Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 84 Incomplete Body

Chapter 84 Incomplete Body

"Is it just some of Lin Fan's joints that hurt?" Ke Wenbin looked at Lin Fan and asked.

"Yes, she usually suffers more pain in the back of her neck, the vertebrae in the middle of her shoulder blades, her lower back, and the joints of her arms and legs." Song Ren replied. As a masseur, he knew these pain locations very well.

"That's right." Ke Wenbin nodded. "The mecha comes out from these joints."

"The mecha that goes out from the back of the neck wraps up the head to form a head armor. It goes out from the shoulder joint to form the shoulder armor, the back spine forms the chest armor, the wrist joint comes out to form the upper and lower arm armor, and the wrist forms the palm. Back. The waist generates waist and abdomen scale armor and crotch outer armor, and the knee joints generate leg armor. What comes out of the ankles is the foot armor."

This was the reason for Lin Fan's joint pain.

Dr. Xiao was startled and went over to examine it carefully.

Not to mention damaged, the surface of the skin didn't even have any red marks.

"Are you sure it was broken through the skin?" Doctor Xiao turned around and asked.

"OK." Yu Guangli couldn't believe it at first. Several people looked at it several times before confirming that they saw it correctly.

"But there was no blood. I don't know if the mecha was too sharp or the time was too short, and the blood didn't have time to flow out." Zhang Zhaojie added.

"Lin Fan, apart from joint pain, have you ever felt any other pain? For example, pain from muscle tearing?" Dr. Xiao asked again.

Lin Fan felt it for a moment and shook his head: "No, it's just that the joints hurt a lot."

"Then when you transformed, did your body feel any pain?" Xia Jing asked.

Lin Fan thought for a while, but it seemed that he didn't: "I didn't feel any pain in my body at that time, I just felt a special headache."

She told her how she felt when she transformed before.

"It's not what we thought." Yu Guangli scratched his head, "We thought that in addition to joints, muscles and skin would also feel pain."

"When it turned back into human form, did the mecha also retract to its original position? Can't you see the wound at that time?" Wu Yi asked.

"You can see it. We saw the wounds, muscles, and even white bones through slow speed, but the wounds were not big and they closed and disappeared quickly." Zhang Zhaojie replied.

Even at slow speed, you can't see this process at all at normal speed. You can only see the smooth skin at the end, just like now.

"Didn't your joints hurt last time you transformed?" Li Chunhua didn't understand.

They experienced a total of 3 transformations.

The first time was at the time of Pangu. At that time, everyone thought that Pangu was too heavy and Lin Fan's joints were damaged, so he felt pain.

The second time, it absorbed part of 818, causing the mecha to evolve and fall asleep for a relatively long time. But when I woke up, I was in good condition and could get out of bed without any pain.

The third time was today. The evolution was indeed successful, but nothing was done. The drowsiness lasted only a short time, but the joints ached.

"It should be that her evolved body has become larger and the burden on her joints has increased." Ke Wenbin speculated that she may have adapted to the previous transformations, so there was no obvious pain.

"We also speculate that Lin Fan's current mecha state is not complete." Xia Jing dropped another bomb next to him.

"Not a perfect body?" Jin Sichen frowned.

"Yes, if Lin Fan can absorb 818 to evolve, then the remaining 818 can theoretically become her evolutionary energy source. But I don't know why, the transformation of Lin Fan by 818 is not completed at once, it has to be divided into so many parts times." Xia Jing didn't think too clearly.

"The first contact between 818 and Lin Fan was probably when she jumped into the river. Many people jumped to save her at that time. Was the process interrupted by too many interferences, so they were not fully absorbed?" Jin Sichen speculated.

"There should be physical limitations, right? Lin Fan's physique at that time could not carry too much energy. This evolution also shows that the current state of the mecha is almost the limit of what her physique can carry." Song Ren also has own speculation. "And at that time, her hand left 818, the person lost consciousness, and the transmission channel was disconnected."

"That's right." Xia Jing thought it made sense.

"In other words, the reason why the mecha is so much taller than Lin Fan is because the bones are stretched open after the transformation?" Dr. Xiao found it unbelievable. How could he still be able to move normally?

The previous mecha was more than 2 meters tall. Dr. Xiao once thought about what kind of principle could make a 1-meter person grow so much taller.

It would be completely explainable if the mecha was holding the bones open inside.

But, on the other hand, can bones, muscles, and nerves be stretched that much? The latest mecha is already 2 meters tall. In other words, the stretched part reaches 5 centimeters. What kind of concept is this?

Lin Fan felt no pain at all, and she even felt more flexible than herself!

Now it seems that her body does not appear to be stretched or damaged in any way.

So how exactly does this change happen?

"Hey... then Lin Fan is like this..." Zhang Zhaojie was too embarrassed to say anything.

"I know what you want to ask." Dr. Xiao also thought of it, "I can only say that from a biomedical perspective, all of Lin Fan's physical indicators are still human. There is no doubt about this."

"Her genetic sequence and cells are no different from those of normal people." Kuang Li said, "It is not ruled out that there are things that cannot be detected, but what can be detected shows that Lin Fan is indeed an Earthling."

"Why do you keep worrying about whether she is human?" After all, Jin Sichen is from the Special Investigation Agency. He has seen a lot of unnatural phenomena and has no scientific concerns about Lin Fan's abnormality.

"We have gone through all the information about her since she was born. The last time John Woo came here, we also obtained the genetic specimens of her family members. Kuang Li has checked them all. The genetic sequence is complete and there are no problems at all."

Kuang Li nodded. He had told others this in private. Because he was concerned about Lin Fan's personal feelings, he did not speak in public at the meeting.

"Furthermore, what is your criterion for judging whether someone is a human being? Biological indicators? Or abilities that are different from ordinary people? If everyone with special abilities has to trace back to whether they are human beings, then our special department will I just can’t work anymore.”

Jin Sichen almost wanted to slap his ignorant words in the faces of 800 people.

There are too many strange and eccentric people in the special institute. According to the public's definition, they are all inhuman existences. Even many can be diagnosed with genetic problems.

Everyone was woken up by Jin Sichen's ridicule.

right! There is no point in worrying about whether Lin Fan is a human being or not.

Let’s not talk about whether we can find out or not. The point is that the mecha state they are studying is not something that normal people can achieve.

In fact, when they first learned that Lin Fan could transform into a mecha, there was no point in exploring this question.

As long as Lin Fan's mecha can be normalized and controlled well, and bring them more research information, then the goal will be achieved!

I'm curious about someone's transformation, but after the transformation is over, I'm still trying to figure out if they're still a human being. Isn't this just taking advantage of someone else and acting like a good boy?

As long as Lin Fan is still Lin Fan, it will be fine if she can control the mecha skillfully! Why do you think so much?

"But where did this mecha come from?" Dr. Xiao quickly changed the subject. "I mean, I watched the film last week carefully, and Kuang Li also checked it. Apart from the needle-like thing on the top of the head, there are no other foreign objects at all."

"No, she has a silver patch on her upper left second molar." Kuang Li said.

Dr. Xiao couldn't say he was wrong, and added: "Yes, she had a cavity before. She should have had it filled many years ago. The patch material was made of silver. Apart from this, there are really no other foreign objects."

So where did those mechas come from? In the video, it was from Lin Fan's body, but there was nothing in his body!

A group of people fell into confusion again.

It's always like this. Every time I seem to make some progress, I'm stuck with another problem.

"Actually... I still have a terrible idea." Wu Yi raised his hand weakly.

How scary can a girl's thoughts be? Everyone waited for her to say it nonchalantly.

"I was thinking, after you saw Lin Fan wrapped in a mecha, how could you confirm that there was a person in the mecha?" Wu Yi became more and more scared as he thought about it, "What if he turned into a mecha entirely without Lin Fan's body? Did she only retain her consciousness?"

After Wu Yi said this, everyone felt that this possibility was not impossible.


Sure enough, compared to a human body covered with a layer of mecha equipment, it is more terrifying to turn the whole person into a steel mecha from the inside out.

"Can the film-taking machine verify whether there is a human body in the mecha?" Zhang Zhaojie asked Dr. Xiao.

"Theoretically it's possible, but in practice it's not ideal." Dr. Xiao explained in front of everyone's gaze:

"The internal space of the CT machine and the NMR machine is too small, and the mecha cannot get in. Moreover, Lin Fan's transformation time cannot last that long. Besides, the machine may produce a magnetic field when it operates, and the material of the mecha has not yet been analyzed. come out……"

"Isn't it okay to do a flat sweep?" Wu Yi asked.

"Plain scan is okay, but it has limitations. Its shooting area is too small. Think about the X-rays you have taken." Dr. Xiao still shook his head.

"After Lin Fan transformed, she was able to control and stabilize her body smoothly. One or two shots are pretty good. It would take many times to take a complete shot of her body. Do you want her precious transformation time to be wasted in X-rays again and again?"

In this way, it is indeed uneconomical.

Lin Fan's transformation time should not exceed 10 seconds in a short period of time. Transforming countless times just to take a full-body X-ray is indeed a waste.

With this time, the data collection was enough for them to do several modeling exercises.

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Zhang Zhaojie turned around and looked around.

"I'll ask Deputy Xie later. He knows about other equipment in the institute and may have some ideas." Yu Guangli said.

We have no other choice but to wait for news.

No matter how much there was, there was nothing to say, and it was hard to disturb Lin Fan too much, so everyone retreated.

After everyone had left, Song Ren continued to massage Lin Fan. It was still the same action, but his mood was different.

Does it mean that every time you transform, you have to stretch your bones, break your skin, endure the pain in your head, and try to stay awake just to barely control it?

Sure enough, becoming stronger comes with a price!

It's just that this price is particularly heavy for the weak and sick Lin Fan.

Because Song Ren was busy with the massage, Li Chunhua went to get the massage for dinner.

Lin Fan didn't fall asleep for a long time, so instead of drinking porridge at night, he still ate a normal nutritious meal.

During the meal, Jin Sichen chatted with Lin Fan without any trace, confirming that Lin Fan had no other negative emotions except pain.

After eating, she felt much better. After Song Ren's massage, her joints no longer hurt so much, and she wanted to go back to the dormitory.

No one likes to stay in the ward for too long.

After getting Dr. Xiao's permission, the group returned to the dormitory covered in stars and moon.

Lin Fan seemed to be fine. He said goodbye to everyone and closed the door.

Song Ren and Li Chunhua saw from the surveillance camera that Lin Fan quickly fell asleep and never moved.

"You watch first, I'll go out for a while." Song Ren said to Li Chunhua.

Li Chunhua understood instantly, but hesitated to speak.

He knows in his heart that there are some things that should not be said; some things that cannot be said; and some things that are said are useless.

In the end, he just nodded silently, staring at the motionless purple shadow on the screen, not looking at Song Ren.

Song Ren left his residence quietly and drove away in his car.

Jin Sichen watched him leave behind the dark window. He stared for a long time before slowly walking away.

The car drove to the office building.

The lobby on the first floor was empty. Song Ren walked into the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor.

Li Chunhua didn't even want Song Ren to report, because Xiao Lizi had Lin Fan in his heart. Some people say that he worked hard to write 20 words on his male video and collected 2 in it. I'm so envious. I have 27 words and only have 87 collections, 555. Ask for votes

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