everyone the truth.

Although they were the most likely suspects, they were not questioned by the Xiao family at all.

The leading leader's recognition of Xiao Yunyan and the Xiao family increased further.

He felt that the Xiao family could be said to be a giant ship sailing at high speed. How lucky they were to be part of this commercial giant ship!

The leader took the initiative to express what he was thinking to Xiao Yunyan.

He has a large number of people under him. Some of them are not good at sales, but they have good physical strength and skills.

He wanted to ask Xiao Yunyan to transfer some of his brothers to the Xiao family's security system and work for the Xiao family.

Xiao Yunyan also agreed with his statement that these former members of criminal organizations were superior to ordinary people in fighting skills and physical fitness.

It's just that they used to be members of a criminal organization, so it's not easy for people to trust them.

However, Xiao Yunyan used his telepathy to see that this leader wanted to integrate into the Xiao family from the bottom of his heart. He also wanted to keep his brothers in the Xiao family's business empire and serve as useful personnel. He was working hard to find a high-paying and stable job for his brothers.

The Xiao family's business is getting bigger and bigger. Not only for the family's wealth, but also to create good work and life opportunities for employees. At the same time, it creates more tax revenue for the country.

If these compatriots who once went astray can be truly reformed and become part of the Xiao family's business empire, it will be considered a great thing for the Xiao family.

Xiao Yunyan agreed to his request and asked him to select some young, energetic and motivated people from among his brothers who were in good physical condition and enter the Xiao family's security system.

Xiao Yunyan further discussed the details of the cooperation with the leader and determined the selection criteria and training plan.

Afterwards, the leader selected a group of outstanding members from his team. After rigorous training and assessment, they successfully joined the Xiao family's security team.

With their excellent physical fitness and combat skills, these new members have added a strong force to the security of the Xiao family. They are conscientious and responsible, and quickly won the recognition and respect of other employees.

The Xiao family's reputation was restored by this incident, and their business became more prosperous. Under the guidance of the Xiao family, these former criminals embarked on the right path and realized the transformation of their self-worth.

This result made Xiao Yunyan's old leader admire her even more. The mysterious senior leader also praised Xiao Yunyan and the Xiao family.

He never expected that the descendant of the old revolutionary who had given him so much headaches would actually bring the Xiao family back on the right track.

He was really comforted when he heard the news.

He took out a bottle of Maotai liquor, which was the favorite of his old comrade, and took out two glasses to fill them. He picked up the glass, clinked it with the empty glass, and said in a choked voice: "Old friend, before you died, you entrusted your son to me, saying that since your father and my father were old comrades, and you and I were old comrades, I would help you take good care of this trouble-making son.

I have always felt guilty towards you because this rascal Xiaohuzi has never been on the right path.

Today, I can finally give you an explanation. Little Tiger is on the right track.

Now, relying on the Xiao family, he has brought his brothers back to the right path. This is a good thing that I never expected.

Today, let's have a couple of drinks and celebrate."

The mysterious senior leader drank half a bottle of Moutai alone that day, and poured the other half into a small cup on the ground. He hoped that his old comrades could drink with him and share the good news.

However, there are more forces than just the little tigers on the other side of the border. There are also the Long people who stayed there during the Anti-Japanese War. In the complex struggle environment, they embarked on the route of drug production and trafficking. After the crackdown on drugs, they were involved in criminal businesses such as kidnapping, fraud, and trafficking in human organs.

These people have their own spheres of influence, and they infiltrate and cooperate with various foreign forces, forming social cancers that are difficult to eradicate.

Although some of their forces were suppressed after two clearing operations, their criminal activities are still rampant.

At the worst time, foreign forces infiltrated into cities and villages within the country, and the savings that people had worked hard to accumulate were all swindled away by telecommunications fraud organizations. Such incidents occurred one after another, and the public security organs tried their best, but it was difficult to recover the money that people had been defrauded of.

This is because when the fraud organization defrauds money from a designated account, it only takes a few minutes for the money to be divided into countless branch accounts, making it impossible to recover it.

The people of Longguo who were deceived complained bitterly. Not only were they cheated of their money, but many young men and women were also deceived into engaging in prostitution, fraud, and drug trafficking.

Others have their organs sold, or even be cut up and eaten as food by some perverted upper-class people.

The Dragon Country has carried out a large-scale arrest operation to capture many members of the fraud organization. They have been severely punished. However, several leaders, including Xiao Huzi, are still at large. They have now gone to distant and wealthy countries, where they continue to commit telecommunications fraud, and their main targets are still Dragon people.

The mysterious senior leaders, although they were eager to bring these criminal leaders who were more terrifying than the devil to justice, could not catch those criminal leaders with powerful backgrounds unless they used assassination and decapitation operations.

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