Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 584 Serious Injury

Lin Fan knew the weight of the stars, but she did not dare to follow the building downwards and press on the ruins of the collapsed building. Instead, he pointed the long sword in his hand outward, flapped his wings lightly, and fell to the side.

If it weren't for the unsuitable space, she would still want to move back, because going in the opposite direction would definitely be the easiest place to escape.

But reality does not allow it.

She could only lower her head, arch her waist, and raise her back to cover as much of the child in her hands as possible.

In the darkness, she was a little afraid to move, fearing that something would fall from above and hit the child in her arms.

But the child hasn’t cried for a long time...

The annoying resonance continued, and Lin Fan felt that his teeth began to chatter, and a vibration could even be heard where the mecha joined.

This collapsing environment has little effect on her, but it can suffocate the child. We can't hesitate any longer.

Lin Fan roughly recalled the position where his mother fell, and tried his best to break out in the opposite direction, trying not to oppress his mother who was pinned below.

After finally crawling out, he carried the child to a bright place, only to find that the child's face was covered with gray, his eyes were closed, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Lin Fan felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn't tell whether it was due to the resonance or something else.

She carefully put her fingers under the child's nose, but she couldn't feel a breath, and there was no obvious pulse rising and falling on the side of her neck.

Lin Fan's whole body was numb, and his muscles felt as if they had been electrocuted.

She carefully put the child on the ground and wanted to give it cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but she was afraid that the force of the stars would cause more damage to the child's fragile body.

And she doesn’t know how to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation at all! I only know about compressions and artificial respiration...

Before the people in the control room could figure out how to comfort her, they noticed that their perspective had changed.

On the screen, Xingchen's black mecha hand no longer appeared, replaced by Lin Fan's slender fingers.

"Is she crazy?!" someone shouted.

What is the difference between disarming the mecha at this time and committing suicide?

There were collapsed buildings everywhere, and missiles kept hitting the aircraft, splashing down various debris.

Lin Fan once again used his fingers to confirm that the baby had stopped breathing, then knelt beside it and gently pressed his fingers on its chest.

But she didn't know how to press it, and the soft feel under her hand made her dare not use force.

She looked up for a few times, but there was no one around except buildings and street lights.

Lin Fan had never felt so isolated and helpless as at this moment.

The baby that was still crying just now, the baby that was still crying when she took it into her hands just now is not moving anymore...

John Woo felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw Lin Fan's camera moving left and right, then back to the baby and continuing to press.

Lin Fan faced numerous life and death situations in just a few days.

But this time, it was the one closest to her, the one with the most hope of success, but the most cruel and direct one that made her face death.

Drops of water stains hit the baby's swaddling clothes, which were particularly clear in the shaking picture.

The person who had just accused Lin Fan of being irrational could not stop talking.

Even if everyone is in a high position, has extensive knowledge, and is very old, they will still instinctively feel sad when facing the death of such a child.

The child had obviously suffered compression injuries in the collapse and died immediately.

Lin Fan's rescue could not change the outcome of mother and son, it just added two wounds to her own heart.

Seeing that there was no one to stop him, the chief controller simply searched for information on infant first aid and read it to Lin Fan in a low voice.

Lin Fan tried her best to follow the instructions, but after all, she was not a doctor and there was a limit to what she could do.

After several rounds of compression, the blood in the child's mouth and nose even overflowed.

Lin Fan really couldn't stand that scene, and he remembered the bloody scene in the subway before, so he sat down next to him and cried loudly.

Halfway through crying, I remembered that my mother was trapped under the rubble and maybe she could be saved.

After transforming and rushing over there for a few steps, I suddenly discovered that a large-scale collapse, one layer upon another, easy to move, is likely to cause secondary damage and injure those who were still alive even more severely. .

We don’t know when local rescue will arrive, but even if it arrives, under this situation, rescue may not be carried out.

The mother’s life matters, doesn’t the rescue worker’s life matter?

Lin Fan's originally positive heart was shattered by this accident.

What is she going to do?

He looked at his hands blankly. Do nothing? Nothing can be done?

The power of the stars is like a joke at this moment.

You can't even save those who are at hand, you can't even save those who are in your hands...

Lin Fan cried so hard that he couldn't help himself. The main control room couldn't call her and entered a state of emergency.

Unexpectedly, the powerful stars stopped right here.

The chief frowned.

I have always known that this girl's mental quality is not good, but she has been doing very well for so long.

Even after the subway incident, he acted very calmly. He thought it was exaggerated because of the special incident. Unexpectedly...

Strong strength was defeated by fragile kindness.

The chief didn't need to think too much to know that this girl must have carried the fate of mother and son on her back.

Kindness is good, but sometimes, it’s not good either!

The chief had a headache and asked Zhu Cunjun what to do.

Zhu Cunjun could only contact Jin Sichen and ask Jin Sichen to intervene to appease Lin Fan's sudden collapse.

The director also quickly contacted Party P and asked Apollo to come for support.

Fortunately, there has been no news about the missing aircraft in Africa. Apollo can come directly, otherwise it would be really busy.

After Jin Sichen learned about the situation, he immediately avoided the ugly woman and ran to a remote place to start connecting with Lin Fan.

He knew Lin Fan well and knew how to quickly bring her back.

Regardless of whether he could continue fighting, Lin Fan stayed under the spacecraft in this state for a long time, without even thinking about dealing with the resonance. Being so nakedly exposed, safety was a big problem.

Fortunately, after he spoke, Lin Fan quickly returned to his senses.

Putting the uncertainties aside for now, what she can do now is...

She looked at the more conspicuous spacecraft after countless buildings collapsed, quickly added a layer of protection to herself, gritted her teeth and flew up.

As the only surviving aircraft on Lanxing, when the opponent saw Xingchen rushing over, it was naturally impossible for her to attack.

Instead, he showed unprecedented speed and crashed into Lin Fan.

Lin Fan didn't dare to fight it hard and retreated quickly.

He was about to rise directly and give the opponent a dive to penetrate the opponent, but as soon as he jumped up, he felt the whole body of the mecha tremble and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Fan endured the pain and got up. Looking at the intermittent thin electrical protective layer on his body, he didn't understand what happened.

Is her magnetic isolation ineffective?

The general control sent a message, "Xingchen, it has recently been detected that the opponent launches multiple sonic attacks at the same time, which may penetrate your previous protection."

Lin Fan felt it, and her whole body felt extremely uncomfortable, as if she had been thrown into a meat grinder, crushed into pieces and put back together again.

Since the other party has strengthened the sound waves, can't she just strengthen the current shielding?

She thought it was very simple, but this attack seemed to really have an impact on her. The originally natural movement did not take effect for a long time.

Lin Fan felt his head hurt more and more, and his internal organs seemed to be screaming faintly. The mecha kept vibrating, making the eardrums extremely uncomfortable and even the bones vibrating...

Under this kind of continuous vibration, the electricity that can play a shielding role cannot be discharged continuously.

Lin Fan felt terrible. She looked at the behemoth getting closer and closer and felt that she was going to give up here.

Countless images flew through her head, but she couldn't capture them at all. She could only lie on the ground and feel the rhythm of her body, which gradually became uniform.

I didn't expect that I was going to die here.

Suddenly Lin Fan's heart calmed down.

She heard the deafening sound all over her body and felt that death was imminent. Death seemed not as scary as she imagined.

Just when she was about to relax, a burst of fire came from the distance, directly knocking off the approaching aircraft.

The unbalanced aircraft turned several times before it stabilized itself.

Lin Fan, who was pulled far away, felt that his body control seemed to have returned a little.

Where did this attack come from? So effective?

Her vision dimmed, and an unexpected face appeared above her head. The familiar voice made her tense nerves relax again.

"Are you ok?"

Kindness comes at a price. Many times, this price is unaffordable.

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