Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 387 The best-selling inkstone was imitated, the fake inkstone was returned due to poor quali

There are now twelve ink stone mountains in Xiao Yunyan's space. She felt confident that she would not sell out for a while at least.

Recently, he has been processing pills and inkstones in space. The amount of spells consumed recently has not been particularly large. There is no need to work overtime on drawing symbols just yet.

In the following two months, Xiao Yunyan came one after another. Supplying goods to stores in Beijing. Three thousand square inkstone.

Sales were particularly hot at the beginning, but sales suddenly dropped in the last ten days.

Both the shopkeeper and Xiao Yunyan felt strange. Is it because the market is saturated and people who need to buy Yantai have already bought enough?

Unexpectedly, another five days passed. Some literati came to the store one after another holding inkstone boxes to return goods. These literati said that the workmanship quality of the inkstones sold in stores was too poor. The texture is rough, cannot retain water, and is particularly damaging to the tip of the pen.

The shopkeeper and the staff were particularly surprised, because the inkstones sent by the boss have always been of very good quality, and this has never happened before.

However, they could not deny it right away, because the inkstone boxes held by these people were indeed the kind of boxes they used to hold inkstones. Even the logo left by the owner above is exactly the same.

The owner said this was a brand promotion. Wu Zhiyan's logo is three dark stone mountains with not a single blade of grass on them.

When they opened the box and saw the inkstone inside, their hearts suddenly dropped. Because this inkstone looks very similar to the ones brought over by the owner at first glance. If you look closely, there is a big difference.

So the shopkeeper explained to these literati: "What you bought is a fake. The inkstones we sell are very delicate in texture, finely carved, and every texture is natural and smooth. It is completely different from inkstones like yours, which are obviously handmade." During the process, the technique was not proficient enough, and there were traces of sluggishness in the carving strokes and repeated outlining.

But these scholars did not listen to the shopkeeper's explanation. They said: "This is how we bought your goods. So you must return them to us."

And hundreds of people came in one day.

This was no small matter, so he reported it to Xiao Yunyan. Xiao Yunyan said: "This should be because our products have been counterfeited by others and sold in large quantities, so this is also the reason why the sales of our inkstones have suddenly dropped sharply recently."

The shopkeeper suggested to Xiao Yunyan: "It is better to have an in-depth discussion with these scholars and compare the two inkstones. Let everyone know that these inkstones were not made by us and do not require compensation from us. We will also pursue the counterfeiter who impersonated our brand."

However, Xiao Yunyan knows that there is no such thing as brand protection in this era. Even if you file a lawsuit, you will not be punished for counterfeiting the brand. These buyers can only go to the counterfeiting store to return the goods. Let everyone know where the goods are. Where's the goods are bad?

However, there is an advantage in going to the official, which is to ask the adults to make a detailed inspection of the quality, carving, and other aspects of the two inkstones in front of the court, and then judge that the fake inkstones are not from their shop. While shirking the responsibility, he also placed an advertisement for the inkstone in his store. This is what later generations called crisis public relations.

If you can pass this time. High official. The public hearing in the lobby clearly explained the differences between the two types of inkstones and their advantages. Their inkstones will no longer be damaged by these. Counterfeit and shoddy products. There is no market for the crowd.

Although it cannot stop people from continuing to make inkstones, the level and quality are already very obvious. Those who are willing to choose cheap products do so voluntarily and will not cause trouble to their own stores.

Those literati who want to buy high-quality inkstones will naturally return to their shops.

Xiao Yunyan explained this idea to the shopkeeper in detail.

The shopkeeper thinks it makes sense, though. He said: "That county magistrate is notoriously difficult to give birth to. Although he is not a corrupt person, he is not a good talker either. What if he not only makes things difficult for the other party, but also makes things difficult for our store?"

Xiao Yunyan smiled and asked: "I am Princess Duanjing, and the store under my name is going to litigate. Why would he deliberately make things difficult for me?"

The shopkeeper said: "He won't make it difficult for you, but he will ask us to provide more evidence. Maybe he will say that those inkstones may be fakes made by us. They were deliberately sold in another store because the matter was exposed. , only to shirk responsibility.

This adult is very strange. He does not do it for money or fame. In the process of handling the case, he will put forward various hypotheses. In order to prove that they are right, the defendant and the plaintiff are very busy providing various evidences. Accusing each other while also presenting evidence to prove their innocence. "

Xiao Yunyan was suddenly intrigued by this interesting county magistrate. This way of reviewing cases is not necessarily the wrong way.

Because he raised many possibilities. If you check these possibilities one by one, what you finally get is the truth.

Compared with the kind of county magistrate who draws arbitrary conclusions, this magistrate is actually a very responsible and good official.

Xiao Yunyan is not afraid that this county official will be difficult to deal with. If he creates difficulties for himself, he will also create difficulties for the other party. In short, fairness, impartiality and openness are recommended ways of handling cases.

Just like in the modern trial process, both sides will hire defense lawyers. Reasoning for various possibilities will also be presented. The other party can only present evidence to deny this possibility with evidence. This process of raising questions and citing evidence to deny the questions is a process of making the truth of the matter clear.

Beichuan Kingdom also has lawyers responsible for defense. However, few people go to these lawyers. I don’t know what their personal abilities are, but the litigation fees for handling a case are very expensive. Ordinary people don't have much money to begin with, so hiring a lawyer costs money, so few people hire one.

Xiao Yunyan plans to ask a lawyer to come over to help represent the case. She wanted to make this case as grand as possible.

In addition to winning this case, we also need to let all counterfeiters know through this case: "No one else has the ability to imitate the black fat inkstones sold in her shop. Even the skills of the inkstone-making masters, relatively speaking, cannot be imitated." The hand-made effect is definitely not as exquisite as the space machine-made workmanship.

If it's just about identifying authenticity, Xiao Yunyan has a trump card. She set anti-counterfeiting marks during the production process of the inkstone. Even an imitator would probably not be able to imitate this mark.

The shopkeeper went to sue the official. The government attaches great importance to this case because the county magistrate is also a fan of black fat inkstone. He now has a collection of Shifang inkstones in his hand. Most of them were bought by him himself, and some were given by friends. What he is using now is the real black fat inkstone he bought from the real black fat inkstone store.

He used it very easily and loved it very much. Later, the ones given by friends and bought by myself were treated as collections and temporarily stored on the archaeological shelf.

Now, someone has complained to the officials that Wu Zhi Inkstone has been imitated. And it was sold to many literati.

These literati spent half the price to buy fake black fat inkstones, and now they want to return them to the real black fat inkstone store. The shopkeeper not only sued those who returned the goods, but also sued the workshop and sales store that made the fake black fat inkstones.

The counterfeit shops not only forged black fat inkstones, but also claimed that they purchased the goods from the black fat inkstone shops in Beijing.

After these literati bought fake goods, they went to the store where they bought them to return them, but they found that the store was empty. So all. Come running. Come to this store in Beijing to return the goods.

This lawsuit must be very difficult to fight. The county magistrate, who likes to study the details of lawsuits, also wants to make this lawsuit more powerful. Just a warning to those businessmen who like to make false claims.

But now. Specifically, is this material eye faked by someone else or by yourself? It’s hard to shirk responsibility. He will go to church immediately. Find out the truth and give justice to these buyers. Even if you buy it at half price. It's also five hundred taels of silver, which is not cheap.

Five hundred taels is the four-year salary of his county magistrate. but. His family has its own family business. So I don't live on his salary.

But five hundred taels is not a small amount for ordinary wealthy families. Of course, you can't just be deceived by those scammers.

If the inkstone is well made, it is worth the price, even if it is an imitation, it is worth the price. But if it is done very falsely, it will deceive the literati.

Soon the day of promotion came, and those scholars who came to return the inkstone became the defendants. They were very depressed and complained collectively to the county magistrate.

The scholars hope that the county magistrate will uphold justice and give them justice. And don't favor the shops under the name of Princess Duanjing.

This last sentence is about killing people and killing people. Because this county magistrate usually does not fear the powerful and enforces the law impartially. No matter who files a lawsuit, he will investigate it thoroughly.

Originally, he had no intention of favoring Princess Duanjing. But if these scholars said that if Princess Duanjing's shop won the case, these scholars would falsely accuse him of protecting the powerful.

The county magistrate is a tough man. If the literati who bought fake inkstones complained to the officials normally, he would accept it. But with this method of gaining a head start and using public opinion to put pressure on him, he would not compromise.

The more the literati used public opinion to coerce him, the more he wanted to investigate the case in public, so that these literati would be convinced whether they won or lost the case. I won't put a shit basin on his head again.

When the county magistrate saw Wu Zhi Inkstone's shop, he hired a lawyer and invited many old customers who used Wu Zhi Inkstone. Those famous literati came to testify. He likes this scene.

The fact that Wu Zhiyan's shop dares to create such a big fanfare shows that they have no evil intentions.

The county magistrate also made full preparations and asked his men to investigate the case privately.

Officials do not wear official clothes, but wear ordinary scholar's clothes and go to the scholars to investigate. From what kind of hands did they buy these inkstones? When they received the inkstone, didn't they hold it in their hands and play with it carefully, but instead just took it away?

Soon these officials in scholarly clothes came back. The evidence they investigated showed that there was indeed a group of other people who saw Wuzhi inkstones selling quickly. Just opportunistically, use other materials to fake black fat inkstone.

This gang is awesome. When I got the fake black fat inkstone, I did feel that the texture was delicate.

However, when the water was poured in and the ink was polished, the delicate layer was also rubbed away. After cleaning the inkstone, you will find a layer of wear marks on the areas where it was ground.

When the inkstone is used again in the future, the water and ink poured into the inkstone will quickly dry out. Because the water seeped down along the bottom of the inkstone.

This shows that the texture of the stone is very rough, and the gaps between the particles are too large, causing water to seep downward. So the ink became very dry and I couldn't open the pen.

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