Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 44 Members

Chapter 44 Members

"Lin Fan also experienced psychomotor changes. It manifested as slow movement and thinking, laziness in life, alienation from relatives and friends, lack of social interaction, and low efficiency in work. She was very serious when she first became ill: she didn't speak, didn't move, and didn't eat. , it was severe 'depressive stupor', and it took me three months to stay in a mental sanatorium before it got better."

"Her mind would always be involuntarily thinking about some things that are and are not, without any logical order. She once thought about it for a week because the cobblestones on the community trail were broken. She also knew that it had nothing to do with her, but she just endured it. I couldn't stop, and I couldn't sleep all night, thinking about those pebbles that had been disposed of long ago and didn't even have a shadow."

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in unison. It felt so bad that they knew everything but still couldn't control it.

"Lin Fan would be irritable and restless many times, and sometimes she would speak in confusion, but fortunately she did not show any aggressive behavior. According to her, she often heard some sounds that others could not hear, and she felt that she might be Hallucinated."

"But based on the fact that before she transformed for the second time, she heard the sound of the truck losing control, but our special agents were completely unaware of it, I remain doubtful and unsure about her hallucination."

"Is her hearing test normal?" A researcher looked through the physical examination report.

"It's normal. Her hearing value is slightly higher than that of ordinary people, but still within the normal range. But she is afraid of noise and likes a relatively quiet environment. I hope everyone can understand this." Jin Sichen answered.

"She has complete insight into her condition and symptoms, can describe it accurately and clearly, and has a correct understanding of the current state, but she does not have any hope for a cure. There is also a certain lack of insight."

"There are also many physical symptoms. Lin Fan has been listless, has no strength, and feels tired. No matter how much he rests, it is of no use."

Everyone looked at Lin Fan again, who was indeed huddled in his chair with dejection.

"Sleep is not good either. It's hard to fall asleep. I fall asleep easily and wake up easily. I have several dreams in one sleep, and I feel more tired after sleeping than without sleeping. I also wake up early, and usually can't fall asleep at four or five o'clock. This way Sleep disorder is also an important reason why she feels tired all the time."

"The appetite has decreased, but the weight has not been reduced. He also showed swelling and obesity. It is initially speculated that it is caused by the side effects of the drug. It has been two years since Lin Fan stopped taking the drug. It is not normal that the side effects have not been eliminated. I have not yet found the specific reason. "

"Her mood is the best when she first wakes up in the morning, and gradually gets worse as time goes by. It is the worst at night before going to bed. This is also an important reason for her sleep disorder."

"In addition, she also has a series of pain symptoms such as headache, heartache, joint pain, etc., but there is no physiological abnormality in the physical examination report. I judge that it is also a somatization disorder. In other words, the pain is really painful, but there is no substantial disease in the organ, and there is no way Target medication just like regular pain.”

"Does she still need to take medicine to be cured?" A researcher asked with a frown, looking at the records in his notebook.

"Lin Fan's current symptoms have passed the acute phase and the consolidation phase, and she only needs maintenance treatment. That means maintaining her current condition and continuing to get better treatment."

"The drug treatment plan will not be considered for the time being in view of the large number of side effects on her body that have not been eliminated. At present, it has been decided to only use the psychological treatment plan to resolve the above-mentioned symptoms one by one."

"Because the chance of depression relapse is very high, Lin Fan's physical condition is indeed not good, so I hope everyone will be considerate and try not to arrange the testing too intensively to avoid excessive fatigue and create additional pressure on her."

"Try to create a relatively good recovery environment for her to achieve the fastest therapeutic effect. Sharpen the knife and chop wood by mistake. In daily interactions, you don't need to pay too much attention or be too enthusiastic, just maintain normalcy."

"Please don't be angry if she ignores you. When she feels the time is right, she will naturally take the initiative to communicate."

"The above is the complete explanation of Lin Fan's condition. Well, one more thing is that Lin Fan's diet is not good. In order to make her nutritionally balanced, I hope to customize nutritional recipes for her, starting with a small amount and gradually returning to the three daily meals. Normal intake. I don’t understand this aspect at all. I wonder if your company has nutritionist talents?” Jin Sichen looked at Xie Bisheng and asked.

"Don't worry about this, we have already prepared it. Then, that is Wu Yi, who is responsible for monitoring Lin Fan's body. She has a nutritionist's certificate, so she will definitely have no problem customizing nutritional recipes for Lin Fan."

Xie Bisheng pointed to a little girl on the conference table and said to Jin Sichen, "Just in time, I will also introduce the members of Group 623 so that you can get familiar with them."

"Lin Fan, do you want to take a look and recognize me?" Wu Yusen asked quietly from the side.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Fan slowly raised his head and leaned on the back of the chair.

After listening to Jin Sichen's narration, everyone felt that Lin Fan should look haggard, even bitter and resentful. Who knew it wasn't the case at all.

She has an oval face, not much flesh, and completely out of proportion to her fat body.

He has regular facial features and somewhat dull skin. The eyebrows are dark and long, the eyes are slender, and the eyelids are always drooped. It's hard to say whether they are phoenix eyes or something, and they seem to have not been fully opened. There was no sparkle in his eyes and they looked a little dull.

The corners of her mouth were naturally raised, and even though her face was expressionless, she didn't look sad, but rather calm and carefree.

The whole face is not ugly, and even looks pretty from certain angles, but it just feels lackluster. She leaned back on the chair and quietly let others look at her. She looked calm and composed, as if she was not the one surrounded by all kinds of pain.

"Lin Fan has become accustomed to suppressing various emotions. You can't tell from her face. But this is not good, because depression is the result of suppressing various emotions for a long time without venting. I hope I can open her heart as soon as possible and let her All emotions can be vented, and she will be close to recovery by then," Jin Sichen said.

Everyone understood again that being expressionless is not a good sign. It is better to show it by crying. If you hold it in for a long time, it will be more likely to break.

No one looked at him for long, and quickly looked away after recognizing the person to prevent Lin Fan from feeling uncomfortable. The researchers are highly educated and highly qualified, and they are considerate of others.

"Then let me introduce the 623 project team specially formed for Lin Fan." Xie Bisheng said.

"Deputy Director Xie, can I ask, does the number 623 have any special meaning?" John Woo suddenly asked.

"This doesn't have any special meaning, just because the day of project establishment happens to be June 6. Our 23 Research Institute has many scientific research projects. Because they involve confidentiality, in order to avoid trouble, most of them use the project establishment date as the project code name." Xie Bisheng explained Said, "If you want to say that it has a special meaning, the name we named does have a special meaning."

"Want to hear the details." John Woo answered with a smile.

"Our institute was not called the 800 Research Institute at the beginning. Later, a certain leader proposed that the number 8 is a good number, which means development, and when it is turned down, it becomes an infinity symbol, which means that scientific research will never end. The last two zeros are It represents the starting point and also represents the cycle.”

Not only Wu Yusen and others, but also the people in Group 623 listened with great interest. They never knew that the name of the institute had such meaning.

"Except for this, most of the other numerical code names have no special meaning. As long as they are not repeated with previous projects, they can be used directly. Therefore, the size of the number does not mean the time of project establishment and the degree of emphasis. It depends on the content of the project itself. "

John Woo nodded to express his understanding, and Xie Bisheng then began to introduce.

He pointed to the middle-aged man sitting next to him on his right, who was the one who asked about the specific symptoms of Lin Fan's condition, and said: "This is Team Leader Yu Guangli, the leader of Team 623. He is responsible for He controls the progress of the entire project and reports directly to me. The testing schedule and research project schedule are all arranged by him. If you feel there is a problem with the progress in the future, just talk to him directly. He himself studies mechanical power engineering, and he is very interested in humanoid mechas. There’s a lot of interest.”

Yu Guangli stood up and greeted John Woo and Jin Sichen, and said politely to Lin Fan: "Lin Fan, please take good care of them in the future."

He didn't think much about it when he spoke. He just felt that it was not good to leave Lin Fan alone after saying hello to the other two people. He didn't expect any response. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan nodded lightly after hearing it.

He felt a little happy in the accident, which proved that communicating with Lin Fan was not as difficult as he thought.

Others were also very happy to see Lin Fan's response, and even Xie Bisheng laughed. He then introduced the woman next to Yu Guangli.

"This is Dr. Xiao Lanping. What we study is all mechanical science. Most of them are researchers in mechanical engineering related fields, not medical. I know Lin Fan's condition and must conduct a physical examination. I specially seconded Xiao from the Medical Department. Doctor come here."

"The medical department of our institute is full of talented people, and Dr. Xiao is the best among them. She has superb medical skills and extensive knowledge, and is a rare general practitioner. It is perfect to provide Lin Fan with physical examination and treatment."

Dr. Xiao Lanping is a woman in her late fifties with an oval face, smooth skin and no wrinkles, her hair is meticulously tied back, her eyes are gentle, and her mouth is smiling.

She is a doctor and knows more about depression than the average person. She frowned when she heard what Jin Sichen said just now.

This Lin Fan had suffered a serious crime. Seeing Deputy Xie finish his introduction, he stood up and nodded to Wu Yusen and Lin Fan, and said to Lin Fan with a gentle smile: "Lin Fan, please take care of me."

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment when he saw Dr. Xiao's pity-filled eyes, lowered his eyes, and nodded slightly.

Dr. Xiao saw Lin Fan lowering his eyes and wondered if he had said something wrong, so he looked at Jin Sichen for help. Jin Sichen also saw it and shook his head at Dr. Xiao, indicating that he didn't need to worry about it.

look! Lin Fan's emotions were so changeable, no one knew when or which words would make her change. Although Jin Sichen also asked everyone to be careful not to cause harm to Lin Fan. But many times, there is no way to avoid this spontaneous mood change.

Just like the changes in the seasons, the rising and setting of the sun will also trigger emotional changes in patients with depression, but it is impossible not to let the four seasons flow, right?

If you have to be cautious in everything, then everyone around you will be exhausted. Therefore, there is no need to pay too much attention to emotional changes without obvious cause and effect. After Lin Fan recovers, these will naturally disappear.

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