Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 68 Face to Face

Chapter 68 Face it

The last time Lin Fan came to the conference room was the day he came to 800.

She had been avoiding people that day, unwilling to look up. When she entered again today, she saw everyone inside looking at her with bright eyes and smiles on their faces.

"Lin Fan is here!" Yu Guangli also stood up to greet him.

Song Ren pushed Lin Fan to the table, and Li Chunhua quickly removed a chair and put it aside.

Jin Sichen sat at the head of Lin Fan, the first person at the long table. This time, John Woo was not here, and his replacement was Song Ren, who sat on the other side of Lin Fan. Li Chunhua sat below Song Ren.

There is still no one in the main seat. I don't know if it was specially reserved for Xie Bisheng or simply to clear the view.

The positions on the other side of the long table have not changed, followed by Yu Guangli, Doctor Xiao, Wu Yi, and Kuang Li.

Zhang Zhaojie struggled for a while between getting closer to Lin Fan or facing Lin Fan face to face, and chose the opposite side where he could see Lin Fan.

Ke Wenbin chose to be closer and sat under Li Chunhua.

Xia Jing was still sitting opposite the main seat. Before Lin Fan came in, he heard him typing on the keyboard, but now he has stopped without moving for a while, which is rare.

Lin Fan was not used to being in the same room with so many people, but the kindness shown by everyone calmed her fears to some extent. She suppressed her discomfort and pretended to be nonchalant.

Jin Sichen saw the struggle in her eyes and pretended not to see it.

No matter how others lend a helping hand, there are some roads that only you can walk through.

"I heard there is a video of yesterday's incident." Jin Sichen deliberately ignored Lin Fan and asked Yu Guangli, "Can we watch it?"

"Of course," Yu Guangli agreed, "Lin Fan hasn't watched it either, right? Then let's take a look at yesterday's video first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blinds closed automatically, the indoor lights were turned off, the projector was turned on, and the picture was clearly displayed on the screen.

The videos played one after another and no one spoke.

Although many people had seen it countless times yesterday, they were still attracted by the figure in the picture at this moment.

Lin Fan, like everyone else, watched the video carefully. This was the first time she had seen such a mecha. It was like watching a clip from a science fiction movie, with no sense of reality.

"Pa" the indoor lights were turned on, the curtains slowly rose, and all the videos were played.

"How is it? Lin Fan, do you feel familiar?" Yu Guangli hoped that Lin Fan could feel something.

Lin Fan shook his head. She felt neither familiar nor strange. The mecha in the video seemed to have nothing to do with her, and she couldn't feel any connection.

Everyone was disappointed. They thought that after Lin Fan saw the video, he would have some familiar connection or think of some helpful clues.

They thought wrong again.

It seems that I really can't get any help from Lin Fan...

"I heard that you guys came to some conclusions after the discussion yesterday, can you share them with us?" Jin Sichen guided the topic in a timely manner so that it wouldn't be a dull moment.

Seeing that Lin Fan remained silent, Xia Jing started typing on the keyboard again and clicked the mouse frequently, returning to his usual busy state.

"Yes, we did some analysis and inference yesterday. Please help us to see if there are any mistakes or omissions." Yu Guanglihun said nonchalantly.

It doesn't matter if Lin Fan can't remember it now. Let her continue to listen. Who knows when she will suddenly remember something.

Besides, it was necessary for her to know the status of her mecha.

Zhang Zhaojie ran to the front and acted as an assistant.

The curtain rose to reveal the blackboard notes they had written during yesterday's analysis.

Everyone looked at it together.

Jin Sichen read every word carefully.

Song Ren took one look and remembered the blackboard in his mind. He focused part of his attention on Lin Fan, who was also looking at the whiteboard, and at the same time slowly studied the contents of the blackboard in his mind.

Li Chunhua looked at the whiteboard for a while and Lin Fan for a while. It was still hard for him to imagine how Lin Fan turned into the mecha man who pushed Pangu in the video just now. She is obviously very weak!

"Do you have a final conclusion from yesterday's analysis?" Jin Sichen didn't see the conclusion on the whiteboard, so he guessed it wasn't written on it and asked directly.

"We preliminarily speculate that after Lin Fan transforms, the mecha will extract her physical strength to run. Because Lin Fan is weak, the transformation time will not last long. Moreover, after the transformation is over, she will fall into a coma because her physical strength is exhausted." Yu Guang Li said on behalf of the others.

Jin Sichen nodded. This guess was very reasonable. He asked again, "What about other aspects?"

"The principle of transformation is still unclear." Ke Wenbin sighed slightly reluctantly.

He can't tell a group of people that we suspect Lin Fan is not a human being. Such baseless words are not something that rigorous scientific researchers like them can say.

And later, after discussing it, they also felt that the definition of a person is not only the body and appearance, but also the inner humanity.

Lin Fan's three transformations were all for rescue. It is undeniable that human nature is good, so why bother with the unclear appearance? So this guess was unanimously skipped by everyone and no further investigation was carried out.

What's more, Lin Fan may not be human. Just like those people who can transform in Bitters. Can you say that they are not human? It's just that they haven't researched this aspect yet.

"But we have a new inference about the opportunity for transformation." Zhang Zhaojie said happily, "Didn't we always guess that Lin Fan transformed because he was threatened and aroused his awareness of self-protection?"

"Yes." Li Chunhua remembered that he also helped with the test to verify Lin Fan's stress response to danger.

"Later, because Lin Fan knew that we were testing her and would not be affected emotionally at all, we had no choice but to abandon that plan. But the guess has never been rejected." Zhang Zhaojie continued, "And this transformation proves that we My previous thinking was totally wrong.”

"I'd like to hear the details." Jin Sichen actually had a guess, but he knew the rules of making people happy.

"The location of Pangu's accident this time was nearly one kilometer away from Lin Fan. For her, unless there was a large explosion, there would be no threat, let alone life-threatening." Zhang Zhaojie's face was full of excitement, "And She finally transformed and saved Pangu, why?"

What to ask? Can you just say no?

"We haven't confirmed this yet. I still want to ask Lin Fan." Yu Guangli interrupted, seeing Lin Fan's eyes turning to him and smiling, "Lin Fan, what were your thoughts at the last moment before your transformation? What else can you do? remember?"

idea? No idea.

Lin Fan lowered his eyes, she lost consciousness without thinking anything.

Seeing that Lin Fan remained silent, everyone looked at each other at a loss.

It was Jin Sichen who broke the deadlock: "Lin Fan, don't worry about your thoughts. What was your last memory before you lost consciousness? Do you remember it?"

"Pangu fell down and his eye was about to hit the sharp point." Lin Fan replied cooperatively.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time found that the answer was different from what they expected.

"Didn't you think about saving Pangu at that time?" Zhang Zhaojie was anxious. The result of their discussion yesterday was that Lin Fan wanted to save Pangu, so he transformed and saved Pangu.

If not, then all previous inferences will be overturned.

Lin Fan shook his head. She usually controls herself not to think about things. After all, thinking too much is a burden to her.

When the discussion started, Xia Jing stopped what he was doing and frowned and started thinking. He originally thought that Lin Fan wanted to save Pangu subjectively.

"Don't worry!" Jin Sichen said, and the discussion disappeared instantly.

"When you saw Pangu fall, did you know what he would face?" Jin Sichen turned around and faced Lin Fan.

"I know, Song Ren said it." Lin Fan still remembered that Song Rengang said that if Pangu's glasses hit the sharp point, it would pierce the cab, and the driver would either die or be disabled.

As soon as he finished speaking, Pangu fell down and even spun half a circle nimbly. He just went from having nothing to do to a posture that could destroy him.

At that time, she felt that Song Ren's mouth might not be poisonous.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan glanced at Song Ren vaguely. Although she lowered her eyelids and was extremely fast, Song Ren, who had been paying attention to her, still discovered it.

Why is she looking at me? Song Ren was surprised by Lin Fan's sudden glance, and he never imagined what new label Lin Fan had just put on him.

"You know what will happen if Pangu falls, but he loses consciousness before he has time to think about it, right?" Jin Sichen concluded.

Lin Fan thought about it and realized that was indeed the case: "Yes."

"If you were still conscious at that time and you had the ability to save him, would you save him?" Jin Sichen asked again.

Lin Fan pondered for a moment and felt the attention from all sides. She gently raised her eyelids and saw everyone in the conference room looking at her with burning eyes, waiting for her answer.

"Yes." She said softly but firmly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Jin Sichen also smiled: "That's right."

"Why is it right?" Zhang Zhaojie asked.

"Human consciousness is divided into the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. It is said that the subconscious mind is more than 3 times more powerful than the conscious mind. In life, more than 95% of behaviors are natural behaviors controlled by the subconscious mind without excessive thinking by the brain. "

Seeing that everyone was confused, Jin Sichen had to start a small psychology class: "When we encounter a behavior that we don't know how to do, our conscious mind will think about how to execute it. After countless successes, it will gradually be conveyed to the subconscious mind, without deliberately Thinking can be done automatically, and other activities can be performed at the same time. For example, walking, driving, typing, talking, etc., these are all subconscious behaviors."

"Subliminal behavior does not appear out of thin air. It is a behavior that we subjectively recognize, which is conveyed and accumulated into the subconscious after countless repetitions. Only behaviors that we subjectively recognize will be recognized by the subconscious."

"In addition to controlling obvious natural behaviors, the subconscious mind also controls invisible behaviors such as dreams and biological clocks. We often dream of scenes buried deep in our memories, which is because the subconscious mind is at work. When you form a habitual biological clock, even if there is no Setting an alarm clock, waking up at 10:00 in the morning, and feeling sleepy at 10:00 at night are also subconscious factors. I won’t go into details here.”

"Lin Fan's consciousness was controlled by herself and she did not have any subjective thoughts. But after hearing Captain Song's statement, she subconsciously realized that Pangu was in danger and wanted to save it. So without her noticing, The subconscious mind controls the transformation behavior.”

Ah, so that’s it.

Everyone present suddenly realized.

Lin Fan seemed to have no idea, but in fact she just didn't know.

It was time to work on the manuscript again at night, and the progress of posting the next morning was terrible. I've revised this chapter twice and I think it's okay. I don't know what you think. Ollie, there is still another chapter to be revised. If you think it's good, please give some recommendation votes and monthly votes to encourage the author. Thanks

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