Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 473 Return

Xue Ping was very proud, at least he looked very proud.

As for the pain in his heart, only he himself knows.

But looking at the busy scene in the shuttle and the scene of people coming and going, he felt that it was worth it.

If he hadn't used his quick wit at that time, he didn't know when he would have seen the scene in front of him.

Jin Sichen is quite stable. After a few months, he has only made a little progress.

Ah! Don’t you have to rely on him in the end?

Xue Ping grinned, showing his big white teeth. He flicked the ashes of the cigarette in his hand, then brought it to his mouth and took a deep puff.

This follow-up is indeed a bit troublesome...

Even though he and the ugly girl seemed to be having a happy chat, they realized after the first connection that something was wrong.

Modern girls have heard this kind of slightly ambiguous talk a lot, and most of them know what's going on and just smile or spit and get over it.

But to a certain extent, Nvchou is still a "newborn" who has just come into contact with this kind of speaking skills. Will she think too much?

He has no interest in a thousand-year love affair with an ugly woman...

Although Xue Ping is a bit of a talkative, he always keeps it in moderation, and he is by no means a scumbag who plays with emotions.

Besides, the target is an ugly woman... he doesn't dare to do it?

But now, we can only take one step at a time.

Selling one's appearance is a trivial matter.

As long as special agents like them are alive, what sacrifices have they not made for the mission?

I am afraid that it will end badly and cause a big disaster.


Suddenly I understood why Jin Sichen's progress was so slow.

He just said that with that guy's appearance and ability, almost all the women in the special clinic, regardless of age, would be surrounded by him. Isn’t it easy to seduce an ugly girl?

Now it seems that he was naive.

In the past, Jin Sichen sneered at their special Qin's poor brains, but he was still unconvinced. Now that he thought about it, it was not completely unreasonable...

Moreover, the ugly woman's attitude made him clearly realize that even the old lady from thousands of years ago should not be underestimated at all.

She knows everything, yet she pretends to know nothing.

The chat between the two was like a game between the King of the Sea and the Queen of the Sea, and he was obviously at a disadvantage and did not dare to exert force.

"Tsk!" Xue Ping put out the cigarette.

Shaking his head and looking at the thick pile of results from his chat with the ugly woman, he finally felt comfortable.

He put his hand on the group of reports and touched them gently, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, the institute will definitely find a way. He just needs to be careful not to touch the minefield.

It really doesn't work... Please trouble Lin Fan again. I heard that ugly women scare her...

In the special office, Jin Sichen took the lead and held a special group to discuss how to divert the ugly woman's attention faster.

Just in case, Lin Fan, Lezheng Yuanqing, and Chitose-sama were notified of the situation.

Lin Fan didn't know whether the two men had received it or not. Anyway, she knew that Xue Ping was not in danger for a short period of time. He was just trapped in an ambiguous pull and needed help from others to get out. She made up her mind to "cherish life and stay away from flirting." Horse fleas” thought.

When John Woo and the others found out, they all laughed.

After Xue Ping was freed this time, he probably didn't dare to talk to women about horse fleas for a while.

Just when the situation was gradually stabilizing, news came from country P that their latest giant launch vehicle failed to launch.

Lin Fan remembered that the last time she heard this news, she heard it on the TV news when she was hesitating whether to go to heaven or not and returned to her hometown in Gaocheng.

It has been more than a month now, and my own space shuttle has made countless circles in the sky before launching...

This speed is truly unparalleled.

Complaints were complaints, but she still opened the news and took a closer look.

What new technology was said to be used in this rocket was not detailed in the news, but it was obviously nothing special, otherwise it would not have crashed during liftoff.

When Lin Fan saw that there was no one inside, he felt relieved.

Maybe it's her Holy Mother, anyway, she really doesn't want to die.

There were no casualties, and the failure of the launch was just a loss of money.

Country P has money anyway, so let them do what they want.

Scroll down to the photo below. The launch team of country P is actually smiling and opening champagne to celebrate...

Lin Fan turned it over again and saw that the launch had failed... Are these people stupid?

Take another look, even failure is also success...

Well, as long as they feel happy.

The comment area is still lively, with all kinds of comments.

Some celebrated, some gloated, and some mentioned the space shuttle that Country H had just launched not long ago.

Speaking of the space shuttle... Lin Fan counted on his fingers and it seemed that it was almost 20 days.

After she came back, she was so tortured by John Woo that she even forgot to pay attention to the plane.

I quickly searched for news topics and checked the latest developments. Everything seemed to be stable.

Think again of the shuttle buried deep underground.

Lin Fan felt very happy, feeling that he would soon leave Country P behind him, behind him, behind him... (Echoed here countless times)

Humph, don’t say science has no G world, bah bah bah!

When people's technology was advanced, they didn't share it with us. There are countless people who have made things worse. Now that we are about to fly, let them kneel down and look up!

She is so narrow-minded, huh!

Two days later, the latest mission order came. The space shuttle was going to land in a week, and Lin Fan was still asked to escort it.

Lin Fan didn't dare to hide this from John Woo this time. I went to ask for instructions on whether the task process was done correctly.

John Woo, who had already received the news and pretended not to know, nodded with satisfaction.

The lesson learned last time still worked.

Because Country P's rocket failed to launch just two days ago, the return of the aircraft attracted a large number of people to watch.

Smooth launch, smooth orbit, and smooth return are a complete process. The first two steps have been completed very well, but this final step is missing.

The launch base also attached great importance to it and sent out a mission invitation a week in advance. Lin Fan set off that night.

After arriving in the South Island, in order to ensure the stability of the stars, she was sent on two more space missions.

Once I followed the space shuttle and flew several times through orbit, and once I helped deliver something to the Tianting space station.

Lin Fan, who had gone to heaven several times, felt that he was getting more and more comfortable, and he felt a little proud in his heart unconsciously. Who else could she be called a "quick delivery"?

The pilots in the space shuttle were not worried at all because they were escorted by the stars. During the live broadcast, they smiled happier than anyone else.

Some good people took screenshots of their smiles and compared them with previous screenshots of people laughing in celebration after Country P failed to launch, which attracted a huge wave of traffic.

On the day of return, the sky was clear and the sun was in the sky early, indicating good weather.

The actual return time is in the evening, but countless people have been jumping for joy since the morning.

Father Lin even turned on the TV early in the morning.

In order to take care of the elderly who cannot watch the live broadcast, the TV station specially planned a program for this significant space operation.

Numerous experts and engineers were invited to interview on the program, and they were also connected to the South Island launch base from time to time.

Father Lin has been watching the TV, starting from the aerospace development of country H in the morning, and continued to talk about the long-term vision of aerospace development until dark.

Mother Lin also rarely made any noise and watched with Father Lin.

Although I felt bored after watching it for a while, I squinted for a while and then ran off to do something else. But for such a big event, it was forwarded all over the circle of friends, and Lin’s mother still felt very involved.

Until evening, it was finally time for the space shuttle to return.

In the live broadcast, black and white night vision cameras captured small bright spots.

Father Lin took out his reading glasses and looked carefully at the big TV, only to see a small dot.

After a while, the bright spot began to grow longer, like a shooting star, dragging a long tail.

"It's through the atmosphere!" Father Lin was so excited that he didn't know what to do. He picked up the wine glass on the coffee table and took a sip.

Mother Lin didn't actually understand it, but she was so excited when she heard the voice on the TV and her wife was very happy, so she was happy too.

This night, I don’t know how many people were staring at the TV, and how many people were staring at their mobile phones.

Although the picture from the ground camera was not very clear, everyone stared at it so fascinatedly, from a small fuzzy dot to gradually seeing the shape of the aircraft, sliding down smoothly and getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the ground, the landing gear opened and hit the ground heavily, as if it hit everyone's heart.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and a huge parachute was deployed behind the plane to stop the speeding plane.

On the scene where there was obviously no sound, everyone seemed to hear the harsh sound of sudden braking in their ears.

Until the TV host shouted the word "success!", the world was in a state of excitement.

People on TV are cheering, the launch base is also cheering, countless people are cheering at home, in the company, and even on the street...

John Woo glanced at the stationary space shuttle not far away, turned around and handed Lin Fan, who had just retreated from the mecha and was wrapped in a thermal blanket by the staff, a cup of hot cocoa and said with a smile.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

I almost forgot that the space shuttle was still in the sky, so I asked him to come down quickly, haha.

Behind the success of a thing, there are countless invisible people who have made contributions. Thank you to the unknown heroes.

I cried when I wrote about the plane landing. I will be able to see this scene anytime. 555

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