Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 982: Change of Route

Lin Fan didn’t know whether God loved the world or not.

She only knew that Irene and Ivana were ordinary little girls. They were weak and innocent, and even powerless, and were dragged into the disputes of the gods for no reason.

Once a conflict breaks out, who will care about their safety and ensure the safety of both of them?

The powerful force generated by the explosion of superpowers is simply not something that ordinary people can withstand, let alone two little girls.

By then, they will all become worthless pieces of trash and be ruthlessly abandoned, right?

"So what should we do now?" Antonio asked, "Should we go directly to Asakuchi Town and wait? Or should we just wander around and try our luck?"

"I wonder if ceremonial cars in other cities will also encounter similar incidents." Lu Xinyuan said, "Maybe we can first go to the nearest villages, towns, cities, places where information is circulated, etc. to see if there is any pattern to such unrest."

Lin Fan turned around and glanced at Yin Ze. He had been sitting in the back of the car for a few days and he didn't know how his golden elixir was recovering.

This had happened once before on the Noah. He closed his eyes, turned his five hearts to the sky, and sat quietly in front of the leaves of the world.

When Lin Fan approached him, he did not open his eyes to greet her as he usually did. Lin Fan almost thought the old man had passed away and even called a medical team to save him.

It was Cen Fangyuan who called her after receiving the news and told her not to be nervous. When Yinze boarded the ship, he was equipped with a heart monitor. His heartbeat was fine now, and he was alive.

Lin Fan heaved a sigh of relief, and also noticed that the spiritual energy of the leaves of the world was being consumed severely. After tracing back, it was all sucked away by the old man...

Jin Sichen also arrived at this time. He said that Yinze was in a state of meditation. It should be that his body was nourished by energy to a certain extent and began to further repair its own damage, so the demand for energy was greater than usual. When the staged repair was completed, he should wake up.

What else could Lin Fan do? Just for the sake of the supplies that the Abandoned Hermit had sent aboard, she had to help, right? Besides, this little bit of energy was nothing to her.

Sure enough, after ten days or so, Yinze woke up. With a younger face, he personally thanked Lin Fan. It was then that Lin Fan realized what had happened to his golden elixir.

So this time, Yin Ze suddenly entered into a state of meditation, which meant that his health was further improving, which was a good thing.

Everyone tacitly sat down in the front half of the carriage, leaving the back half empty and trying not to go there, for fear of accidentally disturbing him. After all, wasn't the reason they came down here for Yingze's recovery?

It was this timing... It was really a coincidence - just as Yunze entered into a state of concentration, the convoy appeared over there.

If Yunze was awake, maybe they would have a better plan and wouldn't have lost the person now...

Lin Fan had always thought that although she was extremely powerful, she was actually quite smart. Especially during the last period of 800, when she memorized the encyclopedia, she even thought that she might be a genius.

But after entering the interstellar space and encountering some things, she felt that her understanding was somewhat biased.

Her fighting skills are indeed good, but her brain may not be as smart as she thinks.

Moreover, she prefers a simple and direct approach rather than a complicated process.

Fighting is so easy, just roll up your sleeves and get in, without any fear. If you can do it, then do it, if you can't do it, then don't do it, it's as if she was born to be a fighter.

But once she starts using her brain, she looks like she's going to die.

It's not that she is unwilling to work hard or lazy. It's that people's thinking has a fixed pattern. Even if Lin Fan's genes have been optimized, her original class, shallow experience and simple thinking pattern are already fixed, and it is difficult to suddenly expand to a broader plane.

The improvement in IQ is only based on her original foundation and will not increase her experience out of thin air.

Can you expect a person who eats steamed buns and porridge every day to suddenly become rich and know the taste of a banquet?

Maybe she knows that it is the best delicacy in the world, and she yearns for it, but if you ask her to describe the taste, she may end up comparing it to steamed buns and porridge.

The same amount of money will play different roles in the hands of people from different classes.

Five hundred thousand fell from the sky.

Some people may use the money to improve their lives; some people may invest the money; some people may just think it is a little extra pocket money...

Similarly, a small goal is a dream that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime; but in the mouths of some people, it is just a casual joke...

To put it bluntly, Lin Fan's thinking mode is still unable to get rid of her original bottom-level consciousness. It's not that the bottom level is bad, a comfortable and simple life does not require too complicated overall thinking.

But now, Lin Fan’s status is different. It is obviously inappropriate for her to think about the things she is facing now from the same simple perspective as before.

For example, the end of the world on Tiandu Star, the coup on Yuehua Star, and the cruel and terrible world we are in now... The cognition of an ordinary person and that of a captain should obviously not be the same.

It's not that she didn't feel Cen Fangyuan's guidance, and she has been working hard, but... this kind of growth in consciousness is not something that can be learned immediately by just saying a few words or listening to a few stories.

Lu Xinyuan has received relevant education since childhood, but now he can only play half a day's tune.

If you want to grow in this area, you still need more experience and understanding. There is no shortcut.

Lin Fan also knew that while thinking on his own, he also tried to learn more from experienced people. Last time it was from Cen Fangyuan, this time it was from Yin Ze.

To be honest, Cen Fangyuan cannot compare with Yin Ze's experience and means. Just look at how he guided the Abandoned Hermit to what he is now and occupied Yuehua Star, and you will know how powerful he is.

But it was unknown whether it was because their contact was not deep enough, the tacit understanding had not been developed, or whether Yin Ze had some concerns about Lin Fan's identity. After landing on this planet, his performance was far less active than Cen Fangyuan, and he basically followed Lin Fan's wishes. But when Lin Fan had a need, he would respond in time.

So when Lin Fan is unsure, he will subconsciously seek support from Yin Ze.

But Yan Ze was in a state of meditation, so it was as good as nothing. No matter how important the matter was, we could only talk about it after he woke up.

No matter how important Irene is, she is not as important as Yunze. It's not that Lin Fan is cruel and divides people into different levels and doesn't value ordinary people.

But Yunze was the target of their mission. Everything else, whether it was saving Ivana or Irene, or muddying the waters of this world and allowing more spiritual energy to burst out, had to be done without affecting Yunze.

Compared with anyone else in this world, she would choose Yunze without hesitation. Even when she was in real danger, the first person she would protect was definitely Yunze. After all, this old man also represented many other things...

Lin Fan thought about it and came up with no good solution: "There is no high ground nearby, so we can't look down for clues. Let's leave this remote area and go to a populated area to get more new information."

"Okay!" Antonio was very happy and slapped the board of the carriage. "Let's go, let's go to where there are more people!"

Merlinil silently turned the carriage around and headed towards the town marked on the map.

In the woods, a man hid in a tree. After watching the carriage go farther and farther away, he jumped.

A few leaves fell from the branches, fluttering and swirling, and landed on the leaf-covered ground.

When the wind blows, the leaves flutter and you can no longer tell which one just fell...

Ah~ I’m allergic.

When I woke up in the morning, my face and neck were itchy and covered with red spots. I thought I had infected my dog, so I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with allergies.

I checked my eyes and they were itchy too. They said it was skin allergy and there was no solution.

When I came back, I applied medicine to the dog first, and then to myself. What on earth did I come into contact with?

I was sleepy at 11 o'clock, and I was half asleep. After 11:3, I couldn't open my eyes. I slept until o'clock, but I wanted to sleep more, so I got up. Maybe I stayed up too much in the past few days and it backfired.

I was originally thinking that this allergy would not break out until I handed in the drawings yesterday, which was fine. But they just placed the order and are starting to make craft orders, a total of 50 designs. I have to finish them and hand them over before I can really finish the work. And it has to be fast, because I have to produce samples by the end of the month to catch up with the order meeting. Okay. Get busy.

Work hard, come on, go for it!

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