Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 35 Cui Yan’s arrangements

Chapter 35 Cui Yan’s arrangements

800 Aviation Research Institute, Director's Office.

Xie Bisheng just left with the latest personnel plan. After receiving the information from Special Affairs in the afternoon, he carefully selected it and then selected a few people to form a project team for Lin Fan.

There are many project teams under the 800 Aerospace Research Institute, all researching space flight technology, which is large and complex. In recent years, as a large number of mecha themes have been put on the screen by media from various countries, 800 will naturally not let go of this research direction.

Mecha technology sounds very cool, but actual research is not as easy as in the movie.

Take the most familiar Iron Man as an example. 800 once copied the 1:1 Iron Man armor, but it was only in appearance and could not function as in the movie.

The first problem is the power source.

In order to save his life, the protagonist in the movie built a cold fusion reactor.

But in real life, cold nuclear fusion was proposed in response to the thermonuclear fusion first triggered in 1983. It is a nuclear fusion reaction that occurs at relatively low temperatures or even room temperature. It is a "conceptual hypothesis" that simplifies the reaction device, reduces costs, makes the release more controllable, and is superior to thermonuclear fusion. Decades have passed since it was first proposed, and scientists have not given up exploring it, but to no avail.

And the new elements later created by the protagonist due to palladium poisoning are nowhere to be found.

On the contrary, the jet device, which was inconspicuous at the beginning, can still be tried using the fuel launched by the rocket to provide power.

When it comes to rockets, everyone will think of the large amount of heat energy emitted at the moment of launch and ignition, causing water vapor to evaporate and emitting a large amount of white smoke.

For a rocket to successfully push a spacecraft to a predetermined orbit, it requires a propulsion time ranging from ten minutes to twenty minutes.

That is to say, during this period of time, the rocket needs to continuously burn to generate kinetic energy, and separate stage by stage midway, generating greater acceleration to send the aircraft into orbit, and then separate from the aircraft.

At this time, the final stage of the rocket has burned to a pulp. In order to prevent it from staying in space for a long time and becoming space debris, it will actively lower its orbit, slowly be affected by the earth's gravity, and enter the atmosphere again to burn.

Because it is necessary to continuously provide propulsion, rocket fuel accounts for about 90% of the total weight of the rocket. Take the most common Changkong 5 launch vehicle as an example. Its take-off weight is nearly 900 tons, and the fuel is almost 800 tons.

Rocket fuel contains a large amount of liquid oxygen because it provides oxygen that is not available in space for combustion. Iron Man operating inside the earth can absorb enough oxygen in the air, so it does not need expensive rocket fuel as energy.

So a group of people turned their attention to aircraft fuel. But no matter what fuel is used, Iron Man's beautiful suit will definitely not fit into the fuel tank enough for him to run. After all, the battery life of this kind of mobile product is definitely linked to the size of the fuel tank.

Take the most famous K15 fighter jet to list.


The longest straight-line distance from south to north of the country’s territory is almost 5700 kilometers. However, due to factors such as bomb load, level flight altitude, weather, etc., it is usually good to be able to fly to 4600 kilometers.

To describe it more intuitively: if you drive a K15 from Sijiu City and fly directly west, the furthest you can reach is Afghanistan. But if you want to cross the Pacific Ocean eastward and fly to a beautiful country, you should definitely not think about it, as you will definitely fall into the sea.

The empty weight of such an aircraft reaches 12.7 tons, the bomb load is about 0.73 tons, and the fuel tank accounts for 25% to 33% of the weight.

The Iron Man armor weighs about 200 kilograms when loaded with people. Calculated based on the K15's fuel tank ratio, activating Iron Man's external power system, internal intelligent system, and even flight system and maintaining a certain high-speed endurance time requires approximately 48 kg to 64 kg of aviation kerosene, which is equivalent to the size of a car's fuel tank. .

In other words, if you want to move, you must at least carry another fuel tank on your back. This does not include the weight of the fuel tank.

That’s all. Another problem is more difficult.

After the air jet engine is started, the fuel is burned in the combustion chamber, generating very huge heat energy and high pressure. The gas generated by high pressure is ejected from the tail at high speed, creating a reaction force and pushing the machine forward. This is the principle of flight.

However, the heat energy generated by high-speed combustion will also be conducted through the metal, making both the outer shell and the inside of the Iron Man armor very hot, making it impossible for people to operate inside.

Change materials and use the most advanced aviation materials. Can!

The rocket shell has very good thermal insulation and can be as thin as several millimeters.

But the problem comes again. The diameter of the rocket is 5 meters, and all complex mechanical components can be included within this 5 meters. Layers of anti-seismic and heat-resistant materials are added to the outside for coating and protection, and finally the outermost thermal insulation material.

The temperature of the rocket will reach 3000 degrees at the moment of launch, and the temperature will be more than 1 degrees when it passes through the atmosphere. Insulating materials and thick protective layers can well protect important internal parts of the rocket from high temperature damage.

The most advanced thermal insulation materials do not mean that they can completely isolate the temperature. They only resist the transfer of heat energy and reduce the high temperature little by little through the combination of different materials.

Iron Man's mecha itself is not very thick, and there are very complex mechanical components inside. Even the most advanced insulation materials will not have much effect, after all, the internal space is too small.

If you want people to be able to enter and operate normally, you must wear protective clothing. It is not as heavy as an aviation suit, but you will definitely not be able to get into the armor if you wear it.

So everyone could only settle for the next best thing, dismantle the jet engine and use electricity as the energy source.

It can start up, and people can go in, but the mechanical response is very slow, unlike in the movie, which looks cool and closes quickly after putting it on.

All the movements are like being put in slow motion, and one part cannot be closed until another part is closed, and cannot be done at the same time.

If someone attacks at this time, no one inside can hide because they will be stuck inside.

Fortunately, after closing it, walking around is normal. However, Iron Man, who has lost the ability to fly and has slow equipment, is not as practical as another riding mecha at the base.

Although its appearance is not that cool, it can walk and jump, and it can be opened by standing on it. Unlike Iron Man, you have to wait for a long time to close the lid. And battery life is also a big issue.

Although 800 has not completely given up research on humanoid mechas, it is indeed difficult to make progress due to limitations in material and technological development.

On the contrary, the riding type mecha has already produced results and is now being improved to the third version.

There is also a giant mecha, which is almost completed. Because of its large enough size, even if a giant engine is installed on the chest, the driver wearing protective clothing in the head cockpit will not be disturbed by the huge heat energy at all.

Even the artificial intelligence operating system inside the mecha has been developed to a certain extent. Only the humanoid mecha is still at the stage where it can only be judged by appearance.

The research on humanoid mechas is in a state where it is a pity to continue, but it cannot be advanced, and it is a pity to put it on hold. Fortunately, the institute has sufficient funds in recent years, so it has only reduced this part of the research and diverted most of the people to other projects.

The small number of people left behind are either very dedicated to this type of research, and they only want to do research, and they will never give up until difficult problems are solved. Or someone who maintains an extraordinary love for humanoid mechas such as Iron Man and Future Men.

It was the latter that Xie Bisheng sent.

Most of these people are relatively young and are very receptive to new things. His scientific research ability is also good. He has never given up his enthusiasm for research even if he has no results for a long time.

Transferring these people over to study Lin Fan's transformation event would give them a shot in the arm and help unravel the stagnant scientific research progress of humanoid mechas.

After all, they had been able to research to a certain extent just by relying on the virtual image in the movie, and Lin Fan could also provide them with a real and reliable mecha.

Those children will probably go crazy with joy if they know that someone can transform into a mecha, and they will soon be able to have close contact with them and receive research, right? Xie Bisheng thought happily, took the personnel transfer order signed by the director, and walked away slowly.

Cui Yan was still sitting in the office, and on the computer screen was Jin Sichen's assistance order from his superiors. He was not as angry as Te Shi thought, he just snorted coldly.

Unlike Zhu Cunjun, who was not familiar with him, he had admired the name of "Smiling Tiger" for a long time and expected that the other party would not agree so easily. It was just an extra salary, but he didn't take it lightly, not to mention that Jin Sichen had to do more than he originally planned.

The focus is on Lin Fan.

When Cui Yan first learned that Lin Fan could transform into a mecha, he actually didn't believe it. However, Xie Bisheng can vouch for the fact that what is confirmed by special events will never go wrong. Out of his trust in Xie Fu over the years, he let go of his doubts.

For a mecha that is such a high-tech product, it must be classified as 800. It's a pity that Zhu Cunjun was not picked up on the phone. It doesn't matter. Lin Fan will be here soon. It's hard to say who it is by then.

He had not forgotten that the Special Operations Office poached many people from the military headquarters. Now that he wanted to poach Lin Fan, he would naturally not feel any psychological burden.

That's right, the 800 Aerospace Research Institute is affiliated with the military. It can be said that all national high-tech projects are in the hands of the military. The Special Research Institute is an exception due to the special nature of its research, but it also maintains close and friendly relations with military units.

It's just Lin Fan's uncontrollable state...

Cui Yan tapped his index finger on the table.

Although the news from the special incident said that Lin Fan had special equipment restrictions and would not lose control after transforming, how could he trust others' words? It's better to keep the initiative in your own hands.

Cui Yan closed the email and opened a document called "Mecha Reserve", which contained a list of personnel. Read each one slowly. It took me a long time to read them all. He repeatedly screened the selected people and finally extracted the information of two people.

The mecha reserve team is a special group of pilots specially prepared to drive mechas. They are all selected and dispatched to the 800 Research Institute by the military.

They maintain a certain intensity of training every day. When the research on the organic armor is completed, suitable personnel will be selected for test drive testing and cooperate with scientific researchers in data debugging.

The research and development of mecha is a long process, and these pilots play a very important role in the final completion stage. It can be said that each of them is an elite.

Cui Yan transferred the information of the two people to the newly established 623 team, which was the team just formed for Lin Fan, and made a call. It only rang once and was answered.

"Cui Suo." A sonorous and powerful male voice came.

"Song Ren, come to my office at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

The character Song Ren is designed based on the image of actor Xu Feng. There is a photo in Baidu Pictures, a half-length photo of a black suit and a beige turtleneck, and I asked you if you are handsome? (w) Please enter automatically.

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