Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 3 The madman blocking the road

Chapter 3 The madman blocking the road


Damn special abilities!

If she had special powers, could she still be here today?

Lin Fan complained silently.

Obviously, Woo Yu-sen's situation is worthy of sympathy, and at the same time, she feels a sense of sympathy and sadness. Considering her popularity in the community, it is not unusual for strangers to know her name.

Forget it, let's go.

It's a pity that this man looks so talented...

She sighed silently, packed her things, walked around John Woo and walked out.

John Woo was stunned for a moment when he saw Lin Fan approaching and then moving away.

Usually when he says what he said before, no matter whether the listeners believe it or not, there will always be some feedback. Either show surprise and ask questions; or think there is something wrong with him and scold him. This was the first time I had seen someone like Lin Fan who was silent and had no words.

He took two quick steps to catch up with Lin Fan and stop her.

When Lin Fan heard the footsteps coming from behind, he quickly stepped aside to avoid running into him. Unexpectedly, Wu Yusen blocked him directly in the middle of the road. If she wanted to leave, she would have to wait for John Woo to get out of the way, or she would have to step over the grass and pass through the woods.

The trees in the forest are a bit dense. If you insist on walking out, you can get through by pulling on both sides. The space is definitely not big, and you will be pulled in by the branches. Even if you can get out, it will probably be quite embarrassing.

She silently looked at the young man in front of her, wondering if she needed drilling.

John Woo didn't know if all patients with depression were so calm, or if it was just Lin Fan. He didn't have time to think too much, so he spoke a little more hastily than before.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, I may have caused you trouble. Please give me a little more time, at least let me explain the whole story clearly. Three minutes! I promise to get out of the way after three minutes and not stop you."

How can Lin Fan choose?

Looking at the safe distance between the two and John Woo's current peaceful state, she continued to remain silent. Although she didn't want to hear what a suspected mental patient had to say, she didn't want to irritate him. Hopefully he can keep his word after 3 minutes. If that didn't work... Lin Fan quietly took a look at the retreat.

John Woo didn't expect that the silent Lin Fan had already labeled him as crazy. Seeing that Lin Fan didn't move, he felt somewhat relieved in his heart. It's good to be able to communicate.

"I wonder if you have heard of the recently hotly discussed plane crash? The one where the pilot bailed out and the plane was fine? It happened near here."

John Woo felt that Lin Fan should know, after all, the hot search was posted for so long, and old men and women were talking about it. But seeing Lin Fan's motionless appearance, he was unsure again, so he took out his phone to find the video and showed it to Lin Fan.

The video was taken by someone sitting in the co-pilot. You can clearly see a parachutist in mid-air. Some distance away is a small plane dragging black smoke. There is also a high-pitched voice in the video, constantly calling for an airplane. falling down.

The building below looked familiar to Lin Fan. It was a shopping mall not far from here, but she really didn't know the news. She doesn't use her mobile phone very much, and she doesn't even have short video software installed.

When the video ended, Lin Fan raised his eyes and waited for John Woo to speak.

"The plane in this video malfunctioned out of control, and the pilot had no way to repair it, so he had no choice but to parachute. The plane finally made a safe landing in an uninhabited area, and the accident did not cause any casualties." John Woo explained seriously, "The outside world said that the pilot controlled the plane You only skydive when you go to an area where it won’t hurt anyone, but that’s not the case at all.”

"Due to the malfunction, the pilot was unable to fully control the plane and could only adjust the nose of the plane to a direction where there were relatively few people to reduce casualties. After parachuting, he thought that the plane crash would cause a serious accident and kept staring at the plane, but he didn't The thought of seeing someone catch the plane.”

Look, could this nonsense be said by a normal person? Lin Fan continued to complain silently with a cold face.

"You don't believe it?" John Woo nodded understandingly, "Yes, no normal person would believe it at first reaction. The military didn't believe it either. They used all means to rule out the possibility of the pilot lying and confirmed that he did not Mental issues.”

"In addition, the plane did deviate from its original landing point, and the outer shell was almost intact. Faced with such a strange result, their abilities were limited and they could no longer continue the in-depth investigation, so this bizarre case was transferred to our special office .”

"After our investigation and analysis, we feel that Ms. Lin is most likely the person who held the plane and placed it in no-man's land. If you know about this matter, I will invite you to work together on behalf of the Special Branch. Our salary and benefits will be The benefits are very generous and will surely meet your needs.”

"If you don't know the specific situation, I hope you can cooperate and go to our special affairs office to check the relevant items. Finally, if it is indeed us who made a mistake and you do not have special abilities, there will be generous compensation to compensate you. All losses.”

Can she go up to the sky to pick up the plane?

The coffin boards of the ancestors of the old Lin family can no longer be covered.

Lin Fan really didn't want to waste any more time with him, so he opened his mouth and said, "Three minutes are up."

John Woo was stunned again. He said three minutes was just an excuse. I thought that after he said these words, even if Lin Fan felt that the matter was outrageous, he would always ask a few more questions if there was generous monetary compensation, so that he could strike up a conversation with her.

Once we strike up a conversation, the rest of the conversation will go more smoothly. Unexpectedly, Lin Fan was not moved at all.

He didn't expect that Lin Fan didn't believe a word of his words.

More importantly, Lin Fan has no original desire for money.

She now has no hope in life and no desire at all. This state of life is actually very scary. How many times did I not want to continue, just thinking about my parents who had to endure it.

If you want to work and make money, you also don’t want to spend your parents’ retirement money and drag them down. It’s not the desire for money itself. So it is impossible to deal with him no matter what.

Looking at Lin Fan's calm expression, John Woo frowned slightly, but finally gave way to the passage. Lin Fan hurriedly walked through, even speeding up his pace, and was about to emerge from the woods.

Just let her go? That can't be done! John Woo couldn't think of any other way in a short time, so he could only adopt the simplest and crudest method.

"Lin Fan, female, was born on November 1987, 11 in the People's Hospital of Fairy Town, Yangcheng." Wu Yusen looked at Lin Fan's back and stopped at the exit. It worked!

"When I was 4 years old, I went to Huayuan Kindergarten, and when I was 8 years old, I went to Huayuan Primary School. At the age of 13, I went to junior high school at No. 16 Middle School. At the age of 1, I missed the high school entrance examination by 2 point. I paid 19 yuan to enter an experimental high school at my own expense. I took a year off sick in the first semester of high school. At the age of He was admitted to the art design major of Gan Provincial Art Institute, applied for college-to-bachelor study, and successfully obtained an undergraduate degree and a bachelor's degree in art design from Wuhan University of Science and Technology..." Wu Yusen saw Lin Fan turning back and taking a few steps towards him, and stopped continuing.

Lin Fan didn't expect that John Woo could say this. Such a detailed life story is not something that neighbors in the community can tell clearly.

She looked at John Woo with a heavy look and asked, "How do you know?"

John Woo smiled and said: "Didn't I say it? I am a staff member of a state agency! You don't believe it, do you?"

"Yes, I don't believe it." Lin Fan replied simply. She just had an emotional problem, maybe her head was a little rigid, but she was not stupid. What kind of person would believe his outrageous words?

"The conscience of heaven and earth, everything I said is true!" John Woo helplessly spread his hands.

Lin Fan originally thought that John Woo was a lunatic, after all, his words were very outrageous. But listening to the information he had just told her, it felt like that was not the case.

She knows that in today's society, personal privacy is leaked very thoroughly, and ID numbers, phone numbers, and home addresses are easily available. She has also filled in similar content in her resume or other account application areas. If someone wants to get these, it doesn't seem to be that difficult.


Scamming money?

She was already very poor and relied on her parents for financial support.


But pull it down! She is 35 years old and has a lot of fat. Putting aside the criminal problem, if John Woo cheated on her, it would seem like she had taken advantage. Don't tell her it's love at first sight, that's just a trick for children. Even if not, how blind do you have to be to fall in love with her at first sight?

Cheated into a pyramid scheme?

She had lost her labor force and was lifeless every day, gasping for breath every time she took a step. No one could think of tricking her into working. Her body would be collected in a few days. This person investigated her so carefully, he shouldn't know her current situation...

"What do you want?" I asked directly without thinking.

"As I just said, please join us, or come back with me to assist in the investigation and do some tests..." John Woo was quite happy to see Lin Fan speak for the second time. Didn't this start a conversation?

"Take me back? Where?"

"The specific location of our headquarters cannot be disclosed now." Basic confidentiality rules must still be followed.

"Is it just you? Just the two of us?" Lin Fan asked again.

"Yes. I am fully responsible for this case, and I am here to contact you. If you agree, I will naturally drive you to the headquarters. My driving skills are very good, so you don't have to worry about safety at all."

Lin Fan pondered for a moment: "If I agree and get in the car with you, you will have the final say wherever we go, right?"

"I didn't have the final say. I decided to go to the headquarters from the beginning." Wu Yusen felt that Lin Fan might have misunderstood.

Of course Lin Fan misunderstood. After she eliminated all possibilities, the only thing that was profitable was her body.

Is it human trafficking?

Probably not. Who would use such a handsome guy as bait? I heard that selling it to a remote mountain village to be a wife only costs ten thousand yuan, which is not cost-effective.

But not necessarily.

In today's world, innocent girls have no resistance to such handsome guys and can be fooled just by looking at their faces.

wrong! I am already 35 years old and have enough social experience to make it difficult for me to turn around. And they should know that their bodies are not healthy and cannot be sold at a high price.

Well...then there is only one possibility left!

"Do you still need to do some more research?"

"Yes, there are some basic physical tests, such as blood tests, CT scans, etc., and there are also some special tests that use special instruments to test your special abilities."

"In that case..." Lin Fan thought for a while, "After the examination, I found that the match was successful, so I was taken to a black hospital. I can get a lot of money by cutting my kidneys and selling my blood."

Although my body is not healthy, there are no serious problems with any of my organs. I heard that the supply exceeds the demand on the black market and is very expensive.

She felt that life was hopeless, but she also didn't want to die in such a way.

Um? The harmonious atmosphere of the conversation that John Woo thought was instantly shattered, he smiled bitterly and said, "You still don't believe me."


"Didn't I show you the ID?" He was really helpless.

"Who knows whether it's true or not?" Lin Fan replied.

"Then how can you trust me?" John Woo admitted defeat.

"It's not difficult."

Lin Fan's relaxed tone aroused Wu Yusen's curiosity. She put her hand into her trouser pocket, took out her phone and clicked a few times, put it to her ear, waited for a few seconds and said, "Hello, 110?"

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