Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 204 Rescue

In the ambulance, the medical staff had long been informed of the patient's symptoms of massive bleeding and started blood transfusions as soon as they got in the car.

"Hiss..." the emergency doctor looked into the wound with a flashlight, "How could it cause such a large penetrating injury?"

People from the medical department and the flight base will not participate in this inspection. Most of them were busy with the work at hand and did not see the scene of the fight, and it was impossible to know what caused such injuries.

"Beep..." The phone rang in the car. The medical staff was not available, so the driver picked up the call and hung up.

"I am Cui Yan, director of the 800 Unit. How is the condition of the injured now?"

After Lin Fan was put into the ambulance, the drone could no longer continue the live broadcast. Cui Yan quickly found the ambulance's satellite phone number from the logistics department and called it.

"Director Cui, the patient's liver ruptured seriously, and the entire liver was severed from the middle..." the emergency doctor quickly reported, "The biliary system must have also been affected... The most important thing is that the portal vena cava, inferior vena cava and some other The blood vessels were damaged, causing the patient to lose a lot of blood and about to go into shock..."

The people in the laboratory were quietly listening to the doctor's words when they suddenly heard the electronic sound of "didi-dip-dip".

Before anyone could react, the rapid electronic sound turned into a continuous "beep~"...

It was the sound of a heart stopping.

"Compression!" The emergency doctor had no time to speak on the phone. He was busy positioning Lin Fan's head, opening the airway, and quickly intubating.

Another doctor quickly performed heart compressions on Lin Fan. The movements were so large that everyone in the laboratory seemed to hear the movement through the phone.

"No, her wound is too big! Pressure will cause increased blood loss!" The nurse who was pressing the wound looked at the pressure bag and saw that blood began to leak out again, and shouted.

"Add a blood bag, increase the flow rate, and give an injection of atropine." The emergency doctor quickly put oxygen on Lin Fan and ordered the nurse at the same time.

Soon Lin Fan's heartbeat slowed down.

"Beep...beep...beep..." The voice was weak but steady.

Both the rescue doctors and the people listening in the laboratory breathed a sigh of relief.

"Quick, quick, I have to go to the medical department!" Dr. Xiao pulled Kuang Li.

There's a high probability that she won't be able to help, but it's better to watch at the scene than to be blind here.

Seeing that Cui Yan had no objection, Kuang Li supported Dr. Xiao and took Wu Yi with him to leave. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he found the big leader.

He and Xie Bisheng stood at the door of the laboratory with a group of people. I don’t know when I came or how long I stayed.

Everyone's attention was focused on the screen and speakers, and no one noticed that a group of people appeared behind them.

"Big leader!" Kuang Li and others greeted each other.

When other people heard this, they noticed the arrival of the big leader and gathered towards the door.

"You are busy with your business, don't worry about me." The leader obviously heard Dr. Xiao's previous appeal and waved his hand to let them go first.

Of course, it was a rare opportunity to meet a big leader, but now, Lin Fan was obviously more important.

Dr. Xiao and the other three hesitated for a moment and left decisively.

Cui Yan also came down from the podium, "Big leader, when did you come and why didn't you inform me..."

"I asked Deputy Director Xie to bring me here." The senior leader seemed a little unhappy. "What? I've become a glass man. I'm already so safe, but I still want to hide?"

Everyone protected the big leader into the bunker, went down to the underground fortress, and led him directly to a very safe room.

The place is very comfortable and you can watch TV. But the big leader was worried about the situation above and didn't know what was happening to the child who was protecting him.

He knew that Cui Yan was the director and must be busy with a lot of things. He found Xie Bisheng and brought him to the 623 laboratory. Unexpectedly, Cui Yan was also here.

Lin Fan had already gotten into the ambulance when they came in. The leader didn't see anything, but he knew something was wrong when he heard the emergency sound coming from the speaker.

"Big leader, your safety is the most important thing!" Cui Yan's face softened a little, but his tone was still firm.

"What now? The danger has been lifted. Can I go to the hospital to see the child?" the leader asked.

The white mecha suddenly appeared in front of the big leader, blocking the enemy's attack.

The image of her turning her head to look at him and telling him to run seemed to have settled in the big leader's mind, making him unable to ignore it.

"No, big leader. You can't go out now!" Before Cui Yan, the big leader's entourage was the first to stop him.

"Yeah, you can't go out. We're not sure if there's a second wave of attacks." Cui Yan agreed.

There are stars and green-armored men, so it’s no surprise that there’s another one.

If there really is more... then it really can't be stopped.

The big leader understood their concerns and nodded helplessly. Just as he was about to say something, another sound came from the speaker.

Cui Yan was so anxious when he got off the bus just now that he forgot to hang up the phone. This was another situation in the ambulance.

"Ventricular fibrillation!"

"Charge, 200 joules!" the emergency doctor seemed to be prepared and ordered calmly.

The defibrillator's switch has long been turned on and charging has been completed.

After the assistant doctor adjusted the energy knob, he tore open Lin Fan's T-shirt directly along the holes.

The nurse quickly wiped both sides of the ribs with clean gauze, waiting to receive the blood from the electric shock site.

The emergency doctor picked up the electrode board and asked his assistant to apply glue. When the nurse withdrew, he immediately pressed the electrode plate up and quickly pressed the discharge button.

In the 623 laboratory, everyone heard the sound of their bodies bouncing up and hitting the bed board hard, and felt as if their hearts were being grabbed and twisted around by a big hand. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Cui Yan looked at the big leader's frown and shouted, "Xia Jing, hang up the phone."

Xia Jing did as he was told.

Not everyone can accept the rescue scene, even if there is no picture and sound live broadcast.

There are too many people in the laboratory, and if this continues, everyone's emotional impact will inevitably be affected to a certain extent.

"Director Cui!" The big leader looked at Cui Yan with burning eyes, "Please, on my behalf, go there to see the child and stay with her."

Lin Fan's information had been delivered to the big boss a long time ago. He was originally looking forward to today's meeting, but he didn't expect this...

"Yes!" Even if the leader didn't say anything, Cui Yan was ready to go.

After accepting the order, he nodded to Xie Bisheng and ran away quickly.

At the console, Zhang Zhaojie wanted to follow, but was held back by Xia Jing.

"It's useless for you to go. You won't be able to help and will only cause trouble. Why don't you just wait here!"

Isn't Xia Jing worried? Of course he was worried.

After Zhang Zhaojie sat down, he was still uneasy. He moved closer to Xia Jing's computer to see what he was concentrating on.

As soon as I saw the title "How to treat liver rupture?" on the screen, I read it seriously.

On the other side, the ambulance had arrived at the medical department, but Lin Fan's heartbeat had not returned yet and he could not come down for the time being.

When Song Ren and the others arrived, they were witnessing Lin Fan being resuscitated with electric shocks. Their eyes were red.

"Okay, it's normal!" The emergency doctor also breathed a sigh of relief and shouted outside the ambulance, "Quick, get us into the operating room!"

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