Travel through space and help the prince’s husband in construction

Chapter 127 The six northwest mansions are prosperous, and the young people of the Xiao family want

Those kids who learned skills in technical colleges. Internship in various folk workshops. Then the masters will lead them to study various crafts and techniques. With such an atmosphere, various folk crafts and technologies have not only been widely disseminated, but also rapidly improved.

In the autumn of that year, more businessmen came to the six northwest prefectures to purchase various handicrafts and small folk-made objects for transportation to countries further away. They exchanged for local specialties there and then returned to Beichuan to sell them in various places.

Back and forth, trade was carried out on both sides. Businessmen are making a lot of money. The private workshops in the six northwest prefectures are also booming.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have always pursued policies of light taxes, paid corvee, and encouraging the development of the private economy.

Therefore, businessmen and farmers are very motivated to produce and do not feel much burden.

However, due to the prosperity and development of all walks of life, the tax amount in the fiefdom has increased several times.

The local officials were originally worried that their feudal lord was so stupid that he gave all the money to farmers and businessmen and would never get it back.

Unexpectedly, nearly half of it has been recovered in just half a year. It's still only autumn.

The peak season is between the end of the year and March on the lunar calendar. People’s consumption is mainly concentrated in the two periods before and after the new year. Years ago, the main focus was on purchasing New Year supplies. After the new year, the main focus will be on purchasing daily necessities.

Officials and accountants estimated that in another year, Prince Duanjing and his wife would not only be able to recoup all their investment, but also make a slight surplus.

This was something they never thought of at the beginning. Those who used to laugh at Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan, and some who were worried, are now convinced by the facts, and they all give thumbs up.

This couple is truly forward-thinking. The six northwest prefectures that were originally desolate are now thriving.

In addition to the first migration peak, there were two more migration peaks later.

Today, the population of the six northwest prefectures has reached the population level before the war. However, many new villages were built one after another, and Prince Duanjing and his wife still encouraged the population to migrate here.

The area is too vast, and the density of people is still too small. In an agricultural society dominated by manual labor, people are the main labor force. Without population as a basis, everything is a castle in the air.

Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan have argued many times that if they want to develop, they must first introduce people. In addition to being a labor force, the population itself is also a consumer, creating market demand.

Because the newly migrated people have a better life at home, and they also hope that their relatives will follow them. There are really many people writing letters to their hometowns. Delivered to family members far away through the inn.

So more migrants followed. As the number of personnel in the six northwest prefectures increases, the number of personnel in other prefectures will naturally decrease.

Originally, because the poor people had moved away, the local government and the three feudal lords were very happy. Kicked these poor guys to the northwest, they were like throwing away some burdens.

However, after more than half a year of staff reduction, they discovered a problem. Because of the population reduction, business became less prosperous than before. Even though those who left were poor people, they still had living needs. When market demand decreases, businessmen naturally do not make money.

These businessmen also heard the news. It is said that businessmen in the six northwest prefectures are now not only making money from local people, but also mainly making money from several other countries. Even business is getting farther and farther, and business routes have expanded to more than a dozen countries. The profit has even doubled several times every year.

Businessmen are profit-seeking. Therefore, many businessmen from other prefectures also migrated to the six northwest prefectures.

This migration trend made several princes who were originally complacent anxious. Some state officials, who originally encouraged the poor to move, are now panicking.

The poor moved away and they were thankful. However, the most active businessmen moved away. Taxes have dropped sharply, which is a big deal that makes them lose their hair.

However, once a trend is formed, it is difficult to change in a short period of time.

The population of the six northwest prefectures has increased dramatically, but Xiao Yunyan and Li Mohan are not afraid because there are too many wastelands on the border. Although they are only six prefectures in the northwest, the land area they occupy is equivalent to the area of ​​more than twenty state capitals.

But most of them are barren mountains and pastures. Nowadays, as the number of people increases, it is only necessary to expand the places where the population lives to more remote areas.

The social economy of the six northwest prefectures gradually prospered. Most of the Xiao family members who moved here with Xiao Yunyan worked as managers in various aspects or as shopkeepers.

However, there are also some young people who are unwilling to take up management positions. They wanted to go out and join other caravans delivering goods to other countries. Plan to make more money.

Xiao Yunyan will not hinder their development. If they have such an idea, they can put it into practice.

But after all, they are some young people who need guidance and leadership. It just so happens that the Shan family's caravan also transports goods regularly, so why not let these young people from the Xiao family run business with the Shan family's caravan, get a few trucks of goods by themselves, run with them, and gain some experience.

Although there are many caravans in the six northwest prefectures transporting goods to surrounding countries, after all, they only use carts and horses to transport goods, and the distance in between is very long. It cannot meet the needs of those countries.

Therefore, at present, there is no competition between caravans and caravans, but more mutual support and cooperation.

Xiao Yunyan didn't want the Xiao family to steal other people's business, so the products selected before the caravan set off were very crucial.

Diversify your merchandise and deliver goods to other countries that other caravans do not carry. You can earn higher prices and have your own pricing power without affecting anyone else's business. These goods are difficult to choose.

Because it is a long-distance transport, many people are not willing to bring things that are prone to bumps and bumps.

but. The most popular porcelain in other countries is Beichuan porcelain. Beichuan's stoneware is much more high-end and exquisite than the clay pottery made by other nomadic peoples or in areas with underdeveloped technology.

Not only are tableware, kitchen utensils, and furnishings that wealthy families particularly want, they are also luxury goods that ordinary newlyweds want to buy.

The other three teams also transported porcelain, but the damage rate during the journey was too high. Later, few people shipped porcelain in large quantities. I only brought a few sets of high-quality products and sold them to noble lords.

Precisely because it was difficult to transport, the price of porcelain continued to rise. Now the price has been astronomical. For example, in Beichuan, you can buy a cup for 300 Wen. You can sell it for two taels of silver when you go to other countries.

Xiao Yunyan suggested that the juniors of the Xiao family simply transport the porcelain. As for the fear of bumps, the internal and external packaging should take measures to prevent shocks and falls.

When Beichuan people transport porcelain, they usually wrap each piece of porcelain in thick straw. When encountering a bump. Because there is a straw pad in the middle of each porcelain, it is not easy to collide.

But it is long-distance transportation after all. The bowls, plates, and cups were very heavy and swayed around while traveling. The straw in the middle may be squeezed to the side, causing direct collision between the porcelain and the porcelain.

Especially when there are bumps in the road. Or if it travels too fast, it may collide and break.

Some people also put each piece of porcelain in a small wooden box. However, during this transportation process, not much can be transported in one trip. Packaging costs are high and shipping costs are even higher. Although the unit price is very good, the overall profit is not up to the profit that can be made by transporting other goods.

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