Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 128 Complete preparations before the Xiao family caravan travels

What Xiao Yunyan wants to solve is the packaging problem.

In modern times, the outer packaging usually used to transport fragile goods is a carton with shock-proof foam and inflated plastic shock-proof bubble film inside.

The inner packaging is usually to wrap the porcelain individually with thick paper and wrap the outer paper with plastic tape. Then wrap it with inflatable anti-shock bubble film, and finally put it in an outer packaging with an inner layer of foam and an outer layer of carton.

These packaging items are easy to exchange in space, but taking them out is too advanced, and it is difficult to explain the origin of that item.

as long-distance transport. The weight of carriages and horses is limited, so it is best to make full use of every bit of space.

Xiao Yunyan decided to use a new packaging method. Because they have to transport food to other countries. Xiao Yunyan asked the team to use wooden boxes for packaging.

Porcelain uses papyrus from this era. Wrap it tightly in several layers and tie it tightly with straw rope. Then put it in the box. Leave a larger gap between the two porcelain pieces. Then fill the box full of porcelain with good rice, millet or wheat. Fill all the gaps inside the box.

The way to do this is that no matter how it collides during transportation, there are no gaps inside the box. Therefore, a fixed whole is formed internally.

Between porcelain and porcelain. There are not only thick papers and straw ropes as anti-collision measures, but also tight wheat, millet or rice as a buffer in the middle to prevent collisions.

After selling the porcelain, the remaining grain can be sold. During the entire transportation process, wooden boxes can transport local items and serve as outer packaging. Therefore, this method of transportation not only saves space, but also prevents it from being particularly fragile during transportation.

The suggestions put forward by Xiao Yunyan were praised by everyone. I have never heard of food being used as a buffer. This idea is really strange.

However, thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is really what Xiao Yunyan said. Instead of using unsaleable straw and the effect is not good, it is better to use grain as filler. It is also a commodity in itself and the price is very high.

The key is that the grain used as filler will not be damaged in any way. With wooden boxes as outer packaging, it will not get damp due to rain, snow or dense fog on the road.

In order to test the effect of this anti-fall packaging. Pack the porcelain and grain thus packaged in large wooden boxes and put them on the carriage. Let the carriage drive quickly on the bumpy road. Then I opened it and found that the porcelain was intact.

After another experiment, the box rolled off the carriage and fell to the ground, hitting a big stone. Looking at the porcelain inside, it was still intact.

That is, as long as the wooden box outside is strong enough. It will not fall apart due to collision, and the porcelain inside will be intact.

In order to ensure that the wooden box will not fall apart if it falls on a stone or rolls down during transportation. Let the blacksmith shop make some thin iron sheets, and pull two narrow iron strips across and vertically on each box as the outermost fixed packaging.

Look at the sturdy packaging. Others praised Xiao Yunyan's wisdom, which was truly unmatched by others. You can always think of ways that others can't think of.

The goods are ready. This time they prepared twenty carriages. In addition to the cargo, the rest were essential items such as luggage, tents, pots and pans that they would need on the road, as well as food.

Because she was led by Shan's caravan leader, Xiao Yunyan was not worried about the safety of these tribesmen. but. After all, the journey was long, so Xiao Yunyan still provided each of them with ten bottles of poison and antidote. There are also some commonly used medicines for treating bruises, diarrhea or colds.

While preparing these things, Xiao Yunyan suddenly thought, no matter where people are, they need medicines. Shouldn't they add a few more trucks of medicinal materials to the fleet? These patent medicine pills and patent medicine powders are not available to others.

It just so happens that she processes a large amount of patent medicines in her space, and there is no place to distribute them yet. She regularly provides medications that are routinely used in the military. But because there is no war, the consumption of medicines is not large. In the early stage, she recuperated the bodies of all the soldiers in the army. These young people are all in great health and do not need to take medicine at all.

The pills and powders she produces are already available in her own medicine shop. Although the sales volume is not bad, his pills are relatively expensive and ordinary people will not buy them.

It just so happened that this caravan was going around various countries. There are many rich people and nobles there, and they can afford these expensive pills.

Six more carriages were loaded with pills and powder in the space. She set the minimum price for each medicinal material, and the rest was left up to her clan members to set prices freely based on local conditions.

These products are provided free of charge by Xiao Yunyan, and she is responsible for all investments. She promised that all costs would be excluded. excess profit above the sales floor price. He and these clansmen were divided 50-50. That is to say, if the tribesmen can sell their goods at higher prices, they will naturally earn more.

Because the goods they transport are not available in other caravans, the pricing power is in the hands of their own tribe.

This plan will pass through 12 countries and large tribes. The Xiao family has a total of 26 trucks, which is actually too few. There is simply not enough to sell. The price will definitely not be very cheap.

Xiao Yunyan told these tribesmen that if they sold the goods in the early stage, there was no need to worry.

Just randomly grab some goods that are easier to sell in the previous country and sell them in the next country. By reselling in this way, you can also earn part of the price difference.

These teenage boys of the Xiao family are full of fantasies and hopes for the future. Because of Xiao Yunyan's complete preparations, everyone is gearing up to make a fortune. Have dreams and ambitions. A very good thing for young lads.

Since Xiao Yunyan has made all preparations, she is not afraid of any accidents happening to them. With the help of kind family members, Xiao Yunyan feels that these young people may be the new generation leaders of the Xiao family's future business empire.

Before these tribesmen left, Xiao Yunyan told them that they would encounter specialties from various countries on the way back. You can bring some back home, the most important ones are various special spices.

She took out a notebook, which recorded all the spices he could use when making condiments.

She told the tribesmen that if they encounter these things, they should buy as many as possible and bring them back. If there are not enough horses, carriages and horses can be purchased locally at her expense.

Xiao Yunyan's soy sauce seasoning factory has been in production for a long time. It’s just that at the moment, the goods are not that diverse. The main products produced are soy sauce, aged vinegar, light soy sauce and cooking wine.

Thirteen spices and steamed buns and dumplings are mixed with fillings. I haven’t made them yet because of the lack of main raw materials. Only made five spice powder.

Xiao Yunyan purchased some spices from other caravans that were not available separately in the space, but the prices were too expensive.

This time she asked the Xiao family to go out for business. Firstly, she wanted to fulfill their wishes. Secondly, she wanted them to find a fixed source of spices and form a caravan dedicated to transporting spices. These spices would not only be supplied to Beichuan, but also There are other countries where spices are scarce. It can also be used as the main sales area.

Originally, they were to be grown in space, but there are many types. Compared with food and life-saving medicinal materials that are related to the national economy and people's livelihood, it is more cost-effective to purchase spices from the place of origin.

After all, there are not many people who know how to cook, so it is not that easy for them to mix and match various spices to make delicious food. What Xiao Yunyan wants to provide is mixed compound spices, such as the commonly used thirteen spices, five-spice powder, stuffings for steamed buns and dumplings, barbecue ingredients, stewed fish ingredients, braised meat ingredients, pickled fish stuffing buns, etc. The simpler it is to use, the easier it is to be accepted.

Xiao Yunyan's soy sauce seasoning factory only opened one location very close to the border. There is also one opened near the capital. Other places have not been moved yet.

After all, the training of skilled workers takes a long time. Xiao Yunyan's workers are all sons of more than three generations of their own family.

Their body deeds are all held in their own hands. Therefore, we are not afraid of them passing on their technology. The whole family has been working as slaves in the Xiao family for several generations. Even if they were given ten courages, they would not dare to do anything against their master.

The key is that Xiao Yunyan promised to give them high wages. And in the future, they serve as the first generation of technicians. You have to go to various places to work as a workshop or factory supervisor. The future is promising. They will not be so stupid as to destroy their own future.

Xiao Yunyan never does things because she sees the slightest benefit in front of her. It can be said that she has a lofty vision, and it can also be said that she is wealthy and rich in resources.

As for the craft of soy sauce seasoning, Xiao Yunyan does not intend to pass it on to outsiders. As a very advanced technology of this era, it does not want to spread too far and affect the course of history.

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