Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 141 Li Mohan was ordered to investigate the rebel organization and related officials, and th

Li Mohan felt sorry for his wife and had to run around again, but now he couldn't spare the time to accompany her. Investigations into rebel groups in the capital, as well as covert investigations into officials with ties to rebel groups, have continued.

At present, almost all the names of the fifth-rank officials in the capital who have defected to the rebel organization have been identified. This is also thanks to the fluorescent powder Xiao Yunyan left in the underground tunnel last time. Officials who secretly collaborated with rebel groups were exposed.

The Imperial Guards and Secret Guards hidden in the tunnels investigated these officials who had ties to the rebel organization based on the footprints left by the fluorescent powder.

After more than half a year of secret investigation, they discovered that the actual situation was more serious than what they had seen.

More than half of the officials in the Beichuan court were corrupted and attracted by the eldest prince, the second prince and the rebel organizations, and provided various shelters to the rebel organizations.

No wonder rebel groups can grow so quickly in the dark. The industries involved are also all-encompassing. Among the officials who came to the imperial court from various places, the network of relationships was intricate.

If Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan hadn't revealed this secret. Beichuan will inevitably change hands in less than two years.

During this period, Xiao Yunyan was busy with the economic construction of the fiefdom. On the surface, Li Mohan went around doing construction with his wife, which was for the rebel organizations and the boss and the second son to see, but behind the scenes, he was busy investigating the secret power and various corruption incidents of these officials.

Li Mohan does not need to conduct detailed investigations on the spot. Wu Zheng, Yan Sheng and Xiao Yunji worked together to lead the imperial guards and secret guards to conduct an in-depth investigation of every relevant capital official and local officials. After investigating first-hand information, they did not close the net on these people.

It can be said that it is hard to come back. If a rebel organization with so many people participating in it is punished at once. Beichuan will be in chaos soon.

Therefore, Emperor Wu of Sichuan secretly discussed with his direct son Li Mohan. Don't touch these people for the time being, but let your own people slowly infiltrate into these rebel organizations.

The imperial court strongly supported the Yan family, Xiao family and Yun family, allowing these three families to join forces to fight against the rebel organization's monopoly in various industries.

Led by these three families, as well as their in-laws, they will gradually develop into the core of Beichuan's new economic power.

When the new economic forces replaced the rebel organization and the eldest prince, the monopoly economic power established by the second prince and the others could only be closed when the time was ripe.

Although Emperor Sichuan Wu was full of anger, he could only endure it. There was a time when he was mired in self-doubt. It was obvious that he was working very hard and gave very serious responses to court affairs and memorials reported from various places. Why was there such a big mistake, but he was kept in the dark? There is such a large rebel organization under his nose, and it is getting bigger and bigger, and it has even reached the point of subverting his regime.

Emperor Sichuan Wu doubted himself and was afraid at the same time. If it weren't for the fourth son to marry Xiao Yunyan as his daughter-in-law; if his son and daughter-in-law hadn't been observant and capable, and discovered this huge secret, he would still be complacent, thinking that each of his sons would be worthy of big responsibilities, and that a father is kind to his son. filial piety. He believed that although Beichuan under his rule did not dominate the entire Central Continent, it was still an envied and wealthy country.

He never expected that Beichuan, which he was so proud of, would secretly be riddled with holes. Always in a state of turmoil. Under his palace, intricate tunnels had been dug, and he and the queen could be decapitated at any time.

According to the fourth son's investigation, it was learned that the last time the three countries jointly attacked Beichuan, the reason why the rebel organization did not use the tunnel to kill him as the emperor was because the rebel organization wanted the emperor's uncle to possess the fourth son Li Mohan's body and legitimately become the crown prince.

In turn, the Yun family will become the biggest support for the rebel organization and infiltrate their power into other countries. The ultimate political ambition is to rule the entire Middle-earth continent.

Emperor Sichuan Wu was afraid of the future, and he also firmed up his idea that this country could only be ruled by his fourth son and his fourth daughter-in-law in the future. The other sons simply don't have that ability.

Originally, the eldest and second eldest children were very smart.

After all, they will inherit the throne in the future, and Emperor Sichuan Wu can tolerate some strategies and small thoughts. As long as their abilities are strong enough and they can dominate the world, Emperor Sichuan Wu will not kill them all, but will give them room to develop freely.

However, after careful investigation, it was discovered that these two children were actually short-sighted, narrow-minded, and not useful.

This conclusion was not drawn by the investigation by Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan's men, nor by Xiao Yunyan's brother Xiao Yunji.

Instead, he sent his own secret supervisors to the place to investigate deeply what the two sons were doing.

He also wanted to verify whether the investigation results reported by Li Mohan and Xiao Yunyan were true. And verify whether Xiao Yunji’s investigation information is true?

The result was very disappointing to him. What his eldest and second sons did was more outrageous than he knew.

Xiao Yunyan and Xiao Yunji still had some reservations about what they reported, and they did not report it completely truthfully. It should be because he missed the father-son affection in his heart. , not wanting him to face such a cruel reality.

The result of the investigation is that nearly half of the officials in the court have been won over by the boss and the second child. The two sons each raised many private soldiers behind their backs. This is not too much.

If the two sons did this just to compete for the world, he would think it was understandable. However, in order to win the world, at least they must be responsible for the people and love their people.

However, what made him very disappointed was that these two sons used very cruel methods in the business process. The only thing I think about is earning more silver for myself, leaving no room for my opponents.

According to the investigation, when the stores and other businesses under the names of the two sons encountered rivals that blocked their way during the operation, assassination methods were often used to kill the entire family of these rivals. The methods are extremely cruel and cruel.

In addition, the government does not encourage the establishment of brothels in Beichuan. But there is no explicit prohibition.

What made Emperor Wu of Sichuan angry was that his two sons opened many brothels. Those women in the brothel did not do so voluntarily. Instead, when their subordinates saw a girl from a family with a beautiful appearance, they would snatch her away by force, or force the girl's parents to sell their daughter to them. To put it bluntly, they are trying their best to force girls into prostitution.

They didn't just open brothels and brothels everywhere. His sons would open a male style parlor next to brothels everywhere.

None of the petty officials here are voluntary. The men of the two sons have their own human trafficker organization, which goes to various places to snatch young boys with handsome faces, send people to give them special training, and force them to receive masculine officials and wealthy people at a young age.

There are countless such Nanfeng pavilions and brothels across the country. The boss and the second child often fight over the territory. Later, with the coordination of the leader of the rebel organization, the two reached a tacit understanding. The two people's businesses do not appear in the same city.

If there is another family competing with them for business, then they will fight and wipe out the other party directly.

When Emperor Sichuan Wu heard his men secretly report these things, he was so angry that he died on the spot and vomited blood. I lay in bed for two days and didn't get up.

The imperial doctors examined him. They knew that the emperor was very angry, but no one understood where the emperor got such anger.

The emperor felt bitter in his heart and could not express it. He could only break his teeth into pieces and swallow them in his stomach.

She was still the queen. She didn't ask why the emperor was so angry. Instead, she took out a few pills of medicinal herbs that her daughter-in-law left behind when she left, which were used to treat acute heat and heart attacks. After taking the pills, the emperor felt much better.

After a few days, the emperor recovered his health. But the body and mind suffered a huge blow.

It can be said that the eldest brother and the second child have become cancers that destroy people's lives. Even if we do not punish them now, we will have to punish them severely one day.

If he doesn't take action now, one day, when the fourth son and the fourth daughter-in-law take action, the lives of these two sons and the lives of their descendants may not be saved.

Treason is one of the greatest crimes in the world. His two sons were punished for several crimes, and only if they survived would the people be outraged. However, after all, it was his own bloodline. He had watched them grow up since he was a child, and he had given so much fatherly love to them. He couldn't bear to take their lives with his own hands. What a dilemma! !

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