Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 668: Qingti fears marriage due to her tragic childhood. She sneaks back to the underworld an

Taoist Qingti didn't want his master to worry about him. Once his master wanted him to have a few disciples like his younger sisters and brothers to teach him, he would definitely not be able to escape the fate of being urged to get married.

Taoist Qingti immediately told his master that he wanted to return to the underworld immediately because he had been away for a long time and he was afraid that the evil spirits in the underworld would take this opportunity to start another riot.

So he quickly slipped away before his master gave any other orders.

Emperor Hunyuan shook his head as he looked at his second disciple who slipped away with grease on his feet.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This child is good in every way, except that he has always had an immense fear and resentment about love between men and women.

This can't be blamed on him. Because the family environment where the second apprentice lived was too bad. His parents' failed marriage seemed to be a nightmare that he could never get rid of.

Qingti grew up in the midst of his parents' quarrels. His father violently beat his mother, him, and his younger siblings.

He was only seven or eight years old at the time. While he was being beaten, he also had to protect his mother who was about to be beaten to death and his younger brothers and sisters who were trembling with fear.

In this family, Taoist Qingti has always been in fear.

When Qingti was eight years old, his father had a dispute with someone because of drinking and was chopped on both legs. From then on, he was paralyzed at home.

Although his father still had a bad temper, he beat his mother and children less often.

His father still often got angry and threw things at his mother, or even at him and his brothers and sisters. But because his father's legs were weak, he would not chase his wife and children around the yard and the village, shouting and killing.

Taoist Qingti had a miserable childhood. Later, his mother passed away, and he raised his brothers and sisters, who grew up and started their own families. After that, he became a Taoist monk.

Because he has practiced for more than one lifetime. He has suffered a lot and his understanding is quite extraordinary. Although there are some flaws in his character, he is very resolute.

Qingti never backs down when faced with any difficulties, because since he was a child, he has always played the role of protecting his mother and his younger brothers and sisters. Therefore, he is never afraid of power, the power of terror, or the hardships of life.

By chance, he was also accepted as a disciple by Emperor Hunyuan in the holy realm.

Emperor Hunyuan was very satisfied with this disciple. He was very sensible and never complained. He never thought that the poor life was bitter.

Because Qingti said that compared to the days he had gone through, that was not that painful.

Although Taoist Qingti has practiced for thousands of years in this life, the scars left in his mind have not healed yet. So every time he was asked to marry and have children, he would run away. Now, he has become a god, but he still has not changed his mentality.

Although he envied Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, the couple lived in harmony, depended on each other, helped each other, and raised their children together, they were a very happy couple.

But whenever he was asked to marry and have children, Taoist Qingti would get away with it. The scar in his heart might never be erased.

Taoist Qingti ran all the way until he was sure that his master could no longer see him, and then he stopped.

He breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced: "Finally I escaped!"

However, his heart could not calm down. Recalling every detail of the past, he could not help but feel bitter.

His childhood experiences cast a shadow over him, making him fearful of relationships between men and women. He knew the hurt and pain that would cause, so he could never take that step.

"Perhaps, I am destined to be alone all my life..." Taoist Qingti muttered to himself. But at this moment, a thought flashed through his mind: "In this case, why not devote all my energy to cultivation?"

He decided to study Taoism more attentively and use his abilities to help the evil spirits suffering in hell to reform themselves and one day escape from the sea of ​​suffering. Perhaps, in this way, he could find his own life.

Taoist Qingti has found his former father in hell. He saw his father suffering in hell. He felt distressed, but also felt that he deserved such suffering to atone for the cruel and vicious things he had done.

But he saw that his father who had done bad things was reincarnated again after a period of punishment. However, his father was not reincarnated as a human, but as a donkey.

He was completely puzzled at the time. Given the mistakes his father had made, he should have suffered in hell for many years, but why was he suddenly sent back to the animal realm?

Later, he discussed this with the judge. The judge explained: "That's because your mother was reincarnated as a rich lady in her second life. Before she died, the resentment in her heart was not resolved. Instead, she cursed with tears and blood.

She secretly swore in her heart that if there is an afterlife, she would ask the King of Hell to turn your devil father into a beast, and let her whip and drive him to pay for the sins he committed in the previous life and the harm he caused to your mother and children. "

Taoist Yuanchen also saw his mother in her second life. She was reborn as a rich lady, and the donkey cart she rode in was pulled by the donkey that was her father's reincarnation.

Every day the driver would whip the donkey that pulled the cart. Even if the donkey pulled the cart diligently, it would be whipped by the driver if it did not pull the cart steadily over bumps and gullies.

When going uphill, the donkey was unable to pull the heavy frame, the driver, and the young lady who was the reincarnation of his mother. In order to make the donkey work harder, the driver would whip it hard, and sometimes even hit the donkey with the whip.

The donkey that his father was reincarnated into could eat grass and even fine feed every day, but his life was still miserable enough.

Apart from pulling the young lady, the donkey was tied to the millstone all the time, helping the young lady's family grind flour, soy milk and make tofu.

The donkey lived a very miserable life, but for a donkey, such a life was the most normal.

Taoist Qingti watched his father and mother entangled with each other, in the cycle of debt and repayment. In this way, the grudge between the two souls continued for five generations.

Sometimes they will be reborn as a master and servant, and sometimes as an animal and its master. If the mother asks for too much debt, they will become husband and wife in the next life, quarreling and fighting with each other.

Because Qingti can see through people's reincarnation in the Yin and Yang worlds, and even in the animal realm. The karma owed must be repaid in the next life. Therefore, he was afraid that if he found a wife in the future but could not love her, he would owe karma to each other.

If that were the case, wouldn't he have to re-enter the six realms of reincarnation after finally becoming a god? He had to pay off the karmic debt between them before he could return to heaven.

Before Taoist Qingti returned to hell, he was in a daze all the way, thinking about the past and what was in his heart.

Therefore, when he crossed the barrier between heaven and hell, he made a mistake and ended up in another realm.

This is not hell, but another fairyland. Taoism divides "heaven" into thirty-six layers, which are divided into: six heavens in the desire realm, eighteen heavens in the form realm, four heavens in the formless realm, four Brahma heavens, and four heavens in the holy realm. The four heavens in the holy realm are the heavens beyond heaven, where the ancient gods who live are all immortals who have transcended the six reincarnations. (From Baidu webpage)

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