Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 388 Before filing a lawsuit, both parties separately study the case and weigh the pros and c

After the lawyers came and learned the details, they felt that it was not difficult to win the case, but it was not easy to catch the counterfeiting workshop owners and the merchants selling the fakes.

He analyzed that according to these students, when they went to withdraw the inkstone, the building was already empty. The shop that sells Yantai was originally a shop with a deserted business and the Four Treasures of the Study. Since the sale of this inkstone, business has been very good. But within a few days, people found that the store was empty.

It was probably manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods. I knew this business would not last long, so I made a lot of money after selling it for a while and then ran away.

Therefore, if Xiao Yunyan's Wuzhi Inkstone shop only sued these scholars and scholars who made false accusations, it would be easy to win the case. On the contrary, that would offend all the scholars and literati in the world. Originally, Wu Zhiyan's shop would change from a reasonable party to a strong and unreasonable party.

If these scholars and literati are not prosecuted, these scholars and literati will in turn sue Wu Zhiyan shop for manufacturing and selling fake products. So, now it seems like a dilemma.

Xiao Yunyan listened to the lawyer's analysis and it made sense. However, he did not want to make enemies of these scholars, but wanted to find out whether the inkstone was authentic and who was making and selling it. They are the victims originally, if they look forward and backward. It is not enough for the truth to come out without going through a trial in the county government office.

After many negotiations between the litigant, Xiao Yunyan and the shopkeeper, they decided to sue these scholars.

Because they did not purchase the goods at Wuzhiyan's authentic store. Later, he bought fake goods, but came to falsely accuse Wu Zhiyan shop. The lawsuit demands that these scholars and literati just apologize publicly.

In fact, the scholars and literati who bought the fake inkstone now understood in their hearts that they had been deceived. But it was not the owner and shopkeeper of Wu Zhiyan's shop who deceived people.

If the Wuzhi Inkstone owner takes them to court, they will not only lose an inkstone, but also lose their reputation. He cheated and bought fake goods at a low price, and also falsely accused innocent people who were implicated.

Once the lawsuit is lost, the loss of money is a small thing, but the loss of reputation is a big thing. The most important thing among literati in the world is that reputation.

These scholars gathered together to discuss and had two ideas.

One is to continue to sue the Wuzhi Inkstone Store and request compensation. No matter what, we must insist that they are the source of counterfeiting.

It's just that after being caught, in order to avoid accountability, he appeared in front of the public as a victim. They even brought the victims who bought fake inkstones to court.

If the lawsuit is successful, the literati and scholars who bought fake products will not only receive high compensation, but also save their reputations. If you lose the lawsuit, in addition to losing money, you will have to apologize publicly.

Another way to think is to be realistic. These scholars no longer asked the Wuzhi Inkstone shop to give an explanation, but collectively went to ask Princess Duanjing, the owner of the Wuzhi Inkstone. Make an apology to others and ask for forgiveness.

This matter depends on whether Princess Duanjing is generous. If she forgives everyone, the matter will be over. It's just that each person lost five hundred taels of silver. Reputation will not be damaged.

Where do these two options go? The scholars were divided into two groups. One group wanted to seek truth from facts.

One group wants to insist on killing Wuzhi Inkstone shops that manufacture and sell counterfeit goods. If Wu Zhiyan denies making and selling counterfeit goods, then let them find the person who actually makes and sells them. Otherwise, the Wuzhi Inkstone Store will compensate them for their losses and apologize to them.

Xiao Yunyan and Litigation Master Song basically reached an agreement that these scholars and literati cannot escape their responsibilities.

First of all, there are genuine stores here, but they did not buy them at normal prices. Instead, they bought inkstones at other stores for 50% lower than the market price. There is obviously a risk of buying fake products. They knew there were risks, but they were greedy for cheap, so they were deceived, and they were subjectively responsible.

In addition, they have to verify on the spot the various differences and differences between real black fat inkstones and fake black fat inkstones.

Under such obvious differences, scholars and literati did not do careful inspection and bought fake and shoddy products. They themselves must bear certain responsibilities.

The remaining responsibility lies with the workshops and stores that manufacture and sell counterfeit products.

The Wuzhi Inkstone store sells its own genuine products at the same price as the genuine products, so it does not assume any responsibility.

Not only does it have no responsibility, Wuzhi Inkstone must also publicly pursue the false accusations made by scholars and literati, as well as the destruction and frame-up of Wuzhi Inkstone’s business by the owners of counterfeit shops.

As for where to find these shop owners and workshop owners who make and sell counterfeit goods, it depends on whether these scholars and literati actively report them?

If they draw a portrait and actively cooperate, then the accountability for their false accusation against Wu Zhiyan's store will be cancelled. There will also be rewards.

The county magistrate also investigated the situation of both parties and learned that both parties were actually victims. It's just that no real counterfeiter can be found to bear the real responsibility for this official affair, so the two victims blame each other instead.

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