Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 613: He rescued prisoners from prison many times, blew up the enemy’s lair, and publicly tri

In that dark cage, the imprisoned people did not see the sun all day long, and their skin became extremely pale, as if they had lost the vitality of life. Long periods of imprisonment had weakened their bodies, and everyone was emaciated.

There was a rancid smell in the cell, emanating from the worst kind of food.

People chewed the life-sustaining food hungrily, with despair and helplessness in their eyes.

Their clothes were in tatters and their bodies were covered with cuts and bruises, the mark of abuse they suffered in captivity.

Everyone's face was full of pain and exhaustion, and their eyes were dull, as if they had lost hope for the future.

Some people sat silently in the corner, bowing their heads and saying nothing; others kept pacing in the small space, trying to relieve their inner anxiety. There is no laughter here, just endless pain and silence.

Suddenly, there was a clear sound of the lock turning, and the originally silent cell was filled with fear.

The door opened slowly, and a bright light stung people's eyes. A figure appeared at the door, holding a key.

"Is he the one who rescued us?" someone asked in a low voice.

However, when the light illuminated the visitor's face, people's hopes were dashed. It was a guard with a cruel smile, and there was a trace of malice in his eyes.

"Today is your lucky day." the guard said, with ridicule in his voice, "The people above ordered me to bring a few healthy people to make parasites for the Gu master."

There was a commotion in the crowd, and people shrank back, trying desperately to avoid the guards' sight. But the guards mercilessly selected a few people and dragged them out of the cell.

The remaining people could only watch helplessly, their hearts filled with despair and helplessness. They know that a more tragic fate may be waiting for them. No one who had gone out before had come back. It's probably more bad luck than good.

Just at this moment, Li Mohan came here. He witnessed what just happened. When the guard released a few people and locked the door, Li Mo Hanhan stabbed him to death on the spot.

Li Mohan quickly rushed into the cell, brandishing his long sword, and split the chains locking everyone.

"Everyone, follow me quickly!" he shouted loudly.

People hesitated for a moment, wondering whether the tall and majestic man was a friend or foe.

However, if they don't leave, they will just wait for death. They might as well break out and at least get out of this dark prison alive.

Then they all stood up, followed by Li Mohan and rushed out of the cell.

They walked through the dark corridors, the light ahead growing stronger. They didn't adapt and tried to run forward.

At the door, I met other guards who shouted to stop and pulled out their weapons, trying to push back the prisoners who suddenly ran out of the cell.

But Li Mohan was agile, and when faced with the attacks of more than a dozen guards, he did not hesitate and struck like lightning. Directly use magic to kill these dozen people in one move.

Without any obstruction, these prisoners who were originally trembling with fear followed Li Mohan's footsteps, stumbling all the way, supporting each other and rushing out.

Finally, they came to the exit, and there was a bright world outside. They had just emerged from the dark cage and were very uncomfortable with the brightness of the light. They covered their eyes with their hands and gradually adapted to the light outside.

After a long period of torture in captivity, the people who were finally free cheered: "Free at last!"

However, Li Mohan knew that their escape had just begun.

As he expected, this group of people had just left the cage. The soldiers guarding outside sensed something was wrong. They shouted that the prisoners had run away and gathered here.

In addition to the twenty guards guarding the outside, there are hundreds of soldiers guarding the area outside.

This group of prisoners who have been imprisoned for a long time are helpless. The only one who can fight is Li Mohan. So Li Mohan shoulders the important task of protecting everyone and rushing out.

Seeing the guards rushing towards him, Li Mohan didn't give the other party time to react. He instantly took out his hidden sword from his storage bag and quickly threw it at the incoming guards.

The guards did not react. Li Mohan's shot was too fast and hit the vital point. Each Hidden Blade dug deep into the throats of the guards.

He decided to lead these people to find a safe place to heal their physical and mental trauma. And plan how to fight against the evil forces and save more innocent lives.

Li Mohan watched the surroundings vigilantly, constantly fighting off the incoming enemies. He covered everyone and fled into the distance, with the enemy in hot pursuit behind him.

"Everyone, speed up!" Li Mohan shouted.

The prisoners ran as hard as they could, hoping to get away from this nightmare place. They ran through mountains and forests, crossed rivers, and kept running forward.

Along the way, Li Mohan let them run in front, while he stayed behind, using hidden weapons and spells to attack the pursuing soldiers from time to time.

Because Li Mohan Mohan's personal combat effectiveness was too strong, the pursuers did not dare to approach and attack him.

The pursuers felt at first that no matter how powerful Li Mohan was, it would be impossible for him to escape single-handedly while guarding the old, weak, sick and disabled.

So they didn't think that these weak prisoners could escape their pursuit.

Therefore, he deliberately teased them like walking prey, chasing them and stopping, hoping to exhaust their energy and then tie them back directly.

However, when they saw that Li Mohan's terrifying combat power showed no signs of exhaustion when he took action to kill people, they realized that Li Mohan's combat power was quite terrifying and they were no match.

But the escaped prisoner was the Gu insect culture they finally captured and imprisoned in a secret location.

If they lose these people. He will definitely be beheaded on the order of his master. Maybe the lives of the whole family are also in great danger.

Therefore, they dare not stop. Even if they know that if they rush over, they may die. However, even if they die, they can still make a profit. But once they stop, they will really die.

Although these prisoners were weak, Li Mohan was behind them to stop them. Supporting each other is still reluctant. Ran a long distance.

Finally, Li Mohan completely eliminated the pursuers behind him. They came to a remote mountain village. Li Mohan asked Li Zheng for help. He explained the cause and effect. Ask Li Zheng to help find a place that can be sheltered from the wind. He wants to treat these patients.

Li Zheng was a little worried, fearing that the pursuers from behind would come to their village. Once the pursuers retaliate for harboring fugitives in the village, then he cannot bet on the lives of the entire village.

Li Mohanhan understood Li Zheng's mentality as the head of a village and had to think about the people in the village. So he didn't force it.

Li Mohan pointed out a path in his request. It would be best for them to find a valley or cave.

Li Zheng immediately helped and helped them find a huge, dry cave in the mountains not far away. This is a place where hunters often rest while hunting.

There are licorice and firewood there, and there is a small river nearby, so it is very convenient to get water.

Li Mohan was very grateful to Li Zheng for personally leading them here. This place is indeed safer and more secluded than the village, and is more suitable for these hunted people to temporarily settle here.

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