Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 34 Let her go

Chapter 34 Let her go

6 yuan. It would have taken her four months to earn it while working hard in Gaohe City, not to mention how long it would take to save up.

Is this my biological mother?

It's my mother!

Lin Fan wanted to vomit blood.

Mother Lin was still talking about how sure the lawyer was of winning the case, but she didn't know that the money had been wasted.

Can you say the lawyer lied to them? No, the lawyer said that as long as we file a lawsuit, the money will definitely be recovered. That’s okay. The problem is that the lawsuit failed and the defendant was not found.

Lin Fan explained it to Mother Lin, but Mother Lin didn't believe it at all.

Lin Fan felt that Lin's mother might just try to fill the psychological gap caused by previous mistakes and forcefully convince him with another hope. After all, most people simply can't bear to smash a hole worth more than 300 million yuan in one go. Mother Lin must have felt bad, and she was thinking about remedying the situation.

She may not know that this lawyer may not be good, but she hopes this is true. Only in this way can she comfort her anxiety about losing more than 300 million yuan.

Lin Fan didn't say much to her and called Lin's father.

I didn’t want to irritate Father Lin anymore, but the 4 yuan in Mother Lin’s hands couldn’t be placed in her hands anymore. If Lin Fan didn't come back, he would have to ask Father Lin to get it.

Father Lin was silent for a long time after hearing this, and in the end he just sighed. Fortunately, my blood pressure did not rise. I have probably experienced more than 300 million, and I feel that another 6 is not a big deal.

Since then, Lin's mother has never taken any big money in her hands. All the money is saved in Lin's father's hands. There was never any big trouble again.

Lin's mother kept quarreling with Lin's father over this matter. In order not to irritate Lin's father, Lin Fan asked Lin's mother to come and live with him for a while.

When Lin's mother first came here, she felt guilty for being cheated out of another 6 yuan. Lin Fan didn't say anything to her, and couldn't say anything to her. Within a few days, she forgot about it and started talking about Lin Fan.

I don't know if it was affected by the loss of money, but Lin's mother was nagging more loudly than before, and her speech was sharper. It seemed that she was venting her emotions on Lin Fan. In less than a month, Lin Fan's mood plummeted and he was severely hit.

Father Lin rushed over after learning the news, but was unable to stop Mother Lin. He only had time to send Lin Fan to the hospital.

There is no need to mention what happened next.

Later, whenever Lin Fan thought about this past due to financial difficulties, he couldn't help but wonder: If Lin's mother had not lost all her wealth and not complained in front of her, would she not have gotten this disease?

Even if I get it, will it be easier to get better if I have more money for medical treatment?

Even if it still doesn't get better, is life more secure? At least the family doesn’t have to live on a tight budget...

As soon as these thoughts arose, Lin Fan quickly suppressed them.

Why bother? There is no point in thinking about things in the past. Instead, it will make you fall into another abyss.

In short, with a character like Mother Lin's, if she was told that she had a lot of money, I don't know what trouble she would cause. She had finally adapted to the life of Father Lin giving out pocket money in the past few years, so it was better not to tease her nerves anymore.

Moreover, when she thought about the place in Research Institute 800, she couldn't help but picture the limbs soaked in liquid and the cold operating table. It was unclear how long she could live there.

No matter how high the salary is, she still has to be paid. If she can't make it through a month, why bother saying so much to make her family happy? So Lin Fan decided to keep it a secret even from Lin's father, and wait until we see the specific situation.

"What! Not one million?!" Mother Lin's voice boomed from the other end of the phone, "Didn't you say there was one million? Didn't your Aunt Mao say that before? Why is there no more?!"

"After the assessment, they found that I am not capable enough and cannot give that much." Lin Fan lied calmly.

"Isn't this a lie? I agreed to give you one million, and then it's gone. These liars!" Mother Lin was still cursing.

Father Lin ignored her and asked: "Xiaofan, ignore your mother. What kind of company is this? What do they want from you?"

"It's called 'Ririhong Trading Co., Ltd.', it's a trading company." Lin Fan was very impressed by the name and asked, "What do you do... Wait a minute, I'll look for a work card."

After Wu Yusen handed Lin Fan's contract to the human resources department, he brought her RiRihong's disguised work card. She glanced at it without paying much attention and put it in her pocket. The work card for the special office requires some complicated procedures and cannot be produced quickly. It has to wait two days.

"I don't know what to do, what kind of job are you looking for?" Lin's mother complained there.

"Stop saying a few words! I don't know that the child has a bad memory!" Father Lin's voice was angry.

"I found it. My name is the director of the new technology research and development department." Lin Fan read out his work ID card. The name was a bit difficult to pronounce, but it seemed a little more appropriate when he thought about it.

No doubt it was the director who started it.

"What does the new technology R&D department do? Are you the minister? Are you the leader?" Father Lin asked carefully, concerned about his daughter's new job.

"You're in development, right?" Lin Fan didn't know what he was doing. It was just a disguised position. She took it literally, and Father Lin had no place to check it anyway. "I am the minister, the biggest leader of this department."

"Then how many people can you control?" Lin Ma interrupted and asked.

"Seventy, eighty, ninety, maybe more." The lies came out of his mouth, and Lin Fan had no burden at all.

"You didn't seem to be a developer before? Can you handle it?" Father Lin asked worriedly.

"Absolutely. I have been doing everything in the company for a long time. My boss said that I can definitely do it, so I just have to give it a try." Lin Fan thought about the scene where a group of people told her that it was very valuable. That was not Just give it a try.

"How much is the salary?" Lin's mother was most concerned about this.

"..." Lin Fan was speechless for a moment, how much can he say?

"Why aren't you talking? Xiaofan? Where's Xiaofan? The signal is not good?" Mother Lin thought the connection was disconnected.

"2 a month." She didn't read the contract, but she remembered that John Woo had said a base salary of 2 before.

"That's only 24, which is about the same as yours. Why is it so little?" Mother Lin was dissatisfied.

"It's good that someone wants me now. Why not be dissatisfied if I can reach my original salary?" Lin Fan was speechless.

Normally speaking, it would be considered good for a person like her who has no working ability to earn 3 yuan a month. It was the 100 million cake that made Lin's mother happy, and then she felt that 20 a year was too little.

A few years ago, when she was still working in Gaohe City, Lin's mother was very satisfied with her annual salary of 20 yuan, and she boasted about it in front of her friends for a long time.

"That's enough, that's enough, Xiaofan. If you give me so much money, will the work be tiring? Can your body handle it?" Father Lin was only concerned about his daughter's health.

"Why can't you bear it? She is a minister and has so many people under her, and she doesn't need to work." Lin Ma muttered.

"Why don't you have to work?! Why don't you give her money if you don't work! The boss has a lot of money?!" Father Lin was angry.

"Originally, don't all leaders sit in the office and give orders? There are so many in TV dramas. Didn't all the previous leaders of our unit do this too?" Lin Ma argued unconvincingly.

"Can it be compared with that time now? It's a TV series. You don't know that the TV series are all fake!" Father Lin angrily scolded Mother Lin.

Seeing that there was going to be another quarrel over there, Lin Fan quickly interrupted, "It shouldn't be too busy. The boss is also nice. He knows that I am sick and not in good health, so he is quite considerate. As long as I finish my work on time." "

"Oh, then this boss is very nice. Xiaofan, you have to work well for others and repay others for their consideration for you, you know?" Father Lin felt a little relieved. "If your body really can't bear it, don't do it. Don't embarrass yourself."

"Xiaofan said it's okay, why do you keep saying these depressing words?" Mother Lin didn't like hearing this, "Xiaofan, how about your vacation benefits? Where do you work?"

"The company is in Gaohe City. I'm already here."

"Oh, it's Gaohe City. It's pretty good. It's convenient to go back and forth." Dad Lin was happy.

"But it's not fake. I might not be able to come back for a long time." Lin Fan didn't know when he would be able to get out of 800. Even if he got out, he wouldn't be able to go home often in the special office.

John Woo had said it at the beginning, because of confidentiality requirements, if we want to maintain the relationship, we need to maintain a minimum of contact. It is certainly impossible to go home as often as you would in a normal job.

"That's it. If you take too little vacation, will your body be able to handle it?" Father Lin became worried again.

"It's okay. The company is developing new products. For fear of information leakage, everyone involved in the research and development must work in isolation. In fact, the working hours are not long, but there are no long vacations, so it is inconvenient to go home all the time." Lin Fan explained again.

She felt that it was too difficult to lie, and she had to make nonsense of every question. Fortunately, Father Lin was old and easy to deceive. Someone else would definitely find the loopholes in her words.

"Oh, just rest. Your health comes first. Don't worry about making money slowly." Father Lin repeatedly warned.

"Xiao Fan, your company engaged in scientific and technological research seems to be quite rich. Doesn't it provide other benefits besides salary?" Mother Lin asked again.

"...Yes, maybe with good performance, I can get 30?" Lin Fan couldn't deny it completely, after all, she was lying so much that she couldn't even remember it. It's always right to be vague.

"A bonus of 30?" Lin's eyes lit up.

"The total salary plus bonus is 30. What are you thinking about?" Lin Fan quickly broke Lin's mother's expectations. She could hear Lin's excitement through the phone, but she couldn't let her calm down.

"30 is a lot." Father Lin frowned and thought Mother Lin was greedy, "Will we have to keep it a secret after we start working? Xiaofan, can you still contact us then?"

"...I guess not." Lin Fan said, "I don't like to talk at all. It's normal for me not to contact you for months if nothing happens. If you really need something, just send me a message. I'll reply as soon as I can."

"Yeah, I understand. You must take good care of yourself, okay? Dad hopes that next time I see you, you will be completely fine." Dad Lin felt like crying for some reason.

Mother Lin looked at Father Lin with disdain and told Lin Fan: "Xiaofan, behave better in front of the leaders. Try to raise your salary again. Didn't I say I would treat you with one million before? If you work hard, maybe you can become a success." Woolen cloth!"

"...I know." Lin Fan felt a little confused and agreed calmly.

"You just know money, money, money!" Father Lin cursed regardless of his sadness.

Lin Fan saw that he had said almost everything he needed to say, and there was going to be another war over there, so he quickly said: "You should also take care of your health and don't worry too much about me. You are healthy and I don't have to worry, so it will be easier for you to get better. Don't be reluctant to give up money either. Spend, I can make money now, you don’t have to save anymore, it’s time to spend, you know?”

"Yeah." Father Lin didn't know if he was thinking too much. Lin Fan's words always felt a little weird, as if she wanted to leave and never come back...

bah bah bah!

"Xiaofan, you have to be strong. Everything will get better and better. Do you have hope?" Father Lin asked earnestly.

"Okay, Xiaofan has found a job, why do you still need to say this? Xiaofan, take good care of yourself outside, and don't be reluctant to eat." Mother Lin also warned.

"I know, take care, I'll hang up first." Lin Fan wanted to cry and couldn't say any more.

"Hang up, hang up first."

Lin's father's voice was full of tears. Lin Fan quickly hung up the phone. Tears were already flowing down her cheeks.

It's good to finally have a formal goodbye.

The compensation has also been determined. In case she cannot come back, this amount of money will be enough for the two elders to enjoy their old age.

She was finally able to let go of her last worries.

Last night, I lay in bed and slept. A lot of book titles suddenly came to mind, at least three or four, all very good. I was very happy and thought about picking them up this morning. As a result, after getting up... I forgot...o(╥﹏╥)o

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