Mecha Star Wars.

Chapter 203 Kill

Lin Fan held his breath and waited for the weapon to be drawn out.

She had already thought about it: the moment she pulled it out, she mentioned this piece of shit and at the same time issued an order to Mr. Qian. When the bastard was immobilized, she rushed up and gave him a blow...

It was a good idea. After waiting for a while, the weapon did not move at all.

Even though the six pilots tried their best, they couldn't move it even a little bit.

"No, we can't pull it away." The captain shook his head. "The assistance has been increased to the maximum, but it still doesn't work."

The people who were waiting anxiously in the laboratory did not expect this result.

What should I do if I can’t pull it out?

Zhu Cunjun didn't expect it either. He was worried about what would happen after it was pulled out, but he never thought about the possibility that it might not be pulled out.

Lin Fan frowned. how so?

She held the exposed part of her chest with one hand and pulled it forward. The long pole that had been motionless just now slid out easily.

"I..." Lin Fan was so painful that he doubted his life. Didn't you say it couldn't be pulled?

"Lin Fan, the wound is exposed and the blood volume is increasing. You have to be quick." Cui Yan reminded.

The pole is a vertebral structure, smaller in front and larger in back. After the part blocking the wound is gone, the forward part has a much smaller cross-section and can no longer block the wound.

The blood flow instantly changed from a stream to a small river, and Lin Fan also felt that the energy in his body was disappearing rapidly.

The man in green armor seemed to have noticed the strange movement here, and was coming here, killing the three people who blocked him.

Song Ren and the others could no longer resist, so they could only try their best to hold his hands and feet to stop him.

"Give!" Lin Fan shouted loudly, knowing that there would be no further delay.

He clenched the weapon with both hands, gritted his teeth, and pulled it out.

In an instant, blood spurted out.

The green-armored man had already broken away from Jin Gang and Fuguang, dragging the ice wheel, and approached instantly.

Lin Fan turned the gun and shouted with a mouth full of rust, "Start!"

The green-armored man suddenly stopped fifty meters away from her, unable to move.

It worked!

Everyone in the laboratory cheered.

Lin Fan felt happy and forced himself to take a step forward. As a result, she left the support of the wall and fell to her knees.


The countdown rang in Lin Fan's ears, it was Cui Yan who was reminding her.

Xingchen's blood had pooled under his body, and Lin Fan felt cold and painful, as if all his strength had been drained away. She tried to get up, but failed.


The second-generation pilot next to her quickly stepped up to give her a hand. With this force and the support of the spear, Lin Fan finally stood up. She staggered two steps, and the blood kept flowing like free tap water, dyeing most of the originally white mecha red.

Everyone in the laboratory was nervous. He couldn't help clenching his fists.


Song Ren and Jin Gang rushed over and clamped the arms of the green-armored man on the left and right. Binglun also climbed up to the front and locked his legs.

"Stab in the heart!" Fuguang pointed to Lin Fan's position, listened to the countdown in the earphones, and used all his strength to hold the green-armored man tightly.

Lin Fan's vision began to turn black.


As soon as this word came out, it seemed to arouse all Lin Fan's energy.

She stabbed Fuguang hard at the spot pointed just now.

As soon as the tip of the spear touched the shell of the green-armored man, the immobilization was released. The green-armored man, who had regained his freedom, discovered the crisis and tried to twist his body to escape, but was tightly clamped by the three people who had been prepared.

Coupled with the oncoming stars, in the blink of an eye, he was pushed and pushed dozens of meters away, and at the same time, the weapon in his hand was sent into the opponent's heart.

The green-armored man in pain gave up his strength and was thrown to the ground. Lin Fan sat on top of him, holding the spear with his backhand, holding the tip of the spear and thrusting it down, while the other three people pressed down on his limbs.

Perhaps in the dying struggle, the strength will be extremely strong, and several people can't hold it down.

"Come and help!" Song Ren shouted.

The second-generation pilots who were paying attention to the situation rushed over and jumped on the green-armored man together.

Because Gao Fei couldn't move, he was still lying next to the wall and couldn't help.

Ten people were huddled together, and the green-armored man could barely be seen on the screen.

There was no sound in the laboratory, everyone was waiting quietly for the results.

Lin Fan was already out of strength when he knocked the green-armored man down. She was losing a lot of blood.

Fortunately, the spear has already penetrated.

After Song Ren waited for others to come up to help, he took out one hand to hold Lin Fan's hand and pressed it down hard.

He felt the weight of the weapon under his hand, and instantly understood why the previous second-generation pilot couldn't pull it out even though he tried his best.

After a violent convulsion, the green-armored man stopped moving, and his orange eyes went out. The mecha shell receded, and the person lying on the ground turned into a blond foreign man.

Everyone dispersed.

Lin Fan's eyes were red, his hands were shaking, and he was still holding the weapon in his hand tightly. Several people in Generation A could feel her fear.

Song Ren quickly withdrew from Fu Guang, stepped forward and touched the blond's carotid artery. After confirming that there was no respiratory pulse, he reported it to the headset.

"The target is dead. Please send an ambulance quickly." After saying that, he quickly held Lin Fan's hand. "Lin Fan, it's better now. You can let go, Lin Fan..."

Knowing that everything was alright, Li Chunhua and Ji Yu quickly got out of the mecha.

Lin Fan's condition was very bad, and it was inconvenient for them to move in the mecha.

The second-generation A's also raised their hoods. Seeing Xingchen's wounds continuing to bleed, they all urged the ambulance on the communication line.

Lin Fan was in pain, tired, cold and confused.

She only remembered her only belief, and she stabbed the weapon in her hand into the bastard's chest so that he could not stand up again...

She actually couldn't remember what happened next, and it all depended on her body.

Song Ren's call woke her up, and she gradually focused, looking at the person lying on the ground, and then at the weapon she was firmly holding, inserted into his heart, and then realized that she...


She was scared and wanted to stand up, but she didn't have the strength...

"Lin Fan, it's okay, you can let go. It's safe." Song Ren knew that Lin Fan was frightened now, so he deliberately comforted her with a very gentle voice.

Lin Fan let go as he was told.

Perhaps because she was mentally relaxed, or perhaps because her body could no longer support Xingchen, she turned back into a human body and fell towards Song Ren.

Song Ren caught her and lifted her away from the foreigner.

When Lin Fan transformed, he wore his usual clothes, a white T-shirt with a light red and blue plaid shirt on top.

Now, the white T-shirt was stained red and there was a big hole in his abdomen. Through the hole, you can see the bright red internal organs inside.

"Be careful!" Li Chunhua couldn't help shouting as he saw the blood flowing down as soon as Lin Fan was picked up.

Ji Yu looked around, but there was nothing suitable to stop the bleeding and compress it. He could only step forward and take off Lin Fan's plaid shirt. Pressing up and down on her penetrating wound.

"Brother Li, hold on, I have to go see Gao Fei, he's still lying there." Ji Yu said to Li Chunhua. He was worried about Lin Fan, and he was also worried about Gao Fei.

The guy didn't make a sound for a long time.

Li Chunhua hurriedly took his place and held down his shirt. But the blood quickly soaked into the fabric and stained his hands.

Lin Fan felt the pain so much that he couldn't help but tears filled his eyes.

She felt that life seemed to be leaving her little by little.

Once upon a time, she yearned for death so much.

But now, looking at Song Ren and Li Chunhua who looked nervous, and thinking about the time they had spent recently, she seemed to be full of nostalgia for the world again.

He wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Song Ren quickly helped her wipe it off.

"No, boss, let's take her to the medical department!" Li Chunhua saw so much blood for the first time.

Song Ren also had this intention, picked up Lin Fan and ran towards the medical department. Li Chunhua followed, holding the shirt in his hand firmly.

Even so, blood still dripped along the way.

The second-generation pilot looked at the dots of red on the ground and felt it was difficult to move.

After not running far, an ambulance came towards me.

Song Ren and Li Chunhua seemed to hear the most beautiful voice in the world and hurriedly sent Lin Fan up.

The ambulance has a small space, and there is no extra space for Song Ren and the two of them to get in when the ambulance crew moves.

Song Ren made a quick decision, closed the door of the ambulance and told them to leave quickly. He and Li Chunhua prepared to run to keep up.

At this moment, Jin Sichen and Ke Wenbin, who were a step behind, drove up.

They couldn't see Lin Fan and were about to ask someone.

Song Ren and Li Chunhua took a look, got into the car without saying a word, pointed at the ambulance in front and ordered.


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