Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 27 Unpredictable Progress

Chapter 27 Unpredictable Progress

"How do you feel, Xiao Wu?" the director asked with concern.

"It's good. It feels like watching a movie. Now I can remember that memory very clearly in my mind." John Woo replied with a smile.

"How come you can still remember the previous content after hypnosis?" Zong Cheng asked Jin Sichen, how could he not remember even after hypnosis?

"It depends on the specific needs. You can remember it or not. The hypnotist can control it." Jin Sichen replied. Of course it would be better to remember John Woo’s situation.

"I didn't provide many details. Can you draw it with those?" John Woo was already impatient and ran to look at the painting.

Xue Ping painted it, Wang Fengfeng painted it, Zong Cheng painted it, and even Qian Lao also painted it twice. But it is true that because there are too few clues, the paintings of several people are different, and they are all close to their own mental images. On the contrary, they are not the same as the one John Woo saw, and there is nothing even close.

Seeing John Woo's frown, everyone knew that this operation was unsuccessful, and it seemed that they would need to find a professional portraitist.

It's just that most portrait artists also draw human faces. Can they draw the mecha in John Woo's memory...

Everyone decided to ignore this problem and chose to believe it. After all, they had no better choice.

The final result of the meeting was that several people had their own division of labor.

John Woo was responsible for arranging a temporary residence for Lin Fan and taking care of her daily life.

Every morning, I take people to the medical department to take a physical test to see if there are any changes in the data and if there are any abnormal findings. In the afternoon, I took the hypnosis video with me and went to find an artist to make a portrait of the mecha.

Lin Fan cooperated with John Woo for a physical examination in the morning and rested in the afternoon and evening. If she wanted to move freely, she should be led by John Woo, and she could not move alone. After all, she was very unfamiliar with the special office, so she was led by John Woo because they were the most familiar with her.

After returning home, Jin Sichen sorted out Lin Fan's condition, made a detailed recovery plan, and prepared to carry out systematic treatment for Lin Fan.

Wang Fengfeng searched all the news related to transforming mechas on both internal and external networks.

Zong Cheng searched for literature related to mechas and looked for relevant information to see if there were any similar situations.

Xue Ping went to the special office's internal database to search for previous cases to see if there were any related similar situations.

Mr. Qian didn't make any arrangements, so the earrings he gave were already the best gifts.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed. John Woo first took Lin Fan to the Human Resources Department and asked for a visitor card. Last time they came in through RiRihong and asked for the card at the front desk. This time they entered through the back door and could only get the card from the personnel department.

"I should have signed an employment contract with you, but your situation is not very clear yet. It is best to be sure before signing. It is better to determine the salary and benefits. You can hold the temporary card first and wait until the contract is signed. I’ll give you a job replacement card again.”

Lin Fan took the white hard card and asked, "Is this useful for eating?" He had used this card to settle meals the previous few times.

"It is also used as a disabled door. As long as the swipe card can be opened, you can enter, including the door or elevator floor. But the place where the swipe cannot be opened is not a place you can go. Do not do any prying to prevent the security guard Misunderstand."

"I'm not going anywhere, I just want to go back and rest." Lin Fan said.

"Go and rest now," Wu Yusen soothed. He had known Lin Fan for a few days and had a rough idea of ​​her state. She was particularly prone to fatigue. "It's better to live in yesterday's house first. After your ability level is evaluated, we can assign you a formal residence. Is that house okay? Do you want to change it?"

"No, it's fine." Lin Fan replied.

"The visitor card can also be used for shopping and swiping trams. It is compatible with the functions of identity cards and shopping cards. But I think you are not interested in going out. I will buy something for you in your room later. If you need anything special, please give it to me. Tell me. I'll run an errand for you and deliver the takeout."

"There's nothing I want. If I get bored, I can watch TV. Can I watch the TV in the room?" I was too tired the day before and didn't have time to watch TV. Now it seems like I'm going to stay for a while. I can't sleep all the time. I have to find something. Things to pass the time.

"You can see it, just plug in the card and you can see it." John Woo replied. Seeing that Lin Fan didn't seem to have any reaction to the transformation, he asked curiously: "Don't you feel anything?"


"It's about transforming into a mecha. I didn't believe that I had special powers before, but now that I have it, why do I still treat you the same as before? Is it because you haven't figured out the transformation yet? ?”

"I'm not stupid, how could I not be clear?" Lin Fan glanced at him speechlessly, "I just don't know if it's because I have no memory, and there's no sense of reality at all. I know it's true, but it feels like it's fake. You Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood. I felt the same way when I saw your mecha in front of me." John Woo quickly felt the same way. "So you fully accept being able to transform?"

"Is there any other choice besides accepting?" Lin Fan asked, "I see that you are all so positive, and I don't seem to have the right to say no."

"That's not what you said." John Woo rubbed his nose guiltily. At this point, Lin Fan indeed no longer belonged to her.

"A good habit I have learned in the past few years is to accept everything and then digest it slowly. Resistance will only make things worse." Lin Fan said leisurely.

"Don't worry, Jin Sichen has already started treating you. You will be fine soon." John Woo advised.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but the fact that he has never been able to hypnotize me makes me have no confidence in him."

Lin Fan knew that Jin Sichen was a very powerful psychologist, but he just didn't trust him very much. After all, he had tried and failed at his own place, and there was nothing more trustworthy than this.

"..." John Woo didn't know how to excuse Jin Sichen, because what Lin Fan said was the truth.

"Speaking of it, we didn't expect that Jin Sichen might have been blinded by the state of hypnosis immunity." Thinking about Jin Sichen's final sigh, he might have cried in his heart, John Woo snickered.

"I was thinking before that if he could hypnotize me well, he could hypnotize me into a normal state, the state before I got sick." Lin Fan said about his previous thoughts, "Unfortunately, it didn't succeed."

"Hypnosis can still be used that way?"

"I don't know. It's of no use to me anyway. There's no need to study it."

The two chatted all the way and soon arrived at the previous beach house. After Wu Yusen sent Lin Fan in, he went to the store to buy some snacks and drinks, and took two magazines with him, and left in a hurry.

Anyway, Lin Fan was just passing the time, not staying anywhere, trying to keep his mood relaxed, eating and playing, but after falling asleep, he still had strange and strange dreams all night long.

In the dream, she turned into Ultraman and chased the little monsters. Trampled many houses along the way. After hitting this and that, finally he couldn't hit anymore and fell down on the ground. John Woo brought a bunch of people to break her shell. Zong Cheng also appeared with a big electric drill to unscrew her screws. Jin Sichen stood on her head and kept jumping... Even after a group of people worked for a long time, her oily skin was not broken. Just as she was relieved, Mr. Qian flew down from the sky, and with a wave of his hand, she exploded into pieces...

This way of waking up made Lin Fan gasp for breath.

Thanks to the earrings, the fear quickly disappeared, but disappearing does not mean that the impact is gone. Emotional problems are not like a light switch that goes off when you press it. Not to mention that some lights also go out slowly when turned off. Even if a light bulb that has been on for a long time goes out, it will still be hot to the touch.

Earrings can only make negative emotions disappear as quickly as possible. It does not have no impact. It can only be said that it can reduce a lot of pain and trouble compared to no earrings.

Lin Fan was lying on the bed, looking at the dark ceiling, and she knew she was still afraid.

How could you not be afraid?

She knew nothing about mechas, and had almost forgotten what Iron Man looked like. Suddenly saying that she could become like that, she had deep doubts about whether she was still human.

But one cannot raise such a question.

How to mention it?

Like who mentioned it?

Will the proposed consequence be sent to the operating table for biopsy?

Now she seems to have some value, but she also saw that no useful results were obtained in today's meeting. If there are no results in the long term, will they maintain their current attitude? Will you feel that you can't use it and can't release it to do more terrible things?

Lin Fan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and all the bad scenarios were going over and over.

When faced with such a big thing, she could keep her composure and only start to explode at night, which is already a huge improvement.

She had no intention of searching for information online.

If an organization like the Special Affairs Bureau does not have complete information, whether it can be found online or not, even if it is available, it is just a trick to deceive people. She just had to try to relax and wait for them to give out the results.

So she is afraid of change! Who knows what the result will be after the change, and whether it will be acceptable?

Like now, we have to accept the result even if we don't accept it.

I don’t know if she can get compensation if she cooperates like this and it still doesn’t work out.

By the way, the compensation hasn’t been given to her yet!

Originally, she wanted to ask when John Woo sent her home, but she was pulled back before she got home.

So now... is there still compensation?

If I had known better, I wouldn't have to worry so much and I would have gotten the compensation when I signed the confidentiality agreement. If he was hit and killed at that time, the family would still have some money...

So it’s better to do everything sooner rather than later!

But now that she has tested positive, will there be no compensation?

It seems that if a superpower is detected, there will be compensation. How much is it? There seems to be quite a lot...

But she didn’t sign an employment contract, so wouldn’t she be compensated if she had an accident?

It's better to sign the contract early.

Ask John Woo tomorrow.


Lin Fan kept thinking about the compensation and fell asleep again. This time she slept until daybreak before John Woo came to call her. Because there is no need to rush, and it is a fixed project that has been scheduled, it doesn’t matter if you go a little later as long as you have an empty stomach.

After two physical examinations, Lin Fan became familiar with the situation. First, still draw a dozen tubes of blood. Then go to have breakfast with John Woo, and then conduct other inspections. The morning passed quickly.

The conclusion on the inspection report is still all "normal".

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