Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 85 The dispute over naming rights

Chapter 85 The battle over naming rights

Song Ren didn't stay long in the director's office.

After returning, Li Chunhua did not come up to talk like before. He still sat in front of the monitor, watching the still picture motionless.

Song Ren didn't say anything, took his clothes and went into the bathroom.

The sound of rushing water came, and Li Chunhua turned his head, glanced at the place where the person was standing just now, and sighed.

Ever since he knew the truth about Lin Fan's transformation, the daily surveillance work had always been particularly difficult for him.

When Lin Fan first came here, he was a little dissatisfied with her and always wanted to catch her pigtails on the surveillance camera.

Of course it's impossible to succeed.

When he was alone, Lin Fan spent most of his time lying in bed, either watching TV or sleeping. Judging from the surveillance, almost all images are still, and movement is rare.

He and Song Ren looked at each other all night long. He often yawned, and he had doubts in his heart about such surveillance work: What is this for?

Later, when I learned that Lin Fan could transform, I finally understood why he wanted to monitor her. But at that time, his position changed again. Lin Fan has become his own cub. Is it weird to stare at him like this every day?

It's obviously meaningless, but it still has to be done. I feel a little awkward in my heart, but I have to carry it out.

Do not ask! Asking is the task.

He stole a glance at the screen. Well, Lin Fan went back to lie down after going to the toilet. Asking two gentlemen to monitor a girl, the boss is really...

Li Chunhua shook his head and looked back at the monitor screen.

If Lin Fan finds out one day, they will be beaten to death, right?

He sighed again and prayed secretly: It would be great if the boss could one day bring back an order to terminate surveillance...

Song Ren's whole body was immersed in the cold water, Cui Yan's words kept coming to his mind.

"You can't kill it," Cui Yan said in a cold tone, "You can only kill Lin Fan."

Lin Fan didn't seem to care about Cui Yan's control over the mecha, he was only concerned about whether Song Ren could suppress her.

After Cui Yan knew that the people in 623 were helpless against 818, he specially equipped Song Ren and Li Chunhua with the latest weapons. Although he failed to use it, he was sure that it had no effect on Lin Fan's mecha.

If you want to eliminate this threat, you have to do it when Lin Fan has not transformed.

Song Ren can attack mechas and will fight hard even if he loses.

But can he attack Lin Fan?

Cui Yan obviously didn't need his answer, but kept reminding Song Ren what the real purpose of sending him to Lin Fan was.

For a moment, Song Ren's expectation that Lin Fan could control the mecha actually exceeded Lin Fan himself.

As long as Lin Fan can successfully control the mecha, can the alert be lifted?

not necessarily!

When he failed to control it, he was wary of the huge destructive power brought by the mecha, and Lin Fan was just a minor player.

Once Lin Fan takes complete control of the mecha, the target of vigilance will really become Lin Fan...

Song Ren shook his head violently, put aside these messy thoughts, and quickly washed away.

At work the next day, Yu Guangli brought everyone the latest good news.

Xie Bisheng said that Pangu has a large fluoroscopy machine with a height of 3 meters.

No one asked why there was such a large fluoroscopy equipment. It was just specially developed for a certain research.

But it is indeed solved. It is urgent to take a full-body fluoroscopy of Lin Fan's mecha to understand the internal structure.

Although it would take some time for Lin Fan to recover before he could transform again, everyone was still happy and walked with joy.

Through the video of the last transformation, Xia Jing has made the latest 3D imaging of the mecha, which is being displayed in the laboratory 24 hours a day.

Because 818 could not produce any results for the time being, and it was an important energy source for evolution, it was locked in a safe in the laboratory.

What replaced it was the latest 3D mecha imaging, which stood in the middle of the laboratory. Anyone who opened the door could see the majestic red and white mecha.

"I asked, should we give her a name?" Zhang Zhaojie said while drawing a picture, "She's always called mecha. I feel like she's not taken seriously enough."

Ke Wenbin agreed after hearing this: "Yeah, every time I say 'Lin Fan's transformed mecha', 'Lin Fan's mecha' is also very difficult to pronounce."

Although the mecha and Lin Fan are one, their states are so different that there should still be a distinction.

"Lin Fan is Lin Fan, and a mecha is a mecha." Yu Guangli nodded in agreement, "Just like Pangu, she should also have a resounding code name."

"And with the code name, it seems to outsiders that it has nothing to do with Lin Fan." Xia Jing also felt that the mecha should have an independent name.

The less people know about Lin Fan, the better. If they get used to talking about "Lin Fan's mecha" and are overheard by outsiders without paying attention, it may cause unexpected risks and troubles. It would be better to give it a code name.

"What should I call it?" Zhang Zhaojie became excited again.

Yu Guangli quickly stopped him: "You should hurry up and do the work at hand. We will discuss the name later at the meeting."

Ever since 818 was successfully named by Zhang Zhaojie, he began to have an inexplicable obsession with naming. But everyone was obviously no longer willing to endure the torture a second time.

Once the mecha's name is determined, it often has to be recited verbally.

Look at the 3D imaging in the center of the laboratory. It's so majestic. Who could bear to give her a weird name?

The others looked away, feeling extremely frightened and thinking of quickly searching for literature to see if there was a good name that could be used.

Although the last transformation event was short, with the help of slow-motion cameras, several people had already calculated the external data of the mecha.

Zhang Zhaojie is busy doing appearance design. According to the appearance of Lin Fan's mecha, it was adjusted and improved on 800's original humanoid mecha. Make it look closer to the evolved mecha.

Yu Guangli studied the power structure of the mecha, and then kept discussing with Zhang Zhaojie what aspects of the humanoid mecha's appearance needed to be modified.

While Ke Wenbin was studying the 818 prototype, he was looking for suitable materials for the newly designed mecha and modeling it by hand.

Xia Jing continued to work on his own programming. Because it was improved on the basis of the successful operation of Pangu's intelligent system, his workload is not as heavy as the other three.

In order not to repeat the naming tragedy of 818, he was rarely busy programming, but searched the ancient poetry collection to find a suitable name for his goddess.

The news that "the mecha will be given a name at the next meeting" spread in the 623 group. Everyone suddenly thought of 818 and started reading like Xia Jing.

After Jin Sichen reported the information to the Special Office, he also started flipping through the book.

Lin Fan is from the Special Branch, how can he give the mecha naming rights to 800? Isn't this a joke?

The director specially entrusted Jin Sichen from Shuangshang Online to snatch the naming rights.

This made Jin Sichen more urgent than ever.

Choosing a name is a very subjective matter. Unless everyone complains about it like 818, it is generally difficult to say who is good and who is bad.

Despite this, he still couldn't give up easily and worked hard to find various books and information.

"Why...have you read this kind of book recently?" Lin Fan asked in confusion when he saw Jin Sichen running around with "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" more than once.

Jin Sichen is not a person who likes reading. Usually the books that appear in his hands are psychology-related books.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas"? If I remember correctly, it was an ancient mythology book, right?

"Lin Fan, you don't know," Jin Sichen was about to reply, but Li Chunhua sat over and said, "They said they would give your mecha a name at the next meeting. In order to prevent another 818 from appearing, even I I’m trying to find a good name.”

Oh, Lin Fan understands.

She thought it would be good to name the mecha. So, did Jin Sichen want to find a name from "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?

She thought about it, it seemed that the Classic of Mountains and Seas were full of monsters...

"Do you have any ideas?" Jin Sichen saw her thinking and asked, "If you have any wishes, it must be based on your wishes."

yes. No one can deny the name Lin Fan said himself. After all, he just gave it to himself.

As long as it's not particularly weird, it's definitely more acceptable than the names others have offered.

At least we don't have to go through the dispute between the Special Office and the 800 Office.

To his disappointment, Lin Fan had no desire to use his brain. Seeing that trouble was coming for her, she avoided it and said, "You guys are busy, you guys are busy, I'm going to do some exercises."

Song Ren smiled, stood up from the chair and walked to the cushioned area to cooperate with Lin Fan's escape.

Lin Fan just started the day's exercise.

Everyone said that her physique was the key factor affecting her transformation. She had no other choice but to work hard to strengthen herself.

Although the joint pain has not completely subsided, she can already complete the half-hour aerobics. As for the movements, they can also be seen as decent. And after finishing it, I will no longer collapse on the ground, I will just be sweating profusely, weak and short of breath.

Next time she transforms, her physique must be stronger, so that she can verify whether everyone's speculation is correct.

This is all she can do.

As exercise intensity increases, consumption naturally increases. Lin Fan lost weight visibly.

She didn't have any consciousness herself, but she kept feeling that her pants were sliding down, and she had to tighten the waistband of her pants from time to time.

Song Ren found out and took her to the infirmary to weigh herself.

This name shocked everyone. I am only over 140 kilograms, which is more than 12 kilograms lighter than last week.

Although the exercise has increased, it is not reasonable to lose so much weight in a week. After all, aerobics and walking a few kilometers are not that intense exercise.

The only possibility is an upgraded mecha.

"Will she still absorb her own energy after the transformation?" Zhang Zhaojie was speechless.

"If you think of the mecha as a carrying system, the end of the transformation is equivalent to sleeping, and it will also occupy a lot of resources in the background. As long as the power is not turned off, this process will continue." Xia Jing gave everyone an idea from his perspective For example.

Lin Fan thinks this is a good way to lose weight. You can lose weight without moving.

But obviously everyone didn't think so, everyone looked at her with a look like 'she's going to be sucked dry'.

Wu Yi quickly prepared meals according to Lin Fan's latest consumption to ensure that his intake could keep up.

In the past, due to various reasons such as her small appetite, low consumption, and the need to lose fat, her meal intake was not large.

But after this incident, not only the amount of meals was greatly increased, but also afternoon tea and midnight snacks were added. Is this for fear that she won't gain weight?

However, Lin Fan's worries did not come true.

Even though she ate more, exercised more, and Song Ren also bought her new clothes in a smaller size, her body weight was still decreasing day by day.

This... seems like something is wrong.

How can we stop consumption or achieve a balance?

Everyone except Lin Fan felt panicked.

"Hey, Lin Fan is... really thin now." Xie Bisheng saw Lin Fan with his own eyes and realized how scary it was that Guang Li said she was so thin.

Pure numbers are far less impactful than what can be seen with the naked eye.

When he first entered 800, Lin Fan weighed 170 pounds. Due to swelling, his whole body was bulging. It is not strange to say that he weighed 200 pounds.

Now, less than two months later, Xie Bisheng saw Lin Fan again. She already weighed just over 130 kilograms.

She looks good, is in good spirits, and her eyes are a little bigger. Seeing Xie Bisheng, he smiled slightly.

The smile on Xie Bisheng's face did not change, but he felt bad in his heart.

If every transformation means taking in a lot of energy from Lin Fan's body, and if it doesn't stop even after the transformation is over, then...

"Deputy Xie, why are you here?" Song Ren asked, interrupting Xie Bisheng's thoughts.

Xie Bisheng is a very busy man and it is not easy to see him. When you see him, something big usually happens.

"Oh, didn't you say you want to name the mecha? I'm here to join in the fun." Xie Bisheng replied with a smile.

Jin Sichen heard this sentence when he came out of the studio, and his heart skipped a beat.

Why is Xie Bisheng here? !

Didn't he only show up on the first day? I haven’t seen him in 623 for so long, I thought...

He can still compete with those guys from 623. As soon as Xie Bisheng came, he immediately became a king!

Not to mention that he is over 70 years old, and he is also a highly respected scientist in the academic circle. When the director comes, he has to bow down in front of him. How can we argue?

Jin Sichen looked disheveled, watching everyone enter the conference room one after another, and followed helplessly. I muttered in my heart that 800 people don’t have martial ethics.

Tsk! This time...I'm afraid I won't be able to compete!

What should I do if I can’t grab it? Dr. Kim is so pathetic. Come and vote, come and cheer for Dr. Jin. Don't you all like Dr. King?

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