Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 69 3D Imaging

Chapter 69 3D Imaging

Is that right?

Lin Fan looked at Jin Sichen in confusion and saw that he was like a magic stick, with satisfaction after preaching on his face.

After scanning again, everyone else looked like they were enlightened and suddenly enlightened.

How come everyone knows that I know, but I don’t? I also saw a ghost!

"In this way, the possibility of the inference being established becomes greater!" Zhang Zhaojie was the happiest, "We have inferred before that the opportunity for Lin Fan to transform is not to save himself, but to save others."

"Yesterday she saved Pangu, before that she saved John Woo, and on her first flight she saved people in the community. So only when she witnesses others in danger, will her subconscious mind trigger her transformation, and at the same time she will lose consciousness!" Zhang Zhaojie stood up , just dancing.

It makes sense, everyone nodded.

"But then, the problem arises again." Ke Wenbin had to come out to dampen everyone's enthusiasm. "If you want to verify whether this inference is correct, you must try a few more times. In other words, let Lin Fan continue to witness others In danger, this..."

"Is there any problem?" Li Chunhua asked, seeing everyone's expressions of embarrassment.

"It's a big or small thing to be in danger. According to previous experience, it should be life-threatening. How can such a thing be so easy?" Wu Yi complained.

"Then let's make some artificially..." Zhang Chunhua saw the round eyes of the people opposite him and immediately realized that he had said something wrong.

Yesterday, they discussed whether to create some fake third-party distress accidents. Learn from previous experience, be more careful, do it less frequently, be natural, don't let Lin Fan find out, give it a try.

As a result, what Li Chunhua said was all over.

Did he forget that Lin Fan was sitting next to him?

A group of people covered their heads and were so angry that they couldn't speak. If the probability is low, isn't there still a probability?

Lin Fan knew it, so there was no need to think about it.

As soon as she sees it, her subconscious will react that it is a man-made accident, and it will be harder to arouse her reaction than before.

Pig teammates, pig teammates!

Li Chunhua knew that he was wrong, his face turned red, and he lowered his head to reflect.

"Okay, don't blame him harshly. We are just speculating, and it may not be true." Yu Guangli interrupted, "Besides, Lin Fan's transformation this time has only been 20 days since he joined the group, and he has already made great progress for us. It’s time to speed up. Don’t rush, don’t rush your research, and keep your mind calm. Rushing will cause problems.”

After listening to Team Leader Yu's words, everyone suddenly realized that since learning about Lin Fan's transformation yesterday, everyone's emotions have been in a state of radicalization. In fact, this matter cannot be rushed.

If we look at it from the Special Office's perspective, it has been more than a month since Lin Fan first transformed, and they still haven't found anything.

If Lin Fan hadn't happened to see Pangu, if Pangu hadn't happened to be in danger, Lin Fan wouldn't have transformed. Everyone is still waiting and groping.

"Now we speculate that Lin Fan will transform to save others because they are in danger, but it does not mean that there are no other opportunities. We can also look for clues." Ke Wenbin also agreed.

Li Chunhua did have good intentions, but he just didn't think too much about it.

Besides, even if Li Chunhua is not exposed, will the plan they implement definitely work? Referring to the previous accidents, which one is not carefully planned, what is the use?

"Lin Fan!" Xia Jing suddenly spoke up amid everyone's discussion.

He doesn't speak often, and is usually immersed in busy work, like a tool man with an absent soul. But his words are a little more acceptable than those of Kuang Li. Kuang Li is a biochemical maniac who is always willing to spend money.

Everyone was attracted by Xia Jing's shout and looked at him.

He raised his head from the laptop screen and smiled at Lin Fan: "Look!" After speaking, he tapped the keyboard.

Suddenly, a white figure flashed in the center of the conference table. This caused everyone to stand up and retreat, and the sound of chairs sounded one after another, which was extremely harsh.

Song Ren immediately pulled Lin Fan's wheelchair back, and Jin Sichen also stretched out his hand to block Lin Fan's front.

Only Lin Fan and Xia Jing sat firmly and motionless.

When everyone saw clearly what was in front of them, everyone couldn't help but open their mouths in shock.

"Wow..." Zhang Zhaojie's eyes widened.

Others weren't much better.

What appeared on the conference table was a 3D mecha projection, projected from the monitor in the middle of the conference table.

Lin Fan looked up at the white mecha standing on the conference table, feeling that it was different from what he saw in the video.

"This is your mecha." Xia Jing smiled, showing his white teeth, looking very happy, "I made calculations based on Pangu's data, and it should be 1:1 in size."

Xia Jing was busy assembling the plan drawings from various angles in the video into a three-dimensional mecha.

Everyone around the conference table sees it from a different angle.

"It's so beautiful!" Wu Yi said infatuatedly.

Even a tough guy like Song Ren found it good-looking and yearned for it.

The mecha was more than 2 meters tall. When it stood on the table, the horns on its head almost reached the ceiling of the conference room. She is not as majestic as Pangu, but she still deeply shocked everyone's heart.

"I didn't take the photo from the front. I made it up from other angles and my own imagination. It's not accurate. The sides and back are all real. How about it? It's beautiful, isn't it?!" Xia Jing was very happy.

Humanoid mechas were his true love. For so many years, there had been no progress in research, and he was dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Lin Fan's mecha occupied his entire mind as soon as it appeared. After he pieced together the three-dimensional diagram, he couldn't hide the joy in his heart and eagerly wanted to introduce the goddess in his heart to everyone, which was why he was caught off guard like just now.

"I'm really sorry for scaring everyone." Xia Jing bared her big white teeth and apologized without sincerity.

Almost the entire body of the mecha was covered by an ivory white shell, with only a large area of ​​black exposed on the waist and abdomen. A little black is also exposed under the mecha shell of the neck, elbow joints, wrist joints, palms, hip joints and knee joints.

These black parts are more delicate than the cold, hard white parts. To put it figuratively, the black part is like wearing close-fitting clothes, while the white part is more like wearing outer armor.

In addition to black and white, there are two square red parts on the back of the mecha, which is what everyone speculates is the engine.

The entire mecha is integrated, like a person wearing huge armor.

Many details that cannot be seen in the video are fully revealed at this time.

"If it's so high..." Dr. Xiao looked up at the mecha on the table, and then at Lin Fan sitting in the wheelchair. They were completely different models!

How did Lin Fan, who was 7 meters tall, turn into a mecha that was over 2 meters tall?

Although the size of the black part and head are not much different from Lin Fan, the height difference is too much. How to make up for the difference in the middle when the soles of the feet are not elevated?

Is it really not an external wear but a direct transformation of the whole person into a mecha? Everyone had this idea in their hearts.

Because the mecha was too tall and we were standing on the table, it was more comfortable to sit and watch, so we all just stood and discussed.

"The black thing inside is..." Yu Guangli didn't notice the black part before watching the video. Now looking at the three-dimensional view, it seems that it is also a layer of armor.

"It should be divided into inner and outer armor. The inner layer is more close-fitting and flexible, and the outer armor is larger to increase the sense of volume." Ke Wenbin analyzed.

"What sense of volume? It should be some kind of weapon device, right?" Zhang Zhaojie retorted.

But looking at the mecha, except for the larger and more prominent chest armor, other parts are not that wide, and are instead full of streamlines. When it comes to hiding weapons, it’s hard to imagine what could be hidden.

"If you don't look at the white outer armor and just look at the black inner armor, you can actually tell that it has a female body." Wu Yi said, touching his chin.

Everyone heard the sound and looked carefully. Sure enough, compared to men, the black part can indeed feel a slimmer frame.

However, the white outer armor was bulky, especially the breastplate and shoulder armor, and the gender characteristics could not be seen at all. In addition, Lin Fan was also a bit fat and looked thick and strong. The outer armor of the thighs and hip bones were blocked, making it impossible to tell whether they were male or female.

There is no obvious gender bias in the appearance of the entire mecha, and it would not be out of the ordinary to say that it is a man inside. He is just so handsome and beautiful.

"Why does it look familiar to me?" Zhang Zhaojie said suddenly.

"What looks familiar?" Xia Jing asked.

"I don't know, I just seem to have seen it somewhere." Zhang Zhaojie couldn't remember it.

Are there other similar mechas that have appeared?

Everyone looked at Zhang Zhaojie with concern, but he still couldn't think of where he had seen him.

Among this group of people, Zhang Zhaojie does not have the richest knowledge of mechas, but his exposure to mecha culture is the most extensive, as can be seen from the various figures he has collected. Whether it's journals, documents, novels, comics, or anything else, he won't let go of anything if it's a mecha.

Everyone knows about the serious path. If we want to talk about the difference, it probably comes down to anime and the like.


Anime is originally a virtual image. Even if there are similarities, it seems to have no practical significance, right?

Despite this, when there were no other clues, everyone decided to find where Zhang Zhaojie's familiar place came from. What if there are clues?

Therefore, except for Yu Guangli who conducted scientific research on three-dimensional images, everyone else began to watch anime from morning to night.

A group of researchers watch anime openly and openly during working hours and at their working place. This is unheard of and unseen. If others saw it, who wouldn't think they were collectively being lazy?

In fact, everyone except Zhang Zhaojie was dizzy.

They are not anime fans in the first place, and they find no pleasure in watching these things. Instead, they feel more like devastation.

But Zhang Zhaojie had to look for it on his own, and he didn’t know how long it would take to find him.

In order to complete this matter quickly and speed up the search for clues, everyone can only help find it together.

So despite the torture, everyone quickly flipped through the comic books and watched the animation episodes in fast forward.

right! Don't look at the plot, just look for similarities.

Even Lin Fan's activity room was stuffed with a bunch of comic books, euphemistically called for her entertainment.

Because of Lin Fan's transformation incident, Jin Sichen has no time to have academic exchanges with the 800 psychologists recently. He is busy in the activity room, quickly flipping through various picture books with Song Ren and Li Chunhua.

Lin Fan was the only one who didn't have to worry about this and slowly flipped through the comics at hand. She is not in a hurry, and she cannot be in a hurry.

Hmm... the painting style of this book is ugly, I won’t read it!

Hmm... the plot of this book is cliche, don't read it!

Lin Fan picked leisurely, looking at the other three people in a hurry, and asked on a whim: "By the way, why are there so many comics in the research institute?"

If finding many novels, comics, and game consoles for her before was not enough to arouse Lin Fan's curiosity, then this pile of comic books finally made Lin Fan's long-lost curiosity appear.

Is this a serious research institute? Is it the animation research institute? !

I chatted with the editor for a while in the morning and felt happy. Hahaha, the editor said he liked my article. Ha ha ha ha. This chapter was written relatively smoothly, but it was rushed out after all, and the quality may not be as good as the previous one. Writers with slow hands still can't finish the manuscript, so they must learn from their mistakes next time. woo woo woo woo. Am I good at writing? If it's okay, vote. Both recommended tickets and monthly passes are required. Comparison

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