In the mysterious wonderland of Tianwai Tian, ​​Master Hunyuan Emperor and his four disciples visited five ancient gods one after another.

However, although these ancient gods were very cooperative, they did not provide any very useful information.

They also didn't know who did this puzzling thing.

However, these five gods all pointed out that if they wanted to know who did it best, they should look for the ancient medicine god who was good at making poisons, hallucinogens and various elixirs.

He knew more about poisons and used larger dosages of the Five Poisons.

Since it was mentioned that the invisible ancient god placed five giant poisonous insects in the Taixu Heavenly Prison, it may have something to do with the God of Medicine.

Anyway, before finding any clues, all the gods who were practicing in seclusion in the outer world had to be visited. So the next destination of the five masters and apprentices was the Ancient Medicine God.

They shuttled between the clouds, crossed the galaxy, and finally arrived at an ancient and solemn immortal palace.

The five masters and apprentices visited the sixth ancient god, the God of Medicine, with awe in their hearts. Before arriving at the mountain gate, Li Mohan respectfully presented a visiting card, expressing the sincerity of the five masters and apprentices in visiting the ancient God of Medicine.

However, the fairy palace guard in charge of reception at the mountain gate said: "Five immortals, I am very sorry, the old Medicine God has been closed to visitors for three years. He is concentrating on refining elixirs in the Alchemy Palace and does not see any outsiders.

Five guests, you should probably know that if you are disturbed during the process of refining pills, all the pills you have worked so hard to refine will be wasted.

Therefore, we dare not invite guests to the Immortal Palace until the Medicine God comes out of retreat."

While the immortal servant was answering the question, the five people were already trying to find out whether the immortal servant was lying.

To their surprise, what the immortal servant said was actually the truth.

The answer extracted from the immortal servant's thoughts was that the God of Medicine had been wanting to refine some special elixir recently, so he lived in the elixir palace for three years.

Except for two little medicine boys who have been taking care of the Medicine God, the other disciples and immortal servants have not seen the Medicine God for three years.

Although three years is a very short period of time for a god, Xiao Yunyan couldn't understand why an ancient god of medicine could not refine an elixir after three years of refining it? Why did it feel like something was wrong?

However, since the fairy servant had already told them the reason why they could not enter, and it was reasonable, it was not easy for them to ask for an audience again.

So they planned to leave first. But before leaving, Xiao Yunyan was careful. She still presented the gift, but only gave two bottles of spiritual herb wine.

She said to the immortal servant, "Originally, the five of us, the master and the apprentices, wanted to visit the old Medicine God to learn something. We also brought four gifts with us.

But since we cannot meet the old God of Medicine, I will present other valuable gifts to him the next time he visits me.

However, the Medicine God's refining of elixirs consumes a lot of spiritual energy. It just so happens that these two jars of spiritual herb wine have the effect of quickly restoring spiritual energy? And they are also good wines that are very popular among other gods in the fairy world. I will give them to the Medicine God for tasting first.

If the God of Medicine thinks that the wine tastes good, he can send his immortal servants to the Ziwei Yunxiao Palace in the divine realm to get four more jars.

At that time, you only need to mention the title of the old man Hunyuan Emperor. Say that he promised to send the God of Medicine four more jars of wine. "

Xiao Yunyan felt that all the gods liked to drink, and no one could resist this spiritual herb wine.

If the Medicine God drank the spiritual herb wine, it would definitely arouse his greed. Then, they would not have to visit the old man again, and he would send people to Ziwei Yunxiao Palace to look for wine.

The immortal servant holding two small wine jars did not dare to be negligent. He immediately responded one by one and expressed his gratitude.

After seeing off the guests, the little fairy servant carefully held the two small jars of wine and walked steadily to the door of the Dan Palace, where there was a medicine boy who was responsible for delivering supplies to the Dan Palace.

After handing over the wine, the immortal servant told the medicine boy word for word that Emperor Hunyuan came to visit with his five disciples, and asked the medicine boy to tell the master.

Then, the medicine boy carried the jar of wine into the palace where alchemy was performed.

The Medicine God was pondering and trying to concoct a long-acting hallucinogenic elixir when he accidentally saw a little medicine boy coming from the door holding two exquisite small wine jars.

He was deeply puzzled. Wine was a very rare commodity in the Heaven Beyond Heaven. He did not have any immortal servants to buy wine from the God of Wine in Heaven, so how could there be two jars of wine?

After the little medicine boy came in, he immediately placed the two jars of wine gently on the table, then bowed respectfully and repeated everything the immortal servant had told him.

When the God of Medicine heard that Emperor Hunyuan came to visit with his disciples, he knew that it was definitely not an ordinary visit.

Emperor Hunyuan has been in charge of guarding the monsters and evil spirits in Taixu Heavenly Prison.

These ancient gods were unwilling to care about the affairs of the six realms, so they were all busy with their own affairs in their own immortal palaces.

Most of the ancient gods either devoted themselves to cultivation or were busy doing what they liked like him.

Because they are far apart from each other, they seldom interact with each other unless there is something important.

Today, Emperor Hunyuan came to visit so formally, there must be something important.

Previously, he told his disciples that whenever there were guests, they should say that he was refining pills and could not entertain guests. If there were anything very important, they should report to him.

Now the guest left first, leaving behind two jars of wine. Probably because he didn't want to disturb him while he was refining the elixir, but also wanted him to realize the importance of this visit.

Therefore, the guest left two jars of wine and promised that if his disciples could enter the Ziwei Yunxiao Palace, he would give them four more jars of wine. In other words, he wanted to ask him to send someone to find the other party when it was convenient for him.

Although the other party might have something important to do, he didn't know what it was. It had nothing to do with her, so he was not in a hurry. Instead, he wanted to taste this rare wine first.

He hadn't drunk for a long time. There were different types of wine brewed by the god of wine. The longer it was stored in the cellar, the mellower and more delicious it tasted, and the more precious it was. Moreover, it required a large amount of spiritual energy materials to exchange for it.

The immortal servants, disciples and medicine boys who guard the palace here all need to practice, and he himself also needs spiritual energy and supplies, so he does not have too much spiritual energy and supplies to exchange for wine.

Although he is addicted to alcohol, because he is the God of Medicine, he has to stay sober in order to refine better pills.

These pills are the key to exchanging for spiritual materials and other things.

Taixu Heavenly Prison is not like the Six Realms, which can produce many things. This place is very empty, and the Immortal Palace was also built with his cultivation. Therefore, there is no possibility of naturally generated mineral veins and other spiritual materials.

He was responsible for all the expenses in the entire Immortal Palace, including the living and cultivation materials for all the immortal servants, medicine boys, and apprentices, which was a huge and continuous expense.

Therefore, he had to rely on refining pills and selling them to the palaces of other gods in the God Realm and the Heaven Beyond Heaven to earn enough spiritual energy and supplies.

However, refining elixirs requires a large amount of medicinal materials. Not only do you need to collect enough raw medicinal materials, but you also need to refine elixirs that meet the requirements of the gods in order to exchange for enough materials for life and cultivation.

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