Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 637: The bandits kept robbing and the villagers were unable to resist. The couple helped the

In this quiet and remote village, residents have always enjoyed a simple and peaceful life.

The people here work from sunrise to sunset and rest at sunset. They are self-sufficient and it is like a paradise on earth.

However, fate changed dramatically one day three years ago. At that time, the towering Lion Rock nearby was occupied by a group of vicious bandits!

Since then, these bandits have been breaking into the village like ghosts from time to time.

They had hideous faces and bared fangs and claws. They came here for only one purpose: to rob food, money, and snatch away those beautiful young girls.

Faced with this sudden and huge threat, the simple villagers initially fell into endless shock and panic.

But gradually, they realized that they could not sit still and wait for death, so they bravely stood up and fought back.

Unfortunately, the two sides were too different in strength. The bandits were numerous, experienced, and ruthless. In contrast, the villagers with farm tools were no match for them. Every clash resulted in heavy casualties. Almost all the young and strong men in the village were seriously injured.

After several brutal battles, the villagers learned their lesson. When the bandits attacked again, they locked their doors and windows tightly and even reinforced them from the inside with sturdy wooden fences.

In this way, although the bandits were temporarily unable to break into the house, they were so angry that they simply extended their claws to the poultry and livestock in the yard. The poor chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, sheep and other livestock all could not escape their fate.

Since then, almost no one raised any poultry or livestock in their homes. Even if someone took the risk to try, the result was futile. The poultry and livestock that they had worked so hard to raise would eventually be ruthlessly snatched away by the bandits and become their food.

Because of this, when Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan happened to pass by this village, although the villagers looked very simple, everyone's face was filled with deep worry.

It turned out that they had just suffered a brutal robbery. Not only was their property damaged, but even the huge iron bell used to summon villagers was not spared and was forcibly taken away by the bandits.

Faced with this tragic scene, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan extended a helping hand without hesitation.

They first helped the injured villagers deal with their wounds, and then patiently taught everyone some practical self-defense skills, especially how to cleverly set various traps.

In addition, Xiao Yunyan also generously provided some suitable weapons to the villagers.

With the encouragement and help of Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, a sentiment of unity and resistance gradually spread among the people.

Not long after, the bandits who didn't gain much from the previous robbery attacked again.

However, this time the situation was completely different. The villagers picked up the tools available to them, worked closely together, and quickly built an indestructible defense line.

On the narrow path at the entrance of the village, rope traps that could trip horses were carefully laid out, waiting for the enemy to fall into the trap.

The bandits stormed into the village aggressively, rushing around as if they were in an empty space.

However, when they reached the place where the trip ropes were, they heard a "whoosh" sound, and more than a dozen trip ropes sprang out from the soil on both sides of the road like poisonous snakes, tightly tripping the horses under the bandits' crotches.

In an instant, the horses stumbled and the bandits were thrown off their horses, falling headfirst into the mud.

It turned out that the villagers had planned in advance and set up a tight net here, waiting for the bandits to take the bait.

Seeing that the enemy had fallen into the trap, the men lying in ambush in the woods on both sides rushed towards the ambushed bandits without hesitation, like tigers descending from the mountains, holding all kinds of farm tools and weapons in their hands.

For a moment, shouts of killing resounded through the sky, and the two sides launched a thrilling battle.

Facing the vicious bandits, the women in the village showed no fear. They picked up stones and sticks from the ground and continuously delivered firepower to the battlefield, providing strong support for the men fighting bloody battles in the front.

The bandits were shocked by the tenacious fighting spirit shown by the villagers.

They never imagined that this usually unknown little village actually hid such a huge power.

These seemingly ordinary people can stand up and fight for their lives at critical moments.

What the bandits didn't expect was that the villagers seemed to have become both wise and brave overnight. Not only did they dare to face the enemy head-on, they also cleverly set traps and dealt them a heavy blow.

Under the concerted attack of the villagers, the bandits gradually lost their composure and suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that the situation was hopeless, the bandits had no desire to fight any longer and could only abandon their weapons and flee in a panic.

Two of them were unlucky enough to be caught by the villagers due to their serious injuries and were taken prisoner.

This resounding victory immersed the whole village in a joyful atmosphere.

The villagers were extremely excited, cheers rang out one after another, and everyone hugged each other to celebrate this hard-earned victory.

With their courage and wisdom, they successfully defended the peace of their homes and protected their loved ones.

Inspired by this exciting victory, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan continued to teach the people how to use weapons.

Although these civilians have never received formal martial arts training, years of hard work have made them strong men with considerable strength.

With just a little guidance and training from Li Mohan, they can quickly grasp the essentials and shoulder the responsibility of protecting their homeland.

When engaging the enemy, the simple tactics used in daily military training are often the most effective.

As a result, the people worked hard and practiced day and night. As time went by, not only did their hand strength increase, but their steps also became more stable and agile.

In addition, they are now able to use simple and effective strategies to easily deal with and crack the various tricks used by the enemy.

Because of this, when they encountered a strong enemy again, the villagers were able to remain calm, work together, and defeat the enemy with just a few moves.

At this point, everyone's confidence increased and their interest became even higher.

The injury problems that had troubled them for a long time were also solved through the joint efforts of the two miracle doctors and A Qiang from the village.

Even if he was injured in battle in the future, since Ah Qiang was already familiar with the medical methods and had many free elixirs generously given by the great doctors, he would be fine. The people did not have to worry about dying from serious injuries.

Therefore, when fighting fiercely with bandits, as long as you protect the key and vital parts, you can fight them bravely without fear.

After successfully repelling the bandits, the villagers were not afraid even though he was seriously injured. After all, Aqiang was not only proficient in the art of hemostasis, suturing and bandaging, but also had a secret magic medicine that could cure all diseases and relieve pain.

Because of this, this group of ordinary people suddenly became extremely brave, so that the other two groups of bandits who followed were severely damaged. From then on, the bandits dared not act rashly anymore.

In fact, there was nothing valuable to plunder in the village. They just wanted to kidnap the twenty or so girls in the village and sell them for a good price.

They had never expected to encounter such a stubborn resistance. In desperation, they had to give up the idea of ​​attacking this village for the time being and look for another place to attack.

Although there were not many villages around, there were still twelve within a radius of thirty miles. All along, the bandits had been looting these twelve villages in turn, stealing money and supplies for the bandits in the mountains to squander and enjoy.

However, this time, the bandits encountered resistance in Aqiang's village and had to go to other villages to rob.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan learned from the villagers' discussions that this group of bandits were simply a bunch of ruffians who only knew how to dominate their own territory!

They spent most of their time bullying the nearby villages, robbing innocent people who had no power to fight back. They never did anything as heroic as robbing the rich to help the poor.

To put it bluntly, these bandits are villains hated by the common people, not heroes who protect the villages. There is no benefit in keeping them.

Although the government had sent troops to encircle and suppress the bandits many times, the bandits were very cunning and well-informed.

Whenever the government sent troops to attack, they would split up into small groups and flee in all directions; after the troops withdrew, they would gather again.

Because of this, this group of bandits are like a group of fleeing rats, deliberately coming out to do evil when the people are not on guard.

Faced with the people's pleadings, Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan decided to step forward and vowed to eradicate this banditry.

After all, letting such evildoers continue to do evil will not only bring endless suffering to the people, but also be a blasphemy against justice and conscience. Such evildoers, if left alone, will only cause endless harm and waste food. Only by eradicating the roots can we restore peace to the world.

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