Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 583 Rescue

Before seeing the last aircraft, Lin Fan first heard a deep and persistent low-frequency noise, mixed in with the "rumbling" artillery fire, which was somewhat disturbing.

"Has the frequency dropped so low?" Lin Fan frowned.

The range of sound waves that the human ear can hear is limited. The frequency of sound waves in the audible range of the human ear is very high, descending from ultrasonic waves, and usually people find it very harsh.

Xingchen's hearing is better than that of ordinary Lanxing people, but his voice has become so low that it must have passed its peak.

"Yes, since the one in Africa disappeared, the frequency of this ship has dropped rapidly. It has been going on for some time. The situation is not very good." The voice of the general controller was not affected.

Yggdrasil's network is completely unaffected by sonic attacks.

Lin Fan walked around several high-rise buildings and saw the aircraft hanging on the top of the 100-meter-high building.

There are many lights in developed cities, illuminating intruders very clearly.

Artillery fire kept hitting it from different angles, leaving no trace except to show its invincibility.

Lin Fan had never seen her opponent in such a bright place.

Maybe it was because she had already successfully eliminated a relationship, so the pressure in her heart was not that strong, but she was just worried about such a low frequency.

Just when she wanted to make a quick decision and get rid of the last one.

The tall building next to her suddenly roared and suddenly lost a section.

what's the situation?

Lin Fan looked back and saw that the flat facade of the tall building that had been fine just now began to crack, falling apart like stones or even dust.

Before she could react, the next moment, the glass on the building shattered one after another, and the main part continued to sink. Like a high-rise building that had been blasted, half collapsed and continued to topple.

"Hurry!" the chief controller reminded in the headset, "This has already resonated with the building structure, which is similar to the effect of an earthquake."

Lin Fan was stunned when another smaller building collapsed next to him.

On the contrary, those tall buildings are still standing steadily. I don't know whether it is because they were built in a later age or because they used high-tech means.

When she was about to rush forward, she heard the sound of a baby crying.

"Why is there a baby here?" Lin Fan suddenly stopped and quickly glanced around. "Didn't everyone evacuate?"

Affected by the sound waves, the surrounding buildings will collapse at any time. At this time, the people who are still in the building are undoubtedly gambling with the God of Death, and they are still in a certain death situation.

The general controller was stunned when he heard Lin Fan's accusation, "That's impossible! They said that everyone has evacuated!"

Lin Fan glanced at the aircraft hanging high in the sky, still unable to ignore the crying in his ears, and turned around to start searching.

The chief controller wanted to remind Lin Fan to deal with the guy above him first, but was stopped by the chief controller.

"Let her go." The commander looked at Apollo who was entering the final stage on the screen and the stars that were changing direction, forming two obvious contrasts.

"But..." The chief controller hesitated, wanting to say that at this time, it was obviously more important to deal with the aircraft.

"How could she turn a blind eye to the life in front of her?" The chief's words could not be heard as blame or praise. It was obvious that he already understood Lin Fan's character to a certain extent.

Lin Fan had always heard of the impact of previous subway massacres, and she had always felt guilty for the lives lost.

Now facing a similar situation, choosing a helping hand is an expected result.

In so many life and death situations, the stars rushed ahead to help them through the difficulties.

Now that she has made her decision, rather than enforce it, let her keep it in mind. It's better to let her do as she pleases, it won't take long anyway.

Furthermore, on this night when there have been countless casualties, if they can really save a young life, it will be a special encouragement to them.

So, with the commander-in-chief's connivance, everyone silently looked around for the stars.

"There!" Someone with keen eyes saw a window on the big screen. A person seemed to be holding a baby and waving, but when Xingchen came closer, he was frightened and backed away.

Lin Fan happily came over and told the mother loudly in P language that she was here to rescue. There was a possibility of the building collapsing at any time. He asked her to come to the window and she carried them to a safe place.

The general controller also contacted the local ground staff to communicate with them about the response issues.

The mother had no idea why she was in the now deserted building, but now was no time to delve deeper.

She held the baby who was waiting to be fed in one hand and a huge bag on her wrist. With a face full of anxiety, he lingered at the window on the tenth floor.

The expression that was still full of defensiveness towards Xingchen, but after seeing the collapse of a building behind Xingchen, he finally walked forward.

Lin Fan moved forward, trying to get closer to meet them, but when he was still a few steps away, the floor-to-ceiling glass suddenly broke.

The woman subconsciously took a few steps back. At the same time, the floor began to tilt and the building began to collapse.

Lin Fan didn't care much and rushed forward.

However, this time the collapse angle did not collapse from the bottom like before, but the entire structure remained horizontally unchanged.

Instead, it fell in the opposite direction. The mother holding the child was already retreating, but as the floor fell backward, she rolled down.

Lin Fan walked in while the structure of the house on this floor was still intact. He wanted to pull the mother and son into his arms for protection, but who knew that the mother threw the child directly towards her.

The swaddled child let out a high-pitched cry and was grabbed into his arms by Lin Fan who took off his current shielding suit.

As soon as the shielding suit was removed, she immediately felt obvious discomfort.

Low-frequency sound waves not only have an offensive effect on buildings, but apparently also on her.

She endured the vibrations of the mecha all over her body and wanted to rush over to catch her mother, but the broken floor blocked her eyes, hiding her mother from sight.

She held the long sword in her hand and was about to cut through the floor in front of her, but the building structure above collapsed again, covering her whole body underneath.

Lin Fan had to hold the baby in his arms, trying to give it a sheltered space.

"Xingchen? Xingchen, please answer!" In the main control room, the picture on the big screen turned dark as Xingchen's field of vision went dark, and he called anxiously.

"Don't worry, Xingchen will be fine." Zhu Cunjun said firmly, but his eyes still showed a little worry. "There is no way a structure of this magnitude could have caused any harm to her."

Many people present now remembered the hardness of the stars, and they were all frightened by the fact that she was trapped inside the collapsed building.

I don’t blame them, after all, it is very easy to immerse yourself in the first-person perspective.

"I'm afraid that woman may not survive." Someone whispered.

Obviously, ordinary people would not be as lucky as the stars when encountering this kind of situation.

"The child can be saved, right?" someone asked again.

"It's hard to say..." the person next to him replied.

"Didn't Xingchen catch the child?" The person who asked was confused.

"You probably haven't noticed that Xingchen's breastplate is bulging, and even if his hands are wrapped around him, there may not be enough space to protect the child."

When the man thought about it carefully, it seemed like this. He opened his mouth, licked his lips, and said with difficulty.

"Does that mean that no one in Xingchen was saved?"

Has anyone had such an experience?

Even if all efforts are exhausted, the final result is still in vain. It is very likely that you will be tormenting it over and over again in your heart, and you will have regrets that it would be better not to do it.

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