Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 43 Introduction to the condition

Chapter 43 Introduction to the condition

"That's natural," Xie Bisheng continued: "Lin Fan is not only an important member of your special office, but also a precious asset of our country. We will naturally cherish it and carefully protect her safety in all aspects. Dr. Jin Aren't you there too? If there is anything wrong, just tell me and I will solve it."

When Jin Sichen heard his name being mentioned, he smiled and nodded to Xie Bisheng. If the deputy director could say something like this, Lin Fan's safety would be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Wu Yusen also smiled and said: "We definitely believe what Deputy Director Xie said. However, Lin Fan's illness is indeed a bit different from ordinary people. I am afraid it will have a certain impact on the progress of the research. I hope you will be considerate." "

Xie Bisheng waved his hand and said on behalf of others: "This is not a problem. With Dr. Jin here and our cooperation, I believe that Lin Fan will be able to overcome the disease and recover soon. It doesn't matter if the initial progress is slower, it is still people-oriented. We will do this Those who do research are the most patient."

Others in Group 623 all spoke in agreement, telling John Woo not to worry, as they would give priority to Lin Fan's physical condition.

"Although we have checked the information, we still don't know much about depression. Can you tell us in detail about Lin Fan's situation and what needs to be paid attention to, so as to avoid unnecessary harm inadvertently." The speaker was a A middle-aged man in his 40s.

"That's natural. As a professional, Dr. Jin has the most say in this regard. Let him explain it in detail for everyone." Wu Yusen handed the topic to Jin Sichen and sat down with a smile.

"Okay, now let me explain to you Lin Fan's recent status and taboos." Jin Sichen did not stand up to speak like John Woo, but still sat steadily. But given his status, no one would say anything.

"According to my current understanding, Lin Fan's depression is not in an explosive stage and his mood is relatively stable, but various symptoms are still very obvious."

"The onset of depression usually manifests itself in three major aspects: core symptom cluster, psychological symptom cluster and physical symptom cluster. I will combine these symptom clusters to talk about Lin Fan's individual performance in detail."

While Jin Sichen was talking, the researchers took notes one after another, as if they were listening to the teacher's lecture in class, with serious expressions and extra seriousness. Even Xie Bisheng is no exception.

"Let's talk about the core symptom group first. The first one to bear the brunt is depression. Being in a low mood for a long time, often feeling distressed and sad, in unbearable pain, feeling unhappy, living like a year, life is worse than death... Lin Fan has these symptoms, and in future contacts You can easily detect it."

"But there is something special about Lin Fan. Her mood is relatively stable and she does not have very strong pessimism. This has a lot to do with the fact that she seldom contacts the outside world and works hard to control herself. This is also an aspect that everyone should pay attention to. Don't Provoking more pessimism in her.”

“Another classic manifestation of the core symptom cluster is loss of interest and pleasure.”

"I have no interest in anything. Things that I used to feel happy now don't feel any good. I can't get any pleasure from daily activities. Reading or playing on the computer is just to pass the time, and I don't get any pleasure from it."

"For example: the salary and benefits of our special office are very high. As a person who has been ill for several years, is in financial distress, and needs help from others, Lin Fan didn't even blink when he learned that he had received a high salary. He only thought about death. Whether the funeral money is enough for her parents to live out the rest of their lives? This is not only a manifestation of pessimism, but also a manifestation of loss of desire."

"On the other hand, as a 35-year-old woman, she doesn't have the normal desire of women to love beauty and want to be beautiful. You can see from the way she dresses that she is still wearing her clothes even after they have been washed and faded. This is not because she is frugal. It’s about not caring about the quality of life, just getting by.”

Everyone looked at Lin Fan. The large T-shirt has been worn for who knows how many years. The color is old and worn. The collar is loose and deformed, and the edges are frayed. Scattered small holes are vaguely visible on the clothes. Even an old lady in her 70s or 80s might not wear such clothes.

"When I was going through the security check at the sentry post just now, I realized that the only luggage she carried was the small red bag in her hand."

"What's in it? Two sets of changes of clothes, plus underwear, a total of 8 pieces for the upper and lower body, one of which is a very torn T-shirt. Mobile phone, data cable, power bank, water bottle, towel, toothbrush, slippers, ID card and Key. Oh, and a dirty bed sheet.”

"Let me ask everyone here, who travels far away with only such a small amount of luggage? And that's what she did."

"We all know that her stay will not be too short after coming to 800, and her luggage is not enough to cope with the seasonal changes. Even if she spends this summer, I feel it is too reluctant. When Wu Teqin proposed to buy her more clothes She even rejected her. This is also a manifestation of her strong indifference to the quality of life. She doesn't care about external material conditions at all,"

The red bag was placed on Lin Fan's lap, and everyone could only see a rough outline of it. Indeed, there was not much in it. They thought it was something Lin Fan carried with him, but they didn't expect it to be all his luggage. Even male researchers can’t help but feel that there are too few.

"In addition to these, Lin Fan has also lost her hunger and appetite. As long as it is not something she hates, she will eat it, but the taste is almost like chewing paper. There is no situation where she will eat two more bites of whatever is delicious. Neither does eating. For reasons such as filling your belly and enjoying delicious food, but to avoid starving to death and to cope with the task, you eat for the sake of eating. The food intake is also small, one or two meals a day is normal, and it can only maintain the minimum needs for survival. .”

Regarding eating, Jin Sichen asked John Woo carefully when Lin Fan was sleeping later.

"We all know that in life, we live for various desires. Whether it is longing for the beauty of life, whether it is longing for money to become a millionaire, or to stand at the pinnacle of power and become a master, or to build a happy family and raise a Raising children is a joy..."

"After all, humans all have desires. Even animals live by their own instinctive desires. Lin Fan's loss of desire makes her have no expectations for anything, and at the same time she doesn't care about her own life. Compared with Being depressed is much more dangerous.”

"Next, I will reverse her situation as soon as possible and arouse her desire for foreign things, whether it is money or material desire... No matter what aspect, desire will lead to concern and reluctance."

"Before, she was still concerned about her parents, but after confirming the amount of funeral compensation, she has put aside this concern. She came here with the idea of ​​​​death, and has already prepared to be sectioned for research. Death is not a complete outcome. Various preparations for the corpse.”

Jin Sichen finally pointed out Lin Fan's inner thoughts, also reminding 800 what to be wary of.

Lin Fan tilted his head slightly and pointed in Jin Sichen's direction. Yesterday's conversation was not so in-depth. I didn't expect that he could guess so much. He was worthy of being a top psychologist.

The researchers whispered, they can understand how difficult it is to live without hope, and they will go through a cycle every time their research fails.

But they will relieve their emotions, travel, play games, watch movies or sing karaoke... Use various ways to cheer themselves up, quickly rebuild their confidence, and invest in a new round of research.

They know the pain, but it's still hard to imagine what it's like to live with it day in and day out. Who can a normal person bear this?

And Lin Fan was sitting here calmly. Although she didn't say a word, she didn't show any extreme emotions, let alone any confusion, which fully demonstrated her tenacity.

"Hey! How could it be possible to die? There are also slices and other things..." Xie Bisheng quickly denied, "Lin Fan, you are overthinking! All our colleagues in 623, dear, you are too late, how can we slice you into slices? It is even more impossible. I deliberately killed you for research! I guarantee my research career that our institute will never do such a crazy thing! Just relax!"

"This is also a manifestation of pessimism. When things happen, you always think about the bad things. For ordinary people, no matter how small things are, they may be magnified by Lin Fan, repeatedly entangled, and increase the emotional burden."

"This is not something she can control. It is a characteristic of depression. She is actually the biggest victim. She has to keep tossing back and forth in various emotions and finally restrain herself to a stable state. It is easy to say, but it is difficult. No one can understand it.”

"So I hope everyone can understand her various inappropriate thoughts, and try not to bring the matter to Lin Fan's eyes. After all, she may ponder over and over again in her mind and torment herself for months on things that we forget about in a blink of an eye."

"Oh..." Everyone nodded. From this point of view, Lin Fan was really pitiful. They must be careful in the future and try not to hurt her.

"There are more symptoms in the psychological symptom group. Unfortunately, Lin Fan meets almost all of them. Normally, if you meet some of the various symptoms of severe depression, you can be diagnosed. People like Lin Fan, who have almost all of the symptoms, also have me. First time seeing you." Jin Sichen sighed, looking at Lin Fan who lowered his head and didn't move, he felt hard just thinking about it.

"Many people have experienced anxiety, which is also one of the classic symptoms of psychological symptoms. It manifests as upset, nervousness, restlessness, random thoughts, etc. The process is repeated and long-lasting, difficult to control, and can cause great psychological pressure."

"I just said that Lin Fan was determined to die. Before she made this determination, she must have experienced repeated anxiety. She was afraid to go out and was afraid that the new things she encountered would cause more anxiety and negative emotions. This behavior itself is also Classic symptoms of anxiety.”

"Before we took her to the special unit, she lived alone for two and a half years. During this period, she stayed at home and hardly went out. In the past six months, she could only go to the courtyard of the community to feed stray animals, and rarely When she comes into contact with people, she quickly returns to her home. Not saying hello when meeting people is not because she is rude, but because she has communication barriers and is afraid of dealing with strangers."

A group of people nodded. They didn't care that Lin Fan didn't say hello. They didn't expect that this was also one of the symptoms.

"Communication disorder is a manifestation of slow thinking. It also manifests as slow reaction, difficulty thinking about problems, reduced speech, decreased decision-making ability, etc. Lin Fan has all of these."

"She often has trouble remembering recent events and has difficulty concentrating. After learning something, it is difficult for her to react quickly. She does not understand what is going on for a long time and is indifferent to her surroundings and the external environment. , these are manifestations of cognitive impairment.”

“When cognitive impairment is at its most severe, symptoms of ‘three nothings’ will appear.”

"Lin Fan has a very low opinion of herself. She thinks that she is useless and can't do anything. Living is worthless. It is a waste of air. This is 'useless'. There is nothing she can do about her condition. No one can help her. She can only suffer slowly by herself. , it’s ‘helpless.”

“Believing that there is no hope in life, the future is bleak, and there is no way out, this is ‘hopeless’. These ‘three noes’ will aggravate the pessimism and prevent the condition from getting better.”

"She also has strong self-guilt behavior. She feels that her illness has dragged down her parents and caused a serious burden on them. She feels that if it were not for her existence, the family would be better off. She is full of guilt for her long-term illness and her inability to recover. and self-blame.”

"Accompanied by this are negative suicidal thoughts. Due to the recurring emotions of self-blame and guilt, the 'three noes' symptoms continue to interfere, and Lin Fan also has recurring thoughts of self-mutilation and suicide."

"She couldn't help but want to stab herself when she saw sharp objects. She also committed suicide by jumping into a river on impulse. Fortunately, she was rescued."

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in surprise, knowing that suicide was the most serious manifestation of depression. Looking at Lin Fan's calm expression, he didn't expect that he would ever behave so violently.

Jin Sichen said so many words, but Lin Fan remained in the same posture as when he came in, motionless. A group of people couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"I also want to take this opportunity to inform everyone not to let Lin Fan come into contact with any sharp objects, in case she loses control and hurts herself."

"What is the scope of sharp objects...?" asked a female researcher.

"Knives, scissors, needles and other sharp objects with sharp edges. There was a time when she just thought about sharp objects such as knives and needles in her mind, and she couldn't help but want to stab her body and eyes. So it’s better not to let her see it and avoid having too many associations.”

Everyone took a breath, thinking about how terrible it was to stab themselves, and they all expressed their caution.

Lin Fan has actually gone through that serious period. Now he occasionally has such thoughts, but he is not as impulsive as before and can easily suppress them. But she didn't want to talk, so just listen to what Jin Sichen said.

The introduction of the disease will definitely be a bit boring, but now the introduction is clear, and there will be comparison later.

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