Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 38 Strong Media

Chapter 38 Strong Media

I just took wedding leave in the morning and went out, came back in the afternoon, and returned my marriage application. How could the boss not ask about the situation?

Song Ren only said they broke up, and even though his superiors banged the table, he didn't say a word.

My children know it themselves. The leader later sent people to investigate privately, and he was filled with sadness when he learned the truth.

Because of Song Ren's popularity, no one in the entire army knew that he had a girlfriend with whom he had been in love for many years. The leaders also knew that Song Ren had been too busy in the past few years and had delayed his marriage. They also said that the woman was also good, and they kept waiting silently.

Song Ren was injured this time. Although it was difficult for him to take another step forward, he was finally transferred to a position where he was less busy and could take care of his family. Unexpectedly, it was so easy to hold on until the clouds cleared and the moon came out, and someone else joined him.

How to say this?

It can only be said that the two of them are not destined!

Military wife, you really have to be able to endure loneliness.

Song Ren had to retreat to the second line because of an accidental injury. Otherwise, even if he got married and joined the army, the woman would still spend a lot of time alone due to the nature of her work.

It is because they know the difficulties of military wives that the team leaders take special care of military wives to make up for the various inconveniences caused by the men's long-term inability to take too much care of the family.

But as a soldier, national interests always come before personal interests. There is nothing you can do if you cannot take good care of your family.

The two are not married, and they cannot hold each other accountable for ruining their military marriage like married families can. Fortunately, the two of them are not married. With the woman's character, who can guarantee that there will be no trouble after marriage?

The leaders all secretly despised the woman for not being worthy of Song Ren. Some leaders were very angry and cursed to introduce a better partner to Song Ren, but other leaders stopped her.

Song Ren didn't dare to say how deeply he loved Li Fangfang, but after more than ten years of relationship, he always thought that he would spend the rest of his life with Li Fangfang.

Many times in critical situations, he had imagined that he would encounter an accident or that Li Fangfang could not wait any longer and chose to break up and marry someone else. He had also made enough mental preparations, but he never thought of such a possibility.

Although the relationship is clear, the relationship can be broken wherever it can be said.

Song Ren held back his energy and worked hard. During the day, he trained his team members hard, and spent a lot of time at night, organizing various previous experiences into documents, and developed a very scientific and systematic training plan.

Half a year has passed, and Song Ren's men are feeling pain and happiness under this training plan. The pain is of course due to the extraordinary intensity of training, but the joy is that their team is far superior to other teams in terms of individual strength and overall combat, and is the best in all.

The leaders saw that the results were appearing and that they were better than expected, so they began to vigorously promote them throughout the country. After Song Ren taught other trainers step by step, he encountered new troubles.

As mentioned before, some leaders are keen to play matchmaker for Song Ren.

At first, it was because Song Ren had a girlfriend and the relationship was very good, so he couldn't ruin their relationship.

Later, Song Ren broke up, and the leader wanted to be a matchmaker again, but was persuaded by others. After all, they had just broken up, and Song Ren looked like he was forgetting to eat and sleep at work. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he had not vented his emotions.

Comparing one's feelings with others, who can find someone new immediately after dating for more than ten years? It's impossible if you use your sincerity.

The leader was also angry for a moment, but he didn't expect so much. When his old colleague mentioned it to him, he would naturally know that the time was not right. Since he had the people under his control, he would just wait.

No, it's been half a year. Song Ren has already made trouble for his subordinates. He must have recovered from his emotional injuries, so what are you waiting for? Introduce the object!

This leader was also kind-hearted and found many women with good conditions and introduced them to Song Ren. This is the thinking of the older generation. When you get old, you should start a family. If you don't start a family, you can't do anything.

But Song Ren had no intention of finding another one.

It's not that he was so hurt by Li Fangfang that he didn't want to get married, but because of his personality, he felt that marriage should be the final pursuit of mutual love, rather than finding someone with the same conditions, looking at each other, and getting married within a few days.

Rather than such a formal marriage, he hopes for a spiritual fit.

You must know that the relationship between him and Li Fangfang started when they were together when they were young. It took many years before they recognized each other and they wanted to be together for a lifetime before getting ready to get married.

Leng Buding asked him to find a stranger to marry, using the name of husband and wife to become the most familiar stranger. Not to mention that he couldn't get over it, and he was very sorry to the woman.

Now he is still staying in the ministry, and if nothing else happens, he will stay there until he can no longer move.

According to the ministry's work schedule, he didn't have much time to spend with the woman, and he couldn't accept getting married after just a few meetings, so why bother her?

Song Ren explained to the leader, but the leader didn't listen.

All over the country, older people are obsessed with matchmaking.

Even if marriage is personal freedom, interference is always imposed in the name of doing this person's good.

The leader was patient once or twice, but he got angry when he refused too many times. Did he not want to lose face? Tell Song Ren directly that if he doesn't solve the marriage problem, he will leave the special operations department. The team does not need someone who can't even solve personal problems.

In fact, this leader was also trying to scare Song Ren and force him to commit the crime.

What happened to blind date and marriage? In their era, people could get married once they met, and even if there were quarrels, it would last a lifetime.

Now when it comes to freedom of love, he chooses women with good conditions, lets Song Ren choose them, and gives them time to get along. Why does Song Ren just disagree?

This kid definitely didn't know that his wife and children were very good at heating the kang, so he forced him to do it, and he would know that he would have to thank himself in the future.

How could Song Ren be coerced? He has a good character, but he is not someone who can be manipulated.

The leader's good intentions must be accepted by others, and now they are in trouble.

Song Ren frowned and disagreed. The leader was furious, but he couldn't really drive him away.

Anyway, the atmosphere in the team was terrible at that time. Both the team members and other leaders are very cautious, fearing that they will be unlucky if they offend anyone.

No matter how much Song Ren loved his job and no matter how well-intentioned his leader was, he could not withstand such long-term interference. When he was getting bored, Cui Yan found him.

Cui Yan had heard about Song Ren for a long time, but at that time Song Ren was the favorite of the Special Warfare Department, so he didn't even think about it.

Later, Song Ren was injured and the news was concealed by the Special Operations Department. Cui Yan, as the head of the scientific research institute, of course could not get the news. There was also a time when another leader of a special battle complained to someone, saying that the team was tense now, and they didn't know what to do if they didn't give in.

After Cui Yan inquired for a while, he found out that Song Ren was injured and had limited physical strength, and he quickly extended an olive branch to Song Ren.

The 800-strong mecha reserve recruits mecha pilots from the military every year. It requires strong mechanical control skills, as well as strong physical fitness and individual soldier ability.

Cui Yan has always paid attention to people with outstanding abilities, and if they meet the conditions, he will apply to transfer them to 800. Of course he doesn't pick the top soldiers from each department, only the second echelon who have ability and potential. He chooses one or two every time. Sometimes there is no suitable one or even no choice.

The various ministries knew that 800 was engaged in scientific research projects and needed the support of individual soldiers. When Cui Yan pointed it out, they were not overly greedy and were relatively cooperative.

The reserve members transferred to 800 are still active military personnel, but the service targets have been transferred from the military department to the research institute, the training programs have been adjusted, and the welfare benefits are better than before, and they can also see the most cutting-edge technology. Nothing reluctant.

Cui Yan had long known that Song Ren had excellent military skills in all aspects and was physically strong. He would not be able to drive tanks, helicopters, and armored vehicles without him. He couldn't get access to fighter jets due to military reasons, otherwise he might have been able to fly them.

It turns out that he didn't dare to rob Song Ren because he was a good person. When he found out that Song Ren became an instructor after being injured and was forced to get married by his superiors, he decided to pursue his idea.

After investigation, he found that even if Song Ren reduced the intensity of training after his injury, his physical fitness was still enough to beat all the members of the mecha reserve team, and he could still fight back and forth. After all, the physical requirements of the Special Operations Department are too abnormal.

After the important person's report was typed, the superior quickly approved the reply. Perhaps considering that Song Ren's development in special warfare was limited and not as promising as the 800, Cui Yan's transfer request was agreed to. The only thing was that Song Ren himself had to agree.

Personal wishes can often affect the overall situation and must be taken seriously.

Cui Yan happily went to the Special Warfare Department to ask for someone, which made a bunch of leaders very angry, but his superiors had already approved it.

Moreover, even though Song Ren stayed in the team as an instructor, he continued to strengthen training. The military doctor had issued warnings several times before he restrained himself. All training methods have been handed over and promoted for a period of time without any problems.

From a practical point of view, whether Song Ren leaves or not actually does not have much impact on the Special Operations Department. On the contrary, it is a good opportunity for him personally, and he may go further in 800.

Understanding is understanding, but a group of big bosses are still unhappy with Cui Yan staring at important people, and everyone feels sad when they think of Song Ren leaving the team.

Regardless of whether he was unhappy or reluctant to give up, he still had to call Song Ren over to talk about it himself.

The first meeting between Song Ren and Cui Yan took place under such circumstances.

Although Cui Yan looked cold and stern from beginning to end, Song Ren turned a blind eye and focused on what he said.

It was also on this day that Song Ren learned that there was a research institute called 800, which had been developing aviation vehicles. The research results included but were not limited to fighter jets, mechanical skeletons, etc.

These devices require professionals to drive them, and the physical fitness and professional skills of military personnel provide the best support.

His physical fitness after the injury was completely untroubled there, and he was able to access new technological products, test drive and improve new products, and contribute to the development of national military science and technology.

Cui Yan invited Song Ren to be the captain of the reserve team and also serve as an instructor to help the reserve team develop a more appropriate training plan and improve their physical fitness.

When the research on new products is completed, Song Ren will have priority in driving, and absolute personal freedom is guaranteed at 800. No one will dictate his love life...

It was a helpless move for Song Ren to serve as an instructor in the team.

He could naturally feel that his body was starting to struggle to keep up with the special warfare training. No matter how hard he grits his teeth and persists, objective reasons still exist, and he will slowly become a hindrance.

The survival rule of the ministry is that the strong one has the final say. When his physical fitness cannot keep up, how can the recruits listen to him as an instructor again?

800 is a good place to go. They are both military units, so the physical requirements are not that high, and they can also be exposed to the most cutting-edge military technology. It sounds like it should be about flying. He has been in the military for so many years, and he is somewhat eager to fly a fighter jet. If he has the opportunity, he would also like to try it.

Coupled with the deadlock with his leader during this period, although he knew that the other party had good intentions, the working environment really made him depressed. Cui Yan's promise not to interfere in personal feelings also moved him. Maybe it's time to change places...

Song Ren thought about it all night and replied to Cui Yan.

He left under the reluctant eyes of everyone in the Special Operations Department and disappeared from sight.

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