Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 883 Lu Qingyang from Another World

The old man was forced to look up in fear, his hands clenched into fists and raised to his chest, and he kept saying in confusion: "It's me, it's me..."

Although he has a humble temperament, looks greasy, and is old and fat, and is completely different from the person they know, but just looking at his face, who else could it be but Lu Qingyang?

"Lu Qingyang?" Lin Fan frowned, wondering what went wrong.

"It's me, it's me..." The old man kept responding. After several responses, he finally reacted and asked in confusion, "You... know me?"

Antonio saw that he didn't seem to be pretending, so he pulled Lin Fan to the door and muttered in a low voice: "This is not right, why is he here? Or like this?"

Lu Qingyang is the boss of Lincheng, and he is considered to be the top of the pyramid of Tiandu Star. He has countless subordinates, and his two sons are both high-level psychics. He should be sitting in Lincheng's office right now, connected to Cen Fangyuan.

How did you get here?

And he obviously didn't know them...

Lin Fan slightly turned his body and continued to stare at Lu Qingyang from beside Antonio's arm.

The man was still lying there, trembling. When he saw that there was no movement, he looked towards them tremblingly, and when he found that they were looking at him, he immediately fell to the ground, as quiet as a chicken.

Looking at him again, he was wearing a wrinkled security uniform and his work boots were covered in as much dust as the ground. He looked completely different from the image of a refined superior that they had seen before.

The face is indeed the same face, but the person... seems to no longer be the same person.

"Do you know about reincarnation?" Lin Fan lowered her eyes for a moment and put forward an idea that she herself felt was impossible, but was very close.

"What?" Antonio really didn't understand.

In Western teachings, there are only two choices after death: heaven and hell.

Lin Fan gave a brief explanation, and Antonio looked at Lu Qingyang hesitantly: "You said this is Lu Qingyang's previous life?"

"What else?" Lin Fan crossed his arms over his chest, swinging the stick in his hand. "Since there are ghosts and gods, and supernatural powers in the world, it proves that some worlds do exist, so why can't there be reincarnation?"

"..." Antonio thought for a long time with a tangled look on his face, "It seems to make sense. But isn't this too different from the future? Regardless of status or personality. Will reincarnation overturn everything about a person? Except for the face and name?"

"Legend has it..." Lin Fan thought for a moment and answered, "Due to the different things you did in your previous life, your merits and demerits will be counted in the underworld and counted towards your next reincarnation. Good people will be reborn into good ones, while bad people will become animals to pay for their sins. The main purpose is to guide people to be good and do more good deeds."

Antonio rubbed his chin and said, "How many good deeds does he have to do in order to become the leader of Lincheng in his next life, above all others?"

"..." Lin Fan blinked, completely unable to answer.

"Besides, if there is reincarnation," Antonio was still pondering, "then what did we do in our previous lives to be able to be with the mecha... Ouch!"

He felt a sudden pain in his calf and looked back, but saw nothing.

"Just assume that I was wrong. Can we not continue this topic?" Lin Fan retracted his foot, covering up with a little embarrassment, "Isn't it because I heard too many myths when I was a child? It just fits the current situation, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's right."

Antonio smiled and touched his calf, which was no longer painful. "It's okay, it's okay. We are just discussing this. It doesn't matter if we are wrong. Besides, the reincarnation world may not exist, it's just that we haven't seen it yet, right?"

Lin Fan smiled at him with a hint of gratitude.

She felt that Antonio was a very good friend. Although he was playful and immature most of the time, he could always provide positive emotional value and was considerate most of the time.

In the past, when they had different positions, she felt regretful many times because she could not communicate with him wholeheartedly. Now it is all right.

"Speaking of having met him, I suddenly have an idea. Let me know if it's possible." Antonio didn't know that Lin Fan was praising him in his heart, so he asked seriously, "Is it possible that he is Lu Qingyang, precisely because we have met Lu Qingyang?"

Lin Fan didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

“Look,” Antonio tucked the mop handle under his armpit and used his free hand to gesture to Lin Fan, “That lousy tree wants us to change the end of the world, and he uses this unreliable method, which is equivalent to throwing us in to fend for ourselves. Naturally, we will feel resentment, which will arouse a rebellious mentality. We will most likely not obey his request, right?”

Lin Fan nodded.

"What if the people we meet are all people we know, people with whom we have connections and ties, then our emotions towards these people will be more or less projected onto these people now," he pointed at Lu Qingyang who had shrunk into the corner, "then the result will definitely be different from meeting strangers, right?"

Lin Fan thought about it and it made sense.

You can be nonchalant when you meet strangers, but when you meet acquaintances, it’s hard not to lend a hand.

"Hiss... He actually has that plan?" Lin Fan expressed his doubt.

"Look, you've fallen into a misconception again, haven't you?" Antonio thought Lin Fan was sometimes naive and cute. "You feel sorry for him, but that's just what he said. In fact, he threw us here as soon as he saw us, without even giving us a hair. Is this something an honest person would do?"

First impressions kill people!

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Even though he had been cheated for several months and his view of the tree had changed from pity to hatred, it was still difficult to erase the misleading first impression.

"So he is forcing us to take action and to take care of it?" She angrily slammed the pipe to the ground, scaring Lu Qingyang in the corner so much that he started to tremble again.

"I think he is sure that you are soft-hearted," Antonio received Lin Fan's blaming eyes and covered her shoulders with a smile, "Well, this is not your fault. It was that broken tree that was a nobody. We don't need to blame ourselves for the mistakes of others. Besides, how come you didn't know that he had this idea from the beginning? He has been obsessed with this for thousands of years. Even if we are just a fly, he can still regard us as a life-saving straw."

Lin Fan twitched his lips, his mood inevitably down: "I didn't think of this, because he said that the energy was not enough, I thought..."

"His lack of energy is aimed at the two of us outsiders," Antonio bent down and whispered in her ear. The soft voice slowly soothed Lin Fan's heart, "But this is his realm of consciousness. I think it's not that difficult to change a few people's faces and names."

Yes, this is a world after all. It took them several months just to get out of the no-man's land. Compared with supporting such a magnificent structure, these minor changes are really nothing.

Lin Fan stared at the hunched Lu Qingyang for a long time, and finally laughed at himself: "Well, he did succeed. I really can't treat him as a stranger."

Even though she knew that this Lu Qingyang was not Lu Qingyang and that they were two completely different people, she still couldn't distance herself from the two.

"Hey, baby," Antonio began to be slick again, "Relax. Even if this isn't Lu Qingyang, things won't change much. When we met Miss Lan and Zhang Qiang, didn't we take them with us anyway? Relax, baby, don't let Po Shu's conspiracy constrain your original judgment."

Lin Fan thought about it and agreed. Acquaintances would indeed deepen her bond, but she was not the type to ignore strangers. It was just that knowing that she was being used and still following the path that others had dug was really unpleasant!

"Come to think of it," Antonio's mood seemed unaffected at all, "If there is a Lu Qingyang here, then his sons, Miss Lan and Zhang Qiang should not be far away. Hmm... I'm really looking forward to meeting them! What do you think?"

These are two pointers, and also foreshadowings, hehe.

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