Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 638: The couple helped the villagers to establish a self-defense force and develop combat ca

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan went to various villages separately, found the village head and elders, and explained their purpose.

The village head discussed with the elders and decided that it would be better to trust the miracle doctor than to endure the beatings and countless lootings of the village by the bandits. With the help of the miracle doctor, the young and middle-aged men in the village took up arms and fought against the bandits.

Especially when they heard that the villagers in the neighboring village had organized themselves and fought against the bandits and won, this good news encouraged the headmen and elders of several surrounding villages.

They decided to gather all the villagers together to discuss. If everyone agreed to rise up in resistance, they would follow the doctor's instructions and organize a village self-defense team.

These villages have been robbed countless times by bandits in the past three years, and they are really troubled and live in hardship.

Now, the miracle doctor came to treat the villagers for free, and healed the villagers who were recently injured by bandits. This gave the people hope.

What surprised the villagers even more was that the miracle doctor not only had miraculous medical skills, but also superb martial arts. They organized the men in the village and taught them some simple and effective moves. The men wielded swords, guns, sticks and clubs with great force, and their fighting power suddenly became much stronger.

A few days later, the bandits attacked again. This time, the villagers did not panic as usual, but under the command of the miracle doctor, they launched a defense in an orderly manner.

The bandits thought that this attack would be as easy as before, but they didn't expect that the villagers were no longer the same as before. They formed a tight defense line and used the tactics taught by the miracle doctor to repel the bandits' attacks again and again.

During the battle, Li Mohan led the way and used his amazing medical skills to treat the injured villagers. His superb medical skills not only amazed the villagers, but also frightened the bandits.

Finally, the bandits were beaten and fled. The villagers cheered. This was the first time in three years that they had gotten rid of their anger.

However, the bandits have not been completely eliminated, and they will counterattack again. Even if this group of bandits is eliminated, there will be other bandits who will occupy the mountains and become kings in the future. Therefore, the only way is to improve the villagers' own resistance ability.

After this battle, the villagers realized that it was not enough to rely solely on the power of the miracle doctor, and more people must learn self-defense skills.

Therefore, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to open a martial arts class in the village to teach the villagers more martial arts skills. At the same time, he also encouraged the villagers to actively participate and exchange experiences with each other.

Under the careful guidance of the genius doctor, the villagers' martial arts improved day by day. They not only learned how to effectively defend against the bandits' attacks, but also took the initiative to attack and protect themselves and their homes.

As time went by, the surrounding villages heard about the changes here and sent people to learn.

Li Mohan shared his experience and knowledge without reservation, benefiting more and more villages.

Gradually, a strong self-defense force was formed in this area, and the bandits no longer dared to invade easily. The villagers' lives finally returned to peace and tranquility.

As time went by, the villagers' lives gradually returned to normal. However, Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan were not satisfied with the status quo. They knew that only by preventing problems before they occur can they ensure long-term peace.

Xiao Yunyan must first completely eliminate these bandits, and then spread the concept of improving self-defense capabilities to a wider area.

After several failures, the bandits became very annoyed. They knew that it would be difficult to survive in this area without improving their combat effectiveness.

But if you want to move to another place, it is not that easy. The bandits all occupy their own territory.

Besides, even if you want to change your place of residence, it is not easy to find one now.

Lion Rock was a Feng Shui treasure land that they had been searching for for a long time. It was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

They don't want to give up Lion Rock, and even more so, they don't want to give up the people who can provide them with a living.

So the bandits thought of a way. Since the people already had a certain fighting ability, they had to improve their own fighting ability so that they could continue to rule these people obediently.

After Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan learned of the bandits' plan, they decided to take the initiative and go deep into the mountains and forests to find the bandits' base, trying to eliminate them before they could strengthen their strength.

During the pursuit, they discovered that the bandits were secretly training. After returning to the village, the two assembled an elite team to launch a general attack on the bandits.

Although Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan can eliminate all these bandits, this is a rare opportunity to improve the practical experience of the people.

Moreover, this was a struggle between ordinary people and bandits. If the two of them could easily wipe out the bandits, the people would not have been trained.

If bandits come to occupy the mountain and rule as kings again in the future, where can they find people who can help them eliminate the bandits?

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. Since there is a chance for them to improve their practical experience, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan are willing to escort them and provide such an opportunity.

On the night of the operation, the night was as dark as ink and silent. Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan led the team to quietly approach the bandit's base.

Suddenly, the patrolling bandits found a group of people who had sneaked up the mountain. The sentry immediately shouted: "Hurry up, someone is sneaking up the mountain."

Shouts broke the silence, and the battle broke out instantly. Both sides started a fierce fight.

Swords flashed and shadows crisscrossed, shouts of killing rose and fell. In the melee, Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan displayed extraordinary martial arts. They cooperated well and shuttled through the enemy camp like ghosts.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan did not kill the bandits directly, but protected the people who were fighting against the bandits.

They will only help when the lives of these people are in danger.

The bandits gradually lost the upper hand and were eventually subdued.

Most of these bandits were injured and tied up like dumplings by the villagers.

Only a few people in the entire village escaped, and most of the bandits were arrested.

Soon, the villagers reported the matter to the government office. The officials of the government office sent officials and garrison troops to suppress the bandits. The bound bandits were escorted to the government office and thrown into jail.

The villagers welcomed true peace. Moreover, the villagers had made great contributions in suppressing the bandits. After a while, the government sent plaques to the people who participated in the battle to commend them.

At the same time, the villages that participated in the suppression of bandits were rewarded, and the villagers in these villages were exempted from paying taxes and grain for half a year.

The people cheered. Half a year's tax grain was enough to feed a family for three months.

The names of Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan also became heroes in the eyes of the people, and their deeds were passed down.

Although the bandit problem was solved here, many of the villages that Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan passed by along the way were still affected by banditry, and the people lived in extreme poverty.

Therefore, the two of them stopped along the way, and it was inevitable for them to treat the people in these villages.

They would also give some food to those villagers who had no food and were living in extreme poverty to help them get through the difficult times. Then they would help them change their cowardly and vulnerable state.

After all, these countries were not within the sphere of power of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan. They could not send troops to help the people here, nor could they suppress bandits on a large scale.

So they could only go with the flow, and if they came across a village that was willing to accept their suggestions, they would stay there for a while.

Xiao Yunyan was responsible for treating the villagers, while Li Mohan was responsible for teaching them self-defense methods and improving the physical fitness of the people and the fighting power of the men.

This method is available in most places, but there are some villages where the villagers are very cowardly and suspicious.

They are not willing to sacrifice themselves for others, so it is difficult for Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan to change the mentality of these villages with bad atmosphere.

If the selfish mentality of minding one's own business and not worrying about other people's troubles has already penetrated into the minds of most villagers, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan will not force it.

Although a person's fate is determined by heaven, it is also the result of one's own choices.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan continued their journey, hoping to help more people.

One day, they came to a place called Black Stone Village. The villagers here were cowardly and full of fear of the outside world.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to use action to prove the importance of self-defense. They organized a simulated drill to let the villagers experience the power of unity and courage firsthand.

During the drill, the villagers gradually let go of their fear and learned self-defense skills. They realized that only by becoming stronger can they protect their homes.

After the drill, the villagers of Black Stone Village were full of gratitude to Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan. Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan were also very pleased, knowing that their efforts were not in vain.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan stayed here for about fifteen days. The villagers' thoughts, mental outlook, and behavior patterns were also changing.

The most significant effect is that the men's fighting power has become stronger and their self-confidence has been cultivated.

Those men who used to hide away like cowards when faced with problems are now aroused to become brave.

So when faced with the bandits coming into the village to rob again, the villagers rose up in resistance, wielding swords and guns and slashing directly at the bandits who usually ran rampant and acted tyrannically in the village.

The bandits never expected that in this small village, the people who were usually more docile than sheep would fight against them with knives, guns, sticks and clubs. The bandits encountered unprecedented resistance.

The people became more and more courageous as they fought, and the bandits couldn't believe it. Was this still the village that was so easy to bully?

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan also visited many villages here to help them establish their own village self-defense forces.

The local bandits never expected that within half a month, their fate would change drastically. Originally, they were high and mighty, always running rampant in the village. Now, they were being chased and beaten by the people.

The bandits saw that the people were difficult to deal with, and because they were few in number, they did not dare to fight and fled secretly, leaving behind an empty village.

The villagers from several surrounding villages were extremely grateful to Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan for their selfless help.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan told the people not to be polite. Meeting was fate, and they also wanted to thank the people for their unconditional trust in them.

You don't have anything you can give to repay your two benefactors, so take out the medicinal herbs you collected in the mountains and give them to Xiao Yunyan.

Xiao Yunyan looked at the people who were so sincere in wanting to give her the medicinal herbs in their hands and did not refuse.

Because these raw medicinal materials were of little use to the common people. She did not collect these medicinal materials that the common people had worked so hard to collect for nothing. Instead, she distributed some common pills to each household.

Of course, the value of these pills far exceeds the value of the medicinal herbs given to her by the villagers.

However, Xiao Yunyan didn't care about that. Even if the people didn't give her anything, she would leave some regular pills for the villagers living in the remote mountain villages.

The people were grateful again when they received these life-saving pills.

The villagers were very reluctant to see their two lifesavers leave. They really hoped that Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan could stay in the village for a while longer.

However, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have stayed here for a long time, and they want to continue to help more people in need and also visit more mountains and rivers.

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