Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 26 Retrospective Details

Chapter 26 Retrospective Details

"Did you push her away?"

What happened was just said by John Woo, and everyone knows it. Jin Sichen repeated it again, but it was just to guide John Woo into the memory passage.

Hypnosis is like this. It requires tireless guidance over and over again. Only by following the correct recollection can you reach the depths of memory and get more details.

"No. The car was going too fast. As soon as I stretched out my hand, the front of the car arrived."

"You are about to be hit by a car, and the consequences may be serious. Did you think of anything at that moment?" In this critical moment, many people will have many thoughts pouring out of their heads.

"I feel very sorry for Lin Fan. When I brought her out, I promised to send her home in good condition. She was not in good health to begin with, and she was hit like this again..." John Woo sighed before he finished speaking. .

Everyone knows that normally speaking, not to mention Lin Fan, even a practitioner like John Woo would be in trouble.

Lin Fan didn't expect that just before she was hit, John Woo was still worried about her. The emotion in my heart dropped, tugging at my heart, making me feel a little sore.

"You couldn't hide anymore. You closed your eyes and put up a blocking posture, waiting to be hit. But after waiting for a while, the expected impact didn't come. When you opened your eyes, what did you see?" Jin Sichen continued to be tempting.

"The front of the car is right in front of me. I only need to stretch my head a little to touch it. The hot air flows from the radiator grille onto my face. Through the holes in the radiator grille, I see that the engine inside is spinning fast, but the car is It's not moving at all, and there's still a burning smell coming from it."

"Are you surprised?"

"I didn't care, so I quickly took two steps back, trying to get away from the front of the car. That's when I stepped back and saw a hand next to me holding the front of the car."

“What kind of hands and where are they placed?”

"Put the black hand a little inside the right headlight, just to my right."

"Can you describe this hand in detail? Size? Wrapping material? Does it look very powerful?" Following Jin Sichen's question, Xue Ping and Wang Fengfeng, who were sitting on the side, were about to start painting according to Wu Yusen's description. Lian Zongcheng I am also eager to try it with my pen in hand.

"The hand was wrapped in black metal, like wearing a metal glove. It was neither big nor small, and the gender could not be seen. The metal of each joint was separated independently, and it was so lightly attached to the front of the car. It looked like There seemed to be no exertion.”

"Metal gloves with independent joints, you mean gloves like the armor of medieval knights?"

"'s a bit like it, but it's less bulky and feels more flexible."

"Does it look like Iron Man's hand?" Jin Sichen found a reference.

John Woo first recalled what Iron Man's hands looked like, then shook his head and said in denial: "No, it's not that thick, it feels more slender."

"Slender? Did you just say that you can't tell the difference between men and women?"

"Yes. I don't know how to describe it. It doesn't feel like wearing gloves with a thick layer of metal wrapped around it, but... a thin layer of metal wrapped around... The hand is not much bigger than a normal hand, and the joints are It's smooth and looks very flexible. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure if it's metal, but I just feel like this..."

"You mean, that hand is thinner than Iron Man's hand, closer to the size of a real hand, but slightly larger. The black material is not sure what it is, and the joints are separated independently and are very flexible. Right? "Jin Sichen concluded.

Wang Fengfeng immediately called up various angles of Iron Man's gloves from the computer, as well as pictures of other knight's gloves and some other mecha hands, and put them on the projector for everyone's reference.

John Woo thought about it carefully and nodded to confirm: "Yes."

"Okay, now let's get out of the details of the hand and go back to when you took two steps back and just saw the hand. You saw a hand on the front of the car, causing the car to stop. What were you thinking at that time? Are you surprised?"

"No. I didn't react at the time. My first thought was to find Lin Fan. I didn't think of that much after seeing the hand. In fact, it only took a split second from seeing the hand to looking for someone."

Lin Fan heard Wu Yusen mention her again. No matter before or after the car accident, this man always cared about her safety. She was right when she said he was "fine".

"You turned around to find Lin Fan, but saw the mecha man. Were you particularly surprised at that time?"

"Surprise is not enough to describe how I felt at that time! I was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and completely dumbfounded. All I could think about was 'f--t'."

"Okay, let's stop at this moment when you turn your head. Look at the mecha in front of you and don't move. Can you see clearly what the mecha in front of you looks like?"

"...I can't see clearly. Most of her body is illuminated by the lamp, and I can only see a rough outline." John Woo thought for a while and said, "She feels very handsome."

"Even if you only see a rough outline, do you think it's very handsome?"

The picture that John Woo saw was like a backlit photo, except for the black background, which was the strong light and the mecha in the light.

If the angle and atmosphere are good, it will definitely look good, but to be handsome, the mechanical and cold lines and texture are definitely indispensable.

"I just feel handsome. I feel like my blood is boiling." John Woo's tone was full of excitement at that time.

"Then let's stop in this excitement, bring your sight closer, and get closer to the mecha. From this distance now, you should be able to see some details of the mecha. Can you describe it to us again? Take a look at what you see, such as color and so on.”

"The arm is white...or maybe it's silver, I'm not sure. It's too bright and I can't see clearly, but it should be a light color."

"It's okay, what else did you see?"

"It's a white metal package starting from the wrist. It doesn't have as many joints as the hand, but it's not a smooth cylinder either. There are some irregular blocks and some lines. I don't know if they are decorations or divisions, but they are not More. The elbow joint should have a few different pieces of mecha splicing, because I saw a little bit of black showing through that one."

"Is the metal surface highly reflective?"

"I don't see any reflection, at least it's not a mirror reflection. But if you put it that way, it does feel like the light is scattered, making it hard to see clearly."

"What else is along the arm?"

"Following the arms, I saw the breastplate, which was also wrapped in white metal. The neck was black, just like the hands. It was not particularly thick. There was a circle of white metal going down. It was a bit thick, a bit like a stand-up collar wrapping the neck. Circle, there is a V-shaped opening in the front. From the collar down, the breastplate protrudes obviously, and there are also several sections, which are thick and block the chest. "

"What kind of bulge? Is it the feminine line?" Jin Sichen asked.

"No, there are no female features at all. Compared to the arms, the chest mecha looks very thick."

"How does it compare to Iron Man?" Jin Sichen knew that he had no clue at all, so he could only use Iron Man as a reference again.

"Although I can only see the top of the chest armor, I feel it is larger and thicker than Iron Man's chest armor."

"A breastplate that can only be seen?"

"It's in the dark below the breastplate. It's too dark to see."

"Can you think of anything else about the chest mecha?"

John Woo thought about it and slowly shook his head: "Unexpected."

"Then only the head is left. What can you think of?"

"My head needs to be a little higher, I need to look up to see the horns on the helmet..."

"Wait a minute," Jin Sichen interrupted, "You said you need to raise your head to see the complete head of the mecha?"


"I remember you were a little over 1.7 meters tall."

"One meter seventy-eight." John Woo answered himself.

Although this height is not very tall, it is not very short either.

"How far away were you from the mecha at that time?"

"About two meters."

Zong Cheng had already started making calculations with a pen, and Wang Fengfeng retrieved Lin Fan's information and enlarged it. On the projector, everyone could clearly see that Lin Fan was only 1 meters tall.

In other words, Lin Fan's height changed after his transformation. In addition to what John Woo just said, the hands are slightly larger and the breastplate is also larger. A group of people analyzed that Lin Fan's transformed mecha was much larger than his original form.

At this time, Zong Cheng estimated the height, and Wang Fengfeng also used a computer to do the calculation. The two of them unanimously determined that after Lin Fan transformed, the highest point of the mecha should be more than 2 meters. In this way, John Woo's height requires him to look up at the full helmet.

Jin Sichen heard the conclusion and continued to ask: "Is there anything about the helmet that impresses you?"

"She was facing the front of the car, and I could only see the side." John Woo described the scene, "Actually, I didn't see much clearly, it was in a trance."

"I can vaguely see that her chin is pointed and the back of her head is not round. The upper half is round and the lower half is straight. I can't see the front of her head clearly, but there are horns on the top of her head, which are inserted diagonally on the top of the back of her head."

"What next?"

"I saw her arm was slightly shaken, and the truck engine stopped. I don't know what kind of attack it was, but it reminded me of inner strength." Wu Yusen thought of something again and said, "When she turned her head, I seemed to see A light flashed on her face. It was not the light of a lamp, but another kind of light, flashing for a moment. I thought she would turn around and show me her face, I was so excited."

"and then?"

"Then the mecha disappeared. I don't know why it disappeared. I didn't even blink. Anyway, the mecha disappeared. I saw a black shadow sliding down, and I hugged him. It turned out to be Lin Fan. . Then I remembered that there was Lin Fan."

Lin Fan smiled as he listened.

At this point, Wu Yusen could not contribute any more useful information. Jin Sichen glanced at the director, who nodded in agreement, and he began to relieve Wu Yusen from hypnosis.

"John Woo, now I want you to exit the scene. Back away slowly, away from the light, away from the truck, into complete darkness."

"Now imagine that you are walking up in a dark underground tunnel. Wait a minute, and I will slowly count from ten to one. With each number you will take a step toward the ground. When you count to one, you will Will return to the real world and return to normalcy.”

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." Jin Sichen counted down slowly, and everyone else stopped what they were doing and waited for John Woo to wake up. Even Mr. Qian was watching. After all, he had never seen the scene of the hypnosis being lifted.

"...Three, two, one." As soon as Jin Sichen finished speaking, Wu Yusen opened his eyes, as if he was not the one who had been hypnotized just now, and grinned.

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