Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 474 Space Craze

This space craze lasted for a long time.

Whether they are ordinary people, students, office workers, or even adults in the park, they are all discussing it enthusiastically.

Gaohe Metro Station also specially renovated the Aerospace Museum station, making it look particularly sci-fi. Even Lin Fan took John Woo to watch the fun.

The craze also boosted sales of telescopes and astronomy books.

The official also took this opportunity to launch several special programs, and even the Tianting was interacting and conducting space lectures.

The entire Country H has a great momentum of advocating aerospace technology from top to bottom, and there are even many more fresh graduates applying for related majors.

Gaohe Observatory is crowded with visitors every day. In order not to disappoint tourists, it rarely opens night tours.

This move undoubtedly attracted a wave of popularity.

You know, the observatory has a high-powered telescope.

Although the telescope is also open to the audience during the day, the stargazing effect is of course best at night.

Although most people can't quite tell whether those flickering and moving objects in the sky are stars or aircraft, they can't stand the excitement.

Observatories in various provinces and cities have been @ by netizens, and they have all followed Gaohe's example and launched night tour projects.

A large number of spectators came in and the learning atmosphere was unprecedented.

But in contrast, staff have less time for observation.

The observatory's near-Earth telescope is a very large electronic device.

It is usually hidden in the highest hemispherical roof of the observatory. When observation is required, the hemispherical roof opens to both sides to reveal a huge lens.

It is from here that staff look into space, observe celestial bodies, and capture celestial body information.

With the development of science and technology, telescopes have also gone through several generations. Now they can not only observe celestial objects, but also electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays, etc.

Because the installation of near-Earth telescopes has specific geographical requirements, such telescopes are only available in observatories across the country.

The staff of the observatory also shoulder the task of observing celestial bodies, often observing the universe and the stars in the night sky.

Which satellite has deviated from its orbit, where is another meteor shower coming...

These are what they observe and report to the higher authorities, so that the general public can know about them through the radio and television departments.

Of course, this information can only be understood by professionals.

Ordinary people would just lean over, look into the positioned eyepiece, and exclaim "Wow~" when they see the colorful planet in the night sky that has been magnified countless times and cannot be named.

When the observation time is over, quickly get down from your position and let the people waiting in line behind you continue to watch.

I quickly posted my stargazing experience, found some beautiful star maps and posted them online, and then brag about them to my friends to express my feelings.


Lin Fan was not interested in this, but Wang Fengfeng wanted to see it.

This dead man rarely wanted to go to the ground to get some fresh air. For the sake of being a good friend, Lin Fan couldn't say no to him.

Look at John Woo again, with his usual gentle smile.

I also wanted him to see the starry sky that I had seen.

Lin Fan thought this and nodded.

Wang Fengfeng was so happy, jumping up and down like a living monkey.

I originally wanted to make an appointment with Jin Sichen, but he was unavailable. Only three people made the trip.

It's a night tour, so of course it's impossible to really wait until dark before going out.

In the evening, the sun had just set and the steaming heat began to subside. John Woo drove the two of them and set off.

Wang Fengfeng sat in the back seat, still not changing his talkative nature, and kept chattering.

Lin Fan didn't know why, but suddenly remembered that when they first met him, he thought he was shy.

Looking back...she must have had some misunderstanding about shyness.

We went to the shopping mall to have a good meal first, and then arrived at the observatory calmly.

The temperature at night in mid-July was acceptable, and since the observatory was built on a mountain, there was a cool breeze from time to time, making it very comfortable.

Of course, it would be better if there were no mosquitoes.

"Pah!" Lin Fan patted his arm again. When he spread his hands, he saw the corpse of a mosquito. "Hmph! You want to suck my blood!"

She shook her hand and shook off the mosquito body. John Woo handed her a wet wipe to wipe her hands, "I didn't expect that I didn't bring any mosquito repellent."

John Woo has a very serious temperament, but he is still a man.

He had never been to the observatory, and since it was not a mission, it was just for fun, so he didn’t learn much about it.

It was only when he saw Lin Fan swatting mosquitoes that he thought of the omission.

"It's okay, no mosquito can touch me and leave alive." Lin Fanhun didn't care.

With the trousers she wore today, just pay attention to the exposed parts of her arms and neck.

With her hand speed, swatting mosquitoes is like killing a chicken with a knife.

It's not troublesome to fight, but the corpse is still in the palm of your hand, so you always have to wipe your hands.

It’s already good that John Woo can provide wet wipes in a timely manner.

She is almost 40, and she hasn't even thought about repelling mosquitoes herself. How could she blame others for not thinking carefully?

You can't go too far in life, and besides, it's not a big deal.

"Why did the mosquitoes bite you instead of coming for us?" Wang Fengfeng also wore his pair of brown sunglasses on the way up the mountain where the lighting conditions were not very good.

Lin Fan was afraid that he couldn't see the stairs clearly through his glasses, and he couldn't help but think of Jin Sichen not coming... Is there really something wrong? Isn't it because he can't take off his sunglasses and he can't see the road clearly?

"Maybe it's my blood type B?" Lin Fan also wanted to know the answer.

Mosquitoes have loved biting her since she was a child.

In summer, if she doesn't wear toilet water as perfume, she will get red envelopes all over her face.

Sometimes when encountering poisonous mosquitoes, a red envelope will swell so big that it won't go away for several days, so you have to go to the hospital to get medicine.

In the past few years, she didn't go out to avoid the possibility of being bitten. In the past few years, she stayed in places with good environments such as the 800 Office and the Special Office. She almost forgot that mosquitoes liked to bite her.

"It is said that type B blood is more popular with mosquitoes." John Woo initially thought, if mosquitoes sucked Lin Fan's blood, would they mutate and turn into mecha mosquitoes?

623 had also done experiments a long time ago, feeding Lin Fan's blood samples to mosquitoes, but all of them exploded and died.

It can be seen that the energy in the blood is not something these creatures can bear.

"But I also have type B blood!" Wang Fengfeng felt that he had been treated unfairly.

He was wearing short T-shirts today, with all his long and thin limbs exposed. Along the way, he saw Lin Fan fighting mosquitoes, but he didn't feel anything at all?

"Look at your hair, it's almost woven into a web. Even if a mosquito lays on it, it can't penetrate the protection, and its mouth can't touch your skin!" Lin Fan turned around and said with a smile.

Wang Fengfeng's hair is different from his delicate appearance, it is very thick.

At least the amount of hair exposed on the arms and legs is amazing. To say it looks like woolen pants is an exaggeration, but to say that a protective net is set up to prevent mosquitoes from getting in is no exaggeration.

"What about Angkor? He has no hair!" Wang Fengfeng couldn't refute and pointed the question at John Woo.

John Woo raised his arms.

Under the dim light, the tightness of the muscles seems to be conveyed to the surface of the skin, giving people a feeling that "even if mosquitoes come, they can't penetrate the skin."

He rolled up his sleeves, showed Wang Fengfeng his strong biceps, and said with a smile, "I am not blood type B."

Wang Fengfeng pursed his lips and looked at his thin, hairy arms and legs.

嘤嘤嘤~ Angkor bullied Yin.

To be honest, I am that person who is filled with emotion after seeing something beautiful, and in the end I can only say, "Wow! It's so beautiful."

I still suffer the disadvantage of being uneducated.

When WeChat first came out, you could still post in Moments, but in recent years, you haven’t even posted in Moments anymore. I used to always like to share my life, but now I feel like it’s enough to just live my own life and don’t like to post it outside. what about you?

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