Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 142 Li Mohan traveled far to investigate the case and encountered a case of forcing a good g

Emperor Chuanwu had just recovered from health, and his men came to report again, saying that they had discovered that the eldest prince and the second prince had more cruel criminal methods.

In order to recruit some masters with special skills, they did not use courtesy or pay more wages to invite them, but used coercion, and even imprisoned the master technicians in one place and used various methods to train them. Until these masters stopped resisting.

For example, in gold mining, those who are good at mining are not hired or invited by them, but are forced to come from other countries after kidnapping families and children.

It wasn't just the technical masters who were kidnapped and forced. The workers in the mines are also recruited from all over the country in the name of recruiting high-paying workers.

Workers work long hours and are extremely tiring and consume a lot of physical energy. Not only did they not pay wages. Living conditions are still extremely harsh.

Tired and hungry, one batch was exhausted and another batch came. Those workers who died of exhaustion were thrown into the barren mountains and ridges near the mines, where they were eaten by wolves, insects, tigers and leopards.

Many of the subordinates of the boss and the second boss are thugs and have no morals or kindness at all.

while investigating this matter. The secret guards spent a lot of effort and were almost wiped out.

Because there was a rebel organization behind them, they used extraordinary means to surround the construction site. With the ability of ordinary people who are secret guards, it is impossible to enter. Once you enter, you cannot break out.

Fortunately, Princess Duanjing had prepared poisons, antidotes, and some charms for them in advance when they were going to perform these special tasks.

This time they have been trapped in the formation set up by the opponent. If you can't get out, you will be trapped. Fortunately, Xiao Yunyan gave her a divine blessing. They hid in a corner and activated the Thunder Talisman. The sky-wide thunder shattered the stones in the formation. Just in time to break the siege formation. They barely escaped death.

Now that they had broken through the siege, the guards worked hard and used drugs to stun the stewards and guards who were watching the workers in the mine.

Free the workers from the mine. During the questioning, the miners looked horrified and did not dare to tell the truth.

Later I learned that this was a crony sent by the emperor to investigate the case, so I dared to tell the secret.

These miners were all deceived. They can only die from exhaustion here, with no other chance to get out. In order to survive for two more days, he could only work hard to mine for his employer. If you slack off a little bit, you will be whipped on the spot, and your life may be shorter.

They really didn't expect that they would have a chance to escape from the mine in this life. In order to verify that what these miners said is true. They went to other mining sites. The conclusion is the same.

The secret guards asked the emperor for instructions to send these miners back and keep them calm. While waiting for the net to be closed, rescue them collectively. Or should we do it now?

The secret guards added some content. The lives of these people are at stake. Doing the most tiring work and eating the worst food every day. The slightest disobedience will result in a whipping. If anyone dared to find fault, his legs would be broken alive and thrown into the mountains to be eaten alive by wolves, insects, tigers and leopards.

When the emperor heard this, he was very angry and anxious. If it's for the sake of the overall situation, of course it has to be delayed for a while. You can only close the net when you are fully prepared. However, if the rescue was one day late, more miners would die.

The prostitutes in the brothel and the petty officials in the Nanfeng Pavilion are all like ants. They are often rolled up on a mat and carried out. Throw it into a mass grave and the mortality rate is very high.

But now, the economic competition between various places against rebel organizations and the boss and the second child has just begun. There has not yet been a force strong enough to resist them.

In terms of armaments, although the imperial court has a large number of officers and soldiers. However, the number of officers and soldiers of the rebel organization is not large. Their soldiers were hidden in various businesses, shops and farms. They usually look like businessmen and associates doing business, or farmers farming, but when gathered together, they become a powerful army.

And the supreme ruler of these armies is the master of the rebel organization who knows a lot of magic.

This person alone can withstand tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It is said that this person can spread the beans to form soldiers and call for wind and rain.

So if you are not very sure, if you act too hastily. Maybe our side will soon be disintegrated by the rebel organization.

The emperor couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to discuss it with his fourth son and fourth daughter-in-law. But these two people are not around now.

One went to other neighboring countries to deliver goods. One went to the border of Cathay to investigate a case involving the training of an evil mage. It is said that the rebel organization trained a group of magicians near the Kingdom of Cathay, at the border far away from the imperial court.

One of these people can withstand thousands of people. This is their trump card. No matter how many thousands of soldiers you have, before the magic, they are just scum.

This time, the fourth son ran over there with the secret guards of the Tianzi Group. The emperor was very worried. He would feel safer if his fourth daughter-in-law was with him.

But the fourth son is just an ordinary person after all. The few means of self-protection he knew were partly due to the drugs and spells given by his daughter-in-law. Part of it is a little bit of martial arts gained in the military. He is really worried.

At this time, Li Mohan was worried about his father. He was riding a horse on the official road to Cathay.

Li Mohan rode a snow lion and led four secret guards from the Tianzi group to move quickly.

Fortunately, his wife had prepared for him a lot of Lingquan ginseng water and a lot of meat that could be stored for a period of time. When a person or horse is tired or hungry, he can eat and drink and regain his strength instantly.

In less than two days, he has already traveled a distance of five days for ordinary people.

They stayed in the hotel that day. Next to it is the brothel. There is also a men's style shop not far away.

This county is not big, but it is an important transportation thoroughfare with a large floating population. After Li Mohan and the others stayed in the hotel, the place next door was very lively at night.

If you want to get some information, you have to go to these restaurants, teahouses, brothels, or opera stages.

Li Mohan and the others decided to enter the brothel in disguise to see the details inside. Because the people below have reported that this brothel is the property of the second prince.

It is said that women here are snatched from all over the world. There was even a lady from an official family among them.

As soon as Li Mohan and his group of five approached the brothel, several women in gauze were waving fans and soliciting business from them. Not far away, there were several men in black hiding in the darkness.

Li Mohan felt that these men were the turtle men who guarded the prostitutes or the thugs of the brothel.

If the girls do not take the initiative to solicit business, they may be imprisoned and abused by the brothel madams and turtle masters.

Since they were here to get information, they took the initiative to cooperate. With the help of these women, they were led into the brothel.

Although Li Mohan was dressed up in disguise, his figure and temperament were still hard to look down upon.

Li Mohan took a serious look at the old madam who came up to him. This woman is very plump, with a snow-white face, a charming and enchanting facial expression, and her body and walking posture. At first glance, she is someone who has been hanging out in Fengyuechang all year round.

The old madam waved her fan lightly, twisted her body, and asked with a smile on her face: "How many gentlemen? What kind of room do you want? Tianzi Room, the room fee for one night is one hundred taels of silver."

Before she could introduce other rooms, Li Mohan threw out a banknote with a denomination of five hundred taels of silver. Tell the madam to prepare the best room for him, and have the best tea and snacks ready. Call the top names and very famous girls in the brothel.

The old madam took a look and realized that this was a generous young man. There are not many people in the county who can afford a banknote of just five hundred taels.

The old madam put the banknotes in her armhole and turned around to call the girl. The girls who did not receive guests, and who were freshening up in their rooms and waiting for others to order the top cards, came out of their rooms and stood in a row, heading towards the best room, Tianzi No. 1.

At this time, Li Mohan and four secret guards who were sitting inside were already serving tea under the service of the little maid.

When Tianyi was about to drink tea, he noticed something in the tea, so he winked at the other people.

Li Mohan and the others also pretended to take a sip from their teacups and placed them on the counter.

At this time, the old madam filed in with twenty girls, and of course the one at the head was the top one in the building.

Li Mohan saw that this girl's temperament was different from that of ordinary prostitutes. There was a sad look between his eyebrows. But it is precisely this sadness that increases her intelligence and charm.

The Madam asked each girl to come forward and introduce herself. The top girl's name is Miss Furong.

Miss Furong spoke in a very gentle voice, looked well-educated, and spoke in a refined manner. At first glance, it seems that he comes from a scholarly family.

Li Mohan communicated with several of his subordinates in an imperceptible manner with their eyes. This woman may be the official lady who was just captured from the brothel.

It is said that this woman's father is a sixth-rank official. Because he is usually very upright, he offended his superior.

And this Shangguan happened to be the second prince's subordinate. The daughter of this sixth-grade official is named Xi Yunniang, and she is also a famous official lady in this county. He is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, his appearance is first-class, and his talent is even more first-class. Being sought after by young men from the county and even the government, anyone who came to propose marriage would have stepped down the threshold of his house.

However, because she is still young, she is only 15 years old this year. Just got haircut. The family was not in a hurry to see her. She always excuses herself by saying that she is still young and will wait until she is sixteen or seventeen. Let’s see my husband’s family again.

But she was attracted by her father's superior officer and wanted to take her as his concubine.

Of course Xi Yunniang's father, Xi Qiuyuan, would not agree. And he told Shangguan very bluntly that his daughter would only be a wife and would not be a concubine.

Shangguan, who originally hated Xi Qiuyuan, let others frame him. Xi Qiuyuan, who framed this sixth-grade official, was dismissed from the court and sentenced to exile.

Without her father's blessing, Xi Yunniang became a rootless duckweed. He was caught by his father's superior officer and wanted to do something evil.

But at this moment, the second prince was visiting the Shangguan's house. He also saw Xi Yunniang at a glance and felt that this was a money tree and he couldn't let his men harm it like this.

The second prince deliberately acted like a humble gentleman, drinking tea and chatting with the bride, showing great concern. And repeatedly promised to help her relieve her worries.

However, Xi Yunniang cannot be raised in vain. It just so happens that he has a brothel in his name. Xi Yunniang can be asked to be the leading figure there, only performing her art but not her body.

Xi Yunniang was originally unwilling to do so. Regardless of whether she was a prostitute or a prostitute, once she became a prostitute, she would never be a good woman.

However, her father's superior officer already had jealous feelings toward her. If she didn't agree to the young master's invitation, she might not be able to escape that night.

She was forced to have no choice but to wait for as long as possible.

Just half a month ago, Xi Yunniang became the top star in this brothel. The reason why he was not sent to the capital or a big city was because after all, she was an official lady and her father was also framed. The second prince is still very cautious and does not want to cause too much trouble.

Therefore, Xiyun Niang. He became the number one in the brothel owned by the second prince. He also just received a customer for five days. It’s really about selling your art and not your body. The second prince wanted to make her a cash cow, but of course he would not let her turn into a waste prematurely.

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