Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 438 Beautiful misunderstanding

Chapter 438 Beautiful Misunderstanding

The high-speed train from Gaohe to Gaocheng takes more than 2 hours.

She was the only one in Lin Fan's business class, which was considered clean.

It would be better if Sister Tie didn't come over to greet me frequently.

There were still a bunch of taxis parked outside the station, and when they saw the passengers arriving, they all rushed up.

Lin Fan didn't want to wait for the bus anymore and wandered slowly. I directly asked Lin’s father in dialect how much it would cost to go to his neighborhood, and finally picked one with a reasonable price and got on the bus.

When I arrived at the door of my house, I realized that I had left in a hurry and forgot to bring my key.

There was no choice but to knock on the door.

Fortunately, it was evening, just when dinner was being cooked, and there were people at home.

Father Lin opened the door and saw Lin Fan standing outside the door. He was stunned at first, then overjoyed, and grabbed his daughter's arm and pulled her into the house.

"Why didn't you give me a call when you got back?"

The last time we met was during the Chinese New Year.

Lin Fan got angry because he knew that Lin's mother had asked her dancer friend's nephew to visit her, so he ran away before the New Year was over.

Originally, Mother Lin should be angry about this matter.

But because the cause lies with herself, she can only eat the bitter fruit she brewed by herself.

Later, because of a guilty conscience and because there was nothing important, I never dared to call Lin Fan.

Just last month, when Lin’s mother checked her phone, she saw a short video of Lin Fan and John Woo eating at the City God Temple.

As soon as she was sure it was Lin Fan, she wanted to call and ask, but Father Lin stopped her.

Lin's mother was persuaded by him, and then she thought that Lin Fan was now capable, and she didn't know if the New Year's Eve was over, so she refrained from calling. Be prepared to find a suitable opportunity to ask next time.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan came back silently.

Dad Lin was so happy that he decided to drink two more drinks in the evening to celebrate.

Lin's mother heard the commotion and poked her head out of the kitchen. She was also happy to see Lin Fan.

He just glanced at Lin Fan's clothes and started to frown.

"What are you wearing? Showing so much? At such an old age, can't you be more steady?"

Lin Fan knew that Lin's mother was usually rude, so he was not in the mood to argue with her this time, so he carried his bag and walked to his room.

"Look at you, you miss me when you're not at home, and you have nothing nice to say when you come back!" Father Lin pointed at Mother Lin with hatred.

"What's wrong with her clothes? Where is it exposed? The girl is young and beautiful, so what's wrong with wearing fancy clothes? Are you young and don't like being pretty?"

Lin Ma frowned and went back to the kitchen to cook, knowing she was in the wrong.

Father Lin put on a smile again and ran to the door of Lin Fan's room and knocked on the door. "Xiao Fan, are you on vacation this time? How long can you stay?"

"If I have some free time, I will stay one night and come back to see you." Lin Fan gave a faint smile.

After half a year, Dad Lin seems to have gained weight again.

Lin Fan asked him how his health was, had he gone for a physical examination, and had he controlled his diet?

Father Lin answered one by one.

I'm in good health, and my physical examination doesn't reveal any major problems, except for my old problems of high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

The diet is also normal, although it is not light, it is not too greasy either.

Lin Fan asked him about his tobacco and alcohol status again, but Father Lin laughed and mumbled.

In Dad Lin's words, his life was given by tobacco and alcohol. If he were asked to quit smoking and drinking, wouldn't that be the same as killing him?

So despite the doctor's warnings every time, it would be good if he could feel conscious for a few days.

Without happiness, what else do you need to live for?

Lin Fan was unable to refute his fallacies every time.

Later, when she herself became ill, she realized that what he said was true. Later, I no longer watched Dad Lin quit smoking and drinking, but only advised him to drink in moderation.

Father Lin nodded in agreement every time. As for the appropriate amount... that may not be the case.

Originally, Father Lin felt that his daughter was not happy to come back and wanted to find out what was going on. However, the topic of tobacco and alcohol made him feel guilty and he ran away...

Lin Fan knew that he must have been out of control recently.


never mind! I can't stay with them at long as they are happy.

Lin Fan walked into the kitchen and wanted to help.

As a result, Lin's mother disliked this and that, and kicked her out.

Lin Fan knew she meant well, but her mouth was really unpleasant!

He simply didn't resist and ran to the balcony to enjoy the breeze.

It's almost July, and the temperature is getting higher and higher, but there is an occasional cool breeze at night, which is still very comfortable.

Lin Fan didn't know why she suddenly came back, as if coming back would complete her uncertainty, he just followed his feelings.

"Xiaofan, come on, come on, it's time to eat." Father Lin came in from the door and shouted.

Lin Fan looked back and saw that he had brought a large bottle of Coke. He thought he bought this specially for her to drink when he went out just now.

His nose was a little sore again, so Lin Fan endured it and walked to the dining table with a smile on his face.

"You came back late, and there was no preparation at home. Fortunately, you like these two dishes." Father Lin poured a bowl of Coke for Lin Fan, and Mother Lin had already placed Lin Fan's favorite dishes in front of her.

Braised prawns in oil and braised beef with sprouts were indeed Lin Fan's favorite foods when he was a child.

Lin Fan had a drink with Father Lin, who had been waiting for a long time with his wine glass.

Lin's mother was diabetic and couldn't drink Coke, so she poured a cup of cold drink and drank it with Lin Fan. The atmosphere was harmonious.

I don't know if it was because of the particularly good atmosphere, but Lin Fan felt that the food in his mouth seemed to have a taste.

"Xiao Fan, are you and your colleague, Xiao Wu, okay?" Mother Lin finally couldn't help but ask.

"Ah?" Lin Fan was picking up shrimps and raised his head and asked, "What? Who?"

"It was during the Chinese New Year..." Mother Lin mentioned that she felt guilty for a moment during the Chinese New Year. Seeing Lin Fan didn't respond, she felt confident again, "The colleague who gave us the video."

"Oh, he's fine. What's wrong?" The shrimp meat is still tender and the taste is not noticeable, but the texture is still there.

"Are you two together?" Mother Lin asked again. Seeing Lin Fanhun's nonchalant look, she became anxious, "Oh, you know how to eat. I'm asking you seriously!"

"No. Just ordinary colleagues." Lin Fan knew that Lin's mother wanted her to get married. This year it was John Woo and last year it was Song Ren. She was used to it.

"Ordinary colleagues? How can this be done?" Lin's mother took out her mobile phone, pulled out a long-cherished picture and placed it in front of Lin Fan, "Look! How do you explain it?"

Lin Fan tilted his head and saw a small video. It was indeed her and John Woo. I tapped it with my little finger, but there was no response.

"That's a screenshot of the video. Your mom accidentally clicked on it and left it in the photo album." Dad Lin explained with a smile.

"What do you mean, if I hadn't taken the screenshot, I wouldn't have known where to find the video." Mother Lin complained, "I obviously collected it, but it disappeared when I searched for it within two days. I couldn't find it even if I searched for keywords. This broken net!”

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, knowing in his heart that it was most likely handled by a special case. He asked curiously, "What was captured in the video?"

She doesn't watch short videos very much, so it's not clear that she and John Woo have ever been on a video.

"You eat, Xiao Wu is holding it from behind, and you turn around to feed him." Mother Lin said while poking at the screenshot.

What a coincidence that screenshot was. It happened to be the scene where Lin Fan turned around to feed John Woo, and John Woo lowered his head and opened his mouth with a smile.

The person who posted the video had the same title as "Good-looking couple spreading dog food on the street, huge".

After Lin Ma saw it, she clicked on the comments and read the comments. All the replies were "envy" and "so sweet".

She held her cell phone and was happy for several days, thinking that Lin Fan's life-long event was finally settled.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan looked indifferent now.

Lin's mother was angry again.

Who was thinking about Mother Lin coming before? Haha, you are satisfied. Mother Lin comes out for a spin.

Many people are optimistic about John Woo and Lin Fan. As for these two people, it seems highly likely that it is impossible at present, haha.

But you can give me some pointers from other people’s perspective. Hehehe, I’ll give it a try too.

Poor Song Ren, no one cares about him, I have to add some drama to him.

Today, a new treasure came into the game and left a message on Chapter 16 saying that my word count was poor.

For me, the writing is a bit slow and verbose, and I may not be able to grasp it in the early stages. After all, I just wrote it. But I really have no idea about the word count. At least there is no subjective intention.

Think about it. I only earn two to three hundred a month, and spending several hours on it every day is actually very uneconomical.

If I hadn't wanted to finish it well and not have it end badly, to be honest, I wouldn't have written this novel. Isn’t it good for me to lie down and play for a few hours every day? It’s not less than three hundred yuan a month, right?

So now my goal is to tell the story well and then finish it. What’s the word count? I will definitely celebrate the day I finish.

Since last August, since the serialization, I have not had any entertainment. I don’t have time to watch movies or novels, I just focus on coding. Of course, it's not well written. But take it seriously. Even though it's useless. Hahaha

I changed the outline several times on the spur of the moment, and the treasures also saw it. They were all in a very anxious state. It was not true love. Who would lose a lot of hair for such a small amount of money in a month?

But I also know that compared to regular cool writing, my pace is slower.

Anyway, I’ll keep working hard, hehe

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