Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 881: Learning Supernatural Powers

When the last bit of yellow sand under your feet turned into dots of green, several months had passed.

The two of them found something to do and were no longer in a hurry to travel. They studied slowly along the way, walking in a very casual manner.

Antonio, faced with a survival crisis, concentrated his attention on study with unprecedented intensity, and within just a few months he finally reached a level that satisfied him.

“Hahahaha…” He faced the oasis, opened his arms and laughed loudly, “I, Antonio, am back!”

Two streams of water overflowed from his palms, rushed up into the sky, turned into water droplets in the sky and sprayed down, bringing a touch of comfort to the dry air.

Lin Fan smiled faintly, walked past the immature guy, and stepped into the green space first.

Naturally, her knowledge of supernatural powers cannot be compared with Jin Sichen's. At best, she is just a half-baked person. But after all, she was taught by Mi Jiao, the strongest water master. It is more than enough for her to guide a novice player like Antonio.

In order to help her better understand elemental magic and integrate the essence of the elements to control the long-lost power of thunder and lightning, Mi Jiao demonstrated the water magic one by one, almost breaking it apart, crushing it and feeding it to Lin Fan's mouth.

Naturally, there were many references and explanations of other elemental spells, the mutual promotion and restraint of the elements, and their mutual assistance... As a result, although Lin Fan only mastered the lightning spell in the end, he also knew a lot of other spells, especially the water spell.

Also because of this special learning experience, although her knowledge of supernatural powers is not as comprehensive as that of the academic school, her understanding of elemental power is far beyond that of ordinary people.

If it weren't for the restrictions at the time, she would have to go on an interstellar mission and would not have had extra time. If she stayed in the Special Affairs Office, she would have to master all the other abilities sooner or later.

Otherwise, isn't it said that everything in this world is already predetermined?

Mi Jiao once sighed that she had benefited greatly from the energy of the World Tree, and when she cultivated her supernatural powers, she would definitely surpass ordinary people in terms of talent and speed. It was a pity that the most powerful polygonal warrior could not be born on Lanxing.

Who would have thought that not long after that, she had moved to another planet and started practicing her supernatural powers again.

Although she had no choice, the right time, right place and right seemed like an opportunity specially prepared for her.

The spiritual energy in the realm of consciousness is full, probably because it has not suffered any major blow or pollution.

The two of them focused on learning their supernatural powers. As they watched their abilities grow day by day and they became stronger and stronger, the boring environment no longer seemed so unbearable to them, and the depressed mood was gradually replaced by joy.

If the spiritual energy had not increased dramatically and doubled half a month ago, they would have almost forgotten the reason for coming here.

Antonio was delighted by the spiritual energy in the air, but Lin Fan suggested that they should speed up.

Although this is a good place to retreat, it is not a good idea to stay here all the time.

Although the old tree is not a good thing, now that the two of them have superpowers, it is time to fulfill his wish.

Antonio, who had always been stern towards the old tree, softened his attitude at this time: "Come to think of it, we have wasted so much time, won't it be... too late for everything?"

How angry he was before, how guilty he felt now.

You can't just destroy the tree for free, right?

"Probably not." Lin Fan was not really sure. "Since they want us to change the ending of the world's destruction, they must give us enough time. Otherwise, the overall situation is set. Even if they can stop the first one, they can't stop the second one. What's the point of all this trouble?"

"That's true. If it's too late," Antonio shrugged, "it's not our fault."

"According to what he said before, the spiritual energy increased after the World Tree created a protective barrier for the survivors," Lin Fan recalled carefully, "If I'm not mistaken, the two sides should have just entered the confrontation balance period. It's still a long time before the Son of God is infected with the virus. We should have enough time to find them."

Antonio recalled for a while, as if this was indeed the case. "I remember that the purpose of spiritual energy enhancement is to allow humans to quickly learn supernatural powers and increase their resistance."

"Yes," Lin Fan nodded, "At the same time, the zombies can also passively absorb spiritual energy and become stronger."

"That's not good." Antonio smacked his lips. "Although I haven't come into contact with it, the zombie virus that can infect the Son of God... Tsk tsk..."

Although he has become stronger, he can never be stronger than the old monster who has lived for thousands of years on Tiandu Star! No matter how you think about it, you feel pressured.

"We still don't know the exact situation regarding the Son of God's infection." Seeing him hesitate, Lin Fan comforted him, "It may not be what we think."

Antonio looked up, frowned, and asked, "Are you saying there's something else going on?"

Lin Fan shook his head: "I don't know. I just remember Lao Shu saying that the cause of the end of the world is human nature."

"Human heart..." Antonio held the two words in his mouth, "Doesn't it mean that human heart is fragile? In the end, they lose hope and detonate the nuclear reactor?"

"It feels like it's not that simple." Lin Fan shook his head, "But I can't tell you what it is specifically. It's just that my intuition is wrong... It's better to see it for myself than to guess."

Antonio had no objection, but he sighed again: "There is still not enough time. I haven't practiced hard enough yet."

Lin Fan smiled.

When Antonio first learned that he could practice supernatural powers here, he was overjoyed and started choosing supernatural powers immediately.

The fire element is so cool. Looking at Lu Yuhao doing this and that... he has been interested in it for a long time.

No? The technique is not systematic?

The gold system is also good, it can cut hair and be invincible...

Not even?

That wood element... forget it. There's only sand here. The wood element won't work. How about the earth element?

What? Not much?

No, you don't know much about such a good defensive shield system? Why? Oh, Senior Brother said that attack is the best defense? Hiss...

Okay...well, just tell me what I can learn.

When Lin Fan said that she knew the most about water-related magic, Antonio's expression became extremely strange.

"Let me do the treatment? Like Miss Lan?" He is a 1.89 meter tall man, and he wants to do the nurse's tricks? Putting aside the question of whether it is suitable or not, this treatment... well, it is a supernatural power after all.

Seeing that he was dejected and looked reluctant to be forced, Lin Fan described Mi Jiao's amazing demonstration in detail, which immediately aroused Antonio's interest again.

"Really? Can it be that powerful?" His eyes sparkled as he recalled the round-faced old lady, who seemed to be very powerful indeed. His brain instantly expanded, as if he had seen himself using water as a sword to knock down a crowd with a snap of his fingers.

Seeing him like this, Lin Fan didn't know how to remind him. Mi Jiao's achievements were the result of decades of accumulation... After all, it's good to be proactive. Maybe Antonio is gifted and can achieve his goals in less time?

A few months later, Antonio's ability was not yet fully developed, but he was already quite capable of healing. With his changed mentality, he could calmly say to himself, "At least I can use it when I'm injured," and then worked harder to focus on attack practice.

Lin Fan, whose body carries more energy from the World Tree, has a higher ability index than Antonio. Although she didn't bring in energy, her talent remained the same, and the spiritual energy was provided by the old tree. In a short period of time, she learned all the abilities she knew.

But by casting such a wide net, compared to Antonio's single-minded focus, she is more like having many buckets hung on her body, as if any of them could do the job, but none of them are particularly powerful, and her abilities are many but scattered.

Antonio was envious at first and blamed her for not teaching him, but after seeing Lin Fan's dazzling and disjointed attacks, he felt that his own water system was indeed the best.

Keep walking, keep practicing.

Good luck finally came to these two strangers who measured the land with their feet on this day.

"Lin," Antonio pointed forward, stamped his feet and shouted excitedly, "Is that a plane?!"

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