Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 981 Impersonation

When Lin Fan came back, the things on the ground had been cleared up, barely enough to make way.

Everyone is in a bad mood.

Irene was taken away, and her whereabouts were unknown, just like Ivana. The only difference was that one happened in front of them, and it was definitely done by the Protoss, while the other happened silently...

What should they do now? Where should they go?

This time, unlike before, there were still traces to be found. This world was too unfamiliar to them. Even though they had been here for so long and had heard a lot of news, they still had a hard time finding someone.

When Merlinil drove through the convoy, everyone stopped what they were doing and prostrated themselves to see him off.

"I'm afraid they won't have an easy time when they go back." After walking for a while, Lu Xinyuan sighed.

"Predictable." Lin Fan also sighed. "Hafiz looks easy to talk to, but he is clearly not a good person. He spent so much time designing a detour, but the gift was intercepted... Alas!"

In fact, the transported materials were not damaged much. Although all the treasure chests were knocked over, the only money lost was the handful of money that the people grabbed before leaving. In addition, they also robbed half of the horses and Irene, a living person.

The rest, whether it was a broken cart, a damaged box, or an injured escort, were all trivial matters. With Hafiz's financial resources, it was no problem to make up for the minor losses.

It wasn't a big deal, but it was a slap in Hafiz's face.

Moreover, the originally ample time became tight after going back and forth. In order to catch up with the celebration, Hafiz had to take the shortcut that he least wanted to take. How could he vent his anger?

Lin Fan can only wish everyone good luck.

"The leader said that he suspected that this was intentional trouble by other city officials. I thought about it and I think it's possible." Lu Xinyuan saw that the atmosphere was gloomy and quickly changed the subject. "Did you notice that although the robbers grabbed a handful of valuables before leaving, they didn't take much away..."

"Isn't it because we are almost there and they are afraid of meeting us head-on?" Antonio asked back.

"It's not impossible." Lu Xinyuan nodded. "Maybe I have a preconceived notion that they are very deliberate and deliberately create the stereotype of bandits robbing money. But if it is really a robbery, how could everyone just grab a handful before leaving? There will always be greedy people who want to get more, right?"

"If that's what you mean, I think it's strange that they didn't suffer any casualties after fighting for so long, with a God Clan around." Antonio muttered, "I'm talking about the kind of serious injuries that are bloody, broken bones, and unable to move. Bandit fights are not martial arts, so how can they stop at a certain point?"

"What you said makes sense." Lin Fan nodded. "Looking back, their posture when mounting the horses was too neat, as if they were used to riding horses. All the robbers can ride horses? In this world, cattle and horses are rare commodities. People who can ride horses skillfully cannot be ordinary people, and there are so many of them... So, what the leader thought might be the truth. They are soldiers from other cities in disguise."

"No, no!" Antonio jumped out to refute, "Isn't Oss rich enough? The gift to the Emperor of Heaven is important enough, right? Only the leader of the team has a horse, and the other horses are used to pull goods."

They followed for several days. The people escorting the carts either drove them or walked on foot. Except for the leader who ran back and forth on horseback, the others were not even qualified to ride horses.

"You mean..." Lu Xinyuan understood, "Even though Oss is so rich, it can't provide enough horses for soldiers in such an important escort situation. It's impossible for other cities that are not as rich as it to popularize horses. Am I understanding correctly?"

Antonio gave him a thumbs up.

"The key point is that God Clan," Lin Fan leaned against the car, staring blankly at the soft bag on the roof, "Why would the God Clan get involved with civilian forces? What is their purpose? To stir up trouble? What's the benefit? No, if the God Clan is really the survivor, it's useless to rely on civilian forces if they want to turn things around."

The barrier between the gods and the common people is like an insurmountable chasm. Even if the common people undergo tremendous changes, it will not have much impact on the gods.

From a strength perspective, even if all the city commanders were gathered to declare war on the Protoss, it would be like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Therefore, if the survivors really want to cause trouble, they still have to start with the gods.

"Can't you think more broadly?" Antonio said anxiously. "Horses are not popular among ordinary people, but it shouldn't be a problem among the gods, right? The gods won't mix with ordinary people, but what if they are all gods?"

"Ah?" Lin Fan and Lu Yuhao were stunned for a moment, then they both reacted.

"That makes sense. They all know how to ride horses and don't care about money because the gods don't lack these things."

"Yes!" Lu Xinyuan raised his fist. "Those robbers had their faces covered, were unkempt, and looked down and out. Although their faces were not clear, their bodies were indeed strong compared to ordinary people."

If one erases their physical features and does not use their supernatural powers, it is not easy to distinguish between gods and ordinary people.

"So, it was a group of gods who pretended to be bandits and intercepted Hafiz's tribute. One of them deliberately exposed his identity as a god and kidnapped Irene?" Lin Fan felt confused. "Is it the Ghost Blade Clan? It's not surprising that the warriors guarding Huangtan can ride horses. But what is their purpose? Did they kidnap Irene to save her? Did they do it by chance or did they come here specifically for her?"

"The purpose..." Lu Xinyuan tapped his knees unconsciously. "If what we thought at the beginning is true, the survivors have a close relationship with the city commander of a certain city... If this news is reported to the Protoss through Hafiz, it will inevitably cause a wave of purges..."

"Killing with a borrowed knife?" Antonio frowned. "That's not right. If the time comes, the people will be purged indiscriminately. Who knows which city commander will escape and which one won't? Maybe they will all be killed. If this move is carried out, the people will definitely be in chaos, but what good will it do to the Ghost Blade Clan? Their enemy is the Emperor of Heaven."

"If they want to cleanse the people, the God Clan will have to send troops, right? Mingguang and Guiren have been exterminated, so there are only people from the Yanling Clan left." Lin Fan speculated, "Are they trying to save Zhao by attacking Wei? This way, the imperial capital will be empty, and they can take the opportunity to attack back?"

"Hmm... it's still not quite right." Lu Xinyuan frowned. "The power of the Protoss is a natural barrier to ordinary people. They don't need the same amount of troops to cleanse them. Think about us. If we really want to clean up the city of Os, will it be difficult?"

Lin Fan was silent.

"So, even if there is chaos among the people, the imperial capital's military strength will not be so small that the city defenses will be empty." Antonio touched his chin, "And since there are survivors, their number will definitely not be large. Going head-on with the city defenses is like hitting a rock with an egg."

"Don't forget, the Emperor of Heaven is also a fierce warrior. The Mingguang King, who was as powerful as him, died at his hands, and the Ghost Blade King died at Huangtan. Even if the young masters of Mingguang and Ghost Blade are still alive, if they want to truly grow up, it depends on whether time and conditions allow it, right?"

"Isn't the Emperor of Heaven the most powerful person in this world?" Lin Fan lowered his head slightly. "If I were the young lord who survived, and wanted to kill him... a head-on fight wouldn't work. I still have to outsmart him. So, isn't it convenient for them to abduct Irene?"

Irene will be offered to sing at the celebration of the Emperor of Heaven. Not by Hafiz, but by someone else...

"But how do they know Irene...Ah!" Antonio suddenly shouted, "It's Ivina! It must be Ivina! But Ivina is the only one in Kaan Village who knows Irene's talent!"

"Fenan also knows." Lin Fan poured cold water on him, "Hafiz also knows. And the bandits... I should say that there are quite a few people who know."

Antonio was discouraged for a moment, but he still didn't give up: "Ivana is also a possibility. Maybe he listened to Ivana's request and saved Irene."

"What's the point?" Lin Fan asked him. "If he thinks Irene is useful, he can just follow the news and find out like us. Why would he take Ivana with him? What's so special about Ivana?"

Everyone thought about it again and again, and realized that apart from her jaw deformity and tragic life experience, the girl was not even as special as Irene.

Lin Fan slowly shook his head: "I still think that the people who took Ivana and Irene away were not from the same group. They are not all good people, no, not good gods!"

After three days of hard work, I finally submitted the preliminary draft at 2 pm. Now I am waiting for the other party's feedback. Anyway, the burden has been thrown away by me.

I feel sleepy as soon as I breathe a sigh of relief.

I went to bed at 1am last night. At around 3am, the dog was scratching. It had a lot of bites from insects and its legs were banging on the ground. It was noisy for me, but I was afraid of disturbing the neighbors downstairs. So I got up and scratched it.

This time the anthelmintic I bought seems to be fake. I have been bitten by insects for two consecutive months, with dozens of lumps...

After scratching me, I lay down. It scratched me again, and I got up again... I tossed and turned for about half an hour before I lay down. I woke up again at around 5 o'clock and sat in front of the computer to start drawing.

In the past few days, I typed first and then drew pictures. I finished it today. I thought I could finish it in the morning, but it took me until 2 pm.

I didn't take a nap at noon, I'm so tired. Suddenly I don't want to move.

I still have to write in the evening... Well, maybe I can take a day off?

Thanks to myself a few days ago, I have some manuscripts saved, but if I don’t write today, I will owe it again…

Forget it, too much is as bad as too little. I have been very nervous these past two days. If I am not in a good state, I can't write anything. Let it go.

Oh wow, I have crossed another small mountain, I feel great (*^▽^*)

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