Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 612: Good and evil take their own actions. Li Mohan and Black Python successfully stop the e

After the black python successfully escaped, it continued to guard the seal in the valley while recuperating and practicing magic attacks.

Through this proactive attack, Black Python learned some of the enemy's strength. That was just one enemy, and there were other forces that wanted to attack it and seal it.

Therefore, it is certain that with its current strength alone, it cannot compete with the entire enemy organization.

So, Heimang told Li Mohan about his concerns. Li Mohan told Heimang not to worry, as he was already carrying out the investigation plan.

Li Mohan and his secret guards, as well as several fellow apprentices, had already begun collecting intelligence a few days ago to understand the enemy's weaknesses and action patterns.

They discovered that two groups of enemies wanted to open the seal and control this evil force with evil intentions.

There are some contradictions and unstable factors within the two organizations. Some members are also worried about being purged again, so the two organizations have different opinions on action.

Li Mohan plans to take advantage of the contradictions within these organizations and stir up infighting among the enemies, thereby weakening their strength.

At the same time, the black python did not forget to continue practicing and improving his strength.

It believes that as long as it perseveres, it will become stronger and more capable of defeating the enemy, protecting the safety of the seal, and thus protecting the peace and tranquility of its ancestors and family within the seal.

After a period of time, Li Mohan successfully provoked internal strife among the enemies, and the strength of both organizations was greatly affected.

However, this did not let the black python relax its vigilance.

It is well aware of its enemy's ambitions and will not easily give up its covetousness for the seal.

In order to ensure that everything goes well, Black Python decides to go out personally, deep into the enemy's lair and collect more intelligence.

The black python took advantage of the night and sneaked into an enemy stronghold.

With its keen perception and agility, it avoided checkpoints and patrols one after another.

Deep inside the base, Black Python found some important documents and intelligence. Just as it was about to leave, it accidentally triggered the mechanism.

The enemy quickly surrounded it, and the black python was in trouble. However, it was not afraid of danger, and cast a powerful spell to start a fierce battle with the enemy. With its agility, it successfully escaped the enemy's pursuit.

On another dark and windy night, the black python sneaked into the enemy's stronghold.

With its keen perception and superb stealth skills, it successfully avoided one line of defense after another.

Eventually, it discovered the enemy's core secret - a plan on how to control its ancestors and kin once the seal was lifted.

After obtaining the plan, Black Python quickly returned to the valley and shared this important information with Li Mohan.

After discussion, the two decided that according to this plan, they would arrange defenses in advance and not give the enemy any opportunity to take advantage.

Li Mohan and Heimang carefully planned every step of their strategy.

They set up various traps and prohibitions around the seal to prevent enemy attacks.

At the same time, Black Python is constantly improving his strength to prepare for possible fierce battles.

As time went on, the enemy finally noticed something was wrong.

They began to intensify their exploration of the seal and sent more people.

However, Li Mohan and Black Python were already fully prepared.

In this thrilling battle, the sky was filled with flames and the shouts of killing were deafening.

There were only twenty-one people and one black python on Black Python and Li Mohan's side, but they had to deal with nearly a thousand enemies.

In the fierce fighting on the battlefield, doubles used magic to attack each other. Facing the enemies coming like a tide, Li Mohan, Hei Mang and the brothers they invited in advance had no intention of retreating.

Li Mohan and his brothers were wearing heavy armor and holding sharp weapons, constantly attacking the enemy with spells and weapons, like an indestructible line of defense.

Their eyes were full of determination and resoluteness, as if declaring their determination to protect the enemy.

The battle was extremely fierce, with swords clashing and sparks flying. Their figures shuttled through the swords and shadows, engaging in close combat with the enemy. Every time they swung their swords, they carried great magic power, fearless courage and persistence in justice.

The enemy's attack came like a violent storm, but Li Mohan and his fellow brothers worked together, some blocking the enemy's charge, and some using powerful skills to disrupt the enemy's formation.

The black python guards the seal while attacking enemies that break the seal.

In the fierce battle, they not only relied on their superb martial arts, but also relied on their tenacious will and unyielding spirit. Their battle robes were stained red with blood, but they never stopped, just to protect the safety of the seal.

In the end, with their unyielding perseverance and tenacious fighting spirit, they successfully repelled the enemy's first round of attack.

Outside the valley, they supported each other and looked at the seal that was still intact in the valley with relieved smiles on their faces. They knew that their efforts were not in vain and the seal was temporarily kept safe.

After repelling the enemy, Li Mohan and Black Python did not relax. They knew that the enemy would not give up and would definitely come back.

In order to better cope with future challenges, they decided to strengthen their own strength.

Li Mohan immersed himself in studying group attack spells, hoping to find a way to fight against the evil forces; while Black Python continued to practice hard to improve his magic power.

During the training process, Black Python accidentally discovered a mysterious herb. This herb has powerful healing and physical strengthening effects, and it may be used to strengthen his body and have a more lasting combat power in battle.

So, it told Li Mohan about this discovery.

Li Mohan was very excited about this discovery. He immediately went to Xiao Yunyan to study the efficacy and usage of this herb. After some efforts, Xiao Yunyan successfully developed a special medicine.

Not long after, the enemy attacked again, this time more cunning and ferocious.

However, Li Mohan and Black Python were fully prepared. They used the newly developed potion to enhance the strength of themselves and their companions and successfully resisted the enemy's attack.

Facing the enemy's attack, Li Mohan and Black Python complement each other's strengths. In the battle, they cooperated tacitly, and Li Mohan led his brothers to attack the enemy with powerful spells.

In the fierce battle, the black python showed its powerful strength. It twisted its body flexibly and spewed blazing flames from its mouth, interweaving with the enemy's attacks.

At the same time, it cast gold spells to form a solid shield to protect the seal.

The black python showed no mercy to the enemy this time. It opened its huge mouth, and a huge suction force seemed like a bottomless pit, mercilessly devouring the enemies who were unfortunate enough to get close.

The enemies were sucked in tightly, unable to escape, their faces were filled with fear and despair. The giant python was huge, and when it showed its true form, it was more than a hundred meters long, and it swallowed dozens of people easily.

As the black python devoured a powerful mage each time, the enemy's power was gradually weakened, and the black python became more powerful.

The black python, strengthened by Xiao Yunyan's new medicines and elixirs, has become even more powerful.

The black python guards the sealed valley like an insurmountable mountain, majestic and terrifying. Its existence frightens the enemy and also adds endless power to protect the seal.

After a hard battle, they finally repelled the enemy again.

After a fierce battle, the enemy suffered heavy losses and temporarily did not dare to attack the black python and the seal.

However, neither organization will give up. They are more convinced that if they can control the black python and the evil power within the seal, they can do whatever they want.

However, Li Mohan and his fellow brothers found the underground organization's mysterious confidence incredible.

Why are they so sure that after opening the seal, they can control the Black Python, the Ancient Black Python and its descendants?

Li Mohan and Heimang knew that they could not let their guard down. Although the enemy had temporarily retreated, they could launch a more violent attack at any time.

In order to completely solve this hidden danger, Li Mohan decided to take the initiative. He and Black Python went deep into the enemy camp to explore the enemy's next move and find the enemy's weaknesses.

During a secret operation, they discovered an important enemy base.

Li Mohan carefully planned a thorough plan and teamed up with his brothers to launch a surprise attack on the base, successfully weakening part of the enemy's strength.

However, this action aroused the enemy's vigilance, and they launched a frenzied counterattack.

Unexpectedly, the two hostile forces united and changed their tactics.

They no longer directly confronted Li Mohan and others, but instead adopted a strategy of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.

They sent members with weaker attack capabilities to civilian areas outside their fiefdoms, where they plundered property and beautiful young women, causing extreme panic among the people of Beichuan.

Its real purpose is to lure Li Mohan and his brothers away from here. In this way, when Black Python faces so many talented people alone, it will be overwhelmed and the seal will be easier to unlock.

In the ensuing battles, countless innocent people suffered misfortune. The wealth they had accumulated for half a lifetime was looted, and the daughters they had raised with great effort were forcibly taken away.

The people were heartbroken and cried out to the sky, praying that God would open his eyes and severely punish the evildoers.

At the same time, they also hope that the government can step forward and eradicate these villains who are harming the world.

Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan certainly couldn't stand by and watch these evil people harm the people, so they quickly asked their masters to arrange some fellow brothers to come and help.

Therefore, a large number of practitioners of Taoism appeared among the people.

When the two organizations saw that things were going badly, a large number of cultivators came to participate in the matter.

Their strength was originally in an advantageous position, but with the addition of these cultivators, the strength of the two underground organizations seemed to have no advantage.

They also want to retain their strength and expand their organization.

So, on that day, the area of ​​Beichuan became unusually peaceful and quiet.

It was as if the previous burning, killing and looting had never happened.

Those who committed numerous evil deeds, such as burning, killing and looting, seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, disappearing without a trace.

However, for families who have suffered devastating losses, this sudden calm has brought no comfort.

The crime that happened not long ago is still vivid in their minds, haunting them like a nightmare.

The people suffered because they not only lost their money but also their beloved daughters. As a result, their lives fell into endless suffering.

These families turned to the cultivators for help, begging them to help find their children and take back the pensions they had saved for most of their lives.

The brothers knew the people's difficulties and consoled them, "Don't worry! Even if you don't come to beg us, we will work together and take action together. We must take back all the women and money that were taken away!"

In the following days, the brothers worked tirelessly to investigate the situation, not missing any clues.

They were determined to find the whereabouts of the abducted women and their relatives, and to recover the hard-earned money of the people and those poor girls.

After some hard work, Li Mohan finally led his fellow brothers to find a place where the enemy hid gold, silver and treasures.

It was a large farm located on the edge of the city. Today, the kidnapped girls were also imprisoned here, and were closely guarded by the head of the farm and the rich people.

Li Mohan made a prompt decision and led everyone to sneak into the farm. Under the cover of darkness, they approached the target silently.

A thrilling rescue operation began. Li Mohan and his fellow brothers worked in harmony to quickly subdue the guards and rescue the trapped women.

However, just as Li Mohan was about to enter the warehouse and prepare to use the space to take away the ill-gotten gains, the enemy suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

The two sides started a fierce fight, with swords flashing and blood everywhere. Li Mohan and others fought bravely without fear.

At the critical moment, the black python arrived in time, and its appearance caused great confusion among the enemies. Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, all the enemies guarding the villa were defeated.

Li Mohan opened the warehouse and saw a large amount of property looted from various places stored inside.

Li Mohan did not break the packaging, but directly put the items into the space with the packaging. He planned to go back and let the people who lost their things claim the lost property.

The next day, Li Mohan and his fellow brothers stood in the crowd, holding a stack of lost and found lists in their hands, their eyes firm and full of responsibility.

He was well aware of the importance of these properties to their owners and decided to return them to them as soon as possible.

He checked each item carefully to make sure nothing was missing, then carefully put them in order.

Then, he walked towards the people who had lost things, talked to them with a smile, carefully asked each person about the characteristics of the lost items, and then compared them with the list in his hand.

When the corresponding items are found, the brothers return them to the owners and express their concern and apologies.

The owners showed expressions of joy and gratitude on their faces, with tears in their eyes. They held Li Mohan and his senior brothers' hands tightly, and kept expressing their gratitude.

In this process, they not only returned property, but also conveyed warmth and hope.

People all said that Li Mohan and his fellow brothers were living gods who saved people from suffering.

Those girls were secretly sent home to preserve their reputation. Girls from wealthy families were kept in seclusion, so even if a girl was missing, it would not be announced to the public, but only reported to the police secretly by the family.

Now that these women have been found, they cannot be sent home in a grand manner. Instead, they are sent back home secretly at night.

After this matter was completed, the pressure on Li Mohan and his fellow brothers was relieved a little.

In order to prevent these underground forces from continuing to attack the people, they decided not to return to heaven or travel for the time being, but to stay here for a while.

Some of the brothers went to help the big black python guard the seal.

However, the two rebel groups suddenly disappeared without a trace. There was no further action, as if they had given up.

Li Mohan asked his fellow brothers to stay nearby and secretly observe whether there were any suspicious activities. At the same time, he also urged everyone to stay alert and be ready to deal with possible crises at any time.

During this seemingly peaceful period, Li Mohan was not idle. He used his medical skills to treat illnesses and injuries for kind men and women, winning wide praise from the people.

One day, when Li Mohan was treating a wounded person, he accidentally learned an important clue about the underground forces.

It is said that there is a mysterious cave hidden in a mountain outside the city, which may be the lair of underground forces.

Li Mohan decided to go there himself to find out the truth. He hid it from his fellow apprentices and embarked on the adventure alone.

On the way up the mountain, he encountered various dangers, but he managed to overcome them all with his extraordinary wisdom and courage.

Finally, Li Mohan found the mysterious cave. However, what was waiting for him was a huge conspiracy...

This is the current hiding place of the underground forces. Walking into the cave, Li Mohan found many hostages who were in critical condition. Li Mohan hurriedly used his medical skills to save them.

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