Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 2 Strange People

Chapter 2 The Strange Person

Lin Fan knew that many people were talking about her, but she didn't care. How can someone who doesn't even care about his own life or death care about the gossip of strangers.

If you really have depression and the symptoms are severe, it won't be easy to get better.

She stayed in the hospital for 3 months, and the doctor sent her home in order to give her a better recovery environment.

Over the next year, Lin Fan's body gradually returned to normal. At least it looks normal. But inside she was still in ruins.

The world in her eyes was gray, with no desire to live at all.

It seems that any disease will change from being cautious to being careless over time. Lin's mother felt that Lin Fan was a normal person again, so she started nagging and quarreling with Lin's father again.

Lin Fan's condition began to relapse again.

The doctor suggested that if you can't understand, it's better to separate.

So, in order to create a better environment, Father Lin took Mother Lin to the high market where she had done business over the years. They also bought a house there, which is only an hour's drive away.

Alone, Lin Fan felt at ease and entered a long recovery period. In the eyes of others, it is just doing nothing.

While overcoming the pain caused by the side effects of drugs, she slowly explored the hope in life.

However, treatments and medications for mental illness are very expensive. After all their previous savings were exhausted, his parents continued to support Lin Fan with their retirement funds. Life began to be stretched thin, and Lin Fan did not want to fill the bottomless pit anymore, so she stopped treatment.

During the time when there was no hope, Lin Fan felt his own powerlessness countless times, and felt his body's sluggishness and pain. She wanted to get well soon and make money to be independent as soon as possible, but the reality was the opposite. She was getting worse physically and mentally.

Not to mention finding a job, sometimes it is difficult to even maintain a normal life.

As I get older and older, my health gets worse and worse, and recovery is far away.

Lin Fan was struggling and comforting himself. He couldn't get help and couldn't get out of the predicament.

The place where she lives is an old community with good greenery. When it was first developed, a miniature park was built, with small slopes, tree-lined paths, and a small pond outside the park.

The window of Lin Fan's room could just see this scenery. Spring flowers and autumn moon, summer insects and ice and snow, the four seasons change, full of vitality. This little piece of scenery is a great way to soothe her anxiety and make her relax.

But in the past two years, parking spaces were tight, and the bushes and turf downstairs were pulled out to make parking spaces. The pond has also been filled in, parking spaces have been designated, and fitness facilities have been built.

Fortunately, there was enough space, and the grove was finally saved.

One day Lin Fan went out and saw a stray cat, dirty and digging through the trash can looking for food. She looked for a while, but the cat found nothing. Instead, it noticed her gaze and ran away vigilantly.

Perhaps it was his grandma's gentle old cat in his memory, or maybe he was touched by the difficulty of his life, so Lin Fan followed him and entered the woods.

The grove is so small that you can see it all at a glance from the entrance, which is only about 50 meters square. There was a time when no one cleaned it, it was full of garbage, dirty and smelly and no one came in.

Later, a cleaner was arranged, and maybe everyone's quality improved a bit, so we were finally able to walk in. However, there are a lot of mosquitoes inside. People with children are reluctant to enter, and adults find it boring. Instead, it has become a paradise for small animals.

Lin Fan walked in, searched carefully, and saw several huts hidden among the trees on the top of the slope, and could vaguely see the wagging tails.

"Meow meow..." She squatted down and meowed like a cat, trying to lure the cat out.

"It's useless. They are very wary. Unlike puppies, they will come when they bark." A kind female voice came from behind.

Lin Fan stood up and turned around, and saw a gray-haired grandma walking over with a gentle smile. She took a few steps back without leaving a trace.

Grandma put down the bag on her hand, took out a bag of dark stuff and a bottle of water, pulled at the root of the tree, took out two disposable lunch boxes, and gently scolded the direction of the cat's nest: "Every day I love to knock over the rice bowl and knock it over every day. If I don’t come one day, it’ll be up to you to see what you eat!”

The lunch box was a little dirty, so she slowly rinsed it with water, while not forgetting to talk to Lin Fan: "Meow meow, you can't be lured here. It's better to get familiar with it. They think you are a stranger, and they will wait until you leave." Come out and eat.”

Pour in clean water, then open the plastic bag and pour the contents into another lunch box. The grains were brown and round, and Lin Fan guessed they might be cat food.

Grandma packed up her things and called to Lin Fan: "Let's go first, they won't dare to come out while you are here."

Lin Fan glanced at the cat jumping out of the tree and followed it.

"I just can't bear to see these little things go hungry. I'm afraid they'll be hungry if I don't come here for a day. I'm very worried." Grandma walked in front and said to herself.

Approaching the exit, she squatted down again, took out a bottle of water and food from her handbag, and groped in the bushes, but didn't find anything.

"Someone with no conscience threw it at me again." She was a little angry, took out two more disposable lunch boxes from her handbag, and started pouring food and water.

"This is for the little strays from outside, but most of them are eaten by Meow Meow." She poured the food with a smile, "It's been a long time since there were new little strays. It's great."

After finishing what she was doing, grandma carefully packed away the empty bottles and bags and asked casually: "Do you like cats?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, liking... seemed out of the question.

"I just like cats and dogs. When I was young, I couldn't keep them." Grandma didn't seem to want to wait for her answer, and continued with a smile, "As I get older, I see that these cats and dogs have no homes. , I can’t bear to be hungry and cold.”

"Feed them. As a result, the dog got better with me and followed me home. The cats were not so close to each other, so they stayed in the woods. I built a nest for them, put some old clothes on them, and came to see them every day. I’m not afraid of them getting wet in the rain or freezing. At this age, I can be considered a man who has both cats and dogs.”

"You are a good person." Lin Fan looked at the old man's happy smile and admired sincerely.

"Where." The old man waved his hands and laughed, "I'm old and can't do anything else. Helping these little animals can still make me look like a useful old lady."

This sentence gave Lin Fan a direction.

Maybe she can also add some weak value to her life by feeding stray animals and helping these weaker and helpless groups - at least she can do something useful.

After I returned home, I immediately bought a package of cat food online. It wasn’t good but it was enough. I also took a large porcelain bowl from home and put water and food in it, and fed it every now and then. Grandma Pei, who feeds the cats, was very happy after meeting her a few times. She no longer worried about starving them when she occasionally had no time.

But Lin Fan didn't like to deal with people, so he always chose to go there around 12 noon, when others were having lunch and taking a lunch break. As time passed, the cat became familiar with her and dared to hang around the rice bowl when she put out food.

Life seems to have changed a little, a little more different, it can be considered a new step.

At noon that day, Lin Fan went to feed the cat again. In the grove, the meows saw her coming and stretched out to urge them to eat. Lin Fan installed them for them and was squatting to watch the little cuties eating hard when he heard voices coming from behind him.

"Ms. Lin?"

Lin Fan didn't think he was calling her.

In fourth-tier small cities, the only people who speak Mandarin are express delivery and takeout. She hasn't bought express delivery in the past few days, no courier will come to her, and she never orders takeout.

It wasn't until Meow Meow suddenly got into the woods while eating, and there were footsteps behind him, and another "Ms. Lin" was heard very close by, that Lin Fan was sure that he might be calling her. She stood up and slowly turned around, and saw a young man with a smile standing 3 meters in front of her.

He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and his appearance is not very handsome, but his smile is very friendly and contagious. He has raised his appearance value from 6 points to 8 points. No one will refute that he is a handsome guy. At noon on a hot day, he was wearing a black suit and a dark red tie tightly fastened to the collar of his white shirt, as if he couldn't feel the heat.


Lin Fan thought to himself. How did the agent know her? Got the wrong person?

"Ms. Lin Fan," the young man confirmed that he had recognized the right person. He took a few steps forward and extended his right hand to shake her hand. "Hello, my name is John Woo."

John Woo originally thought that Lin Fan should be more decadent or gloomy. After all, according to his investigation, Lin Fan had been severely depressed for several years. Living alone, not liking to get along with others... Various terms formed a bad image in his mind, but the real Lin Fan was not like that.

She stood there quietly, showing no negative emotion. The half-drooped eyelids looked a little weak, and his eyes were calm. A closer look revealed that his eyes were full of exhaustion. Other than that, he could hardly tell any difference between Lin Fan and normal people.

Lin Fan glanced at his outstretched hand and slowly took two steps back.

John Woo immediately took his hand back and said with a smile: "Ms. Lin, don't be nervous. I am a staff member of a state agency. This is my work permit."

As he spoke, he took out a black leather notebook from the inner pocket of his suit, opened it, and held it out to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan glanced at it.

The person in the photo is indeed this person.

The name is... John Woo?

Didn't you pay attention just now? If she remembered the name correctly, it should be a famous director, right?

Position: Senior Secret Service Specialist.

Look at the official seal again - National Office for Special Functions...

Except for the photo, which is fine, everything about him smells like a liar.

Seeing Lin Fan's silence, John Woo took back his work permit and explained with a smile: "This is your name. Every time you introduce yourself, you have to say a few more words. When I was born, the movie "A Better Tomorrow" was very popular, and both my parents loved it. . Originally I wanted to name the protagonist, but my dad’s surname is Wu, so I always felt awkward changing it to the protagonist’s name. It just so happened that the director’s surname was also Wu, and they felt that he must be a talented person who could make such a movie. I hope I can do the same in the future. To become a talented person, I directly called the director by his name.”

Lin Fan must have watched "A Better Tomorrow", but I don't quite remember the plot. Is the director John Woo? She only knows now. Is this a bit of knowledge gained?

"Ms. Lin, let me introduce to you again. The National Office for Special Functions is a formal state agency, formerly known as the 888 Human Body Special Function Research Institute, which was established in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China." Seeing Lin Fan's lack of reaction, Wu Yusen continued, "Actually, the private sector still has They nicknamed us the 'Dragon Group', you may have heard of it."

I have never heard of 888 or anything like that, but I have heard of Dragon Group a few times. But is this organization real? Isn't it made up in the novel? Is there something wrong with this person?

Lin Fan looked at the smiling John Woo and suspected that he might be suffering from some kind of mental illness.

Seeing that Lin Fan remained silent, John Woo continued to work hard to release his affinity, and smiled as he stated the purpose of his trip: "We initially suspect that you, Ms. Lin Fan, have special powers."

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